BKWSU's idea of disaster relief: Uttrakhand

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BKWSU's idea of disaster relief: Uttrakhand

Post04 Jul 2013

A God Certifed Charitable Institution?

Everyone knows that India is facing Uttrakhand Disaster. About 5,000-10,000 pilgrims and local people are dead or missing.

Families of victims are in great pain. Local residents have lost their everything. Rescue and Help operations are not reaching in rural areas because roads are washed away with flood. But still Govt, Army, NGOs, and people from other states are trying their best for helping the people. Donations and food packets are being send to disaster hit areas.


1851364.jpg (36.5 KiB) Viewed 21798 times

But, on the other hand, a great charitable institution of India, which was awarded the contract for World Peace and World Renewal by the Great God Himself (so they claim) is making joke of them.

On their TV channel "Peace of Mind", they are requesting viewers to Meditate for Uttrakhand People so that Peace created by the result of Meditation will be sent to those peoples. How is this possible..???????

If I am meditating in my home, I can get peace but how is it possible that a person in pain due to his family loss in Uttrakhand will feel peaceful from my meditation ??

If God certified charitable institution is so worried about the Uttrakhand people then It will be best that they send some food packets or some Sisters as volunteers for their help.



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Re: A God Certifed Charitable Institution

Post04 Jul 2013

Yes, the news about the monsoon floods in Uttrakhand are really depressing. I feel very sorry for the people who painfully experienced that disaster. I still remember very well the biggest flood in Poland ever, in the summer of 1997, especially in the south-western regions of Silesia.

As for the BKs indifference about that disaster... The typical egoistic BK behaviour did not surprise me at all and I am almost sure, that the BKs await the instructions from their "god-spirit" before they start to do anything.

I hope, that there will be some BK "rebels" who will start helping the Uttrakhand people, even though the BK Seniors would be against it.
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Re: A God Certifed Charitable Institution

Post05 Jul 2013

The BKs will take money and then donate "peace" (i.e. nothing) for it!

They are already exploiting for their own benefit encouraging those under their influence to do nothing (meditate).

I don't know where this idea of their being able to "sending peace" comes from ... except from their imagination of what they will be doing at the end of the world. For which these "little Destructions" are practise runs.

They start off with the idea of "disaster readiness" as a service device, I think, after the Indian Tsunami.

See BK Tamasin Ramsay PhD service in the idea, e.g.The Missing Piece: The Unresearched Factor in Disaster Preparedness.
Tamasin Ramsay wrote: One proposition is for interested scholars to investigate and develop a more balanced approach to disaster management by incorporating methods of internal empowerment, whether this is done through empirical research or deeper reviews of current literature ... First, scholars need to create a language around inner preparation so this ‘gap’ can slip into the established framework of disaster literature. Secondly if the term ‘spiritual’ is used, it must be distinguished from ‘religious’ to ensure the approach of inner preparation is broadly relevant.

Literature that she is writing BKism into. The blurring of spiritual and religious, and removing of any mention of End of the World cult is typical BK.

It's just another opportunity cynical being used to promote BKism and, no doubt, used to confirm ... "The End is Nigh".
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Re: A God Certifed Charitable Institution

Post10 Jul 2013


How will this super stunt of BKs help the flood effected people of Uttrakhand ??????

There are many BK supporters on this forum. Please, can anyone give us some Gyan !!!!


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Re: BKWSU's idea of disaster relief: Uttrakhand

Post11 Jul 2013

Why you are bothered what others are doing? If you are having enough money you can donate, otherwise just send your blessings. Just discussing on the forum will not help the affected people get relief.

Do what is possible by you.
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Re: BKWSU's idea of disaster relief: Uttrakhand

Post11 Jul 2013

Rani wrote:Why you are bothered what others are doing?

Welcome to the forum Rani ... it's a good thing that someone is offering critical analysis of what the Brahma Kumaris are up to. It helps them ... hopefully ... reflect on themselves and improve what they are doing, and without it they would lose any reference to the real world.

Criticism doesn't just mean "negativity" or a disapproval of something or some act based on its faults or mistakes, it also refers to the analysis and judgment of it as well.
    If you think sitting on you butt 'thinking at' Uttrakhand is helping the victims you are fooling yourself.

