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PostPosted: 17 Apr 2007
by di
Thanks Joel, makes sense.

I just want to add, I don't expect anyone to be able to psycho-analyse him of course ... I mean you people are good but ...

I was just wondering if these could be signs of him growing a brain again??? He has not had a cigarette for a week and 1/2, and today is the first day he has been a grumpy bum. Yes, signs there is life! He is obviously starting to 'feel' again. He yelled at me :lol:. I told him it was good to see him again after 12 months! Went over like a lead balloon but some resemblance of normal behaviour. Mustn't get my hopes up. He is off to class tonight. I'll just kiss him and send him on his way.

PostPosted: 17 Apr 2007
by joel
di wrote:I just want to add, I don't expect anyone to be able to psychoanalyse him of course ... I mean you people are good but ...

It sounds like you are giving him the best medicine.

PostPosted: 20 Apr 2007
by proy
di wrote:"Don't worry Mum. People are naturally stupid. They do very stupid things. Sometimes it takes a while for it to 'click' with them what idiots they have been. It will be alright."

:D I seem to recognise myself there, in a former life time as a BK. That is wisdom.

I have had a think about the instrument thing we were talking about earlier. Others who are more knowledgeable than me have given a more correct definition of what "instrument" and "task" mean. My experience, though, is that these terms may be being used more loosely in recent times. I was told by Sudesh that I was an instrument, and by Jayanti that Baba had a special task for me.

I think maybe they say these things as part of trying to make you feel special. The "Love Bombing" process. Maybe it does not mean anything at all, and they just say it if they see you need an injection of enthusiasm for the BKs or a boost to your self confidence.

PostPosted: 20 Apr 2007
by abrahma kumar
My experience, though, is that these terms may be being used more loosely in recent times. I was told by Sudesh that I was an instrument, and by Jayanti that Baba had a special task for me. I think maybe they say these things as part of trying to make you feel special. The "Love Bombing" process. Maybe it does not mean anything at all, and they just say it if they see you need an injection of enthusiasm for the BKs or a boost to your self confidence

Very accurate analysis posted here Di. I remember when I first rcvd that sort of 'bomb' personally a little voice in my head said: how can they say this about me? Do they know something about me that i do not? Or is it something they would say to any/every student? Of course the orthodox BK view on any student questioning the rationale behind this sort of bomb would be that self-esteem is low. However now i see it as a safeguard. However Raja Yoga meditation and the Murli study is meant to help us with self-esteem but in an accurate way. But what is accurate for me may not be the same for you. So in the end one is left with what i term a sort of riddle.

It never worked on me to the extent that they may have hoped because that small voice never quite stilled and eventually i learnt to return the compliment with an open heart. This way i think a soul can keep itself free of those golden chains. Every BK is Baba's instrument (if you read any Murli with clarity you can see that and impure ego might be avoided but we all have our particular personality traits so there is no set rule of thumb that can be applied). This makes these situations even more fraught with danger.

Hearing of your partner's rather strong personal identification with 'his role in the task' (sorry my interpretation) was a bit of a surprise for me; but as was said in the an earlier post these terms seem to be used rather loosely these days and vulnerable (let alone well-balanced - whatever that means) people may not understand clearly.

Any more experienced BKWSU student would tell you that it is not an accurate trend. Bear in mind too that a lot depends on the consciousness of the teacher. They can and I am sure do support our delusions if it suits their purpose. Conversely they also support our postive growth but one has to ask whether this is because of or in spite of the system.

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2007
by di
Could you good people give me some more information on bhattis, please? I think he went to one tonight. Said it was to go for an hour, he was gone for 6 hours.

If possible could, someone email a full copy of the Maryadas, please? Now i have to live this way, i need to know all the rules. Please pm me for my email address. It doesnt seem to be activated.

If this is what he wants, then this is what he will get, until I am in the position to leave (not that he knows that yet). I cant take any more of this. I am a good kind person that never does anything knowingly to hurt anyone, gives everything i can, and I don't deserve any of this cruelty. Its not as though I am stupid, fat and ugly. Does anyone want to come and save me? (just joking.

