Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

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Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post15 May 2013

After so many failed predictions of the world destruction, Brahmakumaris are now shifting their ideology from World Destruction To World Transformation. Now their Brahma Baba have changed the plans, so no World Destruction. Below is a part of Sister Shivani interview :-
What lies ahead?

We are going through a world transformation,not world destruction. It’s already happening. People are taking care of their health,their well-being. That is Satyug. In Satyug,people will be healthy, wealthy and wise. The key factor to bring out this change is taking responsibility for one’s own life. Hundred per cent responsibility. No blaming anyone else. As samskars (conditioning) change, sansar (world) will change. It will be a gradual ongoing process. We won’t ever come to know the precise moment of the shift. It is just like morning shading into afternoon, evening and night – it flows. ... l12012.asp

I think World is non-stop Transforming from the the time when it was evolved so what's new in Sister Shivani's Murli.

New is that Transformation is now happening in Brahmakumaris' Murli and we can clearly see this.
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post15 May 2013

They are not "shifting", they are just "remarketing" it to outsiders. It's just a 'clever' change of words decided by some marketing person.

The theory remains the same ... Destruction and 7 billion to die so they inherit a heaven one earth.

If not, where are they all going to go?
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post15 May 2013

Yes, the terminology changes but the question still needs to be asked - what is the population in the newly transformed world? Can such a sat yuga be as is claimed with even our current world population stabilising at 7 billion?

If it declines, how does it decline? By natural attrition - which will take many generations - or by "untimely death" of billions?
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post15 May 2013

And if it declines by If it is now to decline by natural attrition, why did "God" tell us about all those nuclear bombs and things?

No, interpretations and spin from the BKWSU PR doctors please ... let's ask the holy spook himself and get an answer.

It is ethical or excusable to spin on such manipulative deceit for so many decades?

Can an 'Age of Highest Ethics' be built on the basis of unethical methods? Obvious not ...


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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post16 May 2013

Brother you are 100% percent correct. There must come an end to this manipulation of BK student and moreover VIP persons ... BK should grasp the nettle be honest about presenting what God says in the philosophy ... Otherwise is just hugger-mugger leads to bad feeling all round.
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post16 May 2013

I think every rational person will agree with you Leonard, so why don't the BKs?

I guess the BKs just think to themselves,
A BKWSU leader might have wrote:"if the millions keep rolling in as it is, why should we change things to the truth ... and perhaps even risk losing some of them or our comfort and status?"

How can one give high status in an organization to those that have deceived?

Are they going to wait until Janki Kripalani dies before they admit that ... as in the beginning so in the end ... she is not "One of the Eight"?

There is another example ... Baba used to have pictures of The Tree made with the "8 jewels" on them (top 8 souls of humanity) and Dadi Janki was in none of them. Then for decades they claimed she was "the most stable mind in the world" and "one of the eight".

Then they were forced to admit because of individuals here looking into their claims, that no scientist had ever said she was "the most stable mind in the world". Next they will admit she was not one of the eight as well? Even in an "Iron Aged", "impure", "ignorant" worldly university ... if a leader was found to have falsified qualifications or exaggerate results, they would lost their position. In the BKs, it seems one get a rise!

Should a "Godly University" not have 'higher standards" ... or is the only standard they believe in the "gold standard" (as in how much "gold" or money you bring in).

It's all slip, slide and twist ... anything to keep the business going and the money coming in. Would the rich and poor alike still give their money to Janki if they were told so?

Let me predict ... when she dies someone else will become "one of the eight" so the poor will give to her instead. Jayanti is already "One of the 108" ... perhaps she will be upgraded from business class BK to first class BK?


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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post16 May 2013

But Bro Pawan says is 'Murli' of Baba . Not though in fact. Shivani opinion yes ?


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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post17 May 2013

14-05-2013 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban

Slogan: Before the destruction of the world, destroy your own weaknesses and defects.

Shivani is nuts. Totally brainwashed to get a high status.
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post17 May 2013

There you have it ... the BKs are not 'shifting from World Destruction Theory' at all.

