Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

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Save Innocents

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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post08 Oct 2014

And suddenly, Mt. Abu will start erupting lava on BKWSU & then there will be lightning which will give all BKs self realization. ha ha ha. :D There will be big boat at each center called "Baba Nauka" with a shiny flag of Baba, a kitchen, one dark room, few crowns for selected BKs, all necessary stuff & only BKs will sail through all Destruction. And BKs must understand that it is only for BKs, their non-BK family members & pets will also drown & die. :shock:

Who is still making these nonsense run & ruin BKs life? BKs are serious fools who go to center to hear Destruction predictions of their own family members. BKs are equally responsible.
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post08 Oct 2014

You know, you are joking but it is really important to understand the degree of fanatical belief of the leaders ... the insanity ... and how it remains to this day.

Imagine not just how insane they were in the 1930s and 40s, but also how narcissistic.

At the most there were about 300, many of whom were kids and old ladies if, we are being honest, just being dragged along by mothers. By the end of the Beggary Period, there were, it turns out, somewhere around 60 or 70 left.

As usually, the truth is buried in amongst all of Jagdish Chander's and others perpetual exaggerating.

This tiny cult of a few responsible adults ... let's remove all the children and dependents and say, perhaps 20 or 30 active, responsible adults ... truly believed they and only they were going to be saved and going to go to heaven on earth. Everyone else in the world, even the Hindus in India and their own families, were going to be killed in WWII or by 1950 as they sat on top of the mountain waiting for it to happen, the only thing doing was Lekhraj Kirpalani sending his mad letters out to world rulers (typical cult megalomania of his own self importance as God).

1950 failed. His money ran out. Their financial support dried up ... what could they do? Destruction failed to save them yet again?

So they sent a few devotees out to start a religion to make money to send back to Mount Abu.

That is what happened. It makes exactly them as crazy as a UFO cult waiting on top of a mountain for Jesus in his UFOs to save them.

They sent some clever girls who by this time has spent their whole life listen to Lekhraj Kirpalani and who were, let's face, desperate now to survive, to get money. One of them was Dadi Janki. They did start to make and so therefore they started to modify their cult to fit and suit the market place, the religious market place.

At some point afterwards, around 1955/6, they introduced God Shiva (not in 1936 ... there was no mention of Shiva even by 1955).

It makes sense, in India there are two main religious groups, Vaishnavites (Krishna and Vishnu) and Saivites (Shiva).

Calling your god Shiva increases your potential market place.

And then they rolled back their End of the World until 1976. I don't know when they first introduced 1976 Destruction but it happened when they increased Confluence Age from 14 to 40 years. End of the World-ism (millenarianism) is always good for cult business. It makes people go crazy with fear inside, compresses their life and can be used to make them surrender more intensely ... which is precisely what the BKs did and still do.

They built this wave of spiritual panic to build up for 1976 ... and individuals and families did panic and started working for them for free, donating money and property as Hindus do in order to gain boons in the future.

The BKs were now not only being fed ... their food had started to run out ... but becoming wealthy, and they used their wealthy, their income, to buy power and influence. There is nothing magical in that, Lekhraj Kirpalani was a good business, he knew how to rebuild his wealthy and position and, presumably, taught his followers how to do so.

Unfortunately, 1978 failed as well ... by that time it did not matter. The inner circle had experienced this before - although they hid it from us who came later. It was no shock to them, and they had an answer for it ... "Baba was testing us and we (you) failed".

So they extended Confluence Age to 50 years ... "50 Years for Destruction and 50 Years for Creation" become their MARKETING slogan.

And it failed in 1986.

So they extended Confluence Age to 50 to 60 years ... "50 to 60 Years for Destruction and ... erm, we don't exactly know ... Years for Creation" become their MARKETING slogan.

And it failed by 1996.

They exploited Year 2000 fears.

And it failed.

Now it seems even they are thinking that the world is not going to end, so they are changing their MARKETING slogan to "Transformation".

And when Transformation happens, due to other people's efforts, they will claim ... "We did this! Worship us. We are Your Divine Rulers!".

