Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post29 Nov 2016

So really, my personal journey out of being a BK is not an easy one because there appears to be no comfort any where. But nowadays when I have any spare time, I like to read history books going as far back as I can find. I take the Romans and Greeks with a pinch of salt because their story is one of conquest and denial aka more CONTROL freakery but nonetheless I do read because I want to learn.

Do you all know how many folks have been killed so that worship of Serapis could replace prior belief systems? Imagine if the earth had feelings what it would be like to be drenched in all the blood that has been shed throughout the ages because a particular group of humans want to control another ... as is said in the Murli, "don't even ask for it is NOT like going to your aunties home", Think about the Crusades and the wars of the enlightenment.

However, nowadays we are more civilised, so we join a line instead and get a toli to nibble on then go home to give up our spiritual energy to a figment of some man's imagination. Fancy that?! But like they say everything is accurate in the drama.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post29 Nov 2016

onthor wrote:Why cannot Dadi Janki with all her 'most stable mind in the world' blah blah claims and her 'world server' status not tell us to wake up and understand that the world is not as it appears to be and that includes the BKWSU?

On the contrary, I think Janki "gets" the way or lessons of the world perfectly well ...
    1) acquire power by any means (property, wealth and influence)
    2) sustain that power and develop power over others, again, by any means
It's just that she does not openly teach it ... such is the nature of the pyramid builders.

She and they, the BK inner circle, have just done so a cannier way than using guns and armies ... less gains perhaps but less risks too.

And they've been smart to largely cherry pick their power base from the already established upper middle classes thereby avoiding the troublesome expenses of procreation and the "lower orders".

The most interesting view of the BKs, for me, is the purely economic one. That is not so say that, "it's all just about the money". It means to see the movement from the point of view of a businessman or accountant ... as Lekhraj Kirpalani was.

For example, by removing procreation and snipping already pre-grown "children" (adherents) the cult saves an equivalent $250,000 per person (estimate) - and countless women hours - which can then be plowed into developing the economy of the cult.

It's all one big spread sheet, about profit and loss. Cut out as much of the losses as possible and your business becomes more profitable. The more profits you have, the more powerful you become, the higher a table in life (social ranking) you can play at.

Yes, I'd say the BKs were playing the same game as the NWO ... or indeed the OWO (old world order). They're just a operating at a lower level. I don't, however, think that they are part of it ... more like they are just parasites within the guts of it.

Like a tape worm feeding off and becoming fat whatever passes through the body of the host and spreading by dropping its eggs wherever the host (which was initially the British Empire) travelled. Only where other hosts interacted, or were oppressed, by the OBE (Old British Empire) were they able to enter the systems and hitch a ride in other cultures.

Interestingly, I suggest that there is a direct corrolation between the successes and failures of the BKs, and those cultures which had the strongest or deepest interaction.

Of course, you might also be able go back even further and suggest the same about the relationship between the Sindis and the India and the Hindis. (An idea that is 'work in progress').


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post29 Nov 2016

Like we said: CONTROL
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post30 Nov 2016

For example, by removing procreation and snipping already pre-grown "children" (adherents) the cult saves an equivalent $250,000 per person (estimate) - and countless women hours - which can then be plowed into developing the economy of the cult.

Rather than ”saves” we can say that they ”harvest” those hours, months and years of labour and its value, or even divert it from the women, their families or society, to themselves.

If one sees the statistics for the $ value lost by women, compared to men, from their superannuation (pension fund) contributions because of interruptions to their careers for child rearing or caring for aged parents (or both at once!), that $ value could be said to have been donated to the BKWSU by women who’ve "surrendered” all.


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Onvalianthorwatch - The Order of Perpetual Thanksgiving

Post30 Nov 2016

Nice one. I reckon that the both the OWO & NWO are all about harvesting, a bit like being in a state of perpetual Thanksgiving unto themselves come what may! Wow, that's really clever! As they say: Nice work if you can get it and it's sort of like a Religious holiday all the time.

