Hi, I am new & would greatly appreciate some guidance

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Post02 Mar 2007

Hey; what's on that clip?! I can only access the internet at work and it is apparantly deemed "unsafe" by our firewalls!!
So please Yudhishtira, teach others to have your values and understanding and send them over here! Or better still come over yourself!

Hey di, wish I could but I do not know if they would listen to me :lol: I am afraid I've been hanging out with the wrong people, have been tarred with the brush of suspicion, and so tend to get phone calls made to centres i visit to tell people to be cautious of me!!! (must be all that sacrificing of dead cats I do in my spare time :lol: ). All I can do is send love and power to you guys. I just feel that in my heart, all this negativity comes because souls are misinterpreting God's knowledge in a body-conscious, "religious", judgemental way.

For example; revised Sakar Murli 2004/02/03
There are definitely males and females. Yours is the family path. There cannot be a play of the path of isolation. What would happen with just one hand? Both wheels are needed. If there are two, they can race with one another. If the second wheel does not accompany the first one, the first one becomes slack. However, you must not stop because of one. At first, there was the pure family path, and then it became impure. You continued to fall.

Now, I feel that the interpretation of something like this can be in a number of ways; you could look it and say; well, God is saying if the other partner is not interested you shouldn't stop, so you should just forge ahead regardless of the other persons feelings; or you could say that; there should not be a path of isolation, so its wrong to cut people off ... I ve got to go now because my comp is being shut off for an office move! Will come back later!
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abrahma kumar

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Post02 Mar 2007

hey; whats on that clip?! I can only access the internet at work and it is apparantly deemed "unsafe" by our firewalls!!

Hi Yudhishtira, that clip may surprise you a little. Basically, it explains some the startegies employed by groups whose aims may be to exert an undue influence on the live's of those who come into contact with them. It made for chilling listening to me. Leave the cat's alone ;). I hope that you will be able to listen for yourself.
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video clip

Post02 Mar 2007

Yudhishtira wrote:Hey; what's on that clip?! I can only access the internet at work and it is apparently deemed "unsafe" by our firewalls!!

From a computing point of view it is safe. Probably your employers just would rather you did not watch videos at work, and have set their firewall rules accordingly. It is from the YouTube site, which is a trusted web site. Try to watch it on a friends computer. It gets through my, very stringent, firewall with no problem, and trust me, it is worth making an effort to see it.
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Re: video clip

Post02 Mar 2007

proy wrote:trust me, it is worth making an effort to see it.

Just wear a tinfoil helmet on your head and cottonwool in your ears when you watch it, otherwise the subliminal programming we put into the soundtrack will make you start to want to surrender your life to us and give all your money away ...
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Re: video clip

Post05 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:Just wear a tinfoil helmet on your head and cottonwool in your ears when you watch it, otherwise the subliminal programming we put into the soundtrack will make you start to want to surrender your life to us and give all your money away ...

Have you been watching "Signs" ex-l ? :lol: I have broadband on order and have just got a PC, so will have to wait until April to check it out.
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Post06 Mar 2007

Yudhishtira wrote:I do teach meditation however and if someone in the position of your husband had come to me; wanting to know if cutting off from his family and relationships was the right thing to do, I would have said no.

Just out of interest, do you teach BK Raja Yoga meditation inside the system or outside of the system?
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Post06 Mar 2007

I'll drop you a line on that; not to be deep and mysterious but otherwise I'd have to be so oblique as to make no sense
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Post06 Mar 2007

di wrote:This form of meditation (not all) is not beneficial to his circumstances ... there are others. Meditation should be used to benefit, to allow people to face and overcome difficulties, not to hide and get high. All part of the programming/hypnosis/psychic/contolling aspect I suppose.

Perhaps this description of meditation will help. It is by James Quirk and contains the text,
James Quirk wrote:"Avoid groups with cult-like practices or that are involved with other psychic activities like spirit channelling or medium such as the Brahma Kumaris. Meditation opens up your mind and subtle bodies to psychic influences and these groups use this to initiate you into relationships with their leaders and spirit guides without making this clear. The practise that the Brahma Kumaris perform is not classic Raja Yoga but something new and unique involving spiritualism."

Here is his profile James Quirk. Has anybody heard of him? He writes a lot under his own name and also anonymously, so he says, on the Wiki as well as the WikiHow?


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Post29 Mar 2007

Just a little update,

we are still together in a way. Unfortunately I do not trust him like I did and am cautious. Its like living a roller coaster with several different personalities in the one body. He is better than he was but tries to step into each role ... almost like trying to live a double life and succeeding in neither. Trouble is I do not know how long I can keep bouncing around and gauging whether this minute he is BK personified or hubby and Father, or just plain spaced out ...

