How to get my family member out of the BK cult?

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How to get my family member out of the BK cult?

Post23 Nov 2014

Hi Everyone,

I am a 23 years old guy. I have joined this portal to find out some solution for getting one of my family members out of this bloody cult. My Sister has been indulged in this so called baseless Gyan since last four years and now is ready to end her 10 years long relationship and leave everything behind.

She has a very strong mark that this world is about to be ended on her mind and even is not much concerned about her career that's at a very critical stage presently. I request to all ex-members and experienced people to suggest me the best solution for this situation.

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Pink Panther

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Re: What's next? Moving on

Post24 Nov 2014


I was heavily involved in BKs for closer to two decades than one. I was idealistic and enjoyed the community of BKs. i really believed it at the time. There were predictions of Destruction that did not eventuate just before I became a BK. Later other predictions were a little vaguer, always a few years away, but those few years grew into decades.

Since then, research has shown that the original BKs, called the Om Mandli, thought the world would end in the late 1930s, then in WW2, then that the Partition was the indication of the end of the world, and so on, so that they were confused when their ”Mama” - their ”number 2 soul” - died in 1965, then their ”Baba” in 1969. Before his death he had posters and literature made declaring 1976 as ‘definitely the end” - his predictions now based on spurious conflation of scriptural references, his birthdate and the time since the beginning of his ”Mission” etc . Then after his death, that channelled spirit of his BKs call ‘BapDada’ continued, from 1969-1975, to predict very clearly that 1976 was still definitely the date. Much of this is documented in this forum.

Then it did not happen. Then the rationalisations and excuses began (again) . And the desperate new calculations and rationalisations as to when and how the world would ”transform” .

The pattern continued with more failed predictions, new excuses, rationalisations, calculations - which continues till today.

I reached a point, around the time you were in nappies Xpose, where I felt something was not right for me. It was dissatisfaction and a sense that my life was being wasted that led me to move on. It took longer for me to criticise my choices rationally, to consciously admit that I had been mistaken, and more - that I was an idealistic fool who wanted to be fooled and allowed myself to stay fooled as long as I was emotionally satisfied.

One lie we are taught, and teach ourselves to believe as BKs is that if you leave BKs you ”fall”. You can’t have good meditation or powerful insights or further personal maturing & development, that you are doomed to a life of regret, depression or debauchery, that ”god’s protection” will no longer be there for you. This is not the case.

In fact, many BKs (not ex BKs, but actual practicing devout BKs) have committed suicide, been murdered, abused, suffered severe mental or physical health problems, and so on. So staying a BK is obviously no more or less a guarantee than anything else.

Many ex-BKs go on to have very fulfilling lives. In fact, those who leave for ”positive” reasons” pay no heed to the curses of the BK teachings. Sometimes those who are less clear when they leave, who feel themselves unable to continue as BK but are unsure how or what to do next, can tend to carry a sense of regret or that it is their personal failure. Such thoughts fill a vacuum, and they need to make some effort to to affirm their new life as they did in their BK life

3 generations of people, hundreds of thousands, have lived their lives believing destruction was imminent. Many have died without seeing any of their beliefs come close to fruition. Now another generation is drawn in.

Each generation thinks that as more time has passed, the end must be even nearer. This ”end time” belief is a psychological potential in people, and religions have for millenia found it to be a valuable tool for hooking people and giving them a reason NOT to leave - fear of eternal karmic results.

Most such religions start with specific dates for "the end”, then when they fail to eventuate will shift them forward. Eventually they learn that making it vaguer works better for their institution in the long run. Like Insurance salesman saying truthfully, you could die anytime. That cannot be denied! The BKs have finally learnt this trick, pushing the next date for the end to 2036, but many saying even then it may not happen. These ostriches (head in sand) like to think that the world can go from 9 billion people to 900,000 without an apocalypse. They are like people who look forward to enjoying a lamb cutlet but don’t want to think about the slaughter involved.