They are not idiots. Their gullible followers are to be sucked into all this. The BK inner circle were and are very clever but insane people. Highly functional criminally insane people carrying out a huge fraud all around the world.

If religion stops becoming profitable, they will just manipulating their fraud to be successful in other fields, e.g. business coaching.

Correct me if I am wrong.

BKism is not what they teach, the external knowledge ... BKism is the art of how to carry out global fraud and suck in so many people to work for you for free and donate all their labour, wealthy and property to you.

That is what BKism is. Everything else is just a smokescreen, an every changing facade of deception used for that primary purpose.

Save Innocents

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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post08 Oct 2014

And current Murlis shows that they are actually dragging Destruction theory, again, along with their new Transformation theory. No need to believe it as it will again fade & reappear repeatedly. That is how they confuse their followers & thereby prepare a strong base for brainwashing. Think about those BK minds who believe it all & try to link all major predictions with faith ... hah they would be insane, totally.

And I do understand the grave effects of all this BK sh** about destruction. Few cults who thought about the End of the World pushed their followers to commit mass suicide & I think BK followers must go through such cases before reaching a conclusion given in Murlis by Dadis & their Murli team.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post08 Oct 2014

It makes sense, in India there are two main religious groups, Vaishnavites (Krishna and Vishnu) and Saivites (Shiva).
Calling your god Shiva increases your potential market place.

And by bringing all together into one "not unclever" narrative, they keep everyone happy. Then you pretend some historical interpretation to include the others - Nanak, Mohamed, Buddha et al, spout monotheistic ecumenism while referring to polytheistic mythology as ”memorials” and you can draw the ignorant in and keep them entertained for a long time, till they either educate themselves or give up thinking for themselves.
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post09 Oct 2014

Yes, the Transformation of 7 or more billion human being to ash and bones ... but how idiotic are BKs?

Say Destruction was tomorrow. That is 22 years before the start of the Golden Age in 2036 (and the inner circle already knows it is going to have to change that too).

How long to they think it was taken for all of the bones to rot away and disappear? Archeologists are find bones and corpses of people killed 100 of years ago. Is the ocean going to wash across the Himalayas to clean away all the dead Nepalese and Tibetans?
Pink Panther wrote:... you can draw the ignorant in and keep them entertained for a long time, till they either educate themselves or give up thinking for themselves.

I've argued for a long time that BKism infantilise the mind, make it like the fairly undeveloped child-like mind they spend decades in from young age to Om Mandli, to early Mount Abu. The PBKs even criticise Lekhraj Kirpalani as having a child-like intellect, hence his portrayal as child Krishna.

Kids just love fairy stories and even hearing the same fairy story time and time again. It give them comfort, perhaps comfort in an all changing increasing adult and difficult world. There is a human tendency to like the familiar and dislike change, even if it is for better.

When I went to become part of the BKWSU, I was really suckered - I thought to my self that it really was a "Spiritual university" and investigated spiritual matters. I held on for a long time thinking that somewhere in the movement there must be some "higher" or more enlightened inner circle ... an image against bases on New Age or esoteric fairy stories. The idea that there are groups of powerful spiritual masters out there performing miracles, fight the powers of darkness etc ... it's a common theme in mythology. Which is fairy stories for adults ... and the same rules apply.

But there is not. The secret inner circle is more like a criminal inner circle getting together in closed meetings to decide on how the confidence trick will be run. There's nothing too noble about any of it.

The inner circle knows the truth of what is going on, the deception and the encouraged idiocy. They allow good pr publicity ideas to filter up and then spread them, like cynically re-marketing Destruction as Transformation.
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post19 Nov 2014

Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory?

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Pink Panther

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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post19 Nov 2014

Something just occurred to me looking at that movie poster - that the very idea of destruction leading to a ”better world”, along with the way destruction is generally kept hidden by the BKs or discussed using euphemisms (like ”transformation” ) is a perfect reflection of the passive aggressive streak that runs through many BKs. It is also an outward projection. Not really new insights but worth revisiting and further exploration.

Let me unpack these thoughts.

