Spiritual/Psychic attacks

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Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post03 Mar 2010

Hello everyone

I've been reading with interest some of the messages on this forum for a week or so and wanted to register and hopefully gain some insights from others about my experiences. Firstly, I apologise if I ask questions which have already been asked and processed elsewhere on the forum. There is a LOT of info here and it would not be possible for me to read or understand everything, especially with my impure degraded intellect ;).

My BK involvement began in the late 1980s and ended in 1992, about 4 years altogether I think and I did not get sucked in nearly as deeply as some of the other forum members. However, I now realise that my thinking, my responses to the world around me and to other people have been heavily influenced by what I was taught.

Today, as I sit typing this, I am okay. Life is not perfect but not unbearable either, my heart goes out to others who have posted messages here articulating their despair and how broken their lives have become as a result of their involvement with what I now regard as a dangerous mind-control cult. I can relate to all of what they say.

I have been through some desparate times, years of deep depression (including a suicide attempt in 1997) and have no real close friendships even now. I find it almost impossible to trust anyone or sustain relationships. I cannot lay all of this at the door of the Brahma Kumaris, of course; there was already a lot of damage in my life before my involvement with them began, and within a year of leaving I was embroiled in a relationship with a guy who turned out to be one of the most abusive and destructive human beings I have ever had the misfortune to know (this was my karma of course!!) This relationship ended in 1999 and I have been alone since.

Anyway, on to the point of my topic title ... In the last three or four years, I have been drawn to trying to renew my Christian faith. I was brought up nominally as a Christian (Catholic) but not a regular church attender and, amazingly, at the time my BK involvement began I had never read a proper grown up version of The Bible; just the children's Bibles I had as a kid.

I have had some immense struggles with this including paranoid thoughts and incidents when I have been so overcome with fear that I have fled from church services in floods of tears. This has led to prolonged periods of isolating myself from the church I attend and deciding that; it's all a load of bull, I shouldn't trust these people, they don't really know God anyway etc etc. I can now see that the teachings I received from the BKs was my only real experience of trying to follow a spiritual path and without realising it I was constantly comparing and making judgments like how can these people (Christians) believe they are in communion with God when they are eating meat, drinking alcohol etc.

During one of my self imposed exiles from the church, I renewed my BK involvement (bad move right??). Over the years I had sometimes seen posters advertising BK events and one day I saw one in my local shop window. I saw this as a sign from God that I should return to the true path, duly pitched up at this public event and subsequently attended several of their courses. On the whole, the experience left me cold and I did not get the "highs" that I had previously experienced in meditation.

During this period, however, I found myself spontaneously waking up at 4am and wondering whether, again this was God trying to tell me that the BK way was the right path. Well, to cut a long story short, my rational mind won the day, I stopped attending BK events and concentrated on trying to live a normal life but still their influence pervades my faith, my attempts to read the Bible, to pray.

My Christian friends talk about "spiritual attacks", i.e. the devil and other evil spiritual entities attempting to interfere with our attempts to follow God. I have always had difficulty with this thinking it's all a bit medieval, ideas about demonic possession etc but now find myself wondering about this in relation to my BK involvement.

I have seen elsewhere on the forum people discussing these issues and wonder if others have any comments about whether the BKs or whatever spirits control them (could it even be the biggest con artist of all, Satan himself?) are able to get inside people's heads and continue to influence them long after their actual involvement has ended? Sorry if this comes across as being a bit crackpot, I am just trying to make sense of things and would welcome any helpful comments.

I could go on and on but I am having some technical difficulties (more psychic interference? :shock: ) so perhaps that's enough for now.

Thank you to whoever set up this site

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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post04 Mar 2010


I used to experience tech difficulties quite often especially when I was trying to write something that was exposing the BKs in a very blunt way. It used to make me laugh, thinking that some spirit wanted to play games, but my determination was stronger and I did not get intimidated. Neither I get tempted to go into a total bhogi, materialistic life, nor I feel guilty or scared for having removed myself from the BKWSO.

In order to avoid frustration-prevention is better than cure - I suggest that whenever you set out to write a long articulated post, you do it off line and save it, just in case, use all tech precautions, since time is precious.

About psychic attacks, I never had such a problem. I feel totally protected by the Great Spirit but I heard many stories. How do we know whether waking up automatically at 4 am is old programming or some ghost pulling the sleeve of our pajama?