This is more for other people in a similar position to me. I have found that once your other half does this to you, it isnt the same anymore. No matter how hard you try. It would take him to become an ex-BK and a lot of therapy and a lot of time to pass for me to be able to trust him the way I did and I can see me leaving (maybe not for a few years) before the former would happen ... and what's more he knows I do not trust him ... that this one I cant forgive yet.

He went into meditation the morning after my mother had major surgery for the cancer. The hospital rang me in the morning as she was calling for me. I rang my partner as he had my car (his was at the mechanics) ... he refused to come home as he was taking some Brothers who were visiting sightseeing! He did agree to come and get me from the hospital 3 hours later with some flowers for her. After we got home he told me how embarrassed he was that he could not have been a good host and said goodbye to these Brothers properly ... and had to tell them he had some things he just had to attend to at home (So that is what I am now? Just something to attend to? How ashamed he must have been of me! At least there is no guessing where I stand on The Ladder of importance in his life).

So he had to cut the sightseeing and lunch with them short! I mean he had spend 6 hours with them the night before (instead of here with me to help me because we did not even know if mum would make it through surgery but I said it was OK as the evening was special to him) and had spent 3 hours with them before I had asked him to bring MY car back so I could get to the hospital. Needless to say I had to catch a taxi.

So my summary of this whole thing: if this is how they teach novice BK's to have unconditional love and expand their spirituality, it is a really good path to hell, not enlightenment. Sorry everyone, I really hurt over this one ... its done its damage. :cry:

The whole practice is one outrageous manipulative lie and I am so glad to see it being exposed right here - except not to my partner. He wont look at it at all.

Please remember, I am talking about the institution and its methods, not the true, genuine honest people, just like the ones you see here! I probably wont be saying much from now on but I am keenly looking at what is happening here and keeping track of everyone, just more quietly now.

Take care everyone, and much love Di


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Post29 Mar 2007

My sweet Di, i know how you feel, as we always know how we feel and know how to comfort eachother.

You know ... everything my man does, everything he would see, everything he is thinking about is Baba. He knows I am Baba"s child, a special child. Born with The Knowledge and wisdom ...

When he is here ... everyday ... I don't know what he is doing ... service? Must be but never asks me to come to the centre. And when he is here I give him a home ... where he can be himself, to give a rest from all the service he does all day. He is like all of you a wonderful person, good company, and fun to be with. Already I realise that I am not more than a Sister to him, Baba's child ... so our togethernes is OK. I believe he feels comfortable with me ... a woman not after his body (only wishing). But I respect his way of life all the way and I am even willing to be with him forever just the way it is now. Although I would like to life together, as Brother and Sister if that is what he wants.

He is so full of Baba, that there is no room for me. I wonder if I am more to him than just an other soul. I want to special to him but I feel sometimes that I am not and that hurts ... In everything he is just perfect ... but too much in love with Baba ... I can never compare with that.

Must be the drama, my karmic account ... whatever.!

Hope to hear from you soon.

Love and hugs Jan.
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Post29 Mar 2007

8) May be attachment and even hatred arises because of Past life Karmic Accounts. This is the Confluence Age where we all have to settle our accounts as soon as possible. We have to be carefull NOT to CREATE new accounts-since it will only increase one's burden. By Loving the Supreme Soul, a Soul will be automatically loving every human souls. Then there is no question of individual choices or preferences or attachments to a particular souls. Because Human souls CANNOT full fill the desires of another HUMAN SOUL.

* Blessing: May you become a spiritual lover who becomes free from labour by being attracted to the attraction of the spiritual Beloved. The Beloved is pleased to see His lovers who were lost. You have been attracted to the spiritual attraction and come to know the true Beloved. You have attained Him and reached your right destination. When such souls who are the lovers come inside the line of love, they become free from many types of effort, because here, the waves of the Ocean of Love and the Ocean of Power refresh you for all time. This is a special place for entertainment, a meeting place for you lovers that the Beloved has created.
* Slogan: Together with being in solitude, also become those who remember the One and are economical.




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Post29 Mar 2007

Indeed attachment, and i will settle my account for now and forever and create new one's, like i am doing to you right now, and decrease my burden. I am happy and strong to carry!! And not even as soon as i can because i have all the time in the world for as long as it last. As for you, you take the easy way out. I have no use for you in the Golden Age, because you don't know anything!

Just knock yourself out and it will be OK? And i love God and so do i love any other person. For you ... no there is no attachment to anything any more. Still human souls can fulfill my desires by showing me how great they are, how strong and how lovely thay are. They all inspire me to be who i am, full with the wonders of God, with the freedom of speech and thoughts, freedom to go and get my dreams even giving me all the power i need to get it all.

