The truth about the corrupted Brahma Kumaris

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The truth about the corrupted Brahma Kumaris

Post18 Aug 2009

Hey folks! This is my first and I think might be the last letter to you. I know that the things I am about to share might not be too easy to swallow, but it is in the hands of YOUR destiny and my part is just to share them to You, who read this.

Okay, straight to the point: The fact about Brahma Kumaris is that it contains the truth about life, but as a community or organisation (pointing some of the leaders) it has become very, very badly corrupted. In fact, it is just another religion but on a different, spiritual, level and this is possible through The Knowledge which it contains. But it is very important to understand that The Knowledge is not supposed to be used in this way. In the way which it has been represented to students by some of the authorities inside Brahma Kumaris.

Well, this is not going to be easy to believe but, straight to the point, there are many authorities, "teachers" in BK, who abuse their unconscious and newcomer students with and through The Knowledge related. For example, inside of these common terms like; ego, vices, golden-age, God, soul-/body-consciousness, etc. In fact, it is a perfect sysytem to abuse people, and stay incognito behind it, because all the problems are said to be part of the process, ... so who would be able to question them?! The point is, that all of this happens on an unconscious level, bodiless level, and it is based on the fact that what you remember, you are connected to it. And also, it is very, very easy to think that "I do not understand .. they know better ... maybe it's just some karma that I don't understand", etc.

These authorities know how to manipulate and stimulate one's thoughts and feelings on an incognito and subtle level ("telepathically"), so one keeps on fighting and trying so in the end gives up and, for example, commits suicide as has happened for quite a few times already. The dynamics of karma is that every negative action leads into a bondage and every positive action into freedom, so they abuse this system by manipulating one's thoughts and feelings into a negative direction and so one becomes more and more powerless, bitter, etc. Usually these thoughts are directed to the "teachers" ... but why? Well, because they want to; one creates a bondage in this way.

They make one's (Murli) study and life impossible by giving false understanding about God, knowledge, life, soul-consciousness, etc so one cannot become aware of the truth. And, in the end, one becomes so frustrated and angry that one starts to blame God. They keep one in questions; they don´t give clear answers to one´s questions and they just don´t seem to give a damn about you, so automatically one starts to go into the negative direction.

Another thing is related to one's personality. One's personality is the essence of one's life because every decision, every action, every desire, every dream, and so on, is based on who you are ... based on one's unique personality. When the personality is weak, mixed with other peoples demands, desires or understanding, the weaker it becomes and so one cannot think or discern for oneself and so one is powerless and easy to manipulate. It is very obvious that many of the routines and rules related to BK are leading into a direction where one don't have a personality anymore. It is obvious if you just have the courage to see it.

The fact is that some of the authorities don't even have a relationship with god but they know how to absorb energy from another soul (student, etc) through Yoga, through this subtle level, and it becomes more easy the more negative relationship one has to them. This is the way they live, sad but true.

This is just a scratch to the surface of it but I had to share this so that maybe there is someone who can question the things that are represented in this message. You don't have to believe me anyway. Maybe I am just mad! (judge for yourself).

In the end, I must say that this cannot be what GOD wants in anyway, and this is a very obvious fact.
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Re: The truth about the Corrupted Brahma Kumaris

Post18 Aug 2009

Hi, Shankar, and thanks for writing on this Forum. Interesting points you made ... May I ask you if you have been a committed, pukka, BK at some point?

And I would like to ask you, myself, and whoever wants to give it a thought, why and how at some stage in our lives we believed that really the BKs were the end of our spiritual quest, that we had to search no further for God, because we found it in the BK shop, and the Supreme Soul was actually speaking through Dadi Gulzar, giving messages through other trance messengers also? Were we tired of looking around and we needed a rest and prone to being captured and turned into zombies?

Do you know that thieves operate at ease in train stations, especially pickpocketing people which are getting off, tired from a journey? And why should the Supreme Soul speak together with Brahma Baba, does it make any sense at all?

Why is it taking me years, since I drifted away from the sect, to dare, asking myself such questions which seem so obvious?
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Re: The truth about the Corrupted Brahma Kumaris

Post18 Aug 2009

Dear Shankar,

Thank you for your letter and welcome to the forum. I would like to echo alladin's answer as I can relate to it.