    If you tell people that sitting on their butts 'thinking at' Uttrakhand is helping the victims you are even worse. You are deluding others when what it require are practical actions.
There is a problem with the Brahma Kumaris in that they are so full of themselves (vain, narcissistic) that they honestly believe they are doing something for the world when, in fact, all they are doing is nothing. Nothing except keeping their business going and reaping donations for themselves to live off. (When I use the term BK, I mean for the leaders not the followers).

Historically, the BKs have always been against real, practical charity and helping other "impure" human beings. They have always taught that doing Brahma Kumarism is the highest charity and have kept the money for themselves telling followers that promote them and their god spirit is the highest karma.

Critics and criticism have forced them do a little more for the society they live off and have grown rich from like parasites. They could do much, much more but, of course, they believe in "Destruction" so they don't believe in saving people and the world.
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Re: BKWSU's idea of disaster relief: Uttrakhand

Post12 Jul 2013

Rani wrote:Why you are bothered what others are doing? If you are having enough money you can donate, otherwise just send your blessings. Just discussing on the forum will not help the affected people get relief.

Do what is possible by you.

I agree with ex-l.

If someone has lost family & income and is now homeless & hungry, it is far more effective to actually give them food, shelter, medical care, interest free loans and other material support to re-establish and allow time to rebuild, and the time to grieve.
    A thought to help is as useful as a fly-screen door on a submarine.
    Wishing them well, having good wishes alone does not matter (pun intended).
Ask any disaster survivors what they were most grateful for at their time of need and they will say the practical help of friends, NGOs, Govt etc for food and shelter etc. They may thank God for their survival as a matter of culture and belief. None will say "I could feel people were sending me good wishes and that was better than any food or medicine".

Again, if you ask others if they are donating rather than discussing, then that question has to come back to you as well.

One way we all donate materially, practically, is through our own work, by being productive and the subsequent honest payment of our taxes and dues. Government action, whether directly or through contributions to the UN and subsidies of other NGOs, is action done on behalf of the citizens.

People think they want small government, less taxes, and organisations want tax-free status but when there is a disaster or a medical emergency, they want health care, rescue relief, roads rebuilt etc etc.

So the ethical questions about diverted time, energy and money plays into this disaster scenario as well.


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Re: BKWSU's idea of disaster relief: Uttrakhand

Post12 Jul 2013

Was/is there any BK centre in the affected areas? If yes, what happened there? Did it survived in this type of disastrous conditions? I learned through the news that the temple remained undamaged during the disaster as well, so if Shiva power can save the "JAD YADGARS" then I am interested to know that what has happened to local CHAITANYA HOMES of God Siva ... What kind of services did the centre offered during the crises (of course, apart from mansa seva) ...
Rani wrote:Do what is possible by you.

Inside the BK circle, it was taught that donating money etc to the non-BK Shudras created a karmic account so all BKs are psychologically bound to donate it to the BK centres only so that the "real seva" can be done. How the local centres/Madhuban used their purified money to get over the crisis, or they just believed that those souls at Uttarakhand are getting what they are deserving due to their karmas and only BKs pure vibration will help them die peacefully?

If any BK or BK supporter is here tell us about it.
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Re: BKWSU's idea of disaster relief: Uttrakhand

Post12 Jul 2013

because.parmeshwar wrote:Inside the BK circle, it was taught that donating money etc to the non-BK Shudras created a karmic account so all BKs are psychologically bound to donate it to the BK centres only so that the "real seva" can be done.

This is true. "It's their karma", they would say (without explaining how) and, for BKs, it's negative karma to give ordinary charity in that even giving goodness binds you to this world.

Of course, the cynical amongst us would say that was just a good excuse to make sure BKs only gave money to the BKWSU leaders (and, again, there is no explanation of how they were somehow karmically super empowered to accept money on behalf of good and ensure the best karmic return).

Largely, I think "sending positive vibrations" arose as a response to be seen to do something but, in essence, to cover up that they were doing nothing. It is a cover up.

Most BKs are good people and would want to do something charitable I think. It was certainly true in my time. However, the leadership were absolutely against it.

I wonder if this has habit has arisen as a response to the natural desire to help ... and, of course, it is good for them as it reinforces BK sitting meditating rather than doing things.

In the West there was also a common imagination, based on the Murlis, that at Destruction (civil and nuclear wars and natural disasters) BKs would be "radiating" peace and spiritual vibes like lighthouses. In fact, it went much further ... there was a common one of BKs flying in helicopters radiating peace down on crowds from above (why?) and they encouraged people to believe that the Thar deserts surrounding Mount Abu would be full of BK and devotee souls who had to be served in this way. There were many embroideries on such stories and BKs would tell of dreams or "visions" they had about such times ... none of which have happened.

