Hi, I am new & would greatly appreciate some guidance

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Post24 Feb 2007

I must extend my deepest and heartfelt thanks to you all. Not only have you given me many guidance and answers, validated my 'instinctual' thoughts, given me immense comfort, given openly of yourselves and offered your hand in friendship. Valuable gifts indeed. Thank you.

As at this very point in time, he has returned to me emotionally giving as a partner should. It has been an impossibly difficult week for both of us but i guess it shows just how strong our bond is. Once he realised he had lost me and could not have the best of both worlds the 'wall' dropped and just at this moment we are as close (still with much to deal with) as we ever have been. That does not mean i don't think we are for the ride of our lives, very bumpy and the outcome unclear, but we have got this far.

Now to answer your questions. He has donated about $10 over the last few months. When I asked this his reaction was an unspoken, 'how did i know of this, I am not supposed to'. When asked about the house and assests etc (which when i read the post ex-l gave me the most horrible sensation) he in turn looked horrified, and said he would never, never give away what was rightfully mine and the kids inheritance. He considered he had no right to do that and would sign everything over to me. The BK's had no right to my things and my hard work. But I will attempt to assess over time where he is at and keep a very close eye on things. I do have full access to all accounts.

Bansy, you write with such insight and feeling. I must give you a small history which i find ironic and amusing which relates directly to your points. We met at work in the health industry. The Manager had major issues, one being to segregate her staff into "classes" us RN's being the highest, of course. The upper was discouraged at all costs to associate and definitely not to socialise with the lower, guess who was the upper and lower classes here? Total reversal of this situation. I was management and high up, he was considered to be no where in the same standing as myself. Are you all smiling? Basically because we were not the controllable employees i was placed on the most horrendous shifts.

7 straight, mixing day, afternoon and night duties in those 7 days, or 7 afternoons straight so i did not see my family for 8 days. Then one day off. This took its toll. At the time he was getting his own business underway and very busy. Needless to say i left, bought a business i used to work in and we have been both inundated with work ... 7 days, me at times 17 hours ... Yesterday we agreed no matter what work was there, that Sunday was for our family and we would be doing something together, did not matter what ... He, of course. will still go to the centre early if he chose. What a tug of war. We are determined to spend regular quality time together now.

Thank you Joel ... now he is starting to talk openingly about what he wants and is seeking instead of the disjointed ****** he did before hand. He knows i wish to understand and support him, but not at any cost. He has benefited from meditation, and is more settled in a lot of ways. I give as much positive feedback as i can ... so he knows i am trying to be supportive of his decisions. He still kids himself he can pick and choose but now is looking at trying to apply the cleansing in more practical ways, e.g. cigarettes not me! and focus on one particular area ... maybe wishful thinking ...

No Joel, i am not challenging his beliefs, that would be of no benefit. He refuses to read this forum but i do relay to him what is said. I asked this morning that he in turn respect my beliefs and instead of the look of pure dismissal and critism he usually gives me, have regard for me as i have shown him that i do have goodness and light. He agreed and said it was my great inner beauty as well as outer that attracted him so much.

No, he is not taking Shrimat, and in fact looked at me quizzically. Some of the things i have told him from here he has never heard of. But he is at the stage of 'service' and purifying himself.

I am listening carefully to everything you say and applying what i can. I find I am walking a tightrope, trying to know when to back off and when to come in fighting. So far, so good but very tiring. (and i haven't been know to always be tackful, usually rather direct I am afraid ... I am incapable of lying, just cannot do it). I know at some time he will have to make a choice. He refuses to go to AA. (I suggested a third party of support which had no person interest in him and therefore no 'tug of war') but he considers he is above the others that go there. Sad. I hope my situation and your help will aid others going through similar trials. There is a long road ahead, and he cannot have both.

What do you think of this? The morning before this all came out, (a few weeks ago) a sweet little elderly lady knocked at my door. She had an immense peaceful aura and turned out to be a Jehovah Witness - which i have no interest or affiliation in. She gave me an article after speaking to me very briefly which gave me comfort later that evening after the initial explosion with him. A few days ago, about an hour after he had left for a job, and it appeared there was no hope and I was most devastated guess who knocked at the door? Once again bringing a quiet and calming wave ... Strange don't you think?

