In the end, I left BK ...

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ex-bk Jan

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In the end, I left BK ...

Post07 Jun 2014

In the end, I left BK.

I had joined this clan for 6 years. At the end, I left. Am I really not confident? Have I really no fortune? Am I really not happy ...?

After 2012 (the Destruction did not happen), I questioned myself, "Am I staying with BK Clan to wait for death?".

Before 2012, I spent my time to learn Raj Yoga, spent time for service, donation. What the Senior Sister told me, the more you spent, the more will return. At that time, I hoped I will not become maid and servant in Golden Age. Therefore, I was really enthusiast to spend my time with the BK family. Unfortunately, my family and friend were really disappointed, upset and full of question on me because I changed my lifestyle. I am really feeling sorry to my family, friends and whoever gave me a lot of concerned.

Came to the year 2013, I visited the centre once a month. Current year 2014, I avoid BK member. I totally stopped visiting the BK centre. There was one time I met a Sister in the bus, we had conversations in centre before. We recognised each other. Previously we always got chit chatting. But right now, I had not attend class for about 3-4 months, and she treated me like stranger. She saw me but walked away. I looked at her, I think no matter how nice you treat them, once you stop to attend class and service, nobody will appreciated.

Non-stop personal problem happened.

The problem 1- My health, I really feel my body is weak because of the must have strictly vegetarian lifestyle. My neck pain, my bone pain, sometime teeth bleeding, I am always sleepy ... I went to see TCM 2 to 3 times a month (S$150/treatment). I buy many supplement but the issue is not solved. In the end, I changed my mind, and gave up vegetarian. Now, I chose to have food balance in life. Right now, everything, so far so good.

The Problem 2 - I did not accepted the food which was served by my Mom. I was upset and scolded her. I really feel sorry to my mum. Even the bad matters happened on my mum; I did not give any help and concerned to her. What the Senior Sister told me was to become a "detached observer", whatever happened was good, and all this was karma and drama.

At the end, things happened more badly. My mum lost money, and fell sick.

The Problem 3 - My career, I gave up my study. I worked as office clerk and got my low salary. Income just able covered expenses (amount included donation, which was major amount of my expenses). What senior told me, Destruction not so far, no point works so hard, no value when 2012 Destruction come. Just simply concentrate in Raj Yoga and sacrifice yourself to Baba and centre. At least try to be hard right now, you won’t be low class be maid and servant in Golden Age.

All that I complain about, when you guys read it, you must be clear about your life target, not to be silly as me, follow the stupid instructions till you drop in the drain.
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Re: About my career

Post07 Jun 2014

I am really sorry to hear about your losses, Jan. And, although it is no help to you, I can confirm that the same story has been replayed every decade since the Kirpalani Klan turned to religion as their way of making money and, especially, Janki Kirpalani came to the West of expand her dishonest and parasitical business empire.

Many of here have done the same stupidity, suffered similar losses of health (they used to keep us away from healthfood and especially any healthy exercise as it was "body conscious"). For some it was "Destruction in 1976", for others "Destruction in 1986", many individuals and families have suffered such minor idiotic "destructions" on the way.

I, myself, was encouraged to give up my further education because of the logical futility of it if one is fooled by their End of the World in two to three years nonsense. Rebuilding can take sometime, effort and expense in a period of your life when you are probably suffering from depression at being fooled and exploited and waking up to the truth of reality around you.

What do do?

Whatever it takes ... one day at a time. De-programming your mind can take some time. It has been programmed or rather, if you understand computers ... it has had a virus planted within your mind that acts like a broadcasting station for the Brahma Kumaris blurting out Brahma Kumarisms for as long as it takes for you to remove it.

I would not bother with ideas such a "Karma" and "Drama". Life is huge and random and beyond anyone's or anything's or even any god's control. Don't be harsh with yourself, it will only make you more depressed. Talk to that part of you that was fooled and suckered in and ask it why it was attracted, explain to it who and what the Brahma Kumaris are and how they operate. Tried to find out how you were caught and remove or develop or change that part of yourself and your life.

Yes, apologising to those you hurt is a good idea. You'l find they are remarkably "spiritual" in comparison to the BKs and forgive you.

And, contrary to some advice, *don't* take full responsibility for what happened to you. In dealing with something like the Brahma Kumaris, you are dealing with collective energy far stronger than just you on your own. It has its own momentum or gravity, something like a planet or more like a Black Hole in space, and it is very difficult for some to avoid being sucked in.