The Spiritual Science Research Foundation has given me answers to such questions that helped me understand the spirit world better. Mainly that there are some powerful entities/demi-gods/demons who actually meditate and take spiritual power from God, then use it to control and use human beings by taking their light and life force to keep them alive. Like vampires. I know it sounds absolutely insane, but how do you explain the insanity that we experienced and lived through?

Reading alladin's post almost made me want to throw up because it brought back the memories. With the clarity and the understanding that I have now, I can hardly believe what happened to me.
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Re: The truth about the Corrupted Brahma Kumaris

Post18 Aug 2009

Yes, and we should in fact not be afraid to throw it all up and OUT. It is the first aid for poisoning; expel it, as in an exorcism. Out of my system you go! The Forum is a chance for people who have been subjugated to undue influence, for a catharsis. The longer someone has been in Gyan, the higher the position one has achieved in the hierarchy, the more difficult it is to turn into renegades, to come to terms with the fact that it is all bulls**it.

This morning, before waking up completely, "some thoughts came to mind" in connection with "mental abuse". I had some relieving realization, which I partly forgot. But I remember wondering how is it possible that some ex-BKs that think they wasted the best years of their lives giving time and energy to the BKWSO, following their crazy disciplines, regretting all that, still cooperate in some way, hold respect for DJ &co, and cannot accept anyone criticizing them. Is not this a sort of schizophrenia?

Have their brains become twisted? Ha, thank you God for reminding me. I was also half dreaming about some post I read here months ago about the Stockholm Syndrome, on how abused ones defend the abusers or victims remove the abuse from their consciousness, because they cannot handle the pain.


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Re: The truth about the corrupted Brahma Kumaris

Post18 Aug 2009

Well, the only thing I can say is that I believe that most of the ex-BKs are the ones who really go deep into these things, The Knowledge (Murli) can be understood in many ways. But the collective understanding is always stronger, even if it isnt correct. The biggest problem is that they have created a fully functional system to guarantee the continuity of this fanatic madness but I believe that a soul who has "done enough devotion" just cannot be involved with it, at least not for too long, and this refers to my believe about the ex-bks being the ones who understand and see the facts, and are able to deny the fictional/false stuff.

It could be possible (and I strongly believe so) that most of the people who are the leaders inside BK are not going even to the "Ailver Age" (if we speak in their terms). They just "play" with spirituality but their understanding of it is very limited and childish, though they are able to control and understand it to some extend. This is just the beginning, the understanding of truth is still very childish and it can be seen very clearly if one is detached enough. That is (even from BK and the authorities involved in it) ...

But it is cool that we see things in a more detached way than some who are in bondage with BK ... It's all about taking responsibility for one's self and life instead of giving it to somebody else ... RESPECT FOR BOTH OF YOU.
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Re: The truth about the corrupted Brahma Kumaris

Post19 Aug 2009

Thank you Shankar. And thank you for your input.

And alladin, I completely agree with you. The first remedy to cleaning out the poison is to throw it up, which I did a lot of when I first joined the forum in March. Unfortunately, since I had that reaction to your post, I am thinking that unfortunately, there still might be some poison left in me.



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The truth behind "ego" and the real personality

Post08 Sep 2009

Hey folks! It's me again (Shankar) ... (edited)

Anyway, I just wanted to share some more, though I don't want to give an impression that I know everything, just to share some crucial points which I've come to know through my own experiences.

The "ego" is actually the same personality which an individual has but in an insecure, unconscious, wounded and "sick" stage. There is no difference between the "ego" and the true identity, it is the same person but in a healthy or unhealthy stage. When a person is insecure, is not accepted as himself etc, he needs another way to be accepted and so he/she starts to create "an ego". But the "ego" is mostly a negative perspective of the self and is based on insecurity. If a person would be accepted unconditionally there wouldn't be any "ego", that is, wounded personality.

The fact, is that it's all about the perspective we choose: through negative perspective we see and become negative, and through positive perspective (towards the self and everything) we see and become positive. When we learn and start to develop negative aspects and characteristics into ourselves (+into others and life) we start to dysfunction in the level of personality and sociality.

It is impossible to give respect or love to someone or something we see in a negative light. We have become very good in seeing, thinking and creating negativity in life, self and others, so it then becomes our reality where we live! It's a habit, like any habit, but it has crucial effects to our relationship with ourselves and everything. And because this perspective is constant we have lost the contrast; the positive perspective doesn't even exist to us, it is not in our awareness.

