Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post31 Aug 2021

Naval wrote:Even she does not want to see otherwise happy in his life because she irritate and jealous. Sometimes her behaviour is very rude and impractical.

This is not only about Shivani. It's true about almost all in-charge Sisters. Strangely people stick to them in order to achieve future Golden Age status/crown. Many Sisters, I've seen in centres are rude and arrogant once you become regular in their centres. They are sweet only for the newcomers or for those who are occasional visitors to their ashrams. Either you should be rich or new to the centres. Once you are hooked you are totally milked in every possible way.

Are they taking people near to GOD ???

They are really taking people away from the GOD, as your earlier beliefs are crushed by their highly toxic teachings, and then you left with NO-GOD in your rest of the life


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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post02 Sep 2021

I only suffer from BK Shivani.

वह एक अश्लील एवं भद्दी औरत है, जिसने मेरा सुख चैन सभी कुछ छीना हुआ है, और वह एक शादी शुदा है, जो अविवाहित लड़कियों को सेक्स के लिए खोलती है, उनकी पढ़ाई लिखाई सभी कुछ बर्बाद करके उन्हें अश्लीलता सिखाती है, और फिर उनका प्रयोग, व्यक्तियों को मैडिटेशन करानेनके बहाने से ब्रेन वाश करके उनसे धन की उगाही करती है, वह अपने द्वारा उनसे गलत धन्दा करती है, वह अपने को बहुत ज्यादा प्रचलित करने के बाद भी उतना धन नही कमा सकी क्योंकि आश्रम सेवा का पैसा ज्यादा नही देता, और उसे बहुत सारा धन एकत्र करने के ये विकल्प है। वो माउंट आबू में बड़ी नेता है, और यह कहती है,कि उसे कोई कुछ नही कह सकता, क्यूंकि सभी को वो धमकी देकर, उन्हें भुला देती है।

सिर्फ बी के शिवनी के बारे में यह है कि उसने सारी मर्यादा तोड़ी हुई है, वह एक नीच हरकत करने वाली, किसी को भी मौत, दुर्घटना का शिकार,घरों को उजाड़ना, उनका पैसा छीनना, लड़कियों को अपने लिए तैयार करना और किसी को भी आतंकित कर देना जबकि वह आश्रम के नियमो से अलग गुरुग्राम में अपना धन्दा करती है, वह किसी से नही डरती क्योंकि वह अपनी पब्लिसिटी के एवज में इन सबको दबाकर रख सकती एवं चला सकती है, और कोई उस पर शक नही करेगा, वो इतनी अशुभ और भयावह है कि किसी को भी बदनशीब ही करेगी और किसी का भी भला नही होने देगी, उसने अलग अलग लोगो के केस बनाये हुए है, जिनका सुख चैन छीनकर वह अपना पूरे दिन का मजा लेती है, हर आत्मा स्व के लिए है, लेकिन उसने कई लोगो की आत्मा पर बन्धन डाल डाल कर इस धर्म को कलंक किया हुआ है।

बी के शिवनी के बारे में मेरा पूरा अनुभव एवं उसके पीछे कि सच्चाई, आप जानकर हैरान होंगे मुझे उसने कुछ समय के लिए इतना बेवकूफ बनाया कि वह मेरी बुद्धि को अपनी कमेंट्री में लेकर मेरे ऊपर अत्याचार तक उसने कराए और मेरे जीवन मे अस्वभाविक घटनाये जो शायद कभी नही होती हुई, वो मुझे लगातार नुकसान पहुचा रही थी, और अभी तक ही शायद वो कभी डरी हो कि और वो मेरी पूरे दिन की जानकारी रखती है, और इसके अलावा अगर वो औरो को भी मेरी निगरानी के लिए रखती है, और नही तो उसका सेक्स का आनन्द और वह सुख जो किसी के सेक्स पॉइंट से उसे मिलता है, में कमी होगी, क्योंकि वो इसे लगातार लेती है, वह इसकी आदि है, और उस सेक्स के आनंद से वह attarct होकर सिर्फ पुरषो को अपने से आकर्षित करती है, और जो भी उससे आकर्षित होते है उनसे बड़ा पैसा देने के लिए लुभाती और राजी करती है।
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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post03 Sep 2021

naval wrote:और वह एक शादी शुदा है, जो अविवाहित लड़कियों को सेक्स के लिए खोलती है ... सिर्फ बी के शिवनी के बारे में यह है कि उसने सारी मर्यादा तोड़ी हुई है, वह एक नीच हरकत करने वाली, किसी को भी मौत, दुर्घटना का शिकार,घरों को उजाड़ना ... और नही तो उसका सेक्स का आनन्द और वह सुख जो किसी के सेक्स पॉइंट से उसे मिलता है, में कमी होगी, क्योंकि वो इसे लगातार लेती है, वह इसकी आदि है, और उस सेक्स के आनंद से वह

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that Shivaji ...
"opens unmarried girls to sex ... has broken all limits, she is a vile act, kills anyone" ... and "her enjoyment of sex and the pleasure she gets from someone's sex ... constantly takes it, she is used to it ... the pleasure of sex"

Do you have any evidence for this at all?