It's all just about appearances and fooling both followers and outsiders with a clever use of language.

All they will do is shift the date of Destruction *again* to some date close enough to make it feel attainable but far enough away not to be held accountable and exploit as many people for as long as possible.

My prediction is that the BKs will change Confluence Age to "100 years after the DEATH of Lekhraj Kirpalani".

The Confluence Age has gone from 14 years to 40 years to 100 years (50 years for Destruction and 50 years for Creation, then 60 and 40 years), and events are already overdue for the 2036 start of Sat Yuga ...
    2069 see feasible enough ... remember where you heard it first (and no God is not speaking through me!).
Does God trick and fool to encourage adherents "make efforts"? Or are the BKs just being tricked and fooled ... and tricking and fooling others?

If you believe the Destruction and death of 7 billion human beings is a mere "Transformation" you are either extreme callous or a fool.


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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post23 Feb 2014


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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post23 Feb 2014

ex-l wrote:My prediction is that the BKs will change Confluence Age to "100 years after the DEATH of Lekhraj Kirpalani".

True ... moreover they will say, those who do not believe it are dirty souls with lot of impurities and only refine intellects will understand this secret of Gyan. One has to have firm beliefs in Gyan, Seniors and Baba ...

BK Nirwair is trying to tell the same ...

See... what i got after becoming a firm believer...

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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post19 Jun 2014

Who was cheater? Who was the most stupid?

Everyone waited for Destruction before 2012. But not happened. How disappointed of BK clan?

Most of BK member gave up their career, gave up their family, gave up their own life. BK members sacrificed everything to the BK group, to support the Dadi, Didi, Dada, Senior Sister and Brother.

What did BK members feel? What did BK members earn?

For my own experience, I lost my time, I missed out the chance of study, marry and career, money. The most I lost is my health. I can said this kind of Destruction will definitely happen on me soon if I continue the life with this BK Group.

Therefore, who is stupid? Who is clever?
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post19 Jun 2014

I am sorry to hear that again. And we hear it time and time and time again.

Nirwair might have known about Destruction in 1950, he came after. He definitely would have known about Destruction in 1986, 1986 to 1996, Year 2000 ... and if he was ethical, he would have warned people not to take it seriously. If he was ethical, he would have told people it had all not happened before.

Ethics and intelligent are entirely separate. Individuals can apply their intelligence to unethical practises ... like living off all this nonsense as he does now.

Does he and the rest of them just not have an incentive to keep fooling people in order to eat?

Yes, we were naive, stupid, inexperienced ... but also hypnotised. We lost our real minds.

It's a very harsh lesson in not being open and trusting, not being seduced by confidence tricksters because that's seems to be all that they are.

Now, on the surface at least, the BKs are re-marketing themselves again ... borrowing words and ideas from other philosophies and schools of thought again ... slowly, subtly .. keeping ahead of the business in order to keep themselves fed, houses and clothed in comfort.

How many individuals have suffered such a Destruction as you?

ex-bk Jan

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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post19 Jun 2014

This is a devil place that I attended before. It was my experience. It cannot be deleted.

I will re-start my own life. I will make sure my life will happy and success.

I really hoped those BK member must think deeply before donate you hard earn money. Please put more time to concern your own family and career.

This is devil place. They will try to announce Destruction come again, after few years later. At that time, I strongly believe many victim will trap by this topic 'the End of the World' again.

This sad drama will happen again. How to stop this happen?
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Re: Brahmakumaris shifting from World Destruction Theory

Post19 Jun 2014

ex-BK Jan wrote:This is a devil place that I attended before. ...

I agree with you.

THe BKs are very smug about themselves and what they are doing but ... at the end of the day ... an good good would not trick, lie and deceive. Nor tolerate so called "leaders" that do as well.

No way on earth or in any heaven ... but perhaps in a hell. BKism, BK life is a kind of hell cycle. It might be a nicer world than some, for a few, but overall it is a hell. There is nothing worth than wasting the time of your precious life of other people's idiocy.

Better your own idiocy and learn from it than Lekhraj Kirpalani's idiocy of being he is god.

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