He is also starting to learn Hindi and wants to go to toastmasters. He says he will sacrifice everything so he doesn't have a crushing death. All is lost for me now. Thank you all for your love and kindness and support. I couldn't have made it without you. (Mind you, I am not there yet).

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2007
by ex-l
di wrote:If possible could, someone email a full copy of the Maryadas, please? Now I have to live this way, I need to know all the rules. Please pm me for my email address. It doesnt seem to be activated ... Its not as though I am stupid, fat and ugly. Does anyone want to come and save me?

I will swop a picture of the Maryadas for a racy picture of you ... that sounds like a good deal. My eternal inheritance for your swimsuit ;-).

There is a copy of the Maryadas, here, in the Encyclopedia. I think that you can download a full-sized one and print it out. They used to be dislayed in all the centers and bhavans. There are a whole load more subtle Maryadas. I think we discussed that somewhere.

Stuff like; washing all your body and changing your clothes, or at the least underwear, after you poo and your bits after you pee. Not using your left hand to accept food and gifts. Not eating food that is cooked by non-BKs. Offering food to Baba first with separate "Bhog" dishes, plates and cleaners for that. You had better find a separate bedroom because she should be up at 4 a.m. to have Yoga

It sounds like he is off into the deep end and wanting to become the next Lee James, a BK speaker ... ask him if he is trying to become one of "the 108", i.e. the Royal Family of the Golden Age, the 108 top souls in the world ever? Learning Hindi is extreme, even within BKs. Very few Westerners bother. There is no real reason to. I wonder why and what is going on there?

A bhatti is an "intense meditation". I would be surprised if it was more than one hour long. In the old days, they could be even 3 hours (may be longer in India). Afterwards, they generally serve some snacks and so he probably sat around having "spiritual chit-chat" as they call it, bonding with the BKs and, probably, discussing "issues with the lokiks" with Seniors. He will be closely but subtley monitored, and fettered, to encourage him.

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2007
by joel
di wrote:Could you good people give me some more information on bhattis, please? I think he went to one tonight. Said it was to go for an hour, he was gone for 6 hours.

Six hours is a long time, Di. To be doing what? That is the mystery. I can tell you we've had many weekend and longer retreats. Often it would be Dr. Nirmala visiting. As BKs I can tell you we were happy to spend our time that way. It was such nourishment for the soul, such deep penetrating truth and love. Yes, that was what it seemed like. All fed by belief in an exclusive possesion of esoteric knowledge.

Destruction is nigh. If there is anything you want to do in your life, do it now. Give up your body, mind and wealth for Baba's service. While puriifying yourself in thought, word and action, practicing the eight powers, inculcating the sixteen celestial arts of living as practiced by the immortal kings of old.

I can tell you, Di, that he will be having classes on all these subjects, to learn the subtleties of having All Relationships with One, somehow less subtle when capitalized. That is a fault of the BKs, living life IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Even PEACE, lol

They definitely shame sex, frown decidedly on intimate relations of any kind. Make you follow ritual purity, you must bathe after poo'ing. I tell you it took me ten years to get through, and I am an intelligent man!! Pretty strange.

I try to practice telling it like it is. BKs generally conceal: reveal your chart only to Baba/Dadis, not to any worldly human beings to whom you want to give the Father's introduction. No, to BKs speaking of inner life (i.e. stuff) is generally verboten. Raja Yoga teaches the supremecy of the intellect.

Unfortunately, the intellect turns out to be none other than a mask for Judgement, a wet bag over any kind of playful creativity. If we begin to filter, we have to know what to look for. A strange second level of supervision over the self, a hypervigilence that can be inhibiting to some, debilitating to others.

I am lucky to know how to let myself out. BKs may hold themselves in out of love for God and for their Seniors. Some are genuinely fulfilled, with careers of decades as
semirenunciates. They believe they are following a legitimate tradition.

They don't think they do harm by preaching celibacy. Sex is so filthy and bad to them, it is inconceivable to them that teaching 'purity' or 'soul-conscious detachment' could be harmful. It was inconceivable to me, too.

We would argue that detachment is necessary by a medical practitioner.