Take care all of you ... the care and love you send out is very tangible and where the BK society has/may have left its issues and cost you, it is obvious to me you are all a very special group of people that have a quality not often found elsewhere.


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Post24 Feb 2007

Sorry Bansy, I did not answer fully ... You could put the reason for him looking outside the family down to these ... he had previously been involved with BK, the hours we work and very little relaxation, and more than anything else his alcoholism and refusal to go to AA because he is above them ... he has been sober for 7 years now but joined become a BK after only 6 months of being sober, left BKs as he felt unworthy ... rejoined 12 months ago when tormented by the alcoholism.


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Post24 Feb 2007

di wrote:Some of the things I have told him from here he has never heard of

Same here!!

Although i question him and we enter some kind of war zone ... he does not know ... For me with a lack of knowledge very hard to find out ... Thanks to this forum I can come up with the good questions and see doubts on his face. I have to go slowly but it works.

He did not go to morning class for the last week!! Touches me ... bla bla bla ... My hopes are up high, although i am also ready for the total lost of a loved one ... I have to go forward after all.

After giving him a hard time ... I have to slow up and enjoy and encourage him ... Like you said ... look at pictures of his children and "former" life ... Talk about it and have fun about it ... oh well, i put some unions in our food to keep the testosterone going ... :lol: I also talked about a man interested in me for a while who contacted me to go out for dinner. Well, my dear loved BK friend kept me busy after that!! With all the love he has ..."be involved but not attached" ... I don't know. I think i just have to hang in and see. The road is long and i am/will be lonely in this one but it is OK.

You go for it girl!!!
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Post24 Feb 2007

di wrote: He has donated about $10 over the last few months. When I asked this his reaction was an unspoken, 'how did I know of this, I am not supposed to'.

He refuses to read this forum but I do relay to him what is said. I asked this morning that he in turn respect my beliefs and instead of the look of pure dismissal and critism he usually gives me, have regard for me as I have shown him that I do have goodness and light. He agreed and said it was my great inner beauty as well as outer that attracted him so much.

No, he is not taking Shrimat, and in fact looked at me quizzically. Some of the things I have told him from here he has never heard of.

Knowledge is power, as they say. Knowledge of The Knowledge (TM), or Gyan as the BKs call it, is power. I think that you have probably lucked out and disarmed a lot of the BK conditioning just by letting it be known that you know and have a source of knowledge and explanation for all the arcane jargon and theories that he will come out with. Actually, as someone that is not following principles, he really should not be donating any money at all ... but the BKWSU seem to have relaxed that principle for its obvious benefit.

There is no such level as "service". Service is a constant core activity for BKs once they have committed themselves. It can be outreach or evangelism, promotion and marketing, simple menial task for the organization or even being a good Father/person for you and the kids - to bring them closer to the BKWSU.

In respect for those that attempt to follow this path properly, I think your story raises the Duty of Care aspect that is lacking within the BKWSU.
jannisder wrote:"be involved but not attached"

What does that mean? Having one's pleasure and then just ditching the other person dspite how they feel? How does the other person, you, feel about that?

Not quite the way the BKWSU means it!


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Post24 Feb 2007

... is it not that BKs are told not to be attached?


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Post24 Feb 2007

Glad your talking together. Involve the children more. Do activities together.

Tell him you are also sorry for not spending enough time. However, it was always done for the good of the family, but sometimes we neglected ourselves and thus neglected others. Do not lay blame on anyone or anything. Tell him the money he spends on smoking of alcohol could be used to buy a dress for you or a book or game for the youngest of your children. Ask your children to request it from him. Make him aware and to value things that are already there under the roof. This healing is for both of you. Give yourselves space and time as well.


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Post24 Feb 2007

i could knock him out tomorrow if i wish by all The Knowledge i got from here and loose him. Then i will be there for him ... but also take the love of his life (Baba). He is not waiting for that. My God, is that why i am here? ...