Never telling me that i am weak but telling me that i am strong! All the desires i ever had in my life were fullfiled ... God made me as i am today. Because i do not get all that dettached, but keep a door open to anyone that needs me.
Mitra wrote:* Blessing: May you become a spiritual lover who becomes free from labour by being attracted to the attraction of the spiritual Beloved. The Beloved is pleased to see His lovers who were lost. You have been attracted to the spiritual attraction and come to know the true Beloved. You have attained Him and reached your right destination.

It is OK ... whatever you believe. One day you will awaken and we will never ever say "told you so".

Do your job ... and do not let your lack of education and knowledge make a fool of yourself. We are all Gods children do not ever forget that!

You be happy ... Love Jan.


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Post29 Mar 2007

Thank you Mitra, I both agree and disagree with you. What you have said, in my mind poses these ideas...
we all have to settle our accounts as soon as possible

I agree about the karmic accounts, but if the above is true, how then;
there is no question of individual choices or preferences or attachments to a particular souls

Therefore, in order to settle our accounts, we have to make choices and decisions, and need to be careful not to incur further accounts to settle. This is then the direct opposite of what you said about choices and preferences. Its not logical.
By Loving the Supreme Soul, a Soul will be automatically loving every human souls.

Once again I agree. Here is the problem. If this is path is followed according to BK teachings, how is loving another soul meant to cause pain and destruction? This is my whole problem with the BK organisation. Its goals appear beautiful and spiritual but in order to reach these goals, the methods used by the BK teachings, (given only at a point when an individual is unable to think for themselves anymore) are just plan and simply deceptive and bad.

It is absolutely impossible to adhere completely to BK teachings without causing pain, sorrow and destruction of things that are of soul value and human value. Thereby causing yet more Karmic accounts ... none of it makes any sense. Please do not try to talk to me about unconditional love, your aim is to love God unconditionally but only on the condition of cutting oneself off from other forms of love and attachments ... making it conditional ...

If you can logically explain it to me without the BK jargon, so it does make sense, I would be most interested. But the simple fact is you cant and no one else can, and this whole forum is logically proving without a doubt what is really going on.

So Mitra, where I respect your right to have your own beliefs and religion. I resent the fact that the BK organisation thinks it has a right to impose their belief system on my life, because it doesn't. I don't need saving. I was perfectly content and happy and spiritual before BK-dom shoved itself uninvited into my life. In fact, I have had to become more spiritual and practice my faith more rigorously to stop the 4am visitations into my room each night.

All I can see is my partner loosing his love of life and seeking to not feel, that's one of the reasons why he drank and it makes sense to say that is one of the reasons for him being intoxicated with the BKs. It absolves him from thinking and taking responsibility and making him answerable for his actions.

Go Jan, :lol: these wierd views on love are so conditional and limited. Love is not like that at all. There is a never ending supply and certainly not to be only dished out to a few. As for the Golden Age, now is my Golden Age or my hell, depending on how much love I can summon and how much good I can do ... is not love considering another being?? Not much of that happens in the BK system from what I can see. What good is a Golden Age if you are already dead now? And think like a dead spirit? And feel like a dead spirit and mind? Excepting, of course, when you get high from psychic powers ...

The whole thing sounds like a bunch of people wanting to escape life and responsibility and opting for the easy way out instead of doing something really constructive.
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Karmic Accounts

Post29 Mar 2007

Di and Jann,

I don't seen any need to think of my life in terms of Karmic Accounts. I don't recommend you picking up this habit unless you really like that way of framing things. I think we have other ways of sensing our obligations, relationships and commitments than to have our mind tell our self "this is an account."

I personally prefer to think of my life in terms of what I give, risk, create. I choose the responsibilities that I accept. As a BK, I was afraid to share food with people, or accept help from people thinking, "this will be creating a Karma Account."

My life seems fuller without accounting for every little thing I give and receive. I can decide if a relationship is unbalanced without calculating.

Suit yourselves.

On the subject of relationships, my mother had to wait ten years for me to be natural and friendly with her. Till then I considered she was not my real family, visiting only out of family obligation (yes, Karma Account) and with the hope of serving her with BK knowledge. I did not consider her important to my life in any way, always prefering the company of BKs at the center. This is the direction, I am sad to say, it sounds like your partners may be going.


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Post29 Mar 2007

I agree 110% with everything you have said Joel. I admit to being a bit tongue-in-cheek when I talk about Karmic accounts. You are a person who speaks the truth and are spot on. Thank you. If he prefers the BK centre in the end ... OK ... he is the one who has to live with the guilt and consequences of that decision. Me, I'll end up just fine, sad and sorry but eventually fine and happy. Thanks for caring.

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