Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

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Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post17 Jun 2013

However, I have also experienced aggressive nature from the surrendered Sisters and Brothers ...

Absolutely correct. While BK in my family was fighting to donate property to them he was behaving almost like a

It was not his normal behavior. But just during the donation issue was going on he was so different. He was in awful intense angry and hatred towards us who were opposing the sense less cause for donation. Should I call it sleeper spirit/devil? But once he got what he wanted, he seems to be not so angry. What a clever designed training they had given him.


Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

Post18 Jun 2013

Sorry to hear about this BK_Victim - this is not a right behaviour and not close to core of spirituality. Even if there are different opinions in a household about someone's spiritual interests, the person taking on the BK path needs to be demonstrate peaceful behaviour ... far from hatred and anger. This is not what BKism is about on a practical level. You should engage and challenge your family member that this behaviour is so opposite to any principles of spirituality /even own BK teachings. Show the mirror.
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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post18 Jun 2013

Bearing in mind that the cause of this situation was the BKs lust for property and their capturing of it by false promises of high status in Heaven and Golden Palaces, would the solution just be for the BKWSU to make it a rule not to accept family property only if 100% of the family was happy with the transaction.

It's a terrible thing to break up family property and wealth to give it to a wasteful End of the World cult.

Wouldn't it be more "spiritual" not to have such materialistic interests and chase money, property, land and wealth?

All you are really saying is that it is OK for the BKs to rob families ... but that they should speak nicely to them as they do?

If you were to agree with that, then I would agree with you. That's about the depth of the BKs' dharna.


Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post18 Jun 2013

We haven't heard both sides of the story - whenever there are such family issues, it's important to see both sides before jumping to conclusion.

I was talking about aggressive/angry behaviours in a family - these can be for many reasons and not as straightforward. If a family member shows it, it's wrong; if a BK family members shows it, it's even more wrong.
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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post18 Jun 2013

moreclearnow wrote:... whenever there are such family issues, it's important to see both sides before jumping to conclusion.

Where the Brahma Kumari influence becomes involved with a family, and there is money and property, the conclusion is perfectly obvious from the outset.

Normal rules of family conflicts, as you are invoking, do not apply.

The Brahma Kumaris need to stop collecting wealthy and properties, imposing their will and values, and causing families to split up.

Using their belief in the End of the World as an excuse, the Brahma Kumaris have cut moral corners and made too many ethical compromises in these departments. Did they not believe in the End of the World, they could have developed a different form of religion, one which respect the nature of families and, like traditional Hinduism, only accept adherents once their worldly responsibilities were finished.
I was talking about aggressive/angry behaviours in a family ... If a family member shows it, it's wrong; if a BK family members shows it, it's even more wrong.

Accepted on the BK showing anger ... but I think BKs use the term "anger" too manipulatively and in a controlling manner.

If a thief tries to grab your bad, you will get a jolt of adrenalin to give you the energy to grab it or fight back. One might call that an "anger" but I think it is a good thing. If you discover a conman is tricking your grandmother out of her wealthy, you might receive a similar experience ... if a family discovers that the BKs are sucking on their finances or out to grab part of their property, in this case splitting up a family property, why shouldn't the other parties be angry ... their lives and livelihood is being threatened.

I think there are a number of emotions which it might be easy to describe as "anger" which are very good and positive, e.g. a kickstart of determination to do or stop something, to right a wrong can often be born of what you might call anger, an anger at injustice. I gave examples from Buddhism before or wrathful deities (archetypes) who protect the sanga. There are many others in history.

I think the BKs are manipulative in this department and dissuade or confuse individuals in order to carry out their con.

Come on, be honest, if I convinced to your parents or family member that if they gave all their wealthy and property to me now, that they would get a palace of gold in 2036 ... and they did ... what would you feel?

(Oh, BTW, if you do want to give me all your wealthy and property I will happily accept it. Indeed, I'll offer you a better deal than the BKs and give you a diamond palace! We have a small plot of land in the Golden Age reserved especially for us and we are offering special 'one off' deals on it now. But you must decide quickly ... It's now or never, as the BKs used to write on their buildings!!!).


Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post19 Jun 2013

I have seen many families using BK path both in India and West in perfect harmony so I don't derive general conclusions based on individual behaviours in particular cases. In my family no one else took the BK path on but it never affected my relationships with them - we had difference of opinions at times but it never dimished our respect, trust and love for each other. Its down to how an individual applies it in practical life. Some do very well practically some don't.
ex-l wrote: Where the Brahma Kumari influence becomes involved with a family, and there is money and property, the conclusion is perfectly obvious from the outset. Normal rules of family conflicts, as you are invoking, do not apply.

Normal rules of family conflicts do apply whenever there are problems in a family. We are not relationship counsellors here but for me first step to understanding behavioural issues in a family due to any cause (in this case BKism) is to understand both sides first before jumping to conclusions of what the root cause is.

From an article:
Jumping to conclusions is a cognitive disorder when a person continually believes, without proof, what another person is thinking of someone else. In the mind of the afflicted person, the prediction of emotions is already a fact and does not need verification. The distortion is akin to believing you are able to read minds and predict the ‘feelings’ of others. You assume you know why people behave and act the way they do.

Now coming to donations part, I don't think there is coercion in BKWSU about this and people are free to donate if they wish.

As a matter of fact, this urge to donate is much deep rooted in Hinduism as donations for religious or spiritual cause is considered good karma (and hence an investment for future!). You may want to start a new topic on this to understand why people donate so much in a poor country like India to temples where they cannot even see how the money is used and these are annual visits or once in lifetime. This usually comes as a culture shock or surprise to the Westerners as they are used to more structured way of donations like established charities.
World's richest pilgrimage place is Tirupati in India : It is estimated that the annual gold offerings associated with the Tirupati Balaji temple are over 3000 Kg per year. In a current survey, the annual income of The Venkateshwara Temple was estimated to be around Rs 700 crore and this figure includes Rs 150 Crore made by selling the 'quick darshan' that VIP passes of entering the temple which gives a speedy entry to the shrine of Lord. The revenue from sale of Laddos (Prasadam) is approx INR 11 Million per annum!

So your argument about luring someone to donate for Golden palaces is not sufficient to explain this urge to donate in particular in India.

In BKWSU, it's indeed possible for people to go to any centre in the world without paying a fee for darshan, sit in Mediation room, read the teachings - when was the last they charged a special fee for someone to meet Avyakt BapDada? I know personally a lot of poor people attending classes in small centres who can not afford to donate much but still being able to do all of this free of charge.
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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post19 Jun 2013

moreclearnow wrote:I have seen many families using BK path both in India and West in perfect harmony so I don't derive general conclusions based on individual behaviours in particular cases.

I have also seen many many families eating non-veg, drinking alcohol and having sex, both in India and West but still live in HARMONY. What does that mean BTW ?????
Normal rules of family conflicts do apply whenever there are problems in a family. We are not relationship counsellors here but for me first step to understanding behavioural issues in a family due to any cause (in this case BKism) is to understand both sides first before jumping to conclusions of what the root cause is.


If they can reject the food from others then why can they reject donations which is made against the family member's consent ?

They make parents to read SAMARPAN PATRA whose child wants to join BK, why can not be the same for donations?
Now coming to donations part, I don't think there is coercion in BKWSU about this and people are free to donate if they wish. As a matter of fact, this is much deep rooted in hinduism as donations for religious or spiritual cause is considered good karma ...

Oh ... so, Greedy Brahmakumaris are accepting donations because it was deep rooted in Hinduism ... so they thought why don't we take the advantage of ANCIENT HINDUISM BELIEF and fill our pockets.

As I always say Brahmakumaris are COPY CATS ... they have nothing of their own, they stole everything from ANCIENT HINDUISM concept. Their soul concept, meditation, satvik ahaar and vichaar everything is copied and today our dear friend moreclearnow admits that donation concept was also taken from HINDUISM ...
World's richest pilgrimage place is Tirupati in India : It is estimated that the annual gold offerings associated with the Tirupati Balaji temple are over 3000 Kg per year.

Mr. moreclearnow when you searched this data, did not you found about the social welfare schemes run by Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams.