It could be that subconsciously we know that it is (according to many different traditions) a special time to dedicate to the self, to develop higher consciousness, as long as you have totally positive feelings and not those of being "haunted".

Sure, if you go to sleep late like a normal person, and have to wake up early to go to work, such wake up calls are a curse , and very debilitating!

Love and good vibes, wishing you either to have wonderful meditation experience that will bring sunlight in your days, or, alternatively, to be able to sleep tight and peacefully.

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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post04 Mar 2010

I think it's just self conditioning, or self thought control/delusion, it does go away eventually with most people, I only wake up to go to the loo now not for nectar
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post04 Mar 2010

Thanks for your replies. I take your point about self-conditioning Mr Green but would you say that also applies to everything that is taught by BKs? That we believed it because we conditioned ourselves to believe it?

It's a long time since I was immersed in that lifestyle and logic and reason tells me that so much of what they teach about the 5,000 year cycle and so on (especially in light of the revisionism and rewriting the history of the movement) is ludicrous. But still after all these years the doubts creep in. It puzzles me and I hope that eventually it does go away.

Alladin, thank you for the tech advice. I am not very proficient with computers! I don't meditate any more, I consider it a risky business these days but usually I sleep very well and struggle to get up when the alarm wakes me at 6.30 like any 'normal' person :-? The waking up at 4am happened when I was attending The Raja Yoga course a couple of years ago. Maybe as Mr Green suggests I conditioned myself to see meaning in that.

Good vibes back to you too.
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post05 Mar 2010

Welcome Littlelamb! It's never too late to make sense of the past.

My experience with the BKWSO has been one of mind control, hypnotism, brainwashing and black magic. The number of wolves in sheeps clothing are too many to count mainly because they all follow the same dogma and are pretty much all brainwashed.

Strange things have happened to me as well, but my love for my REAL family reminded me what a fool I was to think of these BK people above those who cared and nurtured me throughout my life. Furthermore, I stopped meditating at 4am because being mostly asleep lowered my defenses and made me more vulnerable to the spirits. I enjoyed sleeping instead. And finally, I just made a decision to live in a "all or nothing way" as I had done previously with the BK.

Once again, there was no more in-between or gray area for me. It was a decision I made in order to completely extricate myself from all BK influences. I did not doubt for any moment that I was above or stronger than the spirits or the collective consciousness of the BK group. I simply made a decision to live in the here and now and be part of reality without the intoxication that I experienced with the BK. It has taken a lot of work but I am finally out of the woods and enjoying my work, a healthy relationship and emotional balance. I don't miss the BKWSO for a second. There are many beautiful people in the "normal" world. You just have to find them.
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post05 Mar 2010

Thanks for the welcome Rayoflight.

Guess who woke up at 4.05 this morning? :D Went back to sleep like a sensible girl though!

You are so right about there being many beautiful people in the real normal world. Only in the last couple of weeks has this begun to register with me. I had two years of therapy which helped process the stuff from my childhood and the abusive relationship as an adult, did not even touch upon the BK stuff because at the time I did not see that this had been a destructive influence in my life.

Now I see! All the times I had let relationships with friends and family wither because in my mind I had no more 'karma' with that person, all is accurate in the drama blah blah. I have been looking for perfection and turning away because of course I never found it. At 45 years of age I am just beginning to learn that real relationships can be difficult, frustrating, complex and confusing and sometimes disappointing but they are worth working at and the good ones are worth fighting for.

It's good to hear that you have shaken off the BK shackles and to believe that I can too with the help of God (as I perceive Him) and the people who have been trying so hard to reach out to me and offer the hand of friendship.

It's a lovely sunny day, the birds are feeding in my garden and I have work to go to and enjoy!

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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post05 Mar 2010

Yes, enjoy! Life is what we make it. Not what the spirit of the BK's say it is. We don't really know what the future holds which can cause some anxiety, but waiting for destruction is certainly no way to live either!
Tell the pesky spirits to leave you alone and they will not wake you up at 4am anymore. Like you said, God (as you perceive Him) will help you.
Warm hugs,
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post05 Mar 2010

Hi there, Little Lamb.

a short response ...