Please knock me out today and get it over with ...
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Post24 Feb 2007

My mother has just been diagnosed with advanced cancer, at this stage not fully known how advanced. As a registered nurse I am fully aware of what is ahead and this is more than likely terminal. At the time in my life I needed to be able to rely on him. All I received was some detached non-involved (still very nice and polite) token. I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me, nothing to feel sorry for me about ... this is life ... it happens ... it is painful but if handled the right way we grow and develop and become more spiritual.

Dear Sister Di,

A belated welcome from my side. I congratulate you for the inner strength that you have displayed in dealing with your circumstances including your mother's ill health.

Although the form of meditation practiced by the BKs does not fully conform to that practiced by the PBKs, nevertheless it does help one in better physical and mental health if done sincerely.

I personally knew two BKs and one PBK who suffered from cancer and eventually left their bodies, but in all three cases the life was extended by many months/years due to the practice of medititation even though the doctors had given them very less chances of survival. All three were very noble souls aged 50+.

Even if you do not have any affinity for the BKs and have come to know of many negative aspects of the BK organization, you can nevertheless learn the form of meditation taught to BKs either through your husband or by visiting the local BK center. Since you are already aware of the negative stuff, you can avoid them and pick up the positive aspects and practice them at home and if you find it useful, you can teach your mother also. I am sure it will benefit her.

Or alternatively if you do not want to become associated with the BKs, you can practice soul consciousness yourself. There is no need to be tense/overcautious about thinking yourself/others to be a soul. Even the feeling that you are not this physical body but a living star residing in the body would help you/your mother to reduce/divert attention from the pain that such diseases bring about.

I wish your mother good health.

On Godly Service,
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Post24 Feb 2007

jannisder wrote:He is not waiting for that. My God, is that why I am here? ...

Please knock me out today and get it over with ...

Unfortunately, the waiting game is the great trap of BK Raja Yoga. They may well be right ... they might not ... I know it trapped me.

Once you are in on the soft sell, the front door is closed behind you and "Destruction" ... the End of the World ... it is always just around the corner and about to happen ... everything is a sign. They use it, and appear to have misinterpreted it, to keep people hanging on ... for a few more months ... a few more years ... waiting for just that.

1976, 1986 to 96, 2000 ... this year ... next year ... It will go on until 2037 and then probably 10 years after ... they may even stretch it to 2069, one hundred years after the death of Lekhraj Kirpalani.

But the deities ought to be being born for the Golden Age any month now so The Knowledge will have to be re-written again. No one seems to be able to ask God why? Responsibility is passed back on to the followers ... not enough efforts ... make more efforts ... give more ... meditate more ... do more service ... reach more VIPs.

That is BK life for real, not the Honeymoon Period.


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Post24 Feb 2007

I am sorry Arjun, I will never join the BKs or associate with them. I have no hatred towards them and wish them well but I totally disagree with what they do. Look at this forum. The BKs are 100% responsible for the pain here. My partner has now stopped trying to get me to go. I have meditated and touched God and NOT through the BKs. This can be accomplished without the very un-godlike guilt trips and mental manipulations so evident here. The sad thing is these poor souls truly believe that what they are doing will give them the end goal.

Dear Jannis, I feel your pain. I am afraid I am not nearly so nice as you. I will not put my values on the line and support a destructive group. You play with fire you get burned. I will not take second place to a group which destroys family and that I am considered to be unclean. (Boy, do I push that one) I take every opportunity there is to relate reality to what is going on. e.g. news last night, a man in a turban in front of thousands of people chanting Kill the Americans was trying to tell them to negotiate instead ... my comment was "he was wasting his time ...". This man had as much chance of convincing the crowd of peace as I had of convincing him that the BKs had it all wrong. The means does not justify the end.

When people are so indoctrinated with ideas they are blind to truth and unable to think for themselves. What could he say? His face said it all ... to liken his beloved BKs mentally to a crowd of blood thirsty Iranians ... but he could not argue the point. No Janis, I am not nice when it comes to this sort of thing. I have no tolerance for it and will not support it in any form. Please take care, ultimately it is his choice. Don't knock yourself out, grow from this and gain strength. Value yourself. You will not be given respect if you Don't demand and earn it.

