BK and corruption - really?

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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post06 Jul 2013

... don't know. There are obviously 'inner circles' and BK think tanks in the West. There is a Murli department in Abu. There is the Indian inner circle of old timers who meet in discuss things in secret. It's a shame none of it is documented.

What are people views on some of the white Western souls that have been promoting self management types courses and books on these subjects?

Is this a strategy to expand BK followers and do these management gurus really practice BK principals or is it more of a joint venture with the BKs?
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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post06 Jul 2013

Yes, we discussed them and I have been very critical of it. "Joint venture" is a good way to describe it. It clearly started off as a typical BK service programme incorporating BK philosophy and introduction to their mediation.

One of the Maryadas (principles) printed out as a poster and placed in every Brahma Kumari centre used to be that "students came to the centre for spiritual benefit and should not discuss business" (approx), so how on earth could they all hive off a certain degree of service and turn it into a private business? It appears that many of the leaders have "left", e.g. Brian Bacon getting married, but are still treated with privileges by the BKWSU.

He once wrote how his work developed from Brahma Kumari service in Mexico. It unclear to me how it all came about ... but I suppose if it was anything to do with Janki Kirpalani and money we know how.

We also saw he and his ex-BK wife recently moved into a cottage on the grounds of the Brahma Kumaris luxury retreat in Oxford. Do you have any inside information about it?


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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post06 Jul 2013

We also saw he and his ex-BK wife recently moved into a cottage on the grounds of the Brahma Kumaris luxury retreat in Oxford. Do you have any inside information about it?

If that is true, that's totally out of order. Obviously BKs think there is still some mileage to get out of BB and probably a deal deal for BB as well ... Maybe its to bring them back closer to the BKs.

Would they BKs afford such a luxury to any other ex-BK married couple?
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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post08 Jul 2013

Details posted recently, also here; The Old Stable House on the Nuneham Estate.

I actually don't know the specific details but the property is also owned by the university and the other cottages house other serviceable BK-types. It's part of the home farm.

Still doing seva for free? How many service do you have to do, or donation give, to be afforded to stay in a private cottage. Or is all you need money ... and a lot of it? What's funny is we received an email from his company telling us to remove all references to him as he did not have any connection to the BKs any more.
zoopla wrote:There is a 5 bed detached house is located at Home Farm, Nuneham Park, Nuneham Courtenay, Oxford OX44 9PQ. Nuneham Park has 26 houses and flats on it with a average current value of £1,903,023, compared to an an average property value of £398,806 for OX44.

There have been 2 property sales on Nuneham Park, OX44 over the last 5 years with an average house price paid of £1,200,000.

There are currently 59 properties to buy in OX44 with an average asking price of £560,164 and 15 houses and flats to rent in OX44 with an average asking rent of £483 pw.
24th Jul 2012
New Cottage, Nuneham Park, Nuneham Courtenay, Oxford OX44 9PH
Detached, Freehold - £800,000

21st Jul 2011
Woodside Barn, New Barn Farm, Nuneham Park, Nuneham Courtenay, Oxford OX44 9PL
Detached, Freehold - £1,600,000

6th Oct 2006
2, Rough Lodge, Nuneham Park, Nuneham Courtenay, Oxford OX44 9PN
Semi-detached, Freehold - £425,000

31st Jan 2002
Rectory Cottage, Nuneham Park, Nuneham Courtenay, Oxford OX44 9PD
Detached, Freehold - £1,300,000
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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post08 Jul 2013

I think BB owns that place, he was staying there when I was still in Gyan, he had it all kit out with cinema screens and all.
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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post08 Jul 2013

Business must be going well then ... the freehold still comes up as owned by the trustees of Oxford University though.

Same as the BKs' retreat centre.


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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post14 Jul 2013

Minesh wrote:We also saw he and his ex-BK wife recently moved into a cottage on the grounds of the Brahma Kumaris luxury retreat in Oxford.

There has even been examples when Janki Kripalani has forced an individual to sell their property overseas and donate to Baba, and Janki was seen using a very angry voice.
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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post14 Jul 2013

It is very true.

I also know an incident when a BK follower bought a new car. He went to the BK Sister to make an Om sign (inauguration sign) on the car. After putting "tilak" on car Sister told him that now your car became a Baba's car. The guy felt very proud at that time but soon his proudness changed into a big problem. Sister used him to call many times a day for free rides to market or railway station, whenever some Sister need to go out or arrived from another city.

But it was the result of SELF-HYPNOSIS RajYoga, that a seed-thought of "Baba's car" planted in his sub conscious state of mind during morning and evening classes. He never complained about this but, on the other hand, his family members forced him to sell his car. :D


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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post14 Jul 2013

his family members forced him to sell his car

Oops! He sold 'Baba's car' without permission!


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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post10 Aug 2014

I do not know whether there is corruption or anything but all Dadis and Sisters live with the money given by their followers.

When I asked one of the Sister about doing charity to an orphanage or to a poor sick person she said Baba is telling not to do any charity or donation to anyone.
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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post10 Aug 2014

karthik wrote:When I asked one of the Sister about doing charity to an orphanage or to a poor sick person she said Baba is telling not to do any charity or donation to anyone.