What ever discussion we have about psychic influences is overshadowed by big discussions that have gone on for centuries of the real nature of such spiritualistic experiences or influences, debates which have become both exaggerated and polarised since the growth of science and materalism in the 19th C. I am neither judging nor questioning the nature of spiritualism, nor promoting any specific theory or school of thought. However, to discuss this matter, I will use the language and concepts of spiritualism and Brahma Kumarism.

Firstly, Brahma Kumarism is most certainly a spiritualistic cult. It is a spiritualist religion far more than it is a Hindu religion ... or even "Yoga" tradition.

That is to say, it primary faith is based on intense and voluminous psychic and spiritualistic phenomena. These have changed over the decades but involve both the alleged possession of Lekhraj Kirpalani by a spirit entity that claims to be God right, down to experiences such as your own ... and, obviously, many, many, many self-made projections and wish fulfillments.

I have followed this forum for about 3 years now and I can that many, many individuals have come forward like yourself. Many even have stranger experiences. Not just BKs but also the friends and family of BKs.

What do I think myself?

    a) Sure ... that stuff DOES go on. You are not going mad
    b) What is it? I am not sure. I am not psychic. But I think the best place to start is to take it on face value as they tell you ... and work with the concept that the Brahma Kumaris are involved in the occult and dabbling with spirits.
One of the most interesting discussions I had about the Brahma Kumaris was with an educated old Sindi who used to live next door to them. He described the early seances with the women howling and screaming. Not stuff the BKs tell you. In my opinion, during their initiation process, you are spiritually opened up to act as a medium for their 'spirits', you are "corded" or attached to their spirits, and you are used by their spirits to work through you.

If you ask me what THE key element to Brahma Kumarism is ... it would be DECEPTION by a LONG, LONG WAY. I do not believe that deception is representative of God or even good. Accept there are relative "powerful" spirits involved in the BKWSU ... fine ... but I do not project ont hem that they are God, please.

So what is something that claims it is God but is not god ... and wants to inspire the death of 6 Billion human beings!?!
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post05 Mar 2010

ex-l wrote:So what is something that claims it is God but is not god ... and wants to inspire the death of 6 Billion human beings!?!

Or the same devil that incarnated him?

Many even have stranger experiences. Not just BKs but also the friends and family of BKs.

Even after I left the BK's creepy stuff was happening to my family. The spirits are definitely trouble makers!
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Mr Green


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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post05 Mar 2010

Littlelamb wrote:Thanks for your replies. I take your point about self-conditioning Mr Green but would you say that also applies to everything that is taught by BKs? That we believed it because we conditioned ourselves to believe it?

It's a long time since I was immersed in that lifestyle and logic and reason tells me that so much of what they teach about the 5,000 year cycle and so on (especially in light of the revisionism and rewriting the history of the movement) is ludicrous. But still after all these years the doubts creep in. It puzzles me and I hope that eventually it does go away.

Alladin, thank you for the tech advice. I am not very proficient with computers! I don't meditate any more, I consider it a risky business these days but usually I sleep very well and struggle to get up when the alarm wakes me at 6.30 like any 'normal' person :-? The waking up at 4am happened when I was attending The Raja Yoga course a couple of years ago. Maybe as Mr Green suggests I conditioned myself to see meaning in that.

Good vibes back to you too.


Yes my opinion is that it is self generated mostly, certainly guided by others but the depth of experience was equal to the extent of our effort making, I am sure of it

We used to work so hard in our efforts and I believe we got some sort of mental reward for our investment of effort!

I remember clearly having the lesson of The Tree and already being ready to suspend logical assesment of the rubbish I was being fed about the Golden Age etc, I was hooked by the old meditation cassette the jayanti one

When I actually was teaching 'raj Yoga meditation' I remember the common practise of trying to stay in rememberance the whole time and flash them the odd glance of drishti hoping they would catch the magic energy in our eyes
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post06 Mar 2010

The Spiritual Science Research Foundation has posted an article on psychic attacks they have endured over the last decade and provide an explanation.
(The SSRF) are involved in samashti sādhanā (collective spiritual practice). True samashti sādhanā is non-sectarian, is inclusive and not exclusive and guides people according to their spiritual path. This is unlike many Saints of others sects who are involved in vyashti sādhanā (spiritual practice for individual growth). Most vyashti orientated Saints try to spread their type of spiritual practice. However for samashti orientated Saints the individual is more important, i.e. they don’t focus on the numbers of their following but on the development of the individual according to the spiritual path that suits that individual the most.
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post06 Mar 2010


The interesting thing about the site Spiritual Research Foundation is that they use one's religion at birth as a source of grounding for the chanting of 'GOD's name'.
4.1.2 Which Name of God should one chant?
http://www.spiritualresearchfoundation. ... religion_b

I mention this, as I noticed that many people come here and ask 'what should they do' to ground themselves and no one here advocates any particular path, but what feels right for them and what they find that helps. I also found it interesting that in essence they were using 'holy' water and incense to clear people of ghosts and that they acknowledge the existence of ghosts and other entities.