Our understanding is based on what we are aware of and so, if we are aware of only the negative ... but if we are aware of only the good and positive it gives a whole new awareness about everything. It is possible to see positive even in the negative. This is the key to lightness, freedom and all of the good stuff in life, in others, in self, etc. The ability to see, feel, think, taste, smell, hear good is the skill through which one is eventually able to become aware of the true potential and personality of one self and others; by seeing and percieving good. This is the way to "become free from the Ego"; by curing the wounds (negativity) in the personality.

One thing is that we have to know how to fight everything bad and negative. The key is to understand that "the fire cannot be extinguished with fire", but it is done with the opposite element; with the opposite force. This same truth and dynamics applies in every level;in the level of thoughts, words and actions and so on. The negative cannot be won through negative, it is done through the opposite force; positivity. Through this understanding the victory is guaranteet.

So the truth is that the "ego" cannot be "killed" or "removed" or "defeated" because it is ME, but Me in a wounded, unconscious and insecure state. And this is the result of negativity in the form of thoughts, word and actions. The "ego" can be cured through the ability to think, speak, do, see, smell, taste, hear, etc. positive. This is the key to success.


The "ego" don´t need to be "killed" or "destroyed", and there is no need to become "detached" from it (from the self!?) no, no, no!! The "ego" is me in state of sickness. But if I still try to do so (the way they teach in BK usually) it's like killing myself, that is, killing my personality completely, which is not even possible by the way. The "ego", that is, the sickness in the personality needs to be cured with the opposite force, that is, through positive perspective. Negativity is a destructive force so, it creates damage, and when these negative forces (in the form of thoughts, words or actions,etc.) are towarted to the personality constantly the "wounds" stay open and grow aswell accordingly. The only way to fix and cure them is the opposite force;positivity. Positivity is a curing and harmonising (etc) force so it should be used for it's purpose.

We have the power to believe, but we just have to believe in the positive and good things instead the negative.
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Re: The truth about the corrupted Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Sep 2009

Shankar wrote:The fact about Brahma Kumaris is that it contains the truth about life, but as a community or organisation (pointing some of the leaders) it has become very, very badly corrupted. In fact, it is just another religion but on a different, spiritual, level and this is possible through The Knowledge which it contains. But it is very important to understand that The Knowledge is not supposed to be used in this way. In the way which it has been represented to students by some of the authorities inside Brahma Kumaris.

Could you clarify how and where the BKWSU "contains the truth"?

Do you mean, the whole truth, part of the truth ... how is that "truth" being used and where is it taking people?

How long were you in the BKWSU and when did you leave?



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Re: The truth about the corrupted Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Sep 2009

I cannot say that I know everything but by seeing the similarities in every religion in history, and comparing the essence of them to the Brahma Kumaris Knowledge, it can be seen to contain the essence of them. So the truth (in BK) is not any different from the truths (about life and its dynamics and nature) related to other religions but I think these truths are contained in The Knowledge of BK, and through them one is able to understand many "secrets" of life. I would say that these truths are just understanding of the reality, and the reality is the truth itself ... and that is something which needs to be experienced.
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Re: The truth about the corrupted Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Sep 2009

I personally belief there is no truth in the BKs and there is no truth in any religions, or secrets or knowledge.

There is temporary intoxication followed by confusion ...

or you can have the ego trip of 'I know'. Some people are able to ride that mania for a long time, like Dadi Janki for instance, who obviously believes she has all the answers whereas anyone who gets close to her, and sees what she is like, will know she has nothing more than delusion.

They are corrupt simply because they have no purpose any more. They've become like a black hole, sucking energy of all kinds from innocent and non-innocent alike, for the good of no-one.
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Re: The truth about the corrupted Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Sep 2009

Shankar wrote:So the truth (in BK) is not any different from the truths (about life and its dynamics and nature) related to other religions but I think these truths are contained in The Knowledge of BK

OK ... can you try that again and actually say something specific? You are basically repeating the waffle what the BKWSU tells people, what it loves people to believe, and what it hides behind ... especially the last bit about "experiencing" rather then thinking in depth and logically. So ...

    • which religion believes that 6,000,000,000 people plus have to be killed by a Nuclear Holocaust and sinking of all continents except for India so that its followers can rule Heaven on Earth for 2,500 years?
    • which religion believes that Dadi Janki are going to become Emperors in the Golden Age and have a maximum of 84 births in the next Cycle?