If you are comparing Brahmakumaris with Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams in regards of donation and its use, then I think you are fooling yourself ... !!!
Overview : Sri Venkateshwara Balamandir Trust Scheme

The T.T.Devasthanams has undertaken various social and welfare activities in fulfillment of its Motto of "SERVING TO LORD BY SERVING HUMANITY" with a view to give a helping hand to the destitutes and orphans, the TTD has established Sri Venkateswara Balamandir in Tirupati in the year 1943.

Alleviating In this Institution, the TTD is admitting children both Boys and Girls, who have no parents alive and children whose Father expired and mother is found unable to brought up the children and vice-versa. The TTD is providing accommodation, food clothing and education to the children admitted in Sri Venkateswara Balamandir from 1st class onwards. The children are given education upto graduation in TTD run schools and colleges. Meritorious students are also given coaching for EAMCET also. It is the moto of the TTD to see that orphans admitted in its Balamandir live on their own. Give a helping hand to the orphans.

It is the fervent desire of the Devasthanams that the doors to such a state-of-the art technology should be open to our poor and disabled brethren.

The TTD has created a separate Trust for improving this Institution with the following objects. (a) To run an Orphanage for Orphans, Destitutes and Disadvantaged Children of both sexes; (b) To provide free accommodation and boarding to Orphans, Destitutes and Disadvantaged Children; and (c) To provide free education to Orphans, Destitutes and Disadvantaged Children."


Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post19 Jun 2013

pawan wrote:I have also seen many many families eating non-veg, drinking alcohol and having sex, both in India and West but still live in HARMONY. What does that mean BTW ?????

This means that BKs don't teach the behaviour that is displayed by the family member of BK_Victim. It's not part of the teachings. Succesful BK implementation is when you can bring harmony in relationships and don't display aggressive/angry behaviour as seems to be the case with this particular BK in question.
If you are comparing Brahmakumaris with Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams in regards of donation and its use, then I think you are fooling yourself ... !!!

I haven't said Tirupati trust doesn't do good work and I have full respect for the work they are doing. But not for the commercialization of selling laddoos and human hairs. I have only shared few interesting facts about it and the nature of commercialization of religion in India which is well known particularly in India but not so in the West. Good social services but by using that argument are you promoting and justifying the following? Devotees donate their hair to God and they export them to US and Europe for wigs and make money out of it? You surely know that Vijay Mallaya, prominent business man in India alone donated 3 Kg Gold to the temple last year at the same time when he was not able to pay salaries in one of his failed businesses and employees were struggling to make ends meet for many months.

Why I shared it? I have mentioned this example to show the "urge to donate" inherent in Hinduism particularly for the members from West if they haven't come across it. You can twist it against BKs but I am just giving a different perspective of where this whole belief of return of good future (including your future births) in lieu of religious donations originates from.
As I always say Brahmakumaris are COPY CATS ... they have nothing of their own, they stole everything from ANCIENT HINDUISM concept. Their soul concept, meditation, satvik ahaar and vichaar everything is copied and today our dear friend moreclearnow admits that donation concept was also taken from HINDUISM ...

Yes, I agree with you about majority of BKs knowledge being inherent in core of Hinduism particularly Gita. I personally admire The Knowledge in the Bhagvad Gita.
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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post19 Jun 2013

India is India and Hinduism is Hinduism and money corruption are part of the system ... but it is fair to say the temples do have a long tradition of using donations to do some social good rather than just build properties and promote themselves to VIPs like the BKs.

I still cannot understand why, if Destruction was in two to three years, they are building such huge and luxurious complexes and buying freehold properties. It strikes me they don't believe what they teach.

'End of the World -ism' (millenarianism) is a wonderful tool of mental coercion and the BKs have learned from direct experience it is a good way to get money. Remember in 2000, Didi Manmohini was actually telling people to take money out of the bank ... where do you think it went? The same place as it did in 1976 ...
moreclearnow wrote:I have seen many families ...

Good answer Pawan, you are perfectly correct. I have seen many family build themselves up and becoming very healthy, wealthy and well educated, happy and productive within society without any influence of BKism ... unfortunately, moreclearnow, discussion at that level is not really worth very much. It's the same as the BKs do, as on their new site.

They know for 75 years they have been accused of splitting up families, so what do they do ... they put up a page with ONE family, BKWSU PR spin doctor Neville Hodgkinson, and even on it it mentions problems. I am sorry, we've been BKs too. We know what happens.
Normal rules of family conflicts do apply whenever there are problems in a family.

