Left the so called Knowledge

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Re: Left the so called knowledge

Post01 Sep 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:The soul has left Baba

Are you sure they did not say: "the soul has left bah bah?" :wink:
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Left the so called knowledge

Post01 Sep 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:The soul has left Baba.
ex-l wrote:Is that "The Family" which has decided that? It make membership of God's family sound somewhat conditional ... less of a family and more of a closed members club. Have you been black balled by The Committee? How does it feel to be a free soul again?

Apologies for not describing my situation with clarity. The scenario was one in which my well-being was asked about - not personally because i have not been around much - and the reply given was: the soul has left Baba. No Committees, no black-balling, no conditionality. I described it as having been outed to convey the fact that within BKdom it has now been reliably reported that: the soul (me) has left Baba.

This status update was provided by a reliable source. Apologies if i was overdramatic. Apologies to any BK who may have been offended by my use of the word 'outed'.

p.s. I really am begging your pardon for having taken the topic off at a tangent.
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abrahma kumar

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The soul has left Baba

Post02 Sep 2007

Now that i have hopefully clarified that i had not been gotten at for posting on this site, i'd like to return, if i may, to the unfortunate way that i mangled jakeboy's LEFT THE SO CALLED KNOWLEDGE into THE SOUL HAS LEFT Baba.

THE SOUL HAS LEFT Baba is the typical phrase that is used by the family to describe what an ex-BK has actually done when they change their relationship with the BKWSU. Does anybody see these words as a sort of BK euphemism? Since Baba is G-O-D (everyone's G-O-D?), does that phrase also assert, that the soul has "severed connection" with THE God? or only the BK Baba construct?

(I use the term "severed connection" for want of a better expression).

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Compare&Contrast: Leaving Knowledge vs Leaving Baba

Post02 Sep 2007

To make a long story short i am wondering whether jakeboy has given us an opening into a "compare and contrast topic" in which we could explore all sorts of everything about "leaving the so called knowledge" and "the soul has left Baba".
howiemac wrote:Are you sure they did not say: "the soul has left bah bah?" :wink:

You mean like: "bah bah blacksheep?" :wink:
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Post02 Sep 2007

Ahhh :) So can we now say "Welcome to the fraternity of Blacksheep" abek? :mrgreen:

(aka "The evil shudras" :P)
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Bah Bah blacksheep gets in with the incrowd

Post02 Sep 2007

zhuk wrote:Ahhh :) So can we now say "Welcome to the fraternity of Blacksheep" abek (aka "The evil shudras").

Yeah zhuk, finally it has happend to me ...
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Post03 Sep 2007

Hey there Abek - way to go.

I wouldn't worry about the use of the word 'outed' at all. It describes a lot.

In fact, I'd say you've been 'innered'! An inner awakening has occured, a stance has been taken, a recognition of love for the self. Congratulations on having the courage to follow your heart. You will see how well life progresses from this point on.

I honour the courage and the work you've had to do on yourself in order to make this transformative and often difficult decision.

Maybe we could all coin a 'phrase' which upliftingly describes someone who has recently left the BKWSO? Anyone care to start? ... xxx
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Coin a phrase

Post03 Sep 2007

paulkershaw wrote:Maybe we could all coin a 'phrase' which upliftingly describes someone who has recently left the BKWSO? Anyone care to start? ... xxx

A free soul.
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Post03 Sep 2007

"Born alive again".
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Soul left Baba and the Power of Good Wishes

Post28 Sep 2007

Hi. During the past few days, some words or a thought, kept ringing in my mind; distancing myself from the BKs never meant losing interest in spiritual knowledge, in self -transformation, the search for truth, a loving God less or slipping backwards. Just the other way around.

The drive and purpose were refining my efforts and broadening my perspective, freeing myself from gross and subtle blinkers. Some people think that in order to convince a horse to climb onto a van or a trailer, the best thing is blindfolding him, so he will not "get scared". But other schools of thoughts and trainers, say just the opposite, that in order to convince the horse, you have to put him at ease, be gentle and allow him time to look around, climb in and out many times in order to realize that the means of transport is not a trap. And usually horses do get frightened by noises when they don't know their exact source or by unknown shapes which are difficult to put into focus.

For some individuals, blinkers represent a "comfort zone". Often fundamentalist - alias pukka BKs - label as those who "left Gyan/Baba" anyone who wants to expand his horizon, or cruise around. These definitions sound like a court sentence and are usually accompanied by some sighing and shaking of the head. The feeling behind it a mix of pity for the soul who went back to Kaliyug, fell in the vices, lost his fortune, etc ... and of satisfaction for being "alive " and wiser, not giving in to "temptations". "I am better than you" consciousness.

But to be impartial, I have also been around BKs who had true and pure concern for souls who were leaving or who had fallen into the crocodile's mouth and this can happen to "baby" BKs as well as to older ones. So, behind the same idea and expression, "He/she'll come back to Baba, since there's only one shop!" may lie a sort of a curse or a blessing, "May you remain alive spiritually!". Different motives to make comments and attitudes towards those who take off somewhere.

As BKs we should respect everyone's script totally but sometime, since we are all humans and make mistakes, we use these different scripts and actors point as an excuse for not caring about others. Or end up doing just the opposite, forcing tangibly or subtly other souls to "stay in Gyan". In fact, I wish that wherever and whenever we go, should always be for higher heights holding God's hand, if we still believe he exists. In case we don't, at least making choices that will benefit our higher self and lead us to a higher consciousness.

Although I have developed some allergy against the BK organisation, I still appreciate the deep significance of metaphors and words Baba uses. When he talks about someone's intellect becoming "stone-like", when he talks about the "lock on the intellect" for instance, I realize that it is a warning against the risk of closing up to new enlightenments, coming to a standstill, choking or wilting.

We are constantly under the threat of being coloured by the negative company of bad thoughts, people who don't uplift us, currents that take us into materialism (even whilst being BKs!! look at all the position, name and fame business, the compulsion for acquisition of sophisticated facilities and luxurious centers even when not really needed nor sustainable!!) and falling asleep, becoming prey to forces and energies we are not even aware of. Except possibly when unhappiness takes us over almost totally and the instinct of survival and the desire for freedom shakes us up and makes us regain our senses.

Today I read an Avyakt Murli from 30/11/92, revised 19/08/07. I don't care who's the spook who spoke such words, I really appreciated the wisdom in this message and will be grateful forever to such teacings. One point was about replacing the habit of "correcting" others, with mercy, forgiveness and blessings.

To me, the most appealing thing in Gyan, that deserves studying and practise, is the method of having "good wishes". It is pure White Magic to me, and I should not forget to utilize it on my self first. Yes, showering the self with light and good wishes! :D
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Post29 Sep 2007

paulkershaw wrote:Maybe we could all coin a 'phrase' which upliftingly describes someone who has recently left the BKWSO? Anyone care to start? ... xxx

A mature soul.

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