Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post01 Jul 2014

Did you try any of the options we suggested to you?

I think most people consider you are projecting this yourself ... that it is part of yourself ... but, in case that you are not, and you are being subjected to a psychic attack, either of the three places I told you about are the best resources there are to help you.

To check their abilities, my advice would be not to tell them too much and see if and what they pick up. Just tell them that you believe you are being subjected to psychic attacks, and see what they say.

They will have specialist therapists to deal with it.

Did you say the BKs just dumped you then? Did they just cut you off and left you when your problems started?

Do you consider they were loving, helpful or had any real spiritual insights?

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post02 Jul 2014

Chandaneeben wrote:I believe in myself, and focus on the stomach chakra as ''he'' won't let me be soul conscious or I hear threats.

It is a good effort & I appreciate the courage you have shown & the self belief that have regained.

Do it under some guidance. You are starting from wrong point. Chakra meditation comes later. Or it can cause indigestion & other related problems.

A very good solution to your problem: Share your queries on

They will have to give the solution for all problems they have created.

Chandaneeben, do you have a Yoga center of B.K.S.Iyengar near your residence or even in your city? He can solve this mystery within 5 minutes. One has to wait for 1 to 2 years to meet him owing to long list of mediation practitioners but he considers serious cases like yours first & can alter his schedule. He is a real hope for you because the mental trauma that you have been through for a long time can not be removed just by talking.


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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post02 Jul 2014

Thank you very much for the reply I shall indeed contact B.K.S.Iyengar Yoga Centre. One just wants to be left alone.

Why are these people so curious, does this daily knowledge not satisfy them?

Many times I been hearing in my head ''Go die'' and other abuses, as usual. He's been buzzing my left ear all night since last 7 or 8 years, and won't let me sleep many times; sometimes there is a strong bad smell when I get into bed. Then sometimes at weekends he buzzes both ears which is unbearable - his way of punishing. He has never met me just found me by remote viewing. I can only watch TV programmes which he likes - everytime - because he can see what I can see.

This is a daily thing.

Thursday is a special day at Global House as everyone knows and there is a special Murli class ''rich Sindhi women'', I made a mistake once by joining them when one old woman had said, ''all prostitutes come to Baba and cry''.

I am sure she was talking about herself. Maybe she remembered her youth when she saw me and would have cried in front of Baba because I never have.

Not to mention what a big mistake it used to be seated in the front seats in the auditorium anytime there was a function.

One was made to feel inferior on many occasions, whereas the inferior backgrounds that many are from is beyond reckoning.

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post03 Jul 2014

Chandaneeben wrote:'all prostitutes come to Baba and cry''.

Oh my God, is this the level of talks which goes internally? Was she referring all female followers as prostitute? Or some real prostitutes were referred? Either way, this is inhuman lacking humility. Even a prostitute must not be referred like this. It is just circumstances which turn her into prostitute.

This is really appalling to know.

If they hire poor prostitutes & turn them into Brahmakumaris (talking about only a fraction of Brahmakumaris as many are from good families also), then it is a noble cause. They are atleast helping them to get rid of their miseries.
"This is a daily thing."

Does not sound good. Everyone wishes you to get well soon & overcome all these problems.
One was made to feel inferior on many occasions,

It is after all an autocratic system.
Why are these people so curious, does this daily knowledge not satisfy them?

Don't take it otherwise if "these people" here is referred to some user of this site. They just want to know what all led this state of yours, once they come to know about the cause, a general inference will be drawn & spread among everyone so that no one faces same situation. No one would like to be in that state.


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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post03 Jul 2014

By ''these people'' I meant BKs who are ''remote viewing'' all day, apparently there are several that do that and who are in Gyan/knowledge. I know. I have ''realised''.

When BKs are soul conscious they see Baba, when I focus on soul consciousness I see 'him' - a dark area and a man nearby wearing glasses watching my soul, not Baba. And he continues to watch 24/7, doing shifts with his wife, making sure I feel ''nothing'', all day,not feeling any kind of emotion, or else. Don't want you attracting any sort of goodness with spiritual power, he says. You are not a BK and you must not misuse spiritual power which BK have made known to you.