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post01 Dec 2016

Most likely ... and the BKs are neither liberationists nor revolutionaries, they are just playing the same at a lower level and practise sucking up and "not rocking the boat" to the elite, which they call "being royal". Being good courtesans.

A good survival tactic, if you can stomach the comapny and hypocrisy, which has paid off handsomely for them.

So the question you should be asking yourself is, having rejected playing a eunuch or working drone for their hive ... what are you going to do with the rest of your life.

I don't recommend getting into the whole NWO thing. It's futile and it'll only depress the hell out of it. In my opinion, it does not sit well on top of the futility the BKs ingrained in us with their "Destruction" theory.

Yes, it's all true to one extent or another; yes, things are probably worse than you can imagine ... but what are you going to do in the meanwhile, here and now?

Being a BK, you might lose you balls but you do get free access to peace gardens and get to sit around doing nothing - and the odd free meal. You surrender your mind, body, keeping pets and human affection ... but gain, largely, no clashing with other human being. You, largely, don't clash with others because you don't get to have opinions of your own.

It seems these days, they'll even put up with you not going to Amrit Vela and Morning Class as long as you don't rock the boat and have some utility to them.

Not being a BK you face the void, or the abyss, having to think for yourself and make decisions, but you are free to do what you want ... as much as your preconditioning allows you. How's it looking ... any plans? Or are you just enjoying sleeping in when you to right now?

The world and humanity can be pretty awful. It's best to keep your mind focused and engaged on something practical.

Starting price to get onto the NWO game table is probably several billion dollars these days. In my opinion, you'd be wasting your life to rail against it. Better just to reap whatever crop you can, when you can, and putting it aside for your own plans.

Can you imagine a life without BK? Do you know what you are going to do yet?


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post02 Dec 2016

When i need another human to tell me what to do with my life i hope that I will have sufficient dignity remaining NOT to advertise or broadcast my loss of inner creative drive on a forum on the www. You make a lot of sweeping statements about almost everything - as is your privilege - however you are NOT an Oracle or the font off ALL knowledge.

As you said, "getting into the whole NWO thing. It's futile and it'll only depress the hell out of it... In my opinion," your words, spoken from your headspace, professing your own feelings on the matter. Consequently I am in no way concerned that that depression (or any other happenstance that may arise because of you being who you are) is anything i need be concerned about for my own self; I am also sure that you aren't depressed.

Actually, I do not rail against anything. I live my life with enthusiasm and seek to express the inner excitement I feel when exposed to new ideas or hitherto unrealised ways of seeing familiar things at all times. I have not joined this website through boredom.

Can you imagine a life without an ex-BKWSU label? Do you know what you are going to do if ever the BKWSU delivers on all the reforms you deem necessary? I do not ask these questions as a way of engaging in debate, or because your answers mean anything to me (not meant uncharitably).

In the light of your questions I do confess that I really don't know what can come of my posting here: I have no mission to save anyone from the BKWSU. I know as much as I need to about the historical revisionism. Recognising that I shall always be a 'work in progress' I can ill-afford intolerance, be it directed toward myself or at others. To paraphrase something I read and try to inculcate as a personal motto and guideline: "I should never do for others what they are capable of doing for themselves"

Perhaps there is much lost in translation however I choose to regard everything else in your post that is directed at me as mattering less than I will ever be inclined to feel inspired to respond to.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post02 Dec 2016

Well, I will plainly admit that it is a concern of mine ... that the more one knows and see of this world - the inequality, the destruction, the willful suffering, the corporate favoured monetization, the erosion or rights and the convinances of the super elites - the more hopeless and depressing it appears to me; and that I do not know how to overcome any of that, especially not practically.

My comment was really that I did not think it's a good thing for anyone coming out of the Destructive BK mentality to get into.

I am not an optimist. I tend to belong with those who think "humanity sucks" and that we are a scourge on the planet and other species that the rest of the biosphere would be better without.