It's just unfortunately that your orbit through space cross theirs and you were sucked in by them ... but that's what they do. The offer a false spirituality that sucks people in and away from their own path.

It's gradually evolved or been designed to do just that ... quite consciously.

That's something interesting that is in the earliest documentation we can find about them in the 1930s ... they did nothing real just sat around working out ways of enculting people by borrowing from other religions and, these days, the New Age, Personal Growth, and even business consulting!

If you look at the original documents, you will see there was not even a God Shiva in their religion until after 1955.

ex-bk Jan

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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post10 Jun 2014

Now, I am no more with BK. I really feel free in my live. I started exercise, attend courses. I believe it was what I want. Free life. Personnel financial free. No burden. How I was stupid in this 6 years. Can I say I am lucky than many? I lost 6 years for progressing. Now I am not old, of course not young. I still got time to re-start my life.

But one of my friend, who really enjoys BK lifestyle (these 6 years, only one friend to join; other friend disagreed the clan). The latest about her news, she donated much money to BK Centre for renovation.

Before I left, I had hint her must save some money to buy a house at hometown. In case, when she becomes old at least she has got a place to stay. What she reply me was taught by Senior Sister, said "not to waste money for this life, this world gradually to the end." My friend, her age 42. Work so hard, and almost OT everyday. She did not know how to plan for her own life. But when centre announced for donation, she won't missed the chance.

How to save this friend? She don't know English and not very well in internet. How to passed her important information? In her eyes, she always think I caught by Maya, so I left. She keep on sms me Baba slogan everyday which I ignore it every time.

Save Innocents

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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post10 Jun 2014

Well, same case here too. One of my friends is still sticking out with BKs. It does not worry me, whatever he wishes he can follow. But when he talk with his harsh attitude toward humanity & needy people, it really gets serious. I don't think it is easy for him or anyone else stuck there, to come out of the org. without getting harsh experiences.

But, yes, you can do one thing to save your friend. Collect some case studies & real life experiences which are on this site & get its print out. Give it to her by the suitable ways (there must be some English to Hindi converter software available somewhere on net, download it & then convert the discussion for her suitability).

Well, Jan, I would just say to you that many of the BK teachings are borrowed from other religions & ancient shastras which are very helpful if understood properly. (BKs are copying & maligning great teachings ) like here some of them are given.

Following vegetarian diet is not harmful but, yes, if you follow it forcefully it will give bad results. Once BK offered me their so called Bhahmabhoj & really one just need to send its sample to some laboratories to find nutrition content in it. It lacked ingredients. The right combination of food is that your food plate should consist of all basic six tastes. If you miss one, it will create imbalance. What BKs offer you to eat is plain simple food which lack TASTES. Lack of taste does not make food less nutritious but when you eat such food, deficiency of vitamins & several salts in body occurs & hatred (or allergic attitude) toward a particular kind of taste becomes common.

Then, there is Brahmacharya or Celibacy concept. BKs again have taken it to a wrong direction. Celibacy is to be practiced with understanding, not when someone forces us. The path of holistic development says there can be no difference in evolution (physical, mental or spiritual) of a person whether he opts a married life or a celibate one.
People running away from their responsibilities of married life are going in wrong direction. First discharge all responsibilities & then do whatever you want.

At BK center, I saw a woman who came with her 3 or 4 year old son. Well, the focus of BK mentor was to detach that lady from her own son claiming it to be attachment. This BK Didi said, "When you are on this (BK) path, many difficulties will come, Maya will draw you back & so on ..." This lady told BK next day that her son was crying when she was leaving for attending their evening class but she considered it as an obstruction & left home as soon as possible.

Now just see the pathetic culture they are trying to create. That 3 year old kid was hardly aware of this whole thing & was under so much pain. I don't know what is the condition of their family now. May these people stop breaking families.

It is called misuse of Gyan when you commit an unacceptable mistake & say that it is result of your karma. Hurt other & tell them it is their karma effects. That is verily a misuse & it is going to take that person down.

Know this much that you are a spiritual person till there is spirit (soul) in your body. Let BK create stories about Golden Age or Satyug. They know it themselves that no such thing is going to happen in near future.