Once, when I had felt happy inside my home because of going some place, this 'energy' had pushed me down the stairs and I was in pain for few months, the same push down the stairs was given to my elderly mother who still feels pain three/four years later. Keep quiet, don't talk, keep calm or everyone ''feels'' what you are feeling.

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post04 Jul 2014

Look, we've accepted the possibility that you might be experience a psychic attack.

Now you need to go and do something about it ... not relish and remain victim to it.

I gave you a list. Start with the Greater World people, work your way down the other organizations. Someone else offered you another alternative. Go and get healing and once it is fixed come back and tells more about your time with the BKs.

If that does not work, speak to you doctor and get drugs or other treatment to shut the voices down. Apparently they don't like ECT ... but if you don't develop other protective skills, they will come back afterwards.

(* Theoretic understanding on my behalf only but if I was experiencing such things, I'd try healers first before going to a psychiatrist.)

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post04 Jul 2014

The symptoms as far as my understanding goes can be one of the two : Hallucination & Chit Chamatkaar.

Hallucination can be cured fully by psychiatrist, a good one. It happens when you think & visualise certain things (object like point of light or a person like Baba) too much beyond an extent then whether it exists or not, it may start appearing as a real existing entity.

Second is Chitt chamatkaar which is actually not a magic but still can be called as magic as it does not happen to us every time. It happens by special power of your own chitt (some call it the mental srceen though it is not part of mind) which causes beautiful manifestations of different realm of Universe. I don't know that whether chitt chamatkaar can also be about a bad one like yours. So, I will not go in detail about this.

Either way the problem can be cured by a healer/psychiatrist/genuine Yoga master.

Apart from this it all now depends on your decision which way you chose. People who leave BK generally don't have a good experience even after leaving it, but it all can fully change with a fresh mental setup.

What else can I say, just hope for the best.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post05 Jul 2014

"Chit Chamatkaar” sounds similar to the psychological idea of ”projection” i.e. a manifestation of something coming from deeper within us that we are not conscious of.

Often the traditional and the modern are similar phenomena going by different names, described with a different language.

Often the first step is to be able to get a break from the ‘affliction” and in that period of relief, review what is happening, then take another step.

Many good suggestions Chandneeben, start where you feel most comfortable - whether with your local GP, or a spiritual healer, a psychologist, whatever - but do not waste your life keeping yourself trapped believing you are a victim. Take a decision to act, and take your life back.

Situations like this need both helping ourselves and help from others. Help yourself by ensuring a good life routine to go along with any external help you get from others - make sure you have plenty of fresh air and exercise, a balanced and frugal diet, use your time productively in physical and mental nourishment (look for varied input of what you see, hear, read, etc) , do not only expect help & understanding from others but also help others, in any small kindness of thought and deed.

Then seek help from people trained to give the right kind of help. What is that, who is it that can help? Whatever or whoever you feel can help. You need to act
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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post06 Jul 2014

What does Chit Chamatkaar mean?

Some "ghost" or entity which is actually made up from a cut off part of one's own spirit or being?

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post07 Jul 2014

Chit chamatkar is not about a ghost or a part of consciousness. Chit is that 'subtle' (it is not physical) part of internal body which is responsible for visualization, with closed or open eyes. Like if someone asks, have you seen Eiffel Tower. How does it look like? Then, one can see it using his visualization power of "chit". Some can do it with maximum clarity, while some can just visualize the shape of Eiffel Tower. It depends on how pure is chit.

Chit is most subtle power among all subtle internal bodies. This is also responsible for memorizing power. Clear the chit, higher will be grasping & memorizing power.

Chamatkaar is "Magic". Chit Chamatkaar happens because soul has whole knowledge of infinite previous births. So where ever one has gone in his previous birth & whatever he has seen can manifest unknowingly in this birth. Chit chamatkar term is mostly used for positive occurrence & visuals, unlike those Chandaneeben had for last decade.

There is possibility of chit chamatkar for chandaneeben because visualization is involved. The difference occurs between natural visualization is different from forced visualization. Constantly seeing Lekhraj's photo (who existed)or visualising the paramdhaam (which does not exist) is the cause of this present visualising events in Chandaneeben's chit.