As to this forum, as like some soul stuck in limbo, I have taken on the role of a boatman, hopefully taking some souls back across the BK Styx, and until someone else comes along to take up the oars, it would seem that I am stuck with it.

And the Beakies stuck with me.

I wish it was otherwise.

I see it as paying back for the life/lives I took.

Talking of the New World order, one regret I do have of my BK time is not accept an invitation to tea from the soon to become chairman of the Bilderberg Group, Henry Kissinger's mate, Lord Carrington when he offered me it. I don't know how he and the Kirpalanis hooked up but they were sniffing each other out at that time.

What a fine gentleman he appeared to be ... no sign of any metamorphic "lizard" like qualities at all, entirely contrary to David Icke's opinion (who I also met later). Icke was a little crazy. Forced to choose between the two ... I'd back old money.


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post03 Dec 2016

9068 posts crowned by an admission to being ''stuck in limbo' does not read like an order to be desired. Good luck.
Onvalianthorwatch: retired after 69 posts; no intention to visit limbolimbo land nor is resurrection planned.
onthor: 51 posts not out; saving others form the BKWSU not on the agenda.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post03 Dec 2016

Did Charon choose his day job, or was he chosen or condemned to it?

I suppose we might ask a proctologist the same question today, but still be glad of his attentions when we needed it.

I have a sense of responsibility for what I did, and so I choose to pay back for it.

Perhaps you don't have the burden of having enculted others into BKism, or consider it not to be a bad thing?

Thankfully, I think I only enculted one and a half BKs (meaning I was only partly responsible for one, having given them most of the course). Sadly, the latter was killed in a car crash, probably blind exhausted by following the Maryadas. The other is still in and lost not only their life but having love, a family etc. If I could give my life so they could have their back, sans BK, I would.

I accept those responsibility akin to, say, someone who killed another in a car accident (manslaughter). Some folks would just shrug it off, have a beer and forget. I choose to try to pay back to society.

Charon was equally grumpy and scurrilous, but no wonder ...
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post03 Dec 2016

Going on the tangent of your post ex-l
Did Charon choose his day job, or was he chosen or condemned to it?

Nice link. Did not agree with the first part of the article (the ferryman is definitely an archetype, archetypes are often "presented inconsistently” - they are not stereotypes) but I agreed fully with the reference to the role of Vasudeva in Siddhartha. The river in that case is very similar to Nietzche’s ”man is a bridge” metaphor in ”Thus Spake Zarathustra”.

Ferryman, Christopher, Metaphor, euphoria, - the ferry & phor in these words are all from the word "to carry" / ”to bring” / ”to go" - the variation in whether it's ”Y” or ”o” or ”i” is based on the conjugation of the verb for different tenses and gender uses.

One epithet for the Buddha, and for other "masters” of the Jain and Buddhist traditions, is Tathagata which translates as "one who has gone", or more precisely can be used ambiguously, "who's come and gone". It implies one who has been beyond the ordinary consciousness, seen the other shore, crossed the threshold, knows of the greater truth, is not caught up in the mundane (or in Plato’s metaphor, has left the cave).

One of the great metaphors (!) in Buddhist parables is that of the raft - that the teaching, Buddhism, is a raft that carries you to the other side (a new understanding) - at which point one no longer needs the raft. To carry it with you past that point is a burden, or to not alight from it, to tie oneself to it is to mistake the teaching as the end in itself, to miss the point, to not be able to move forward, to get stuck at the "threshold”.

Onthor, - as for ” saving others”, well, warning others of the dangers of entrapment is a prevention, better than any cure or needing to "rescue".

I sympathise with ex-l's beating up on himself for his part in others (mis)fortunes. But I’d suggest for these situations that you (ex-l) are sort of 'big-noting' yourself somewhat, thinking that it was something special about you that had these people become BKs to experience what later they went through. It is moot.

Likely, if not you then, being the ‘seekers’ they were, they would have encountered someone else somewhere else. You can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. Conversely, as we leave the waterhole, as someone famous once quipped - you can lead a whore to culture but you cannot make her think.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post03 Dec 2016

Ouch ... naughty quip.

I have not heard of big-noting before, i.e. "to boastfully exaggerate one's own wealth or importance" before. In one case, I would agree, the individual had tried Rajneesh before, Macrobiotics, came to the BK via a public performance, however, in the other case, I was directly involved ... a good salesman at a time of change and used my own personal attraction/manipulation to direct them into the BK (more than one actually but only one stuck).

I simply did not own my own mind and even though I was 'out' I was still encouraging other people 'in' ... "just in case".

Those were in the days of Destruction to be during the 1980s. How many people lost years, lives, loves or careers because of their false predictions and dishonesties over Destruction?

It was not my primary motivation for committing to this website - that was a combination of their handling of the suicide/sex abuse issues ... but ultimately the last straw was the "two caste" business corruption, or monetization of the BK Raja Yoga by Brian Bacon and the 'Self Management Leadership Wing', hardened by the BKs' suppressive response to the truth starting to get out - but I keep it in mind from time to time when I feel like slacking off.

It's not good for humanity to adopt an alright Jack attitude and leave others to the same peril.
Alright Jack ... a UK slang term used to indicate those who acts only in their own best interests even if assistance to others would necessitate minimal effort on their behalf.


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post03 Dec 2016

If anyone thinks I am unsympathetic they seriously misunderstand me.

I've been watching this forum on and off for almost a decade. More so during the days when (unbeknown to my conscious mind) I was on my way out of BKdom. www.brahmakumaris.info was a supportive environment that I accidentally bumped into back then and after experiencing the initial disbelief at what I was reading I quickly started to see the bigger picture and my exit was hastened.

I won't mention the names of posters who were active during the timeframe I mention but I remember them fondly and with great appreciation. I cannot recall ever reading ex-l share stuff containing that level of intimacy; so it was a bombshell.




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The BKs, The UN & The Race to a Favoured New World Order

Post24 Dec 2016

Talking of Anything Goes & the order in my new world, has anyone read Darwin's "On The Origin Of The Species By Means Of Natural Selection, OR The Preservation Of Favoured Races In The Struggle For Life". Phew! What a mouthful. Ain't you just gotta love the OR bit? No, it was not added by yours truly.

I've just downloaded it. If I find 'anything going' about this man's thoughts I might post my thoughts. Before starting though I do wonder why they 'shortened' the title? Surely 'twasn't because of political correctness on the part of the self-proclaimed 'favoured races'.

I sure could've done with some of this broad curriculum education before Gyan - it would have been an invaluable boon to my efforts at maintaining a soul consciousness stage In The Struggle For Life :shock: In hindsight, I do laugh at myself when I realise how ignorant I was about certain things back then. 'Twas onthor like a lamb to the slaughter upon the altar of blissful remembrance. Maybe I've reached my 'age of retirement' so now have time to visit all those neglected aspects of my knowledge base ;) Some of these discoveries do not sit easy with me and it all really does make me wonder "what is real" in this world we live in? Are we all just dreaming (up whatever theories suit our fancy) that this world is sane when in fact it is a place most unfit for 'awake humans'?

I wonder how many BKs put off getting themselves an education or a career or a husband or pursuit of their broader interests on account of all the destruction and disinterest chatter that used to abound back in the day? How could anyone imagine that it's in their best interest to put all one's eggs in the basket of an institution that has such a narrow sphere of interest that it is arguably hazardous to healthy living? Or does it become like a weapon for massive extortion once you discover the truth and confront the Seniors with your chosen 'or else scenario'?

Student: Hey Shiv! What's been all this talk about destruction?! It sure is taking its time getting here.
Shiv: I keep telling the children to stay constantly ever ready. Constantly means all the time not some of the time.
Student: Hey Shiv, I finally got you! That time's a con right?!
Shiv: Achcha

BTW I've just reckoned that it may well be Madhuban season! I wonder if the Shiv Baba had anything to say about the New World Order selection business?

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