The only constant through it all is the PBKIVV organisation, which has found a way to sustain itself and its leaders. Through experience they have worked out which "explanations" and methods work best to keep a hold on sincere good hearted people who "want to believe" its all true and don; want to acknowledge they were wrong to give their trust, time and money so completely and unthinkingly.
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Re: How to get my family member out of the BK cult?

Post24 Nov 2014

Xpose wrote:My Sister has been indulged in this so called baseless Gyan since last four years and now is ready to end her 10 years long relationship and leave everything behind.

I am very sorry to read of your problems. Sadly, problems we have seen repeated time and time again all over the world where the parasitic Brahma Kumari leadership promotes its business ... a sort of "confident trick" that exploits vulnerable people leading them to destroy their lives and hand over all their wealth and property, their family's wealth and property if they can, to the parasitic Brahma Kumari leaders.

I call the Brahma Kumari leaders "parasites" because they do not actually work for their money. They do not carry out an honest business to pay for all their social climbing and self-advertising, luxury retreats etc. They do not actually produce anything or provide any real service to the societies they infect. They just poison the souls of individuals and stupify them ... make them stupid ... in order to get them to hand over all of their time, money, property and energy.

As you say, one of the prime psychological devices they use to do this, is inducing them to believe that the world is going to end very shortly through hypnotic and self-hypnotic repetition. Once they have induced the belief that the world is going to end in "two to three years" or so ... and have the individual make decisions on that basis ... then it is easy to manipulate and exploit them with their false promises of a high status in heaven after Destruction, palaces of gold and diamonds, a life free of all the little struggles and irritations we face every day, and so on.

Firstly ... and I am very sorry to write this ... prepare yourself for the worst; that your Sister will not leave or come back, and that any effort to encourage her to do so will only encourage her to hold onto the BKs even more.

Be very gentle and careful with her first, but be very clever protecting her and your family's wealth and property from the greedy Brahma Kumaris. Beware they will even fight you for it, and they will turn her against you and encourage her to fight you for it, if they need to.

So, prepare as if your Sister had died and make sure your mother and Father understand it. This is *precisely* what the Brahma Kumaris teach their adherents ... "to die alive". You, your parents, your family and society will become strangers to her ... strangers, targets to become victims (BK recruits), and then if you question or challenge the BKs ... ENEMIES.

The language of BKism is quite clear ... you are "impure devils", "untouchables", "ignorant". You are at best to be pitied. But they are happy to use you and take any of your money or services.

I must ask, how do your parents feel about all this? Are they likely to be emotionally manipulated by their love and attachment to her? Please understand, the Brahma Kumari parasite leaders teach that such love and attachment is a sin, evil and as she goes deeper into BKism, her love and attachment towards her family will be burnt away. Physical families (lokiks, as they call them) are little more than burdens. I would argue that the love BKs show them back is superficial and artificial and that they lose natural feelings. Relationships become about dominance ... BKism reaching into your family to dominate it, e.g. mothers or widows ending up as servants for the cult.

Therefore, speak to you family about this quietly and seriously and if she choses to surrender to the BKs, prepare in advance protection for the family wealth and property otherwise it will end up going straight to the BKs. If or *WHEN* it comes to the final decision point, you must make it equally clear to her that if she leave, she leaves, she is dead and gets nothing ... until she is ready to 100% renounce and leave the BKs. It will be tough but this is how it is.

It probably won't bother her. It will probably only encourage her because she will feel like a martyr and be grateful for the freedom. Ultimately, it will probably be less hurtful for your parents who have brought her up and provided for her all this time.

Don't feed the BK parasite.

Then how to approach her?

What is the history? Have there been talks in the past? Have their been conflicts? How deeply is she involved, e.g. morning class, morning meditation, service ... giving money to the centre etc?

I don't know so I can only add general advice to what Pink Panther has said above.

You can only be very gentle and loveful towards her because she will be prepare by the BKs with all sorts of arguments, excuses and brainwashing. She has been told a false history of the cult, the teachings of the cult have and are still being twisted and manipulated to keep adherents trapped. She may be experiencing strong effects from the meditation and lifestyle; anything from feelings of lightness, visions of light, waves of emotions, unnatural highs which she will equate to being "given by god".

