Aham brahmashmi

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aham brahmashmi

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post03 Feb 2015

I cannot explain more because of my poor English :D.

Brahmakumaris is like a blackhole. I suggested Autobiography of Yogi which was very helpful for me to escape brahmakumaris' blackhole because it also suggest all religion are true and same. It gave me a universal god, it also gives alternate meaning to bhagavad Gita other than traditional Hindu bhagavt Gita. It give me scientific explanation about universe and it give me explanation about what is purpose of sex. Yogananda also say man existed on the earth for more than 5 crore years (I do not agree with Charles Darwin).

I just want to say do not follow other until you get all your answer.

I like aham brahmashmi because it says every one is Krishna, every one is Jesus, every one is Buddha. :|
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Pink Panther

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post03 Feb 2015

Yogananda also says man existed on the earth for more than 5 crore years (i do not agree with Charles Darwin)

5 crore = 500,000 years. That’s exactly what evolutionary biology says. I doubt Darwin had enough information to estimate a time period. He was the pioneer who noticed the patterns that gave rise to the idea of natural selection. Later investigations came up with the dates, i.e. based on evidence, not beliefs.
genetic studies now suggest that the functional DNA of modern humans and Neanderthals diverged 500,000 years ago.

- Green, R. E., Krause, J, Ptak, S. E., Briggs, A. W., Ronan, M. T., Simons, J. F., et al. (2006). Analysis of one million base pairs of Neanderthal DNA. Nature. pp. 16, 330–336.

aham brahmashmi

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

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Pink Panther

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post04 Feb 2015

So what? What’ s your point with that link?

Why don't your respond to my reply to you, where you quoted Yogananda about 5 crore years and you disliked Darwin thinking they were somehow in opposition, but its research following Darwin’s theorising that led to Yogananda saying that.

Yogananda, like the Dalai lama, is a spiritual teacher who didn’t disrespect science. Both understand its method and foundation.

aham brahmashmi

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post04 Feb 2015

i do not agree with Darwinism theorizes that human beings descended from lower species.because if i agree with darwinism i have to believe somewhere in the universe Autobots also exists.and i do not think yogannda gave his statement on the basis of darwinisom .i have excepted only that portion of yoganada's philosophy which improve my understanding ,which leads me to relativity ,quantum physics, string theory, research of near death experience,universe as hologram.Quantum Entanglement & Spooky Action at a Distance.


Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post04 Feb 2015

Hahaha ... Aham, can you elaborate on "Spooky Action at a Distance"? ... in a short paragraph ... or is that BapDada & the Seniors on stage?

aham brahmashmi

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post04 Feb 2015

I have done spelling mistake I want to write accepted but write excepted. I can give link best video which explain it simply. Now do not ask me, "if Quantum entanglement is true, why special relativity still working" :D. I cannot understand why you have write, "is that BapDada & the Seniors on stage?


Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post04 Feb 2015

Hahahahaha Aham ... you are very funny with that comment about my comment. It is mean't to be a joke. "Spooky Action at a Distance" is a very funny term for a scientific exercise! ... It immediately reminded me of BapDada & the Seniors when Bap descends into Gulzar etc ... have a laugh at it, OK?

aham brahmashmi

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post04 Feb 2015

When I saw the video of Janki Dadi kissing BapDada, one Dadi explained that in early days when Brahma Baba asked "kismiss" in terms of "miss, how many kiss will you give me?". I completely believed there is no god there.

One term of the brahmakumari which gives me lots of stress is "Identical cycle". "Identical cycle" means there is no freedom. We are just following computer program. Thirteenth floor movie is the best example of it.


Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post04 Feb 2015

The Grand Canyons of your mind are astounding, really. Your desire and appetite to consume volumes and volumes of this type of information in your spiritual and scientific quest seems insatiable. It must get exhausting? Anyway, when your young, all this stuff has more appeal and keeps you enquiring for more. So it makes for a very stimulating journey.

God & the inner self are far more simple & essenceful than miles of mind traffic. The profoundness of God and deep connection we all have to Mother/Father God is not of mind, but rather an awakening of the heart, where God lives within you as you. It is a journey into your own Heart where all divine experiences and all detached knowing are found.