Unfortunately, although the Brahma Kumaris could have much to offer the world ... if only they were able to, for example, ensure a corruption free relief aid charity but instead they just suck all the money and labor up and waste it on silly, vain or narcissistic projects and public relationships campaigns, e.g. chasing VIPs or building bungalows for presidents who never come to stay at them.
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Re: BKWSU's idea of disaster relief: Uttrakhand

Post12 Jul 2013

Rani wrote:Why you are bothered what others are doing?

Why shouldn't I be bothered ?

What do you want ? That the BKs make joke of people who are suffered by a disaster and want to score points for nothing on their pains and sorrow and I stand blind ? Or do you want that I should cheer for BKs FOR THIS CHARITY STUNT?

The BKs have large amount of money which is not their hard earned cash but looted from people by making them hypnotized. No one was asking them for help and although it represents itself as a charitable trust then also no one was expecting anything from them.

But want to gain publicity or scoring charity points for doing nothing in the name of disaster hit people is a GREAT SHAME !!!!!
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Re: BKWSU's idea of disaster relief: Uttrakhand

Post14 Jul 2013

There is a phrase written on the advert. photo posted above :-

"पाप का घड़ा भर चुका है" (The pitcher is fully filled with sin )

I want to ask BK supporters on this forum that -

किसका घड़ा पाप से भर गया है ? (Whose pitcher are Brahmakumaris talking of ? )
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Re: BKWSU's idea of disaster relief: Uttrakhand

Post15 Aug 2013

The attitude to "spiritual donation" is found in other religions too. I read this post on a forum about a TV documentary
Author goiday_myd ®
Date/Time 12 Jul 2013 3:25:08pm
Subject Re: How to escape real commitment: Offer Prayers!

Too many people use Prayer as a way to avoid making any actual commitment to anything.
This is something I come across regularly when collecting for charities.

Q: Can you help the poor?
A: Yes, I often pray for them!

Result, no real commitment to helping the poor and the prayers (self talk) do absolutely nothing! Thus, they escape from doing anything.

Q: Can you help this homeless family, as I hear you have a house that is currently vacant?
A: I might have a new tenant coming tomorrow, but, I will pray for them.

Q: Do you contribute to charity for helping the sick?
A: Yes: I pray for them every night!

Yes, way too many shirk doing anything real, practical or useful in our community by considering prayers as doing something.

If people offered real funds and assistance instead of prayers, we'd likely have far less poverty, better health systems and we'd likely all be better off as a community.

But, idiotic, naive people who escape doing anything by offering prayers are too readily excused by people in authority. Truth is, they should be told the truth:

No! Your prayers are worthless! WE NEED REAL HELP!"

Yes, they get angry with me when I state this, because I am collecting money, not prayers, prayers feed nobody! Stupid, lazy, stingy, loons!

Aye M8z!

Of course, people can always do both if they want to - practical and prayer/good wishes - but if you gave only one, which one is more noticeably making a difference?
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Re: BKWSU's idea of disaster relief: Uttrakhand

Post15 Aug 2013

In the old days, when I was materialistic, I could not care less about you.

Then I became "spiritual" and now I am sending you the highest blessings and supreme goodwishes.

Can you give me $10, or even better 10% of your earnings, to support me whilst I do so?
What'll we get for ten dollars?
Everything you want


Me so holy, me so holy, me so holy,
me love you long time. *

The whole iconography of it all is ridiculous. They're even going as far as borrowing Victorian-style "biscuit box" and very caucasian, light skinned angels.

Is this the Brahma Kumaris idea of disaster relief response? If so, it's irresponsible. But, from the BK point of view, "why would they give money etc to save "impure" shudras who are only going to go on to sin when it was their fault they were suffering in the first place?". That is their logic.

I know that during the Indian tsunami they did coordinate some kind of response but I think it was most giving other people's donations ... and meditation classes for victims. The subject is worth reviewing further if anyone can get actual facts and figures rather than just vague notions out of them.

(* Obscure cultural reference from 'Full Metal Jacket' via '2 Live Crew'. Yes, I am inferring it's basically some kind of spiritual prostitution.).

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