We have spoken before, & I was left impression that you were projecting your own feelings & confusion onto Shivani.

To protect our own reputation, we place a high emphasis on truthfulness & accuracy of our criticisms of the BKs & allegations here.

Can you prove any of this or are they only your fantasy?

Thank you


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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post13 Sep 2021

It is true that Shivani and her mother Usha Bhen both are wrong and that they are preparing a group of household ladies whom do practices to the point to whom to harm by them anybody by given ideas and processes by Shivani in her area? I clearly identified in my case what she are doing. These are also explained by someone in his book.

Matter of psychic attacks being done by BK Shivani and her gang for the last 3 to 4 years that I am suffering from.
It is true that Shivani and her mother Usha Bhen both are wrong and they prepare a group of house hold ladies whom doing practices to point to whom to harm by them anybody by given ideas and processes by Shivani in her area. I clearly identified in my case what she are doing. These are also told by someone in his book.
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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post14 Sep 2021

Psychic attack at me by BK Shivani and most prime by her mother Usha Bhen. Usha Bhen controlled my throat chakra and Shivani controlled my crown Chakra and early instructed me via her commentry and then completely tried to capture my mind and AURA. She does this because nobody stop her. It's very difficult time for me while she makes threats to me that she early lives in ORC and knows the richest people who do anything at me due to her service, and I am 20 years younger than Shivani. I am aware about BKs while I am suffering by Shivani, otherwise I not know these.

And even I don't know why BK Shivani and her mother both doing wrong practices at me. She is a culprit women and totally damaged and fill my AURA with depressed and suicide thoughts. I know her activities. She play a big game at my soul from last 4 years. I reported here from myself. If anybody lived in Mount Abu ashram, then stop her and get myself rid from her because she is very tight that she cannot leave my chase because by doing this she can show more witchcraft to the people and earn more financial benefits behind it.

Please help if any body supported or know more from myself about these.

She deliberately interfered and spoil my life and created barriers in my job and advocates in my mind that she served on accommodation and food in the ORC for which she did not get money and she does not allow me my very small job to run, until now almost three times she has snatched my job because she is standing close to me Interferes with people from my AURA.

Behind my case she play a powerful role and game otherwise her powers are less.
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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post14 Sep 2021

naval wrote:Matter of psychic attacks being done by BK Shivani and her gang for the last 3 to 4 years that I am suffering from.

If you were being subjected to psychic attacks, how would you know it was being done by the BKs? Do they come signed & certificated? It could be being done by other spirits, *saying* that they were the BKs to confuse you.

You may just be being tricked, suffering from an over exaggerated imagination, & projecting onto the BKs.

I know it's tough to find such help in India, but you need to speak to both spiritualists & a psychiatrist to double check.

Can you go overseas & seek help there where you will be further away from the BK influence?

If you come to England, where Dion Fortune lived, there are spiritualists who still follow her practises who may also be able to help you. Loads around Glastonbury where she worked. The only thing that is reliable about spiritualism, is that it is unreliable. It is, by nature, at a lower, tricky level.

I severely doubt that Shivani is clever enough to do the things you are suggesting. She's just a puppet. Little more than a tape recording maching parroting BKisms. A robot could do what she does.

You may well find beneficial help from Christian Spiritualists who don't charge fees for their services.

Do you have family in some other country with a more develop healthcare system & there are people qualified in both spiritualism & psychotherapy?

Your symptoms come up from time to time. You're not the first person to believe that you are being subjected to psychic attacks. It's quite common, but I think it is not what you think.


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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post15 Sep 2021

She has done experiments on me with some scientists or researchers while I am away, even when she knows them, and by doing so she has continuously exploited me till now, after her mother started speaking in my mind, and her completely.

Truly my throat is under her mother's control, she is not ready to take my mind back to me, I don't know who else is involved with her and why is she only bothering me so much, she hurt almost our whole family.

My mother also told me one day that she felt like someone was speaking her mind and I doubt that they influenced her, even though she did not pay any attention, and she hurt my family because of me.