I suppose a few religions do believe that a 'god spirit' possesses and speaks through their founder. And that they are the one and only true religion. But no other religion believes that all other religions are a partial, failed copy of their religion, nor that the world repeats in identical 5,000 Year Cycles. Nor do any believe in 3 Worlds. Nor are most Hindu based.

    So, please, what exactly are you talking about ... how long were you in the BKWSU and when did you leave?
    Did you actually complete the whole "7 Day Course" and attend Murli class etc, or did you just go to a few retreats etc?
I am genuinely concerned that you really do not know what "The Knowledge" is. Please confirm.



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Re: The truth about the corrupted Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Sep 2009

Okay, you don't need to be like this and secondly it's not your concern what I have done or so. This is just what I think and all the religions are the same when people start to use them to fulfill their own desires. I don't believe in anything else than reality; there are certain things in life which are obvious, and that is what I'lI follow. It doesn't really matter to me who is who and what has he/she done ...
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Re: The truth about the corrupted Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Sep 2009


    Surely it matters if you, or anyone else, makes statement about something that they really do not know anything about?
    Surely it is reasonable for me to ask to "take the pulse", as the BKs say?

Are you an ex-BK ... how long were you a BK?

So, what if someone has committed fraud, deceived or hurt many people (I am not talking about you here) ... would it not matter or be a benefit to know that in advance? If I knew, would it not be a public service to tell others and discuss it with them?

You may well have good ideals. That does not mean that the BKWSU automatically does "just because it is a religion". I just wanted to know how much you knew about the BKWSU to say that. No big deal.
Mr Green wrote:I personally belief there is no truth in the BKs ... They are corrupt simply because they have no purpose any more. They've become like a black hole, sucking energy of all kinds from innocent and non-innocent alike, for the good of no-one.

Powerful words.



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Re: The truth about the corrupted Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Sep 2009

As you can see from my post i have experiences, so your concerns seems bit odd.. And look, i know that there are many fake "ex-Bks" around this forum, trying to make some conversation.. and you could be one of them. I have writen two posts and both of them have been edited by some Admin or whatever..


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Re: The truth about the corrupted Brahma Kumaris

Post09 Sep 2009

I feel it very important to ad a few important points here

1. BKs do not demand insist on or even ask for money. The Brahma Kumaris will feed you, give you a place to spend the night and hold their classes with out ever formally asking for a dime, i have stayed many times in USA Brahman Retreat centers and never is their any push for cash. At the end of a retreat one of the last things that is said is that in the back of the room there is a box where donations can be placed and they remind you that the entire retreat center and BK organization operates solely on donations. Thats it 2 sentences. as i am a young person i do not have much money and there fore have never give even a single donation.

2. Some spoke of shunning or the BKs making you feel bad for one reason or another. I am not a BK, I DO NOT FOLLOW THEIR PRINCIPALS (i am not vegan, i am not celibate, i drink alcohol, i am a smoker) and yet every BK welcomes me openly and calls me Brother. The BK view on life is THAT WE ARE ALL PURE SOULS they honestly do not believe that there is a single bad person, only people who have lost their way. They believe it is a sin, and will acrew negative Karma to even have a bad thought about another person. They practice peace and love down to the fact that they even believe it is important to do all cooking with pure thoughts and love so that you do not eat anger.

3. They do believe a shift in the world is near, they believe that the world cycles, it is currently in the hell stage, they believe that the shift to the time of heaven is near. They do believe that only 900,000 souls will be left on earth after this shift, however they believe this time of heaven is approximately 2500 years and that the the population will increase over time so in essence the better life you live now the longer you get to be in heaven, the most pure souls to start, then you take your birth into the new world in order of your goodness here and now.

4. People spoke of the strictness of which they live there lives, and yes they do live very strictly but i chose to look at it this way becoming a full BK is like becoming a nun or a priest, there lives are also very strict and we assume that they would get the top spot in heaven, no? so as i would be considered a devotee not a BK i have resigned myself to the fact that i will not get first birth in heaven, but that by living a pure life and practicing Raja Yoga i will take birth later on in heaven, so i do not get 2500 years of heaven wouldn't even 1000 years be nice enough? God gave us free will and that choice is ours to make.

5. are you aware that mayan civilizations believed very similar things (i happen to be watching Nostradomis 2012 on discovery channel now and felt compelled to add this), and that the world would end on 2012 well the BKs would say that it is not ending, just becoming wonderful again.

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