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Post10 Jul 2016

I would like to thank the people that set up this website for their hard work and effort the information you have given on this site has been invaluable to me in the battle against this demonic cult.

Folks this is a warning to anyone who has a friend or family member who is a current member of the cult. My mother has been a member of this cult for over 10 years. Since she came back from Maduban in 09 I believe she has become demon possessed not only has she started talking in various different voices but she now has physical strength she didnt have before. She also sings those hideous Oh Shanti songs and has said several times, "I am going to blow up this house". My friend gave me a new oven similar to a microwave but an oven she broke that she broke my blender then she broke the toaster. Her eyes are black like theres a Jinn inside her. My friend gave me a Crucifix as a gift when I showed it to her she immediately slammed it down on the table when I picked it up and showed her again she looked scared. Whenever I sing any religious songs she will start banging, hoovering and making noise etc.

Also I've noticed the BK now phone 3-4 x a day they don't leave a message they just call. May be that's a hypnotic trigger to keep her in line.

On Thursday I had some water that was left in a bottle in the fridge for the next 2 days I was in bed with shakes because I was feeling cold then I had a temperature. I thought I was going to die. Now it's Sunday 10/7/2016, I still have dizzy spells and am light on my feet but I am healing by the power of Jah.

My warning:
    1) Do not trust any family member or friend .... They are just after your £££ $$$ to give to this cult.
    2) Do NOT EAT ANY FOOD OR DRINK ANY DRINK. I now eat outside the house.
    3) Your friend or relative you knew IS GONE they are not coming back 4) Let that friend or relative go they are too far gone for you to help.
    5) Your relative / friend is now capable of anything they may try and harm you or worse try and kill you.
    6) Do not talk or engage with them their whole aim is to get you into the cult or to get you money.
I don't engage with my mum I just say hello and bye. One word answers are the best.
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Post12 Jul 2016

jahlive wrote:Also I've noticed the BK now phone 3-4 x a day they don't leave a message they just call. May be that's a hypnotic trigger to keep her in line.

Possibly ... it might be for what they call "Traffic Control", a coordinated time where BKs are supposed to check their thoughts, slow down and meditate on their god spirit ... so, in essence, yes. A sort of trigger.

I am sorry to hear what you are going through but do not be afraid of the BKs or their god spirit. Your fear is more damaging than any effect they might be able to have.

Which I am pretty sure is near zero.

Be patient but persistent with your mother. Explain to her kindly how she has been sucked into a destructive cult that controls and exploits its followers but making false predictions of the end of the world, and has been doing so since the 1940s.

You could try and look at *why* she was attracted in the firs tplace and what it is the BKs give her in a practical fashion, e.g. a change in balance of power between her and her husband (you don't mention your Father, what does he think?), a simple escape from the house.

Beware the BKs will be after any money she can get and even her property, if she has any. They will take everything, so protect it.If you have no money, you are basically just a house servant to the BKs.

Does she have her own income?
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Pink Panther

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Post14 Jul 2016

It sounds like your mother is of a superstitious nature, the kind that will accept and follow BKs unquestioningly.

How can she be sure she is not being fooled by some trickster spirit, a wolf in sheep’s clothing?
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Mr Green


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Post18 Jul 2016

She won't want to hurt you, just "serve you" (seva), and make you a BK also.


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Post19 Jul 2016

Mr Green she has said several times she is going to blow up the house with me inside it.

Pink Panther: She has been contaminated by evil and Jah is gonna destroy her. She's even starting making up lies about me to family members.

ex-l, we are well passed that now Jah is taking over. They can have her money, I have my own, and if they try taking that I will personally seek it my mission to destroy them. They have brainwashed her and filled her up with evil spirits. I just need to hang tight for a month or so then I can move from these devils.


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Post19 Jul 2016

They got her because she is a lonley old woman like most of the other people in the group no friends etc.
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Pink Panther

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Post19 Jul 2016

Sounds like you and your mother both are in need of earthing.


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Post19 Jul 2016

Jah is my earthing i will relax and see what happens next.


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Post19 Jul 2016

Mr Green who is Seva?
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Post19 Jul 2016

"Seva" literally means "service" but, in the BK context, promote the cult and convert non-believers.

I suspect by "blowing up the house" she is talking about Destruction and the End of the World.

Can you tell us more about her activities and the activities of the local centre and centre-in-charge. It sounds like they are "unduly influencing" her which is a sort of illegal activity in most countries (undue influence) and typical of cults and, if she is mentally ill, failing in their duty of care over her.

They will, of course, gradually seek to separate her from you and the rest of the family. To the BK mind, they are her true "family" and you are devilish opposition. You need to be as calm and rational as possible, and become informed about BKism and its beliefs in order to see what they are doing and know what they mean. What they really teach. We can help you with that.

Does she work? How does she support herself?


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Post20 Jul 2016

She wakes up at 4 -prayers etc ... Leaves the house at 6.45am to go to the centre she will spend 4-6 hrs with these people and will do this Monday-Fri ... She talks to herself constantly about "End of the world"," Will of Baba", "Baba's Children". She makes notes and she has calendars, clocks, pictures etc with their faces.

We are already separated she now belongs to them now. I sense evil whenever she enters a room. My friend, who is Christian, senses it also. I don't need to become informed about their beliefs. They can have her as far as I am concerned. I wash my hands of her.

Support herself, no idea. She doesnt work though .... maybe pension.

She constantly stands around especially when I am on the phone to friends especially the religious ones.

I know she tried to poison me and am 100% sure she put something into my bottled water. The Most High is protecting me so any evil she tries will be destroyed.

I think when the spirit came into the Dadi and spoke through her other JINN/DEMONS were released and one has now taken over my mother ... If I mention the name Jesus ... She stops dead in her tracks and if I sing religious music. She starts banging, hoovering making noise.

She has an aversion to Crucifixes, Jesus, religious music. Just like a demon/jinn would have. Talks in strange voices that are not her own ... Also I've heard the voices say that, "they want to kill me", "I will blow up this house and everyone will die".

She is scared now as she knows the most high is protecting me. She is constantly spying on me and listening into phone conversations by standing outside my door. The Creator has told me she is demon possessed and that the demon/s latched onto her when she went to Madubhan!
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Pink Panther

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Post21 Jul 2016

If what you say is true, these are very troubling symptoms.

If you feel any any love & responsibility to your fellow human beings, especially one with whom you have connection and indebtedness you will do your best to get professional help. Start with your family doctor, he can refer on to skilled professionals.


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Post21 Jul 2016

She is past professional help. She has been brainwashed by them.
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Post21 Jul 2016

Have you tried speaking to the centre-in-charge of the BK center or raising concerns with their local headquarters on the ground that your mother is suffering from mental illness and they are failing in their duty of care by exploiting her?

I appreciate this is a long shot as, arguably, BKism is one big mental illness and they are all sustaining each others mental illness together (a folie à plusieurs or "madness of many" ... a shared psychosis). But there made be laws in whichever country you are in to protect her.

And what about yourself? Do you have practical, down to earth support to help you with the stress of it all?

Losing a mother in this way is a traumatic experience.
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Pink Panther

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Post22 Jul 2016

She is past professional help. She has been brainwashed by them.

That's a cop out, or maybe like ex-l says, it's a sign that you’ve been drained by it all and are in need of support too?

Talking to the centre in charge -etc, or go over their head to Jayanti or whomever is in charge of the zone - that may not be a bad idea.

Junior BKs try to impress Seniors by getting bums on seats (attendances up) or more donations, so they tolerate unwell people regardless - and rarely have the experience or training to recognise it anyway.

But the BK Seniors have enough experience to want to get rid of people with mental health problems before they become a problem for them. Write a letter in ”normal” English with all courtesies and state your case in terms of her well being, not an attack on BKs - i.e stay focused on what you are trying to achieve. If you have a family doctor who knows her an dher history who can put something in writing, that would help too.

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