They don't because in a normal family it is just 'family versus family'. In a BK related problem, it is 'family versus BKs plus family' with the BKs giving advice and interfering from behind and filling the family member's head full of stuff about Golden Ages etc which distorts their decision making processes and alters their behaviour.

We've even had cases where BKs encourage and advice BK women how to divorce husbands and take property from them to give to the BKs. There's is both official and unofficial BK influence; Shrimat from Seniors and gossip level from adherents.
I don't think there is coercion in BKWSU about this and people are free to donate if they wish ... As a matter of fact, this urge to donate is much deep rooted in Hinduism

Of course, I have long made the obvious conclusion that when millionaire Lekhraj Kirpalani's money ran out, and they could not longer steal from their families and get grants from the government etc, they turned their cult to religion because they knew it was a huge source of income.

How else were the untrained, uneducated women going to survive?
In BKWSU, it's indeed possible for people to go to any centre in the world without paying a fee ...

Sure, that's what the BKWSU says. I know of cases where poor villagers were encouraged to donate their jewellery to buy/make some offering to the Seniors higher up, all center-in-charges are encouraged to collect donations ... so where does that leave us? We've all seen the 100s of young Kumaris queuing up nervously to hand over their center donations/dowry to the Seniors in Abu? How does the money magically jump into Baba's box?

Anyone handing over money and property to the BKWSU under the irrational belief that it is going to buy them a high status in Heaven, or Palace of God has been deeply and persistently coerced. They even say stuff like, Om Radhe had to come back in another life to do "service via money" because she brought none with her the first time around.

For every unqualified suggestion you make, we can give you numerous specific example of when, e.g. Janki Kirpalani rattled the class for donations because the mortgage needed paid and donations were low, or another senior lectured a class telling them to support their local center more etc.


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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post19 Jun 2013


Inspite of the incredible medical discoveries and advancements, scientists always resort to testing and applying these discoveries on volunteer persons prior to granting final approval and accridations to the said discoveries.

What I want to get to, is that teachings and principles, no matter how beautiful they look on the paper, unless they are put to a real test, see how the individuals interact with them, and what would the end result be, we would not be in a position to pass a fair judgement.

I can confidently, from personal and wider experiences, say that the Brahma Kumaris teachings would destroy social and community relations, separate family members and eventually dismantle the families. This is not to mention psychological effects, and other issues ..!!


Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post19 Jun 2013


In any family, Yes if someone takes on a BK path this can cause strain in the relationships particularly celibacy and the food preference. I don't think food choices can lead to dismantling of families just like a veg and nonveg eater can have a healthy relationship if they respect eacth other's choice. But choice of celibacy can if its about one partner wanting sex and other not.

The probability of someone taking on BK path is very small because of the hardships one has to go through. Its not a fairy life; its a life of an ascetic which is usually chosen by one out of millions. Like its difficult comitting to being a nun. But if one is inclined towards it and wants to commit to that sort of lifestyle, no one can stop them such is the appeal to some people of following such difficult and eccentric paths.

In a family, we are used to living with the normally accepted ways of the society; like drinking together, eating the same food, having sex and so on..Its normal for family members to get threatened if another member takes on an extra ordinary interest or lifestyle. This reduces our control of them and then we feel that they are controlled by others. What we don't appreciate is that they are happier with their choices. In India in particular, anybody taking on a BK lifestyle is ridiculed and often outcast by society. This makes their bond with the BK community even stronger. You talked about Social and community connect, please note that from BKs perspective such alienation makes them feel much more comfortable with BKs as BKWSU culture is more like a wider family-you get to meet like minded people and obviously feel better in their company.

In the West, generally people have more freedom in making their choices but still the relationships can be strained because of BKism.

Its important for BKs to show the respect and love for the family members even if they oppose them. Similarly the family members need to show acceptance of their choices to some level and when both engage with mutual trust and love, the relationships not only survive but they become better but it can take its time.