It is a completely self-fulfilling lifestyle. No longer mine. I went to a bar tonight for a couple beers, and feel fine. In front of the world, I am clearly not dying nor crying burning tears of blood. I am just a bloke having a beer with friends after a long day.

For them it is the 22 generations of the double-crowned kingdom that I am getting or giving up based on whether I drink this one beer. The stakes are very, very high for them. That is a con, pumping up the stakes like that. Destruction is coming, sinners will be punished.

We are doing spiritual service, if we can show customers and income. A good Sister will inspire others to 'make their fortunes'. That is what we called getting others to donate. Help them 'make their fortunes.' So this is also high stakes. Multimillion reward for one step here.

As I say, all very big CAPITALS. Cut away attachments with the sword of knowledge. That, I am sorry to say, is the kind of thing your loved one is being continuously urged to do.

The deep sincerity of some offset by the evident cynicism of others.

The End

PostPosted: 29 Apr 2007
by di
Well, last and final update. I must congratulate the BK organization for yet another successful destruction of a family.

It is finished. He has made his mind up he cannot have both me and his religion. So no prizes for guessing who lost out.

On the practical side, solicitors will be contacted today to arrange property settlement. He intends to rent part of the house from me which he will live in and finish the major work around the place he has started. (Unless i win the lottery and then i will kick him out).
I wonder that he still wants to stay here, unless it is guilt and so called duty of care. He states himself there is no going back.

He cares nothing for the lies, the deception, the child abuse covers up, the changing of the Murlis. It means nothing to him, he doesn't care. He refuses to look at any other way of addressing his problems. He categorically states those issues have nothing to do with him, his beliefs or his tasks.

When it comes to a cult, promises, commitments, common decent behaviour, morals and integrity have no bearing. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that can prevent the new recruits from walking their path into hell and losing everything of value in the process. Someone said the BKs take the cream and leave the family with the s***to deal with. How very true.

The pain and unbelievable heartbreak that has been caused cannot be described. The long term effects are unimaginable both for myself and the children. But because i do genuinely love and care for him, i fear greatly for his welfare. I will recover and survive, and take care of the family. For him I see a very bleak, dark future full of nothing but sorrow. He even denies now he is in the Honeymoon Period. According to him, the last time he was involved that was his problem, he was naive and did not have the deeper understanding he does now. I don't see how he can survive this when he finds out the truth and what he has done.

When i am able to, and far less emotional than i am now (I suppose I will eventually stop crying), I will do a blog for others so they know they are not on their own. There is nothing they can do, if the person involved is so programed they will forsake everything. It is nothing to do with the family, the spouse or relative. There is nothing you can do to prevent this. There is nothing you have done to cause it. As a warning to all others, if it seems to good to be true, it is. There is no such thing as free meditation. It will cost your life and your family. My family and I are just one example of many, many others affected this way.

Please, if you are the person who is interested in going, think carefully. There are other ways to fulfill your life and your spiritual growth without destroying everything in your path. This illness is very subtle. It looks so innocent and holy. Research the organisation carefully, go searching for the hidden agendas. Please don't do to yourself or those you care about what has been done in my home. Don't say it won't happen to you. We had the most fantastic relationship. So close we could read each others minds, and speak the same thoughts at precisely the same moment. Because of his individual issues he decided to use meditation to 'fix' them. Only a few months ago he said he couldn't imagine ever being without me. I was his everything. That is how quickly they can work. If there is a Sister in the centre who knows her stuff, this is exactly what she can accomplish. And it is so quiet, so insidious, it hits before you know it.

In closing, I have told him that when he does realise and finds out what it is really about, when they either kick him out, he becomes ill, or when he starts questioning (because one day he will, you cannot run forever from the truth, it will start to make itself known to you), I will be there. The BKs will not. I will not be there to criticize, condemn or to humiliate him. I will offer my hand in friendship and support because I truly do love him.

But I will not be there as a wife, as he stated. "There is no going back" and I could never trust him again. The BK organization has programed him to betray me, to break all commitments, and to make him untrustworthy as a husband and Father. There is little or nothing left of the person he was, just a manipulatable shell of puppet.