Yes, that is true ... that has been their economic strategy for decades.

By stopping individuals give money or their time and energy to more needy or worthy causes, the leaders of the BKWSU monopolise all their money and labour ... and live off it.

It's blatantly obvious and a strategy which develop around the time Lekhraj Kirpalani's wealth ran out.

The only time the BKs do anything remotely like real charity is when it is good for their PR facade (or to not do something is bad for their PR facade) or when they are shamed into doing it.

The thought of spending time or giving money to "vicious impure shudras" appalls them.

Fine, they say, "Oh but the Seniors only take a very little" ... a "very little" that allows them to live in air conditioned buildings, have flat screen TVs, fly around the world business class, go to hot climates when it is cold and mild climates when it is too hot, put on weight and never have to work or exercise and spend their time chitchatting to the rich and powerful.

You need to compare their lifestyle with other Indians who have no skills and education to realise just how well off they are.

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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post28 Sep 2014


I am against BKWSU because, in the name of god, they are getting money from people ...

In India, once I travel in an auto. The auto driver was a BK. I only ask one question which was, how much do you spent per week on BKs' DAAN PETI (donation box ). He said only 11 rupee. I said just think you fool. If you are giving 1 rupee per day and you said we are 20 lacs people in BK, then how much money BKWSU ARE COLLECTING ... AND IN LAST I ONLY WANT TO MAKE AWARE people of India ...

“God” speaks a middle class Hindi with a few English words


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BK and corruption - really?

Post10 Nov 2016

REALITY speaks a tale of that begets heartache.

Keep rising Enlightment.




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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post20 Nov 2016

Ques : - Are surrendered Sister in centres allowed to build properties by personal names?

Can one donate the vehicle or property by transferring it to the individual names who is running the centre or centre-in-charges?

Please clarify.

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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post20 Nov 2016

Are you talking about in India or elsewhere?

My first response would be to say, "anything goes ... until they are caught, or screw up" and then, at least in India, they just abscond and hide away in some remote BK centre.

In the West, such behaviour is and would also have been the norm, the center-in-charge doing so "in trust" - merely a verbal agreement - on behalf of the cult.

The BKWSU has always cut corners legally and relating to tax, and there lies the real problem. Lacking a proper legal sctructure, and seeking to avoid or circumnavigate tax and other laws, it has expanded "under the radar" of the authorities telling itself, "it's not a business or organization, it's just a 'family' which cares and shares for itself".

And there is the nub of the problem.

I would have thought, even in India, that if the land or property was being put or transfered into an individual's name than, legally, that individual owned it ... and that individual was also liable for the taxes for receiving it, or the money required to puchase it.

I don't know Indian law well but, largely, it is based on English Law and, strictly speaking, there are limits to the amount any one individual can give to another - especially unrelated ones - after which the gifts are taxed. The reason for those taxes are precisely to avoid individuals circumventing paying taxes by claiming that any payments for services etc were merely "gifts".

Of course, in a few cases, BK center-in-charges have been found to be lining their own pockets/comforts but mostly it is just being done in the name of the cult. But what would happen legally if, say, this woman was to die or leave? The property would stay with her or go to her biological family.

The BKs trust such surrendered Sisters to do so, and carry out such crimes, because they own their minds and futures, and have enslaved them. They control other BKs not to snitch to the authorities about them, claiming that their business is God's business and the government's business is devilish.

How many "surrendered Sisters" have walked off with a BK centre and kept it as theirs, I actually don't know of any. But I do know of such dodgy cases were privately owned properties had private mortgages paid by "donation" and were passed from BK follower to BK follower until they were paid off and that they face regular court cases and investigations over property issues.

Strictly speaking, all such property, assets and mortgages should be in the name of the organization, or a trust or company owned by the organization ... but I think as part of the BKs "softly-softly" approach, they know that is too much to demand straight away - they like to "cook their frogs in a pot by slowly turning the heat of the water up" - so they are happy to inhabit a grey or black area legally until they have fully captured an individual.

We even had the case of Sister Jayanti Kirpalani - Dadi Janki heir's - and her 'dowry property' being given back to her Father after it was given to the cult ... that is to say, not given at all but still held by Jayanti herself, so the ambiguity or corruption goes right to the top. Nothing she did could have been done with Janki's say so.

As with many other notorious gangsters, what brings them down are not the police but the tax laws.

"Follow the money" is the famous advice given to detectives. BKism has spread not 'above board' but like an underground criminal organization turning private homes into business places ... like a gang expanding territories to reap protection money from local residents. You'll find that the tax departments are often better places to go to report them (for tax evasions) than the police.

In India, this is a national problem and the BKs have already been squeezed by the Indian tax department, e.g. for a while or in some case "Baba's Box" for monetary donations had to be removed because it was not accounting for all its income.

If you are in India, there is another activist there who already has a number of leading BKs under criminal investigation, if you are interested in working with them, tell me and I will put you in touch.

Thank you.

BTW, what more do you know about what is going on?

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