Interestingly enough I have taken to burning Frankincense
Frankincense resin was one of the most highly prized materials of the ancient world. Both eastern and Western religious and spiritual traditions still burn this incense during offerings and meditation. The smoke of Frankincense(as with other ritual incense) is thought to carry prayers to heaven upon it's smoke. It is also said to deepen the breath and still the mind, making it useful for meditation and yogic practice. The incense may have health benefits as well, producing a highly antiseptic smoke, keeping churches and churchgoers free from disease.

of late as it is about the only thing that brings my home in harmony and I find that it grounds me in my spiritual path of birth. It is true that when we are under stress we are more vulnerable:
Stress and Illness
When we are confronted with a problem we must determine the seriousness of the problem and determine whether or not we have the resources (e.g., emotional resources) necessary in order to cope with problem. If we believe that the problem is serious and we also believe that we do not have the resources necessary to cope with the problem, we will perceive ourselves as being under stress (Cohen et. al., 1995). Stress can be defined as a process in which environmental demands strain an organisms adaptive capacity, resulting in both psychological as well as biological changes that could place a person at risk for illness (Cohen et. al., 1995).

I was recently taken to a religious temple where the 'official' and the lay go 24 hours a day to pray, that has a particular religious piece out of great meaning and have found that this was where one of my ancestors attended frequently. I was thankful that a lay volunteer showed me all that went on and all the particulars of the rituals and one evening I was of help to a visiting ordained person from the UK...you have to know which door lets you in after hours. ;-)

You have peeked my interest with this link.
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post07 Mar 2010

ex-l wrote:If you ask me what THE key element to Brahma Kumarism is ... it would be DECEPTION by a LONG, LONG WAY. I do not believe that deception is representative of God or even good. Accept there are relative "powerful" spirits involved in the BKWSU ... fine ... but I do not project ont hem that they are God, please.

So what is something that claims it is God but is not god ... and wants to inspire the death of 6 Billion human beings!?!

Good question! One of the first seeds of doubt about the Brahma Kumaris was planted in my mind when I took a friend who was a strict vegan to a public talk. She was offered toli and asked if it was vegan (it wasn't). I almost SAW the thought processes of the Sister offering the toli as she slowly nodded her head ( rationalising that it was OK to lie for Baba). My friend wasn't fooled and refused the toli. Instinctively I knew that God would not lie and would not encourage others to lie in His name yet it was another year or so before I extricated myself and still went back for more later!

Oddly though I do feel that it was "accurate" for me to go back and tie up some loose ends.

It ain't God controlling these people, of that I am sure. I do think it's the devil or an evil entity of some sort. I am no great Biblical scholar but as I understand it Satan was originally one of God's angels who fell from grace and has been trying to get his revenge ever since. He was close to God so maybe knew God very well and why wouldn't he be able to do a passable impersonation in his efforts to deceive?

He cannot count though and gets confused because in my day it was 5 billion souls and destruction was definitely coming before the end of the twentieth century! If it looks like a dead rat and smells like a dead rat then it probably is a dead rat :sad:

Thanks for your contributions ex-l
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post07 Mar 2010

Mr Green wrote:When I actually was teaching 'raj Yoga meditation' I remember the common practise of trying to stay in rememberance the whole time and flash them the odd glance of drishti hoping they would catch the magic energy in our eyes

Eeew! The drishti. The last time a BK zapped me I was just struck by how utterly weird and inappropriate it was to stare at someone like that. I used to think it was the most beautiful thing in the world, two souls recognising one another - not realising that that was a way for the nasties to get inside my head.

I think I still have that Jayanti cassette somewhere. Perhaps a ceremonial burning is in order.
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post07 Mar 2010



The drishti. The last time a BK zapped me I was just struck by how utterly weird and inappropriate it was to stare at someone like that.- LittleLamb


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