Firstly, be clear in your mind that the "god" she speaks about is not your god, nor anyone else's. It is something completely separate. Protect yourself from the manipulative use of language and *Do Not* engage with her or, worse, argue about it. It is a waste of time. BKs encourage their belief by attempting to encourage others to believe. By repeating time and time and time and time again ... the same simple mantras. One cannot call it "Gyan" (knowledge) because there is none. It is idiotic brainwash developed to be appealing as a simple hook to catch people with and they have developed many trick answers and strategies to confuse people.

Don't argue. Don't encourage her to speak about it. I would say, don't accept any BK literature, gifts, posters, pictures *ANYTHING* in the house. Make it clear, your family is about your family. DOn't let the Brahma Kumaris invade your house via her. But try and encourage her to think rationally, analytically, and to question what she is being told, e.g. how a 5,000 year Cycle, why all the lies about their history, how can an age of truth be built out of such lies etc.

Again, this is why I say, "parasites". The Brahma Kumaris want to seep through society infecting household by household like parasites in the water supply.

They don't kill their victims physically, just mentally and turn them into their mental slaves.

Once they are *infected*, they become *infectious* and will seek to infect others, anyone; children, old people, next door neighbour, local temples etc etc etc. What they say is, "conquering the world 3 square feet at a time", e.g. person by person.

Therefore, treat them as such. I am really serious. (One trick they will do is coming round in pairs or groups and bringing "Seniors" who have an even stronger infection power ... who know more mental tricks to hook people with).

So *inoculate* yourself against this disease, like a doctor, by learning more about it.

When you are prepared, and your parents and family are ready for the worst and to protect your property and wealthy etc from the Brahma Kumaris bankers, you can try and speak to her to awaken her back up again. But consider it is like trying to speak to someone on drugs ... until the drugs wear off. The BKs being the "drug pushers".

You can honestly say to her that you have researched the cult and spoken to people who have watched it and been involved with it over 30 or 40 years and tell her that they have been making false predictions of the End of World for decades. That it is just a trick they use to control people. That they have failed many times and it is now impossible for the predictions to take place (... Krishna to be born, crowned Narayan, and Heaven on Earth to arrive by 2036).
Parasitism is a non-mutual relationship between species, where one species - the parasite (BKs) - benefit themselves at the cost of another - the host (non-BKs, BK followers).

Unlike 'predators', parasites do not kill their host and will often live off their host for an extended period. Parasites show a high degree of specialization, and reproduce at a faster rate than their hosts.

Parasites reduce the fitness of their hosts by general or specialized illnesses to modify their hosts' behaviour. Parasites increase their fitness by exploiting hosts for resources necessary for their survival, e.g. food, water, heat, habitat, and transmission of disease.

In many cases, it is difficult to demonstrate that the host is harmed. In others, there may be no apparent specialization on the part of the parasite, or the interaction between the organisms may be short-lived.

People do leave the BKs but it may take some time until they see through them, as Pink Panther kindly shared his experience.

In such a case, your family can affirm to your Sister that they will accept her back and help her ... WHEN AND ONLY WHEN ... she rejects BKism completely (she will defy that completely and protest that she will NEVER leave as a proof of faith).

You do not want the disease in your family to infect others. Personally ... and others might disagree ... I would say you might have to make the sacrifice to safeguard others from catching it. You do not want to feed her and the BKs or have them living off your family. (The BKs will claim it is earning good karma for you to feed them with what they want and your Sister is likely even to steal from your family to do so. It does happen!!!)

Can you say anything more about her relationship? Is she married, or is it just a boyfriend? How does he feel about this? Presumably they have already stopped her making love to him or showing natural affection?

Good luck ...

ex-bk Jan

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Re: How to get my family member out of the BK cult?

