Do BKs believe in reform?

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Do BKs believe in reform?

Post06 Jul 2013

Having read so many experiences, it's very tragic you see that, to be frank, so many individuals have suffered at the hands of the BKs, yet at the end of the day we are told to take the blame. "It's our karma ...", rubbish I say.

Does Janki Kripalani and her team of advisers believe in reform or do they only reform when they cannot afford to be embarrassed with bad press? Any views with be welcome. I have seen families break up due to BK life, individuals give up vast amounts of wealth and even be brainwashed to not eat food cooked by a family member.

Then the other side of the story, BKs go on service and chase VIP individuals or even parade in front of the world, "Awakening with Brahma Kumaris" etc, but let me ask you all this question, do the VIPs know of the experiences of the victims? One would think if they did, the VIPs would not be interested at all. If a BK ruined an ex-BK's life, and the ex-BK attempted suicide, who would most likely the blame for the behaviour. BKs are obsessed with wealth.

Do the BKs believe in reform? ... Only when they have no other choice.


Re: Do BKs believe in reform?

Post08 Jul 2013

oliver wrote:Then the other side of the story, BKs go on service and chase VIP individuals or even parade in front of the world, "Awakening with Brahma Kumaris" etc, but let me ask you all this question, do the VIPs know of the experiences of the victims?

In earlier days probably not, but with the internet being common place everywhere, and now in India as well, I believe people are generally more aware. It's becoming quite common to search for information for anything of interest on internet and with the kind of indexing Google does, and the name of this website, people land on this forum more often than not while searching for Brahmakumaris.
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Re: Do BKs believe in reform?

Post09 Jul 2013

moreclearnow wrote:It's becoming quite common to search for information for anything of interest on internet and with the kind of indexing Google does, and the name of this website, people land on this forum more often than not while searching for Brahmakumaris.

Yes, very true. People may land on this website by chance while they search for Brahmakumaris but it is also very true that, when they read topics about the real face of BKs, they do regularly visit this site not by chance but for seeking truth.

Blaming this site for its name is not an ideal YUKTI. If someone by mistake lands on wrong site who is compelling them to stay here, they can switch to other site if they like. But I think BKs complaint about this site because they very well know that if someone by mistake lands on this site then there are more chances that the person after reading about real BKs might think of leaving BK and this can severely effect the BKs' money grabbing business.

And one question for you sweet child MCN, did you also landed on this site by chance and, if yes, why did not you switched to other site ????

Don't escape the question as you and all BKs normally do ... :D.


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Re: Do BKs believe in reform?

Post09 Jul 2013

people land on this forum more often than not while searching for Brahmakumaris

This might be true but only one side of it. I did land on this site even before I went to join them, however, this site did not deter me to make my experiments with BKism. I think if you are not a blind follower inherently, you will not follow this site too without experimenting. And I think that is the right approach.

Others experiences, good or bad doesn't matter, can never be your experience just by visiting a site or listening to them. I admit I did not read everything on this site before and went on to have my own experience. I thought even if there is 0.00001% chance that God is really coming there and teaching children, my egos are not big enough to stop me joining him. But I am sorry dear, in my two years experience with BK knowledge etc. I have only missed GOD.

I feel I was more pure and clean and compassionate two years before than what I am today and am working to bring my lost self again that was always better connected with GOD.
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Re: Do BKs believe in reform?

Post09 Jul 2013

prosheen wrote:I think if you are not a blind follower inherently, you will not follow this site too without experimenting.

I agree with you Prosheen.

But you see BKs are inherited with SANSKARS of blaming others and cursing others.

In Lekhraj's time they used to blame and curse families when BKs were charged for breaking families.
They blamed Congress people because Gandhi Ji refused to help them.
They are blaming Kaliyug from last 75 years and on other hand they are spending luxurious lives in this Kaliyug.

If they are told some irregularities caused by a BK they start blaming the complainant.
If there is some property dispute due to donation issue they blame family members.
If some one gets some real facts about BKs they blame this site.

So BKs are tightly bound to their habit or rather say SANSKARS of blaming others.
It is their best YUKTI to face the charges.

Baba's Bhagwanuwach : Blame others before they try to blame you.


Re: Do BKs believe in reform?

Post09 Jul 2013

prosheen wrote:This might be true but only one side of it. I did land on this site even before I went to join them, however, this site did not deter me to make my experiments with BKism. I think if you are not a blind follower inherently, you will not follow this site too without experimenting. And I think that is the right approach.

Others experiences, good or bad doesn't matter, can never be your experience just by visiting a site or listening to them.

Right, this is what I was pointing out to Oliver's question whether people are aware of the victims and controversies involved. People are generally more aware, thanks to internet. This site or any others that highlight controversies may deter but at the same time as you said some people would experiment and make up their own mind whether it works or not for them like you did.

pawan wrote:And one question for you sweet child MCN, did you also landed on this site by chance and, if yes, why did not you switched to other site ????

This site did not exist during my initial experimentation days; more than 10 years ago I think. But I remember controversies have always existed from the time BKs have started growing and even those days; some PBK sites were getting more popular raising a lot of controversies and when I used to search, I landed on those web-sites (one I remember was The awareness around all of these is good for someone so that right choices are made for anyone choosing or leaving the path.


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Re: Do BKs believe in reform?

Post13 Jul 2013

pawan_kr wrote:But you see BKs are inherited with SANSKARS of blaming others and cursing others.

To remind everyone again, do the BKs believe in reform? ... Only when they have no other choice.

Then if the BKs are told of some irregularities, they start blaming the complainant.
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Re: Do BKs believe in reform?

Post13 Jul 2013

Oliver wrote:Then if the BKs are told of some irregularities, they start blaming the complainant.

That's true. It's *your* fault for seeing it and reacting, not the other person's fault for doing!!!

And if it is being done by a Senior Sister ... then it "did not exist". They are in "perfect remembrance" so Baba will take care of all their actions!

You're told to go off and shut up, i.e. meditation more, like a child.

And then if you still speak up, they will criticise *how* you say it, not listen to what you are saying!

This is my personal, direct experience with the Kirpalani Klan.

And if it is being done by a middle ranking Sister, they will close ranks and tell you some mind wash about "Dadi is unhappy with you, Dadi knows all about it, Baba and Dadi will take care of it etc", or some other trick when in fact she knows nothing about it at all.

Like you say, only when they have no other choice ... and you will always get less reform than you might hope, reform in name alone ... so give them no other choice.

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