Shivani tells all these things to her personal people in Gurugram and also takes good money from them. At times I hear her full voice talking to others, and her full address is, she is forcibly on me. We don't know anyone like this abroad.

I only write my issues only to find any solution because it's very tricky to find someone to discuss these things.
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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post15 Sep 2021

Well, you're going to have to go any see specialists, & be ready to listen to what they have to say about it. There's no benefit in just repeating it here.

You need to find a healer who works for you. "Decording", chakra clearing, psychic attacks ... it's all normal "psychic healing" but I don't know anyone who is reliable in India.

There are an awful lot of frauds who will take your money for nothing. I am still not convinced that it is what you think it is though. You may well be being subjected to pressures, but I seriously doubt Shivani is behind them. She's just not that powerful or skilled.

You asked before, & we've made suggestions, are you willing to do anything?


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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post26 Sep 2021

I think all BKs and ex-BKs believe that Shivani cannot do such things at me but, in my knowledge, some Brothers and one lady told me that Shivani can indulge in doing all types of hypnosis. Either it is in group hypnosis or to target some one. She take revenge on whom she can take this.

Beware, she is dangerous in society as she murdered a news anchor, Neelam Sharma (senior officer DD News) when Shivani became jealous of Neelam Sharma due to her carreer. Due to this she poured a lot of disease with the help of others at her, and she instantly died. She takes revenge and even if she is disturbed by anybody then she always take revenge on the person who is the reason of her disturbance. She is never disappointed but cause suffering to others. So please nobody can see BK Shivani. She is mad.
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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post26 Sep 2021

Neelum Sharma died of cancer. You cannot transmit cancer via hypnosis to a stranger.

While I can agree that BKism is a temporary madness for anyone sucked into it, & involves hypnosis, I think these ideas are unbelievable.

I see Shivani was encouraging her followers to pass on "Love and light to the beautiful soul Neelum Sharma ji". Does this exchange appear jealous or poisonous to you?

Best not to believe in things you cannot see, & cannot prove. Focus on the practical, and stay down to earth. The more you think about something, or someone, the more it affects you.


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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post27 Sep 2021

Yes I know she was suffering from cancer but it is true that Shivani Verma was jealous from Neelam Sharma.  It was difficult for Shivani to meet such an interview on dd news and Neemala Sharma showed her status to her. she undermind Shivani due to this shivani was jealous from her. Early shivani remove her jealous by collecting few women at her home and ordered them they unblessed her continously in Yoga and affect her. Shivani was more jealous from her when Neelam Sharma take Nari Shakti award by announcing herself. Sakar pur area of Delhi full of Verma and i only had these information from Shivani's near by ladies that Shivani verma unblessed Neelam Sharma in Yoga and also a group of ladies do this in company of shivani verma.
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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post29 Sep 2021

I am going to be blunt. Either you are entertained by flights of the imaginations, creating stories in your mind to explain things to yourself in emotionally satisfying ways (we all do it at times) or you have issues with your mental health which the BK experience cannot be the cause of - many people come and go through BKs without it affecting their mental well being .

But the BK experience can amplify latent issues for some people. I have seen it in a number of people.

If this is not fanciful fiction you're making up for personal entertainment, if you think what you write here is true, please go see a professional who can help you get the BKs out of your head, out of your life, and bring yourself back into the fullness of a BK-free life. Don't let this cast a shadow over you for the rest of your life.
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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post30 Sep 2021

naval wrote:It was difficult for Shivani to meet such an interview on dd news and Neemala Sharma showed her status to her. she undermind Shivani due to this shivani was jealous from her.

Honestly, I find her so pathetic, I cannot understand how or why you have been able to create such a narrative in your mind about her.

Here's another interview with a British-Indian pundit, 'BK Shivani interviewed by Desi Pundit Satish Sharma'. Interesting comments from the audience below. Someone asks where her accent came from, & I think that is a further indication of her nature, as a mimic. You can hear inflections she had picked up from leading English speaking BKs, like Jayanti in London and Denise from the USA in Madhuban, the upward, questioning lilt in each sentence.
    Did she kill Satish Sharma? Because he makes her look as stupid as she is here.
As the respectful pundit points out wryly about her answers ... "so skillfully deflected" (23:40). She may come across as "spiritual" to non-BKs, but to ex-BKs we recognise everything she is saying as 'copy and paste' BKism. She's a human tape recorder, that is all. Her ego has been seduced by the status BKism has given her. She's really a no body, with nothing to offer, & I have no idea how women are fooled by her. Of course, it's not her, is what BKism has become behind her.