Actually it's a cunning plan. They tell present generation that after 20 or 40 years Satyug will come & till then cash on money of their followers. Then they tell that it will take 30 to 40 years for reconstruction. Now within such a long duration of 60 to 80 years, one generation will pass & next generation will come to get some new dates of Golden Age. Few people of last generation will be left to blame BKs for their wrong deeds but soon they will also pass away. So, it becomes simple for them to fool anyone they want.
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Pink Panther

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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post10 Jun 2014

ex-BK Jan wrote:The latest about her news, she donated much money to BK Centre for renovation. Before I left, I had hint her must save some money to buy a house in her hometown. In case, when she become old at lease got a place to stay. What she reply me was taught by Senior Sister, said "not to waste money for this life, this world gradually to the end." My friend, her age 42. Work so hard, and almost OT everyday. She did not know how to plan for her own life. But when centre announced for donation, she won't missed the chance.

Please ask your friend, if they are right and one should "not to waste money for this life” why do they bother renovating buildings and buying properties? Please tell her from me, someone who came in contact with the BKs 38 years ago and still have occasional contact with current BKs - that the "end of the world” has been used to lever money from BK followers from the present time all the way back to the beginning in the 1930s.

I went through the 1976 failed prediction AND the 1986 one. I had left well before the year 2000 prediction when so many BKs gave wealth and bought canned food, bottled water, tents, in preparation for major catastrophe - and many did the same again in 2012 when the whole mayan Calendar hype was being promoted by scoundrels of different stripes (BK and otherwise).

In those years, the BKs have always said, one more year, a few more years ... Forget words, see actions. Why do they continue to accumulate money & property, make big plans, build new buildings etc.

Tell your friend from me - spirituality needs no badges, uniforms or money. it is an inner awareness free from any identity whatsoever, it is a feeling and an attitude only. No-one owns spirituality or has a patent on it, and if someone seeks to put their ”brand” on it, it is a sign they are self-serving.
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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post10 Jun 2014

ex-BK Jan wrote:How to save this friend? She don't know English and not very well in internet. How to passed her important information? In her eyes, she always think I caught by Maya, so I left. She keep on sms me Baba slogan everyday which I ignore it every time.

It's very difficult. All you can do is keep the door open for her to come if and when she wants ... but be very firm what your position is and set the limits on what you will except. For example, that you don't not want her Baba texts and you are not coming back.

You can invite her over and try and talk to her kindly and rationally (very difficult to a BK because they just repeat what they have heard like robots), it will have an impression on her. State very clearly what you have learned and realised.

Does she live in a BK house or with her family, does she still have her own?
Save Innocents wrote:Actually it's a cunning plan. They tell present generation that after 20 or 40 years Satyug will come & till then cash on money of their followers. Then they tell that it will take 30 to 40 years for reconstruction. Now within such a long duration of 60 to 80 years, one generation will pass & next generation will come to get some new dates of Golden Age. Few people of last generation will be left to blame BKs for their wrong deeds but soon they will also pass away. So, it becomes simple for them to fool anyone they want.

I think you have got it in one, Save Innocents. It's as simple as that. It worked because in the past they were, literally, able to burn or bury all of the old evidence and then reinvent themselves.

Sadly, there were many victims in 1976 who then left afterwards, many victims in the 1930s and 40s, I can only presume they sucked in a few for 1950, and I, myself, am of the 1986 to 1996 generation. I saw them with my own ears and eyes witnessed them change the words in the Murlis from "50 years for Destruction" (1986) to "50 to 60 years for Destruction" (1986 to 1996) ... and then recently discovered that the 1936 date was a fiction as well. Lekhraj Kirpalani started in 1932 and there was no mention of God Shiva until after 1955. And the BKs are still not honest that or how all this happened. They still hide it from newcomers to encult them ... put them to sleep and open their wallets.

Even most of the center-in-charges don't see it because they are too new, and once they are commit to the confidence trick, and their food and shelter becomes dependent on it, they join the criminals playing it repeating like robot parrots what they say.



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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post06 Jul 2014

Hi ex-BK Jan

Sorry to hear that you had to go through pain. I am not being judgmental here, have nothing against you, sharing my experience so that it can help other people who may be facing the same questions. Only intent is to help others.

The problem 1- Vegetarian lifestyle.

Well, I was already on Vegetarian lifestyle. Had to leave onion and garlic only. I also try to avoid 'Tamsic' food mentioned in Gita and other Hindu scriptures. So far I am feeling OK, sometimes I feel more energetic than earlier days because I avoid junk food and outside food now.

The Problem 2 - Accepting food from family members

I accept the food cooked by my family members as Baba says do not hurt anybody, but I try to avoid food cooked by others wherever possible. Whenever I visit my relatives, I tell them clearly that I avoid Oonion and garlic. For outings, I prefer taking my food with me.