"There is no going back" :cry:

PostPosted: 29 Apr 2007
by jann
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I am choking on tears for you. I shall always be here for you Di, you know that.

PostPosted: 29 Apr 2007
by abrahma kumar
di announces to the world a devastating scene in her drama.

So Mr. BK whatz going on? Which ways of being a BKWSU yogi soul are being followed such that this consequence arises? Raja Yoga is said to be a practise for creating the pure household path. Do we not read of it as the family path in the Murli? A path that is diametrically opposed to the path of the Sannyasa. So tell us whatz going on? Which of following Shiv Baba's principles do we see here because of which Di has to face these consequences?

I wonder if there are any BK yuguls whose marriages are perfect would like to post on the forum so as to educate us on how to make home into a paradise on earth!. Come on. Does your Teacher even object to you doing that service? Call yourself Raja Yojis?

More like Praja yogis!

Maybe the BKWSU needs to initiate an adhakumar initiative to ensure that the Brother's remember that charity begins at home. is not that what God Shiva speaks in the Murli?!

Given present form we can forecast that Yude may feedback on this thread but not many other BKs will be seen around here. What sort of moral cowardice is that? And is what we see here the true characterisation of Raja Yoga?

Stay strong but flexible Di, and remain in the Light.


PostPosted: 30 Apr 2007
by di
Well, i have just done something i have never done before in my life.

I rang the Sister at the centre and thoroughly abused her. I congratulated her on such an effective campaign to destroy my family. She began to answer me, but i talked over the top of her. She did not hang up, but did not have a chance to say anything either. I told her i knew about the child abuse coverups, the re-writings, the fact in order to practise celibacy in a marriage relationship you had to remove intimacy and detach from the relationship so not to give me the rubbish that they arent there to break up the families. I let it all out, but did not swear, and was polite in a very upset, angry way; then slammed the phone down before i got to out of control.

I don't know if i feel better. Its hard to type when you are shaking. I hope it gets back to him. I only gave my first name, not his, but she wouldn't have to be a genius to figure it out. I hope all hell breaks loose and then freezes over with her in it.

PostPosted: 30 Apr 2007
by yudhishtira
Di, I was only thinking about you this morning before I logged on. I know we do not know each other very well but I very much admire your courage, love and commitment to your family. This process you have had to endure is so NOT spiritual, soul-conscious or loving. Lots of love and light to you and your family.

PostPosted: 30 Apr 2007
by arjun
Sister Di,

Hello. I have visited this Section after a long time and after reading a few posts on this page I have all sympathies for you and congratulate you for your good wishes for your husband in spite of all the difficulties.

You could take a printout of the extracts of one of the recent Murlis that I have quoted in one of the threads in the Commonroom BKs need to ANSWER these questions and ask his views on the same. If he has been regularly attending the BK classes, then he should be able to recollect the quotes because these are from a Murli published recently by the BKs.

As regards the Maryadas for BKs, you could refer the to the thread on 'practical use of knowledge' in the PBKs section.

I wish you all the best.


PostPosted: 30 Apr 2007
by Mr Green
Love to you Di.

Nothing wrong with ringing them and saying the truth.

I have confronted them many times now and right at top level ... they cannot hear you though anymore than your bloke ... they believe themselves above the law, let alone everyone else.

PostPosted: 30 Apr 2007
by ex-l
mr green wrote:I have confronted them many times now and right at top level ... they cannot hear you though anymore than your bloke ... they believe themselves above the law, let alone everyone else.

Yes, I think it is a good thing that they are confronted personally. Yes, I think it is water hitting a very hard stone but we will win. They have an absolute arrogance that they are truth and we are all ignorance and delusions but it is they that lost the path.

Far better to aim some calm, polite, well-measured ire ... and demonstrations of emotion ... to those the BKs crave status and acceptance from ... the UN, the Government, interfaith groups, media, education departments etc. Let them know that we are going to hang their dirty washing out in the public eye so folk know the true before they are duped by free courses in this or that.

do not anybody waste their time negotiating with the BK, they are designed to sit there, go into meditation and zap you with their vibes and have absolute cut off ... not to listen and never to change because of what an ignorant "Shudra" tells them.