Aham brahmashmi

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aham brahmashmi

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post05 Feb 2015

I am not blind follower of science, not blind follower of religion. "We share a lot of DNA even with potatoes". We may understand by this


I have read somewhere Nassim Haramein is not a physicist. I have not researched more about it.

Now I stop my discussion. I like Galileo's quotes, "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." So everyone has to discover his truth.

Science and religion never give you your own truth. They just teach you how to find them.


Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post05 Feb 2015

The more you search the less you find.....good luck on your long journey.
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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post05 Feb 2015

It seems Nassim Haramein is just a New Agey-type guru, not a physicist and not recognized by mainstream Physics.

He is playing the same game as the BKs with a fancy sounding "institute" and 'Physical Review & Research International' is a "Pay to be published journal with no connection to mainstream societies. Best be cautious.
quantum wrote:The more you search the less you find ... .

And "the less you search the more stupid you stay".

I don't like the unthinking approach. It's too close to BKism.

The attitude of BKs - or their god spirit - towards science and scientists is appalling, "all of science will serve you ... the scientists will serve you ... you need not do anything but sit and be divine and the scientists will destroy the world and remake a heaven of golden palaces for you ... the internet has been invented or you ... TVs, jet planes ... it's all for you".

No work necessary. No effort required.

Every day our lives are enhanced by unseen "effort makers" banging their heads on the wall and doing all the hard work.

The BKs believe - or are told by their god spirit - scientists will build a high tech heaven on earth for them - one which will last for 2,500 years - and then just clear off the "stage" (planet earth) to allow them to have it all.

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Pink Panther

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post06 Feb 2015

Steady State theory is as dead as the dinosaurs amongst astrophysicists.

Nasseim Haramein - If he cracked the Unified field theory he would get the Nobel prize and be as household name. He is a crank who makes money from gullible seekers. Whether or not he is an actual physicist (he isn’t) is not relevant. Einstein was not a physics graduate when he came up with his first ideas, and Euclid had no degree in mathematics!.

Haraemin must present proofs at least theoretically through maths or practically through other means that can be peer-reviewed, but his stuff is constantly dismissed as being without foundation.


Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post06 Feb 2015

It depends what one is searching for. in the case of Aham, he said he was searching for God and the truth.
This is where i say; 'The more you search the less you find'....Muktananda is a Great Experience of this....and what he Himself also says.
And yes, One cannot remain stupid through spiritual ignorance, like BKism. Critical thinking is a Great tool and plays an essential role, and can be very enjoyable and rewarding, amongst many other important things. A good balance of head and heart is key. The soul (inner self) and God are Pure Love....it is only natural for the self to seek it's own natural state. the Heart is the seat of the soul where God dwells within you as you. it is the Flame within the heart.

This is my own personal experience many many times, and since last 9 mths has become a constant....so i can only relate to from this point on all things being 'spiritual'. this post is for those who have any interest and awareness of the need for the spiritual heart awakening/opening, and acknowledging the importance of clear thinking and knowledge as well.

It is a deep sublime state to truly understand; "the more you search the less you find"....and having the experience of it, is absolutely Majestic and Tantilizing as well.

aham brahmashmi

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post06 Feb 2015

i want to know, is it that symbole which the brahmakumaris used for ShivBaba?

http://www.yoganandaji.org/gallery/yukt ... 5.jpg.html

and pinkpanther big bang also dead for many scientist


yukteswar_yogananda_1935.jpg (59.32 KiB) Viewed 19379 times

aham brahmashmi

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post06 Feb 2015

i really thankful to this forum which give me material like false prediction of end of the world at 2000 by Dadi prakashmani and BK suraj's video,mahabharat war in Hindi.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post07 Feb 2015

and pinkpanther big bang also dead for many scientist

It's true that the big bang theory as understood 10 years ago has changed, but it is not dead, it has been adjusted to include the new evidence presenting itself as research continues. That is, the current consensus among a few accepted possibilities that explain the evidence, is that there were many big bangs, not just one. Too detailed and not directly relevant here. Look at the work of Lawrence Krauss

http://www.amazon.com.au/Universe-Nothi ... B004T4KQJS

n.b. that he says there is never nothing, but it made for a punchier title.

As for the symbol held by the Yogananda people - symbols such as the flame, the egg, the star are archetypal. It belongs to no-one, and everyone.

aham brahmashmi

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Re: Lost property, junk & administrative moves

Post07 Feb 2015

I know what is meaning of that symbol because it is part of India's yogis' philosophy. I want to try to understand how brahmakumaris constructed their theory on the basis of India's yogis' philosophy. Nothing else.
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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post07 Feb 2015

Pink Panther wrote:As for the symbol held by the Yogananda people - symbols such as the flame, the egg, the star are archetypal. It belongs to no-one, and everyone.

They may well be ... but I think the question is, did the BKs take it directly from Yogananda's campaign, as they did The Tree from an external contemporary source.

Aham ... there was no Shiva or star in BKism until after 1955. We don't know how and when exactly it appeared. Before that they believed in "aham brahm asmi".

When did they start making Shiva "trance lights"?

aham brahmashmi

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post07 Feb 2015

This symbol represent spiritual eye. More description about it is given in this book on page no 24 or (in pdf format on page 51).

http://www.anandaonlineclasses.org/avc/ ... ntro_7.pdf

Yogananda had taught advait vedanta or aham brahmashmi concept which part of Hindu philosophy.

Why cannot We See God - A scientific explanation based on string theory.
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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post07 Feb 2015

Why bother at all with god? Millions live good lives without thinking about the subject at all.

Are you still young, Aham?

I am not. I'll tell you what life has taught me ... 99% of religion is just a business. It's only of use if you want to join that business. As a business it is mostly about power over others (politics), manipulation and exploitation.

Theorising about it either spiritually or scientifically is a waste of time and best left for very old men & women who have fulfilled their lives.

Don't worry about or fear the gods. Focus on the real world.

Yes, even the BKs followed aham brahm asmi for 20 years before re-marketing themselves. They predicted Destruction in WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996, Year 2000, 2012 ... and so on.

They continue to exploit and manipulate followers.

aham brahmashmi

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post07 Feb 2015

i m 24. i have wasted 5 year of my life in thinking of brahmakumaris world end prediction.it give me lost of fear.i can not do my job properly because i always think if 2036 is world end ,what is important of all the things. so i read all things which say world is not like brahmakumaris's theory.and all reading give me lots of happiness .now i try to living my life normally.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post08 Feb 2015

In the end, its not what people say, preach or ”know”, its what they do that matters.

As ex-l has succinctly said on many occasions here, India needs fewer priests, gurus, pundits or "spiritual teachers” and more sanitary engineers, hospitals, schools.

Each religion that looks for converts is like someone asking everyone they meet to give them money to bet on a horse race where their horse is the guaranteed winner.

Or cleverly exploits people's desire to ”win” in many cunning ways, and once they’ve invested ...


Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post08 Feb 2015

yes indeed, and improved human rights. like the right to go to the toilet, (outside where their is no sanitation), without young girls and woman being brutally raped and hanged on a nearby tree....and all the many other ways young girls, children, babies and woman are raped, tortured, burnt alive and murdered....

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