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Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2009
by jann

Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2009
by nivi_k
ex-l, please forgive me if you feel I am invading your territory. I can see how you have overshadowed the entire ex-BK/BK/PBK and feel you own this forum, but don't forget that we are all here to share our experiences. Are you by any chance starting you own little cult? I am quite aware of the PBK forum so, no need for you to repeat it. And I don't need your warm welcome to be here, so you can take it back, and shower it on yourself.

There is nothing off topic about asking a question about The Monarch as its every bit related to the topic of our discussion. Especially since they have played some an important role in world history for the longest time, expect for maybe the past 100 some years. The foundation is being laid out right now, within the organization, and all us including ex's have made their contributions in some way or the other.

ex-l, I ask again what is your problem with PBKs? Did they step on your toes too hard, and shatter your ego. Those who show the light/truth are your bitter enemies now. I would just like to inform you that the PBK organization is completely separate than BKWSO. They operate on a totally different principal all together. They don't beg for money from outside as they are quite self-sufficient.

I thought you had issues with BKWSO and I see how much damage they have done. Are you by any chance dealing with center-in-charge/Seniors/management directly, face to face, about all the wrong they have done?

Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2009
by rayoflight
to jannisder:
Great video. Thanks!

A general comment about the internal antagonism within this forum and within the new "code of ethics":

    1) No matter how long a person has been out of a cult, healing is still occuring.
    2) Misdirected anger, fear and control on this forum is not in the best interest of those who are joining this forum to be properly informed, healed and supported.
    3) The ego needs an enemy at all times.
Thanks, rayoflight

Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2009
by ex-l
nivi_k wrote:ex-l, I ask again what is your problem with PBKs.

Listen you idiot ...

Of all the people in the world, outside of the PBKs themselves, I have probably done more for the cause, defence and credibility of the PBK movement than almost anyone else ... including many PBKs members themselves who, like yourself, just discredit it.

Please read the forum, read the "Editorial Policy, Forum Guidelines and Site Disclaimer" and ask elsewhere. Please skip the psychotherapy and become informed before you open your mouth. When you registered with this forum, you agreed to the following ... wrote:Read This Important notice

This is a forum intended for ex-BKs, exiting-BKs, the Friends & Family of BKs or ex-BKs, and non-BKs interested in knowing more about the so-called Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.

It also welcomes those Brahma Kumaris followers who are questioning their involvement with the BKWSU sect and want to look honestly at what they have been taught and experienced. It has no connection whatsoever with the BKWSU.

If you are a BK, PBK or member of another Brahma Kumari sect and wish to discuss "The Knowledge" from the point of view of a "believer", please join another discussion forum run by BK believers, such as;

What part of that do you not understand?

So what do you want and have you come to offer our readers anything?

Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2009
by nivi_k
Of all the people in the world, outside of the PBKs themselves, I have probably done more for the cause, defence and credibility of the PBK movement than almost anyone else ... including many PBKs members themselves who, like yourself, just discredit it.

You can see it for yourself that you have done more disservice to the PBKs than anyone else on this forum by making false assumptions, allegation towards Yagya mother (Jagadamba) and Father (Baba Virendra Dev Dixit). Insulting the foundation heads is not any type of service. By the way, if you are not a PBK, why did you post your comments on that site??

You seem to have a lot of anger towards people. Have you considered therapy/counseling/or the 12 step program maybe they can help you manage it better? Calling someone an idiot does not make you a superior person.

Many PBKs are harrassed, and extremely ill treated, and in many cases banned from attending the BK centers and labeled Anti-party for exposing the truth. So, in return, they are also ex-bks and should be allowed to express themselves here.

Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

PostPosted: 28 Mar 2009
by frisbee
Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.

The standard trap for superheroes :sad:

Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

PostPosted: 29 Mar 2009
by ex-l
I am absolutely sure that Virendra Dev Dixit and I would be able to sit down and have a really interesting chat without any illwill whatsoever. I could not care how many women he had sex with, I would congratule him for making so many old ladies happy, and I hope he did. I have a lot of respect for what he has done within the larger Brahma Kumari movement and, I suspect, he would towards me.

But you came on here, demand holiday advice from us then want to talk about how Queen Elizabeth II of England was invented by the Brahma Kumaris 5,000 years ...

You boast about how you just spent the equivalent of 12 years wages for the average Indian in 9 days on personal indulgence ... (a 'total wage' which would be used to support an entire family for 12 years)..

And then you want respect and to tell us how we should run our lives and forum!?!

It is entirely absolutely possible to call oneself, or someone else, an idiot with love, patience, compassion ... and accuracy. In case you never read a Murli, your Baba does it, and worse, all the time.

Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

PostPosted: 29 Mar 2009
by Terry
You forgot to say "sweet" or "pure" before "idiot".

No one wants be called a run of the mill idiot.

Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

PostPosted: 03 Apr 2009
by ex-l
nivi_k wrote:There is nothing off topic about asking a question about The Monarch as its every bit related to the topic of our discussion. Especially since they have played some an important role in world history for the longest time, expect for maybe the past 100 some years. The foundation is being laid out right now, within the organization, and all us including ex's have made their contributions in some way or the other.

Quick translation ... orthodox BKs and PBKs believe that this time, called "The Confluence Age", is the rehursal, or "shooting period" for the "Drama" of the next 5,000 Years. That is to say, whatever happens in the next 5,000 Years must in someway be happening now - within the Brahma Kumari movement.

So, for example, if "Britain Ruled the Waves" from 1580 to 1945 (by 1922, the British Empire ruled about 458 million people, one-quarter of the world's population and covered more than 13,000,000 square miles, approximately a quarter of Earth's total land area) including the holiest of holy Bharats (India) ... according to this belief, something must have happened in the UK or amongst the Brahma Kumari movement to have made it happen. That is right ... the past is inspired and created by the present events.

Needless to say, I think the idea is insanity. That a small group of 300 or less Sindis merchant women and their followers honestly believe the universe, all of time and history revolves around them is beyond belief. But they really do.

So, if by any chance I start claiming to be Queen Elizabeth of England ... will someone please call up the hospital. Do you think that I do not already know that I am really Alexander the Great!?! :shock: