Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount Abu

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Pink Panther

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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post28 Apr 2015

"Purity” is a term of relative quantity or proportion.

Pure orange Juice means ”100% orange juice”. Pure greed means someone whose motive for accumulating more than needed is not mixed with any other motives, it is greed and greed alone.

We use the term ”pure evil” to describe psychopathic killers who feel no empathy or remorse.

So ”pure” and ”purity” only means ‘fully” or ”unmixed” or ”completely”.

The term has a common root with the word in latin for ”infant” which is ”puer” from which, in English, we get the adjective ”puerile” ... as in ”his behaviour was puerile” .

The antonym might be, in certain contexts, ”adult”
adult: from Latin adultus "grown up, mature, ripe," past participle of adolescere "grow up, mature" (see adolescent).

I agree the BKs beliefs are puerile and followers become infantilised. A long way from spiritual maturity.

As to diet, I have been vegetarian for many decades but I'll say vegetarianism (i.e. abstinence from eating the flesh of animals) is not ”better” and many vegetarians are in fact worse people than many other people in the world.

In fact, if one practices vegetarianism thinking it makes them a better person ... well, they've just became even more trapped in their ego.
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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post28 Apr 2015

ex-l wrote:"Purity" means nothing and, hence, can mean anything.
Free Speech wrote:I think it means everything ...

It's an Indian thing (... and perhaps Catholic). The male Brahmins/priests (and patriarchy) used it to control people, particular females and the lower castes, through interfering with their sexuality. A culture so obsessed with "purity" ... which can yet not build a half way decent sanitation system.

Who is better ... a vegetarian Brahmin who does nothing but rake in money for their religion, or a meat eating, fornicating surgeon who performs free cataract and cleft palate operations for the poor.

You can reach Nirvana they say ... but you'll have to step past 500 million people open defecating and urinating to get there. :sad: I'd even put the sanitary engineer in India above the God man or woman as at least they are liberating the toilet cleaners from their toil.
I would like to ask khemkaran, do you belong to some Vishnu Party or Shiv-shakti party as, somewhere, I felt that you still believe in BK-way-of-reasoning though you appear quite opposed to BKWSU?

I would like to know too.


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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post29 Apr 2015

I would like to ask khemkaran, do you belong to some Vishnu Party or Shiv-shakti party as, somewhere, I felt that you still believe in BK-way-of-reasoning though you appear quite opposed to BKWSU?

I am not connect any Party or BKWSU. I am free. I share my experience with BKWSU truly. I am not in favour of or opposition to any organisation. I love to God and want to spiritually progress continuously.

Can I know what your motive on this forum? Only opposition of BKWSU or any reason ?


Free Speech

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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post29 Apr 2015

Pink Panther wrote: "Purity” is a relative term.

Agree. Everything in the world is relative until one attains absolute state.

As you said that purity relates to a characteristic of an infant - immature or still developing - so it can be considered free from worldly flaws. I am not very good in English but the right word for this in Hindi is "Shuddhta".
In fact if one practices vegetarianism thinking it makes them better, well, they just became even more trapped in ego.

Right. Both extremes are harmful. The middle path would be zero consumption of anything which is not attainable without liberation of soul [No, the middle path cannot be equal consumption of both]. As long as there is a body, there is need of food for its survival.

BK leaders talk about non-veg beyond extent. Recently, I read it in a book related to spirituality that "If the flesh on the body increases beyond normality, it is equal to non-vegetarianism. It does not matter whether you eat vegetables or chicken". Now see the fat BKs & apply this rule on them.

And for non-vegetarians, wise people have said, "the simple rule of nature is that if you can kill the organism (animal) yourself, then only you have the right to consume, otherwise don't do it. Most non-veg people don't have that courage or if they try it just once, the majority would get vairagya (distaste) at that very moment seeing the pain the poor animal has to go through."

OK getting back to the topic.

Is this site run by Shankar Party? NO

Are there evil spirits in Mount Abu or specifically BKWSU? cannot Say. Or may be there are only evil spirits there.
ex-l wrote:It's an Indian thing (... and perhaps Catholic). The male Brahmins/priests (and patriarchy) used it to control people, particular females and the lower castes, through interfering with their sexuality.

Well, do not worry for it. That system has got replaced by the so called modernization where hardly anyone cares about "purity" except those who have mastered in putting a facade like BKWSU & similar organisations.

Free Speech

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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post29 Apr 2015

khemkaran wrote:Can I know what your motive on this forum? only opposition of BKWSU or any reason ?

Don't feel bad to see people opposing BKWSU. It is all mistake of BK-leaders & BK-God who never supported truth to any extent & mercilessly ignore crimes happening within their organisation. What should be the motive of a person whose classmate is physically molested by a male Brahmakumar, that too in Mt. Abu HQ?

Either you are too ignorant to see that as I already discussed it or just pretending. BTW, there is nothing in BKWSU to be supported, so all one can do sincerely is to expose it. No one here opposes it or supports it. I only criticize it. You can tell me one good point about BKWSU which is praiseworthy. I find none.
I love to God and want to Spirtual Progress continiously.

Which God? Must be Shiv Baba, is not he? If it is so, you are still a BK though have exited BKWSU.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post29 Apr 2015

Khemkaran - This forum exists because of the way the BKSWU hijacks the lives of people who are sincerely striving for spiritual progress (or self-realisation or whatever you like to call it).

Free Speech - the idealisation of infancy as ”free of worldly flaws” ignores reality. A human infant is the most helpless of creatures, totally dependent. A spiritual infant is also dependent. The most mature spiritual teachings from around the world accept and integrate all aspects of reality, what might be called as the light and the dark, the masculine and the feminine, the joy and the sorrow, life and death, the solitary and the communal, the sexual and the asexual, war and peace ... and so on.