Now particularly in a marriage, if one partner wants to abstain from sex and other wants it - this becomes the biggest cause of conflict and potentially separation in BK related families
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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post19 Jun 2013

The sharing of food ... and the insult or damaged caused by the refusal to share food ... is perhaps one of the most universal aspects of all human cultures. With a BK it goes beyond just eating vegetarian because they are also instructed to "eat in Baba remembrance", i.e. silence. For most families, meal times are were the family is brought together and chats.

You write "control", and, yes, it is true, but I would say it also threatens the family bond which is an important survival mechanism deep within human mentality. However, I think the first problem we have here is the overall context again.

A BK is not merely "adopting the lifestyle of a saddhu", they are doing so within a carrot and stick game (aim and object) involving 'Destruction', the fear of an always coming but never arriving End of the World, and earning a high status in the Heavenly world to come; palaces of gold etc. It is conformity to an ethical and belief system determined by individuals whose objectives and integrity are highly questionable.

If someone or some group were to adopt a life of frugality to give to others and do good for the world, then I would say fine. There have been many in history.

But the evidence so far shows that the objectives of the Brahma Kumaris elite is to amass wealth, property and political power for themselves in the here and now by using a falsely predicted malleable (changeable) future as a reward. And there is no denying that now.

They encourage people to become their slaves and servants under the promise of "work today, but get paid in the never never".

To that extent, having a BK in the family is like a city being infiltrated by foreign enemies working to an entirely different goal. This is why I call the BK leadership parasitical. They don't invade like soldiers, they invade like parasites slowly taking over their hosts and controlling them.

You may have a BK in your family, but it is a Dadi Janki or center-in-charge far away who is calling the shots. Making them dance like puppets for what the BK aims is.

Now we know what the BK aim is. They say it themselves. It is "to conquer the world 3 square feet at a time". Remember, before Destruction, they claim that the government of India will had over power to them! It's not about being holy and good in this life by the rest of the world's standards.

Now, either that is true and that is exactly what is going to happen ... or it is a mad hare race run by brainless lunatics.

Raising a child is not cheap. It's a 24/7 investment for a few years and costs the equivalent of 100 - 200,000 USD (estimates vary). When a family discovers they child has been infect by Brahma Kumaris and has become a puppet of the senior Sisters, their head spinning with Gyan and incapable of logic thinking they have every right to concerned, upset and threatened.

Then, after the BKs win the first fight and the child remains a BK 'secret agent' within their sphere, the second fight begins ... for control over the land or property ... and what we find is that the 'BK within' the family's castle walls fights back, becomes aggressive or devious in either a male or female manner encouraged by the BKs back at the center and on the other end of the phone when they call up to "take Shrimat".

Now here you are saying what the BKs apparently now do, encouraging individual BKs to exercise their impure, Kali Yugi, democratic rights ... for the sake of giving things to the Kirpalani government.

The best policy to adopt when the BKs comes to your village or town is to chase them out with sticks before they take it over and don't listen to a word of their argument!

What the BKs *should* tell their students is that if there is any problem, just walk away and leave the material with the material parents. But they don't ... they direct encourage or use guile to encourage the BK adherent to fight for it.


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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post20 Jun 2013

In a family life, it goes beyond sex and food ...!!

Having a committed BK in a family, is like having an "alien" from the outer space living within an Earthly family.

That "alien" has completely different, emotions, commitements, loyalty, agenda, and even sleeping and wake up timings. Such teachings are hypnotically taught and deeply planted in that individual’s mind. They are practiced and lived under the constant thinking of "World imminent Destruction" illusion, which automatically lead to a passive form of thinking and behaviours.

All Religions and most cults (including BK), claim that they came to existence for the "betterment" of human life, but whether they are doing a good job or not, is another big question ..!!
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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post20 Jun 2013

dany wrote:In a family life, it goes beyond sex and food ...!! Having a committed BK in a family, is like having an "alien" from the outer space living within an Earthly family. That "alien" has completely different, emotions, commitements, loyalty, agenda, and even sleeping and wake up timings.

I agree with this and I think you are smarter than you think you are! You really see through the crap and get to the point.

When I first became a BK, I went to spend time at my family's home and I believe I acted precisely like that ... but what makes it worse is that the BK really does not know what the BK rules are either because they are not clear and always changes, especially when one is batted between center-in-charges and Seniors Sisters who all give different advice.

My experience is that BKs, especially neophyte BKs, really have not got a clue what is going on or how to fit in. They want to please both sides and they want to be obedient and be rewarded by the cult but very quickly it becomes obvious the two cannot mix and they run to the cult and are rewarded for doing so.

These angry or aggressive responses from BKs, especially when it comes to demands or arguments over property, suggest to me the BKs still have a might attachment to money and material things, e.g. their share of family homes.

The easy way for the BKWSU/PBIVV to avoid creating such conflict would just be to make it clear ... "Family First!". If there is one iota of doubt or conflict, the family keeps the money and property, and the BKWSU/PBIVV get the soul if they really want to surrendered and nothing can dissuade them.
All Religions and most cults (including BK), claim that they came to existence for the "betterment" of human life, but whether they are doing a good job or not, is another big question ..!!

What they say and what they do are two different things. Most cultist (including the BKs) came into existence, or at least turn to the business of religion for the "betterment" of they own lives.

And this is very clear in the case of the Brahma Kumaris after Lekhraj Kirpalani's money ran out.

Honestly, what else would they have done? Become beggars? Done laundry? Manual labor? Prostitution? What else was left for them? They had no other skills. They had spent 20 years waiting for the End of the World and having a nice time on the old man's money. Answers please.
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Re: Angry or aggressive responses from BKs

Post21 Jun 2013

Moreclearnow (MCN) makes sense from a certain perspective. But it is not the actual BK perspective but MCN's 'take' on the publicly presented BK perspective.

As per my rave the other day about the Dalai Lama's talk on secular ethics that I attended, where he said, "if you are kind to an animal or a young child, they respond to that kindness, but if you speak to it about Buddhist or Christianity or other philosophy, they don't care. Therefore it is the action that matters not the philosophy, no matter how 'ideal' or 'elevated' or 'logical'".

So, too, in this case of BK interference in family matters - relational and material. Sure, MCN is right when he/she says there are good and bad people in BKs as there are in all walks of life. There are violent 'Buddhists' torching Rohingya refugees in Myanmar. But Buddhism neither condones nor implies nor encourages such actions.

But the BK establishment and the teaching, indirectly and directly, are appealing to certain needs and desires in the BK adherents on the basis of the teachings, to manipulate the transfer of allegiance and wealth.

A dog or a toddler can tell the difference between simple kindness or cruelty, but they cannot be manipulated by sophisticated talk of ideals, eternity, spiritual worthiness and god. We 'adults', whose egos are built on artifice, are susceptible to believe whatever ego wants to be true.

In Murlis, the Baba straight-facedly calls it "pure ego" and "spiritual ego" - making no attempt to deconstruct "ego" in any way that actually 'graduates" a student to move on from from the teacher confidently, independently and equal (or to surpass). The artifice is also disingenuously self-proclaimed as a 'golden cage' - offering security, ego stroking and a "purpose" that's built on dependency to the teaching and ambition realised through "recognition" in that insular universe.

I remember one woman, a middle aged Spanish mother, who was thrilled when she was highly praised by Dadi Janki in front of the class for being so "surrendered" that she would check with Dadi Janki first whether old tea towels should be made to last a little longer so the money saved on new ones could be put in 'Baba's box'. She was thrilled but I wasn't sure if DJ wasn't half-mocking her, or even gloating at the subservience she commanded.

It is untrue that BK adherents are equally treated whether donating or not, how much they donate or by what talents they can offer. Those who give, or have something that's "serviceable" (especially if their talent is in getting others to donate) gain attention, acknowledgement and validation from Seniors; they get invited to "exclusive" meetings or gain access and influence not available to others, or up on stage with BapDada; they get preferential treatment in many ways. True believers and sycophants alike think that moving in such circles proves their spiritual progress and stage.

The next day there'll be a class about humility and personal effort, and that a true yogi is beyond all of that ... this keeps the unwealthy but sincere proles mollified and paying their tithe (literally "tenth"), while the organisational effort, recognition, status, ego massaging is directed to the so-called "serviceable" ones, regardless of anything else.

And if there's a sniff of property, the "possibilities" are merely put forward ... it's up to you if you want to gain double 'rewards points' by transferring all your accounts to this bank, or not. No pressure. Time is ticking.

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