At the heart of ”passive aggression” is an impotent wish - if only this (situation, person trait, memory) was destroyed (left side of the movie poster) then that (new situation, relationship, opportunity to change) could be created (the right side of the poster) - but i cannot allow myself to do (the action required to destroy) this, to manifest, for it is ”unacceptable”.

Passive aggressive means that you carry a feeling of aggression or strong resentment or even hatred i.e. you want to destroy something or someone (often something unnamed or repressed but usually arising from something you are failing to effect in your life, or failing to change - job, relationship, situation, past events etc). The ”passive” part is because this aggression is not even consciously acknowledged, let alone acted out or expressed directly, so it finds its way out in other ways eg hypercriticism of innocuous things, hyper defensiveness against anything that reminds you of what you are not acknowledging. It can come out as domestic kitchen sink dramas, sarcastic remarks, withholding cooperation or kindness etc.

The projection part comes about because, by not being allowed to personally express any of this hatred or aggression or resentment in any ‘particular’ way or toward any ‘particular’ person because "that is not spiritually elevated, goes against my ideals, is not the act of an enlightened person” that has to go somewhere.

But if you generalise that aggression and hatred, direct it at the whole world (no-one in particular but everything in general) it easily is rationalised and acceptable that global destruction is an essential precondition for things getting better.

‘I am inneffectual in this world, nothing I can let myself express or let myself do will make much difference . And the things that will make a difference I cannot (for whatever reason) let myself do because that will inevitably change me into someone I am not allowing myself to be (out of fear or out of conditioning) . But if the whole world was destroyed and we could start again, that would change everything, without any responsibility on my part. I can go with the flow and be free of the object/s of my resentments (which i refuse to acknowledge I have"

Big Brother (Dada) Joseph Stalin famously said ”One death is a tragedy, millions of deaths is a statistic” .

It is a distancing, a depersonalising of consequences, a redirecting of responsibility for betterment away from the personal to other forces beyond one's influence (inspire the scientists & politicians to let fly the missiles). This BK passive-aggressive ”virag” is promoting idealised narcissistic feel-good withdrawal from engagement with the world’s issues. It is a substitute for meaningful engagement with one’s inner & outer challenges and personal complexes. Just hang in there and the end of the world will come, you will be free of all responsibility for it was inevitable (because you let it happen?) AND you will be rewarded!!

BKs are armchair spectators. The play called the ”world drama” is being acted by others more skilled than the BKs, people who engage with life who try to improve their societies and communities. But that is never good enough for BKs, they won’t pitch in to help. Because BKs ”know” they could do a better job if the field was cleared (destruction) and the arena readied for them alone to work unhindered, with no opposing team (real problems) defending the goal.

It is this envy which is suppressed at the heart of BK philosophy , more than many other paths teaching ”detached” spirituality which are criticised for ”navel gazing”. It’s this which I find most repugnant. It turns people of goodwill and great potential, who become BKs , into impotents.

OK, that was a bit laboured and messy. I hope I got the idea across.
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post20 Nov 2014

I found the picture interesting and see how it resonates right back to the beginning of the cult and Lekhraj Kirpalani's anti-modern or anti-Western sentiments.

On one hand, what is destroyed is an image of the modern Western world. It looks like a New York from some Hollywood disaster movie. On the other, the image of perfection is lifeless Hindu Bhakti dolls ("worship worthy" heavenly deities perhaps ... but lifeless; unthinking, unquestioning passive yet centre-of-attention beings).

They present a sort of false dilemma or false dichotomy and underline it with one of their mnemonic of the current state of urgency ... now is the time ... the too late sign is going up ... it's 12 o'clock for Destruction!

And then consider how the elders play up to this almost static state imagination of what perfection is.
A false dilemma is a fallacy that involves a situation in which only limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there are many other additional options.

The options are generally two black and white extremes, when in fact there are many shades of grey or completely different alternatives.

False dilemma can be intentional, through deliberate deception, when fallacy is used in an attempt to force a choice (such as, "if you are not with us, you are against us"). Additionally, it can be the result of habitually patterned, black-and-white and/or intensely political/politicized thinking whereby a model of binary or polar opposites are imposed to every context. A process that ignores both complexity and alternatives.

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