Why do BKs leave their Children?

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abrahma kumar

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Post03 Feb 2007

Thanks Arjun
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Post08 Feb 2007

arjun wrote:All these things are the inventions of the human gurus within the Brahmin family.

Thanks for all this information about Indian centres Arjun. Is it true that the PBKs do not wear white?
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Post11 Feb 2007

Dear Proy,
My reply to your above question and the further questions asked by you seems to have been shifted to the PBKs section under the thread 'questions for PBKs :?: '. So let us meet there. :arrow: :D
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Post09 Mar 2007

Mr.Green wrote:Janki herself takes great pride in cutting off from her family and boasting about it in her classes ... even though I found out she does see them in private.

"Gharbaar chodnaa bhi Baba allow nahee kartey. Aisey bahut ashram hain, jahaan baal-bachhon sahit lekar jaakar rahtey hain."

"Baba does not allow one to leave the household also. There are many ashrams where they take the children along with them and live." (revised Sakar Murli dated 8.12.06, published by the BKs in Hindi and narrated by Father Shiv through Brahma Baba, translated by a PBK)

Baba must be talking about some such BKs during the days of Brahma Baba who used to live at the BK centers along with their family.

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Re: Why do BK's leave their Children?

Post28 May 2008

Omshanti. A few days ago, as part of my daily routine, I was strolling in the neighbourhood garden after returning from the office, when I saw a white robed person with a badge coming towards the garden. He appeared to be a middle-aged person (in his late forties, I suppose) He entered the garden and started walking on the ‘jogging track’ in such a slow motion that by the time he completed one round, I had completed three rounds and sat on a bench thinking of initiating a dialogue with him. When he came near my bench I started a dialogue with an ‘Omshanti’. He told me that he was a resident of Madhuban (Mount Abu) but had come to attend the marriage of a BK couple's child and was living with his relatives (Brother’s family) living in the same colony. He also told me that he had lived at the local BK center long ago and after that shifted to Madhuban. He told me that he keeps touring all over India on Godly service and delivers lectures and teaches meditation. From the information that he gave I thought he is an unmarried person.

When I enquired whether he was sick because he was walking so slowly he said to me that he was walking in Baba’s remembrance. Anyways, I told him that I was a member of the Advance Party, known to them by the name of Shankar Party. Then he started talking about all the negative things that he had heard about the PBKs. He said that if truth is on your side, why don’t you preach to the outside world by organizing exhibitions, programmes etc. Why do you catch only the BKs? I told him humbly that if truth was on the side of BKs then why are Murlis not freely available even to the BKs who are thirsting for it, why have the BKs hidden the Murlis from the public for last 70 years, whereas the Advance Party has put all its audio, visual and printed material on its website. He had no answers for it. Anyways, he tried to abruptly end the dialogue by telling that it is time for him to go for meditation.

During our conversation he mentioned about another BK friend of his age, who had been in the Advance Party for some time (but did not complete the bhatti) and comes to my home for a spiritual chat. When I met that common BK friend yesterday and mentioned about that BK Brother whom I had met in the garden, he gave a different story about him. He said that BK was actually a married person, who had long ago left his family (wife and three kids) to stay with the BK teacher at the local center. But after some time (I don’t know the period) he left the BK center to join his family, but frustrated with his past actions, the family did not accept him back and he went to Madhuban where he was allowed to stay. Since then his wife and three kids have been living with his Brother’s family, who in turn has been sheltered by his widowed Sister.

While talking to the BK Brother in question, I had come to know that his family practices tantra-mantra, but he did not give me the reason. But I came to know from our common BK friend that his family was practicing tantra-mantra to bring him back to family fold.

I don’t know why he was first encouraged by the BK center to leave his family and surrender and then sent back and then accepted back at Madhuban as a surrendered Brother. God alone knows what his wife and kids must be going through without his support.

Since my conversation with the BK Brother was cordial and I also invited him to visit my place, I hope to get more information from him if he meets me again.
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Re: Why do BKs leave their Children?

Post28 May 2008

A lovely vignette you paint so accurately of a tender meeting between warriors on currently opposing sides of one war with one, the BK, probably discovering that they both had a lot more in common than apart despite what his mind had been filled with by his generals.

My feeling is that there is an unresolved sadness within the other Brother that walking slowly will not cure. Westerners cannot entire understand the personal and social trauma and stigma these individuals must be experiencing and the BKs blocking out of their consciousnesses. Arjun makes the accurate point from both sides, lokik and alokik ... to do so is not according to the "highest advice".

Do we take it that the center-in-charge was a Brahma Kumari? We have heard of even in the West female Brahma Kumaris having Brothers come and live in centers like "having more than one wife/husband" in a metaphorical level.
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Re: Why do BKs leave their Children?

Post29 May 2008

ex-l wrote:Do we take it that the center-in-charge was a Brahma Kumari?

Yes, she was and still is a Brahmakumari. And that BK Brother goes to attend classes at her center whenever he is in our city. I don't know what the view of that BK teacher is with regard to the PBKs, but we enjoy a cordial relationship. She is a down to earth person, who also visits the slums and downtrodden areas to do Godly service.

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