The Problem 3 - My career.

I am reading '7 habits of highly effective people' now a days and find every thing very easy to implement, which others find very difficult to imbibe. I am feeling more confident and energetic. Frankly speaking, I have stopped viewing TV serials and news, this gives me a very good amount of time to work on myself.

Save Innocents

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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post06 Jul 2014

arvind.giri wrote:Well, I was already on Vegetarian lifestyle. Had to leave onion and garlic only. I also try to avoid 'Tamsic' food mentioned in Gita and other Hindu scriptures.

It is good if you folow this but do you know why certain foods/vegetables are avoided? Is there a reason behind it or not? You left two of them, onions & garlic, as instructed by BK but do you know that there are still hundreds of them which you may be having in your daily consumption currently that also cast same tamsik effect?
I feel more energetic than earlier days because I avoid junk food and outside food now.

That is good for health. Junk food can seriously make anyone run for his life.
Baba says do not hurt anybody, but I try to avoid food cooked by others wherever possible.

And that can hurt 'others' to a great extent. Someone ["other"] cooks for you with passion & you reject it, how does that create peace? There is series of 8 individual [one who eats food, one who cooks food, one who buys food, one who earns money for same, etc] who have there collective effect on food you eat but why do you consider only one who cooks it? Because BK tell 1 thing, so followers adopt that 1 particular aspect, but what about remaining aspects? It simply shows lack of understanding on one's part.
Whenever I visit my relatives, I tell them clearly that I avoid Onion and garlic.

So a kid who used to eat anything given by his relatives with love has become so demanding?
For outings, I prefer taking my food with me.

That is the best thing, can save one from diseases. In India, you cannot expect food cooked with care & in hygienic way as given by dhabaas or even in some restaurants.
I am reading '7 habits of highly effective people' now a days and find every thing very easy to implement, which others find very difficult to imbibe.

It's good to read such book which are motivating & give confidence to prosper in career. But tell BKs that you are reading this book, & see whether they give affirmation to it?

I don't understand one thing, why in spiritual path one requires to be effective towards others, though this query is out of context? It is often seen BKs projecting themselves with so much ego (in form of pride). Does a spiritual person need to go out & influence other? Is it not like too much indulging in worldly affairs as opposed to the goals of Brahmakumaris?

We will teach the world, make it like this & that ... what is the need, why not to focus on their own lives? On one hand, fully developed Laws of Karma & laws of currently developing science prove that world is self regulating, why BKism want to interfere? It is crazy that they misuse Laws of Karma from time to time, evident in many cases?

ex-bk Jan

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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post07 Jul 2014

Dear arvind.giri,

I gave up the life of BK style. All this BK style really forced me a lot. There were a lot of crazy burdens on me. I was completely unhappy. At first, I thought BK was my everything, my world. At the end, I found the BK living style limited my life, and was narrow minded. Senior Sister always said, "no Amrit Vela, unable to fight with Maya or any request, must wake early to have Yoga" etc. Because of this, I was not getting enough sleep everyday; no energy. Some times I would fell down when I was standing. My superior was not happy with me due to overlooks in my work. Many, many problems happened to me. Now, I found a solution, which was I left this cult. Everything become smooth in my life again. I was crazy minded and stubborn to fight with my family, friends and whoever was concerned about me.

I have another worse reason why I left this cult. This cult always ask for donations.

The leader would announce, "who wants to create your future fortune?". Because of this announcement, so many innocents would donate much, much money. There was another funny thing, the cult leader would require members to indicate their name on the envelope when they made donations. I always asked why. The reason given was they need to record it for accounting purposes.

However, some of members shared with me that it was for the purpose of treatment. The more you donate, the more they will treat you as their real Sister.

I always tried before, I purposely did not give donation for a month to see if it was real or not.

They really ignore me. At that time, I comfort myself thinking I might be I misunderstanding them.

After that, I donated as usual, their treatment of me also became as before. Until then, I still asked myself, am I misunderstanding?



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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post12 Jul 2014

Hi Save innocent,

Thanks for your comments. I really found them very helpful.

there are still hundreds of them which you may be having in your daily consumption currently that also cast same tamsik effect?

I understand what you mean and agree with you that there are other foods as well which have tamsik effect. Same has been mentioned in chapter 17 in Gita.