He cannot be involved and be unattached. It is impossible and he is wanting the best of both worlds. I may be wrong, but it appears BK and any true family life/relationship are 100% incompatible. At the best I hope for the ceasing of him going to BKs (he was reluctant to go this morning and has said he will spend next Sunday morning with me, first in 3 months) return to AA and a great deal of therapy). At the worst I will get him to leave and to get real and live with them. Like a teenager, telling them it wont work is useless, they have to experience and work it out for themselves. My kids are aged between 14 and 20.

You have all given me such strength from your knowledge and experiences. Thank you. I Don't hate, but now I can deal with whatever will eventuate. Without the inner knowledge you have given, I would not be at this stage with him but in fact would be separated. Arjun, my mum meditates through prayer, she is in her 70s and has only recently stopped working full time ... my grandma was mowing the grass at 84 ... I think the BKs have underestimated the strength and determination in the women in my family ... :D
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Post25 Feb 2007

Di wrote:I am sorry Arjun, I will never join the BKs or associate with them. I have no hatred towards them and wish them well but I totally disagree with what they do.

I respect your decision.
I may be wrong, but it appears BK and any true family life/relationship are 100% incompatible

Although I do not agree with you fully, but still I respect your view. There are many BKs and PBKs who are living happily in spite of their spouse not being in Gyan. But such BKs whose spouse is not happy with their faith would have to make more efforts to maintain a balance between the lokik and alokik life. PBKs, who are in a situation like you have an advantage because they have someone to whom they could turn to and seek guidance to deal with such situations. But BKs, like your husband, are placed in a disadvantageous position because they cannot ask such personal questions to the unmarried Sisters (mostly younger to them) nor can those Sisters give them a proper reply because they have no experience of a married life.
my mum meditates through prayer, she is in her 70s and has only recently stopped working full time ... my grandma was mowing the grass at 84 ... I think the BKs have underestimated the strength and determination in the women in my family ...

That reminds me of my Father's aunts, who lead a very austere and hard working life. In spite of being in their 70s and 80s they cook food for the entire family and many a times for the guests also. They eat cooked food only once in a day. They have no history of any disease till now. Many of my uncles, who look older than them in spite of being much younger, jokingly say that these grandmothers work like 16 year old girls. Apart from their disciplined diet, another reason for their enviable health is their celibacy, which they are following because they had been widowed when they were still very young.
I would not be at this stage with him but in fact would be separated.

I sincerely wish that your family remains united and happy because the real happiness and strength lies in following the path of household and not in running away from it.

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Mr Green


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Post25 Feb 2007

the reason BKs dohurt families and relationships is that they teach that once you have 'recognised' the Father, then your family becomes your lokik family and are there to be served(that is recruited).

It just depends how pukka a member is as to how completely this is realised.

BKs amonsgt themselves actually refer to their families as their 'lokiks'

this is indicative of the immense mental damage that can be done to an individuals relationships with their true family
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Alcoholics Anonymous

Post25 Feb 2007

di wrote:When people are so indoctrinated with ideas they are blind to truth and unable to think for themselves.

This is exactly the problem I came up against myself. There is no use in trying to have a rational dialogue with the religious fanatics who run the centres.
di wrote:he will spend next Sunday morning with me, first in 3 months) return to AA and a great deal of therapy).

The AA is a good organisation, without all the BS of the BKs he can get help from people who have similar problems. You could try watching this video clip. It is humourous, and I hope you are still able to have a laugh in your situation. But if you watch it through to the end you will see that it makes a serious and valuable point. The speaker is an AA member himself, as are some of my own closest friends. In fact I got a great deal of help from these people myself when I left the BKs. I am not an alcoholic, nor do I have any similar substance type addictions, but they have a good programme which helped me.

click here

Best Wishes.


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Post25 Feb 2007

click here

This is good.
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abrahma kumar

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Post25 Feb 2007

Just wanted to say hi everyone. Been busy all weekend so am only now able to take a little time to catch up with things on the forum.

The fact that no BK has posted a single comment on this thread speak volumes to me. Of course if could be that none has visited the site or the thread since Di started to post here but then I doubt that that to be the case.

Anyway from all the posts we can see that Di is continuing to find the site useful.

Om Shanti to all including the Brother.

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