I include in these mature teachings the Tao, the shamanic and other traditions of indigenous peoples, Mahayana Buddhism, and modern depth psychology. Immature teachings are the fairy stories with ”happy ever after” endings that vilify the catalysts to change in the form of wicked step mothers or demons or monsters without which the ordinary person never wakes up or grows.

Vegetarianism is also a misleading term, it defines people by a negative - what they don’t eat, but vegetarians are all different to each other. Same with atheists, defines people by what they don't believe in, but atheists are all different too.

Religious cults on the other hand define people by their similarity to each other and encourage uniformity and conformity of appearance speech, behaviour and worst of all, conformity of purpose. If there is an evil spirit it comes from the hearts of those who deny much of life’s manifold aspects and manifestations.

Free Speech

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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post29 Apr 2015

Pink Panther: I include in these mature teachings the Tao, the shamanic and other traditions of indigenous peoples, Mahayana Buddhism, and modern depth psychology.

I agree to all above teaching except the modern depth psychology part as it is very unreliable. Most of its results are based on a confined psychological analysis but I still find it to an OK level as it is still developing.
Vegetariani`sm is also a misleading term. it defines people by a negative - what they don’t eat, but vegetarians are all different to each other.

The concept of vegetarianism in Hinduism is based on Non-violence. If you consider all living beings, they can be broadly classified into one sensed, two sensed ... so on ... five sensed living beings. The wise people have said that from 2 sensed to 5 sensed living beings, there is a grave danger if you kill them for food or any purpose. Only 1 sensed living being should be consumed which includes air, water, fruits, vegetables, etc.

Air consists of millions of 1 living sensed organs which die in each respiration cycle. Similarly, water is composed of only 1 sensed living organs. It is also a living organism. That's why a tradition of praying giant water bodies in India exists. Scientists have not reached that far but still they have explored a lot of it including few one sensed living organisms. Same case is with fire which is made up of living being called Teokaya jivas.

Indian sages gave this wisdom & preached for consumption of 1 sensed living beings only as they are at initial stages of evolution & not at all developed. They also do not feel pain like other beings. If you try to kill a chicken, it will try to run as it also values its life just as we do but if you cut a vegetable, the case gets reversed. They do not run & put very small karmic claim as opposed to that done by the chicken.

Also, the natural evolution cycle of chicken gets interrupted. One cannot think of progressing by hindering others evolution. That is the reason why people try to follow vegetarianism for spiritual progress. There is actually no problem in consuming non-veg food, given that one gets ready to suffer equal amount of pain that poor animal had to go through. A killing is justified only by a killing. It altogether returns in future births.

Free Speech

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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post29 Apr 2015

Pink Panther wrote:... the idealization of infancy as ”free of worldly flaws” ignores reality.

Yes it does, perhaps for those who misuse it. Like BK leaders.

Freeing from worldly flaws can be done only by a person who has understood what they all are in the first place. BK preach about dos & donts of greed but they cannot leave their own shortcomings. Some random Dadi will talk about Maya while sitting on an elevated platform in fully air-conditioned hall wanting everyone else to look up to her either way. Another Dadi dressed in some honky ponky shimmering costume & eating a lot of halva in one go in the name of Bhog while telling folowers that praying idols in temples is a work of foolish lokik folks.

This is called infancy.

Only after experiencing, knowing and observing, one can understand what a flaw is. It can be considered infancy if someone speaks it just like that for a facade. Duality as you mentioned in several examples exists practically and no one can deny that. The strength of duality is so tremendous that one can actually rarely or never find a way out of it.

I even hate the idea of getting up early in the morning & again sleeping at night to get up next morning to repeat the more or less same schedule. Duality is indeed boring till it lasts. So, don't you think the dependency of anything is a burden? Like BKs depending on Shiv Baba.

What good has he done to anyone, nothing beyond what a stone can do to its worshipers. Earlier, stones were used to represent sages & thus worshiped as just like sages who have experienced "everything", the stones obtained from river beds traveled thousands mile before getting a refined smooth shaped. But even that understanding has gone & now people do everything unknowingly.
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Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

Post29 Apr 2015

khemkaran wrote:Can I know what your motive on this forum? Only opposition of BKWSU or any reason ?

I would say it is more "pro-truth" ... "pro-intelligence" ... "pro-freedom" than "anti-BKWSU". To downgrade it just to be an "anti-party" is just the blockheads way of trying to disarm what we are about.

The forum is primarily intended to support ex- or exiting BKs whilst leaving ... the friends and family of BKs helping them to understand what their loved ones are being subjected to ... and telling non-BKs what BKism really is or teaches.

We would like to encourage the BKWSU to reform itself, be more honest and harm society less ... but that's seems to be asking too much of them, so sometimes we mock and criticise them.

There's very little to nothing good about the BKWSU for the rest of the world.

Discussion about vegetarianism and purity is good ... but may be start a new topic for it?

What frustrates me about such tools of social control in the BKWSU's hands, is that there is no quantification of the various values.

All discussion is reduced to a simple, unquestioning dichotomy of "pure" and "impure" which really just boils down to, "You are conforming to our will and accept our superiority" and "You are not conforming to our will and do not accept our superiority".

The label most "impure" is reserved for those that question and challenge their superiority. Such individuals are literally called deluded - Maya - or even devils - kans - by them.

Or in our case, as apostates exposing the inner teaching and weaknesses - "the lowest of the low".

Therefore, perhaps our purpose is to uplift "the lowest of the low of the BK system"? To point out to them that, in fact, they were right and the BKs wrong all along?

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