And that can hurt 'others' to a great extent. Someone ["other"] cooks for you with passion & you reject it, how does that create peace?

I agree and that's why I said 'whenever possible'.

So a kid who used to eat anything given by his relatives with love has become so demanding?

They too are from Hindu background so they don't find it unusual and never mind :). I understand that it may be little different experience for non-Hindu families.

I don't understand one thing, why in spiritual path one requires to be effective towards others, though this query is out of context?

Don't judge a book by its cover :), I am reading this book to have better understanding of values based leadership. I would never like my team to be under fear, on other hand I also don't want to compromise with company's mission. One doesn't have to be effective in spiritual path but one should not ignore the spiritual principles when working in company.

It is often seen BKs projecting themselves with so much ego (in form of pride). Does a spiritual person need to go out & influence other?

I am sorry if you perceived my comments that way, that was never my intent. Does a spiritual person need to go out & influence other? Never ( But what are you doing here by the way 'Save Innocent' :) ).

But should a person guide others by sharing his experiences? Yes

On one hand, fully developed Laws of Karma & laws of currently developing science prove that world is self regulating

I humbly disagree with you on this point. My belief is different than yours.

Hi ex-BK Jan,

I understand how you are feeling and I am honest here. All I would say is God is for everyone and he really really doesn't hold anything against anyone. Another thing is have belief in Karmic theory. Keep loving, caring and forgiving everyone and I am sure your life will be full of happiness.

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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post12 Jul 2014


Are you talking about God ... or BapDada (the god spirit of the Brahma Kumaris)?

Please be more specific here.

Save Innocents

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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post13 Jul 2014

Arvind wrote:One doesn't have to be effective in spiritual path but one should not ignore the spiritual principles when working in company.

Spiritual values are definitely not a pre requisite to run a business. Just see top businessman, most of them are hardly spiritual, rather they live on their values & basic understanding of Humanity.
I am sorry if you perceived my comments that way, that was never my intent. Does a spiritual person need to go out & influence other? Never ( But what are you doing here by the way 'Save Innocent' :) ).

It was not a response based on your comment only. I had conversation with many other BKs who generally keep on projecting this ego of Superiority over others, most of them talk ill about everyone who is not in BKWSU. They have this sense given by their teacher at BK centers. Even I was asked to believe in such things which can subtly introduce a superiority complex. I don't know what goes on there now, but it was very much a belief that we BKs will become Divine Gods in future. Do you think it is possible to get next birth as a Celestial Being just because you did 7 day course, did some mental churning & followed what they ask? Is humanity of no importance?

Yes, definitely I am projecting my ego of making other aware about all bad things that can hurt them more than it is hurting now? A person who kills other & the one who saves other, both have ego, but ego of savior is better than the killer.
But should a person guide others by sharing his experiences? Yes

Should a person mislead others by making hypothetical theories? No.
SI wrote:On one hand, fully developed Laws of Karma & laws of currently developing science prove that world is self regulating
I humbly disagree with you on this point. My belief is different than yours.

Then what do you believe in ? Leave material science but if you believe in theory of karma, then up to what extent? Is there someone who regulates Universe, according to your belief? Do you think God is not bound in Laws?
Another thing is have belief in Karmic theory.

He will gain his belief later, first you must put some laws here which are intrinsic to Karma theory. Only then we can think about realizing other aspects.
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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post13 Jul 2014

Save Innocents wrote:Spiritual values are definitely not a pre requisite to run a business ...

What are "spiritual values"? What on earth does "spiritual" mean? It means almost nothing. I'd rather talk something down to earth like morals and ethics.

Spiritual values are definitely not even a pre requisite to run a religion ... BKism is 90% just a business. A money making business based on borrowed religious language, ideas and symbols. And becoming increasingly so.

It's not even a particularly 'clean' business, meaning moral or ethical.
I had conversation with many other BKs who generally keep on projecting this ego of Superiority over others, most of them talk ill about everyone who is not in BKWSU. They have this sense given by their teacher at BK centers. Even I was asked to believe in such things which can subtly introduce a superiority complex. I don't know what goes on there now, but it was very much a belief that we BKs will become Divine Gods in future. Do you think it is possible to get next birth as a Celestial Being just because you did 7 day course, did some mental churning & followed what they ask? Is humanity of no importance?

Actually, their foundation of superiority is based on less them taking the 7 Day Course. If you take it to its essence - and it is clearly stated in their Murlis - only a one hour lesson is required to become superior to all other religions and religious teachers. It is as if they belief the idea of the 'the soul' is so unique to them and know "I am a soul" is enough to earn them the place in heaven no other religion will be afforded.