But ... as they say in law, "Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Omnibus" ... meaning "false in one thing, false in everything". She is committed to repeating BK falsehoods as if the were truth, which sinks her credibility twice. Once to repeat lies without reservation, twice not to have the "due diligence" to check & double check what's she's been told.

I think a certain kind of woman, say a 'head girl' or 'school prefect' type, is attracted to BKism not for any spirituality, but for the positions of status & authority over others it provides for them. You often find them as centers-in-charge. BKism is not about spirituality, it's about acceptance of their leaders' authority. If you stick to the script, conform to the model & business plan, & don't rock the boat, you'll be used & given the reward of attention & high states, even permitted indulgences.

Psychic powers? Zero.
The context is interesting though, it has all the hallmarks of some kind 'soft power' operation, its founder - an American called Cory Bixler - having no knowledge of India, or prior commitment to Yoga or spirituality - but a long professional history in international, military intelligence instead. I wonder what the BKs are getting themselves into here?
BK Shivani interviewed by Desi Pundit Satish Sharma for the Festival of Bharat in London at The Royal Overseas League in Mayfair, London. The event was co-founded by Cory Bixler, a London-based investor and Indophile, originally from the United States. It is backed by India Government's Ministry of Tourism and "Incredible India!" Campaign, and supported by The Art of Living Foundation and The Indian Debating Union.
Cory Bixler has over 30 years’ experience in working in various capacities in the US Goverment.

A graduate of the US Department of Defense Executive Leadership Development Program and the US General Services Administration Trail Boss Program.

Over 30 years’ experience within the Intelligence Community, US Government, and Commercial Sector working in various capacities. Served on various national and international committees focusing on developing policy and guidance toward defense, interoperability and the sharing of information. Worked within the intelligence community in various capacities ranging from management, acquisition, and procurement, liaising with foreign and domestic partners.

A senior government programs manager and Engineer, Provided strategic and tactical leadership in various public sector departments, including managing a $1B+ strategic programs.

Worked with a Fortune 500 and other leading corporations, for over 30 years. ’ A Real Estate investor and Management Consultant, serving on the Board of Directors for several financial organizations. A certified Defense Acquisition Corp professional in information technology and program management. A Masters Degree in Computer Resources and Information Management from Webster University and a Bachelor of Professional Studies in Management from Elizabethtown

The PICASSO programme, which he was involved in, provides strategic to tactical level mapping and digital geographic information and imagery derived intelligence to UK forces.

I could do a point by point breakdown of the nonsense Shivani is speaking here, but really cannot be bothered too. Some of it is outright lies & factually incorrect (e.g. the visions of Lekhraj Kirpalani and Janki being the one to start the first BK centre abroad in 1971, also that BKs are all equal "same class & study"). Some of it just ridiculous vanity ... "The world looks to Bharat for its spiritual wisdom", Bharat being the whole of SE Asia.

Here are responses by the mostly Indian or Desi audience who see right through her. May be you should align yourself with them, & stop frightening yourself with imaginations.

Unconditional respect?? lol. I realized at this point that I don't care for her views. If Hindus follow her, they will get pied-pipered in to walking over the cliff. These are the kind of gurus that make Hindus impotent to deal with the asuric forces.

She is delusional. It's the people like pandit ji who operate in the real world and deal with the real issues, while she does in an imagined world where her "pure soul" will automatically change things. If only osama knew about her existence lol.
Sakar Anmalla

Stop bringing cheats like Shivani

She is just on fancy trip of mind no references given childish explanation she has no clue of yugas. Even a small kid will explain better the tugs of Sanatan Arya Samaj
Deepa ganeshan

If to be enlightened is to be like Shivani, I don't want such enlightenment.

It’s painfully tiring to sit through and listen to Shivaniji skirt around the important questions raised by Pandit Satishji and miss the core issue.

It’s lengthy sermonising with a patronising tone, light years away from reality.
Varun Vikram

Wow the cavalier throwing around of words and lack of adhikara drips from the Sister. Blind leading the blind.

She talks of how it is everyone's RIGHT to learn things rather than presenting paatrata to learn. This right based understanding is a Western one and so the Sister here has merely polished and painted some ideas but the core is severely lacking and meritless
अहमस्मि आज़ाद्

Atma is not soul.
Soul is Christian concept. It doesn't reincarnate.
Sreemaa Kumar

OK so her logic is that starting from SatYuga when people's Sanskar were Satyugi and yet people gradually started to forget somehow they were pure soul and have ended up in Kaliyuga and therefore should practise Satyugi sanskar now and everything will become blissful.

Absolute bullocks. Cringe worthy to say the least ... I feel sorry for her
Pressed pause and typing this at 30:43. I am done with all the stupid virtue signalling and shocked really at the blatant abrahamization in the guise of a book called Murli and god of the desert cult is renamed Baba. The outright mockery in the name of spirituality has to be exposed.

It's crystal clear that some asuric entity is controlling these celibate Sisters who are nothing but worshipping some Preta.

Seriously, Dharma is religion of soul ! Sister Shivani is spreading bhram. If she would have listened to the questions asked by Panditji her delusions would have at least shifted. Looks like she is not willing to unpack. In 1937, there was no social media and how many Westerners appropriated Yoga or printed Ganesha on panties? Shivani was so preachy and completely out of sync with Santana Dharma and it's pristine and pure teachings shared by Rishis.

All her answers scream C-U-L-T
gopal108 B

Great video Satish Ji .. one thing with The Brahma Kumaris that I do not agree with is their softly softly approach to a Kaliyug world. if all Indians followed their utopian principles,India would be totally Islamified now.
Mahesh Srigiriraju

It is quite shocking how she and her order teaches unconditional acceptance in the mundane plane we are living in as of now in Kali Yugam. So, there is no distinction between Dharma vs Adharma; Srīrāma vs Duryōdhana; Srīkrishna vs Rāvana. All are same, it seems. What a travesty!

She was nailed by Satish-ji that she doesn’t make the distinction between Dharmakshethra and Kurukshethra. Plus no Adhikāra is necessary. What went wrong in Satya Yugam was deflected rhetorically, in my view. If such Ātmas degenerated from Satya Yugam to Kali Yugam, then it is self-contradictory to teach without the qualifier called Adhikāra. What effect did they have? We’re they able to turn any religious terrorists to give up their violent ways or all this approach is only to tell Hindus to give up resistance?

She was stitching random words together.

Satish-ji subtly exposed her and was very gentle on her. But any discerning mind would easily understand the hollowness in her Adhārmic explanations.
Poonam Abbi

They are as toxic fior Sanatan Dharma as are the abrahamic religions ... they are just an more benign version of them.
Ragini Sharma

Satish completely failed to ask her the right questions for her answer the questions he has about appropriation, conversion, Hinduphobia and Anti-Hindu propaganda of leftists and evangelicals. His important question about adhikara over Yoga was was skirted by her - she either is not aware of disgusting digestion of Yoga by westerners, especially in UK, who claim “Modern postural Yoga” as a Western invention.

Since he did not ask his questions explicitly, Sister Shivani was able to totally skirt the issues and not answer those difficult questions and challenges Hindus face today. The very idea of Self as Divine comes from Dharmic traditions - Sister Shivani is unable to go into what Rajiv Malhotra brilliantly does - explain “Being Different” to difference anxiety, sameness, Western universalism etc. Satish ends up towing Sister’s agenda.

Very frustrating - one can just feel Satish’s frustration! He asked a great question about why Satyug moved towards Kalyug. Her explanation of ring was not convincing. Disappointing to see Satish fail in having Sister speak on the issues - only a knowledge session.

"The British Hindu" is the Pundit above, and here he answers a criticism of his softly-softly approach,
Ragini Sharma

Thank you Satish for your sincere efforts. We learn as we go and I do appreciate how difficult such interviews are. Indeed, I did not expect you to “crucify” her but I think she is capable of having “difficult conversations” and deal with difference anxiety vs sameness. Again, appreciate your efforts. Namaste.
The British Hindu

Raginiji, she was my guest, on my home turf as well as being a person actually DOING something in accordance with her understanding, all very very important aspects. I hoped to lay bare and visible and fully comprehensible, the essence of the BK offering and the key points where, I feel they are terminally incomplete, but to do so with courtesy and respect. There is a great deal revealed in this interview ... without crucifying her!

Afterwards she, graciously remarked pensively, that she has never been asked the questions which I asked, nor had to give some of the answers which she gave ...

To make a person dig deeper is the hope of a Pandit .. .. thank you so much for watching and commenting ji .

Sadly, I think the Pandit was fooled by her. There's generally nothing sincere about such responses from BK Sisters. They learn to practise the art of being "like sugar in the tea", & flattering silly old men with what they want to her & long & deep staring in the eyes, that their wives and mothers don't even given them.
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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post03 Oct 2021


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Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

Post05 Jan 2022

No, Shivani Verma is suffering from narcissistic disorder. About narcissistic abuse.


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