Post25 Nov 2014

My experienced with the BKs was fantastic, I had a honeymoon with them. What I liked the most when we had a group gathering. Year by year, I spent my time, shared my heart, donations ... did service ... Time always is fast, 7 years with them. There was a lot of happy memories with the BK Group.

When friends, family (non-bk) gave many advices, I was stubborn not to listen. I believed in the End of the World. I believed I will become a Golden Age deity. I spent whatever I had on the BK family. I was too stubborn, I believed God = everything.

When I came to the real world, I faced financial problem. When I had no money, their (BK) true colours and ability to help really come out.

Please do not support BK with your donation. The more you support, the more you cause victims.


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Re: How to get my family member out of the BK cult?

Post02 Jan 2015

Thank you Pink Panther and EX-I for showing concern.

However, what you've told us to do is all what we have already tried. She's been into BK since more than 3 years now and from last 1 and a half year we've been trying to make her understand that it's an abyss. And mind you only peacefully.

Her relationship is almost ended now as she was supposed to get married around this time but she have denied to get married. As far as her degree of involvement is concern, she has no interest in meeting up any relative, neither show respect to anyone, lies to us, still meets BKs but pretends she's not involved anymore. Moreover, her way of talking shows how foolish she thinks of us and same is the attitude towards parents. And after doing all this she still says I believe I am not doing anything wrong.

She wants to take this lifestyle further and has no concern towards anyone, neither parents, us (siblings) nor anyone else.

The only solution we see now is either to opt for a ruthless action or let her go and do whatever she wants as she's working and to let her stay at home is quite impossible.

Also, I would like to share one of the instances that makes me believe how big *****les these BKs are.

One day, I took out contact details of the BKs she's much involved with and asked them not to dare to call her again otherwise we'll take some legal action. Most of these people were those with whom she's been sharing all of her life since last 1 year but what comes as a surprise is none of them even bothered to know what has happened. A few defended themselves by saying I don't call her and she's the only one who calls me. In fact, a major center in-charge (I will not name her here) came out so aggressive and started shouting we are teaching "career building" and "apse unka to kuch hota nahi to sadko pe rape kar rhe hai aur logo ko maar rhe hai aur hame keh rhe ho".

That day I realised how these people will stand by her side if she gets into a trouble.
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Pink Panther

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Re: How to get my family member out of the BK cult?

Post02 Jan 2015

You cannot reason with her, logic doesn’t work. She is filling an emotional need, not a rational one. To argue or accuse or even to make statements of fact will only make her defensive. No-one can ”talk" a person out of their beliefs. They have to discover for themselves.

You have to realise that she is an adult and has the right to her own beliefs and the right to make her own mistakes.

As ex-l specified, it is important to ensure that the family's assets are protected from being sucked into the BK black hole, a monster that consumes without satiation or purpose.

If you can, convince her of two things for her own good in the long run.

Firstly, say you’ll not argue or oppose any more if any amount of her money she ”donates” to the BKs, as much as she wants, she matches by putting an equal amount into a long-term deposit account that does not allow withdrawal, with access only in serious emergency. You could be co-signatory. This way if she leaves the BKs in 5 or 10 years or she grows old and ”vinash” has not happened, she will have something to fall back on, or retirement money.

Explain to her that so many BKs since the 1930s have grown old expecting the world to end with no pension plan, only to find themselves in difficulties, so please do this at least. If she says it is better to donate and not to waste, tell her she is donating, but matching donations, and anyway, if the world is to be ‘transformed", what good then is money to the BKs or anyone?

Secondly, say you’ll not oppose if she will match the time she puts into BKs with other learning for personal improvement. e.g. if she uses 2 hours each day for BKs & meditation, she should do equal 2 hours of study and practice of another skill or education, be it music, vocation, or academic or artistic. (Don’t say it to her, but this is so she doesn't become completely dependent on BKs for intellectual, social and emotional stimulus and relationships).

That is, do not oppose directly, rather, add some other ”ingredients” into the mix, some ballast to the vehicle she wants to go with.

Good luck.

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