Save Innocents ... you have no idea how it is, especially for the elders. For 30, 40, 50 years or more - every morning and repeated in their minds all day - is the idea they are pure and enlightened and the entire world, all other religions and teachers are impure, ignorant and separated from God. All other religions are declining. Only they are ascending. Only they are saved. Only they know, experience and relate to God. Only they have Knowledge and all other religions are an impartial copy of them from 5,000 years ago. All others are full of Maya and body conscious. Only they will inherit heaven, and there is no heaven greater than theirs ... no eternal release (Moksha), no higher spiritual realms (Vaikunth etc).

I challenge Arvind to tell me I am wrong when I write that. I am not. For a short while I was on the Murli team writing the Murlis out into English for distribution for all other Western centres. I remember them very well (... and trust me, they were incredibly boring, limited, repetitive and dull).

They are changing The Knowledge, softening it, to make it appear to be more enlightened and acceptable ... but these new Murlis are not the original words of their founder or god spirit. They are yet another facade and the intention is just to protect and develop their financial interests ... to safeguard their financial income. It has nothing to do with discovering the truth.

ex-bk Jan

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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post14 Jul 2014

Dear ex-l,

It was made me surprised', what you mentioned.
''For a short while I was on the Murli team writing the Murlis out into English for distribution for all other Western centres. I remember them very well (... and trust me, they were incredibly boring, limited, repetitive and dull).

They are changing The Knowledge, softening it, to make it appear to be more enlightened and acceptable ... but these new Murlis are not the original words of their founder or god spirit. They are yet another facade and the intention is just to protect and develop their financial interests ... to safeguard their financial income. It has nothing to do with discovering the truth.''

When I was in BK clan, there were many Senior Sister (especially BK leader) warned me not to search website, there were many Maya influenced our thought. I believed. There were many ex-BK left the clan suddenly when I joined in. It was come to my question. The answer given by BK teacher ''because influenced by Maya","no confidence", "they have doubt", "this is power of Maya". I believed. There was a BK Sister lost her new mobile in centre, centre-in-charge told her "that was a karma, she had to face it." I believed.

When I had a big problem happened on me and family, I tried to use Murli, spiritual knowledge, meditation, asked for advice from Senior Sister. In the end, I got the real answer, BK not reliable. Whatever you heard and read before, you may refer but cannot follow exactly. That was funny way, when you follow exactly their path, you might not success and might be more worse. Therefore, whoever still want stuck with them must be careful. Especially, the centre encourage all member to have Yoga and churned Murli and point. This kind of practice will cause your mind set wrong judgement and mental problem.

When I had pro
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Re: In the end, I left BK ...

Post14 Jul 2014

We have proven far beyond any doubt that the BK leaders and system is not honest, reliable, ethical or trustworthy.

If you were not stupid before, the Murlis just make you stupid. There is very little of interest or depth in them. I remember thinking, there was about one line or one paragraph of anything interesting or valuable in any Murli and they rest was just rubbish ... padding, filler. They are just tools to make you mentally conform ... to reduce what you think of the world down to a handful of dull ideas.

The paradox is, for all their criticisms of Bhakti, the attitude the BKs have towards them is pure Bhakti. They really believe that if you read them 10 times a day, somehow your mind will magically open up and be enlightened. Well, that is just not true. All that will happen is that you will become a stupid parrot thinking and repeating just like them ... which is what the BK leaders want.

"Subjects" ... mental subjects following orders, doing servant work, paying 'taxes' to them so they can live off them.

I mean, how many times do you need to think, "Krishna is not God" to get it ... especially when you never thought Krishna is not God in the first place!?!

How stupid and hard headed were they to have to be told every day, day in day out ... "Krishna is not God". Only a mentally subnormal person would need to be told something every day. Or they will make you mentally sub-normal.

And that is suppose to be the most enlightened wisdom in the world?

Funnily enough, it does make more sense if you think about it like the PBKs ... that they are metaphorical and "Krishna" means Lekhraj Kirpalani and what they are saying is "Lekhraj Kirpalani is God". That makes sense now because we discovered in the old history until at least 1955 - for 20 years of more - they BELIEVED Lekhraj Kirpalani (Krishna) was God.

But they did that history and lied about it.

Can you build an Age of Truth (Sat Yug) on a foundation of lies? No, of course not.

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