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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post12 Jul 2014

I can see this ''man'' who is constantly watching me and speaking to me in sindhi, for last twenty years. Some of the things he has done and talked about, its hard to believe. ITS REMOTE VIEWING. He is constantly remote viewing me.
There is a method of doing it. He has told me how its done and how I can watch anyone anywhere in the world and listen to their conversation and much more. Most Seniors would know of it. Those in Gyan for many years ''know'' all about
this harassment, abuse, methods of abuse, making people do your will, destroy people's lives and livelihoods or worse.
People who have been harassed and abused are too frightened to speakup,they have kids who can easily become victims.
I have taken healing at a cost of GBP 10k, and also seen several psychiatrists and doctors for last fifteen years. But no one is able to put a stop to this harassment and remote viewing.
There are thousands of things that can be done with spiritual power, and BKs are no angels.
Not many know how remote viewing is done. But its happening.
Long time BKs are doing it 24/7.
Meanwhile my harassment and abuse continues, and this man is playing poltergeist. Have no doubt about it.
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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post12 Jul 2014

Did you try any of the places we recommended?

You'll get free or low cost treatments in all of them.

We are limited in what we can do. We really cannot offer much more than friendly advice and share our own experiences.

If I was a therapist, I might wonder if this "Sindhi man" was actually symbolic, e.g. he represented someone else real that happened to you when you were young. You may not want to answer online, but were you abused in someway by someone else when you were young?

Unfortunately, most psychotherapy is limited to the events of this one life, and what we can see in the here and now; or, on the other hand, it is limited to symptoms that are caused by chemical and biological imbalances ... which can also create symptoms like yours. These may not be curable. You may just have to work out a way to live with - and block - what is happened.

Many cultures believe that we have more than one life in which case such symptoms could related to real events in a previous. There are also therapists who claim to be able to help with such causes.

Who did you see and what did they say?

There's no point just repeating what is going on ... if you want anyone to help, you'd have to go deeper into the details - not of the mysterious man but of your treatments etc. I still think you should start by going to the places in London I recommended before and starting with free treatments until you find someone that can really help.

Thank you.


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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post23 Jul 2014

This man has harassed many many people and has made them leave BKs. Over the years I have met plenty of men and women who were harassed whilst at BKs and were made to leave. Once the harassed and abused ones left, they never returned to BKs, then this man would leave them alone, but he's not leaving me alone and is still harassing me daily, even at nights.

If you can please phone me sometime I would like to tell you more, please send me your phone number at my email I will definitely call you. Thank you.

Please somebody. Anybody.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post25 Jul 2014

Your email indicates you are in the UK. You ask for people’s phone numbers but maybe you don't realise many people are in different time zones around the world, or do not have free time beyond their household duties and work or study. Just coming here to read or post something is already costing time. Do not assume anyone here is any doctor or expert or can help you in ways that we haven’t done already.

Your posts here indicate a situation that none here can help you with. Many suggestions have been made. I for one have spent time in communication with people from this forum trying to give support in private communication but realised that with some of them I wasted my time as all they do is repeat their problems and do nothing about it. Words are nothing if not followed by actions. You have to take practical steps to help yourself.

This may sound harsh but, just as no-one else can eat for you or sleep for you, if you don't show willingness to act for your own good why should anyone else?

Do not look to BKs to help you with problem you have with BKs - and that goes for ex-BKs. Remove yourself from them physically and mentally, replace them. Even ex-Bks are "carriers" of reminders of BK.

Use the NHS services, community support services, online and telephone help-lines, go to support groups, volunteer your time to help others, like the elderly or disabled. if you don’t feel benefit from a doctor or therapist or group, try another. There is no magic solution, we all have our burdens.

Re-read the earlier posts and do something, if not for others, for yourself.

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Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

Post29 Jul 2014

Hi chandaneeben,

One more technique to defend yourself.

Start chanting Gayatri Mantra 10 times during each morning, evening & before sleep. It will work definitely. Do it for few days & then do tell what was the change you received.

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