I am older, and tired of jargon, and just want to sit with God and be. Lovely.

aham brahmashmi

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post04 Feb 2015

It is good news for you quantum :P.

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post04 Feb 2015

In defence of Aham, it's not just "jargon", it's science and if he is an engineer, then it will obviously interest him. Whatever awakens individuals' critical minds is OK by me.

aham brahmashmi wrote:When I saw the video of Janki Dadi kissing BapDada, one Dadi explained that in early days when Brahma Baba asked "kismiss" in terms of "miss, how many kiss will you give me?". I completely believed there is no god there.

One term of the brahmakumari which gives me lots of stress is "Identical cycle" ...

Kismiss is a kind of raisin or dried fruit, yes? So it was one of the little puns, a play with words, that he used instead anything of great depth or meaning?

What makes that more interesting is our discovery that in the early days, Lekhraj Kirpalani did kiss, caress, bathe, lie around with in bed and perhaps even more with the girls ... but that Janki was not part of that inner circle. It was retain for the more attractive girls.

You won't know this, Aham, but we discovered the BKs had fictionalised their history and there was no god Shiva mentioned until after 1955. From about 1932 to 1955, Lekhraj Kirpalani was their god, their Krishna, their lover.

Therefore, I would argue, Janki's kisses or desire to kiss Lekhraj Kirpalani is even more literal than you might imagine. Her devotion within BKism appears to based on her infatuation with the Lekhraj Kirpalani who rescued her from an unhappy marriage in which her infant child died. She has a complex and unresolved psychology I would say.

As far as science goes, or even logic, the BKs' so called "University" has, of course, no answers whatsoever for its discoveries science, no other alternative theories and it completely illogical.

Their university only teaches Universal Stupidity, dumbing minds down and brainwashing them into an unquestioning state, and yet they claim it is the highest, "unlimited" university and all other universities are just limited and degraded ...

Spooky Action, or spukhafte Fernwirkung in the original German, was Einstein's cheeky response to a theory he did not believe in, but he was proven wrong I understand. I am not a scientist, nor a mathematician, and so I do not understand it at all ... but basic logic and principles like entropy I can.

Despite spending millions of pounds and 70 years pushing their half-baked derivative ideas, the BKs have no come up with a single explanation how the entire Universe can return to its original state. We can calculate the amount of physical energy that might take ... where does it come from?

Often individuals here have question how they can claim that light travels backwards, e.g. light from stars more than 5,000 light years away. If you speak to a BK, they cannot even logically grasp how impossible an idea it is.

Or even something simple, like each Kalpa, satellites and space probes are sent out to Jupiter and beyond ... how will they come back to earth and the metals be separated and buried again for them to be in the same place next Cycle.

BKism is based on the acceptance of blind faith, an incredible stupidity and an amazingly conceitedness sense of self-importance ... starting with their guru, Lekhraj Kirpalani, the man who believed he was not just the gods, Krishna, Vishnu and Narayan, but even "greater than god".

How can you follow a man like that?

They are also long past their predictions for the End of the World and the creation period of a high tech, nuclear powdered, heaven on earth which is supposed to be ready by 2036.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post05 Feb 2015

Re: Darwin

You make the fundamental egoistic mistake of thinking evolution means improvement. It only means "coming out of (in a circular or spiralling way)".

Darwin did not say we evolved from "lower” life forms but from simpler ones, and that in such a ”tree of life” all primates have a common ancestry. In fact we share a lot of DNA even with potatoes!

Humans like to think they are the pinnacle, but single celled organisms still survive. Cockroaches are far more adapted to more environments than humans.

A satirist once wrote about dolphins being more advanced than humans because they have no arms ( a pun on ”arms” as both weapons and the limbs no longer needed by them for carrying weapons).

Darwin’s ideas as written 150 years ago are not dogma, not followed ‘religiously” - modern evolutionary biology has moved on considerably, as science does.

aham brahmashmi

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post05 Feb 2015

if brahmakumaris like gps in their mobile,they should believe in relativity .only speed of light absolute ,space and time are relative .if onyone want know what is future of mankind ,he must watch doraemon cartoon. :D

aham brahmashmi

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Re: Aham brahmashmi

Post05 Feb 2015

to follow darwin's idea is like" to follow big bang".and not follow darwin's idea is like "to follow steady state theory".

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