BK cover up

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Re: BK cover up

Post05 Mar 2013

Hello I am responding to this blog/message:I think not. If an escort agency was to be known to do that, it would go out of business very quickly, a) because no one would trust it any more, and b) because the owners would be arrested and imprison. However, I suspect it would be next to impossible to "ask nicely" and get them to do anything because of the semi-legal or criminal nature of their business, e.g. many "escort agencies" are essentially 'pimps' which is illegal.

hello thank you for the above message. Your probably right if the escort was seem to record covertly they would be in trouble, so it seems this escort did this recording for her own purposes. Your right the woman is a prostitute, and the escort goes out on dates. I think according to my friend he wanted to have a date , the feeling I get is my friend was fed up of being single and went there to the escort for a date, with not the purpose for sex.

Moreover, my friend is still confident the tape exists and would like the trustee to be cautioned for his actions, as he probably the trustree shared the tape with many others.

Yes i agree, what the trustee of a public charity would go out of there way to follow someone or make them look bad is beyond me, its a crewel world we live in.

This trustree is a public figure, yet he denies he knows anything about this shows double standards.


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Re: BK cover up

Post05 Mar 2013

Hello just replying to this blog/messageTo answer ex-l's question:

My suggestion to "cut the apron strings" was indeed to move away completely - start a new life somewhere else. Get out of that house and immediate environment.

I understand fully Pink Panther about the term cut the apron strings, but my friend loves his family, even through there could be some sibling rivalry of some sort, his sole purpose at first is to protect his family as his parents are in a state of stock. Your right that to the sibling, the Brother may be viewed as degrading, but according to my friend,, its the ideas and the bullying that the trustee places in the Sisters head and also to the entire top dogs, which has be seen as defamation of character.

Yes I agree, having some distance could heal the situation, however mr friends sole purpose is to bring the trustee to accountable for his actions, its a hard and a challenging task. I know my friend, and he feels grossly betrayed by this trustee.


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Re: BK cover up

Post05 Mar 2013

[quote="ex-l"]What do you think, Deepack ... does that describe your friend's situation and would he consider it?

Hi there there probably is sibling rivalry according to my friend, but its the trustee who has made matters very bad.

Also the centre people saying move on and forget about this is very wrong indeed.

I do get the feeling from my friend, he is protecting his family and his parents, as he feels very let down by the trustee behaviour, remember the trustee claims my friend is bad by visiting the escort, yet the trustee himself went there, what does that make the trustee, makes him look bad, sad thing is would the centre people believe my friend.
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Re: BK cover up

Post05 Mar 2013

deepack wrote:The trustee, and I quote, said, "I've been set up" meaning the trustee. I think that explains a lot.

I am not sure what that explains except, perhaps, the trustee is willing to say the complete opposite of what is true. The next question then is, "who set him up?". It sounds like your friend needs help from someone that is not emotionally involved in the situation and will not be easily run around by the BKs.

Whatever did or did not happen one thing is for sure, it is not enough just to post messages here in the hope that the BKs are shamed or get the message.

Yes, some BKs probably will read this and, yes, it will probably go back to the BKWSU leadership ... but that is not enough.

If some or all of this is true, two things have to happen. Your friend has to make decisions about his life and its direction now, and more needs to be done to address the abuse of trust and potentially criminal actions of the Brahma Kumaris trustee.

Unless something out there in the real world does happen, the Brahma Kumari leadership will just shrug all this off, sweep it under the carpet and forget about it, as it has done so much before it. They will blame us for being troublemakers again and that is all. It's easy for them as they have such mental control over their followers.

We have had many such cases before, scattered all around the world, perhaps even worse ones involving suicides in centers (more than one), secret marriages and sexual relationships of centers-on-charge, fraudulent visa applications, financial malfeasance, nepotistic favoritism and so on ... and not only do they not change, the individuals involved just stay on in their positions. Mostly, it is all just kept secret from the followers.

The BKs just do not seem to care. All that seems to matters to them is who has the money, and keeping the business running.

What does your friend want to achieve?
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Re: BK cover up

Post07 Mar 2013

Your friend needs to do something different and practical.

There's no point posting his problems here and hoping the BKWSU or these individuals will suddenly change overnight. They won't. This is their way of life. In my opinion and experience, elements of the BKWSU operate like an immoral, semi-criminal, underworld network who don't give a damn about the law, morals or ethics and if they can get away with anything, they will do so.

We've even had examples here where Seniors have encouraged followers to steal and cheat the companies they work from on the basis that it would be good karma for them. And they have fought to keep people's money and legal battles to keep properties before.

Character assassination is something they do often and are good at.

The best place for your friend to start might be to consider and accept that view of the net he is trapped in and use it as a starting point.

His family are involved. He cannot protect them if they are mentally trapped into Brahma Kumarism.

Perhaps, if he is honest, he is not even protecting them but protecting himself and his position with their house. He needs to speak to someone outside of the situation.


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Re: BK cover up

Post11 Mar 2013

I hope your friend does not go too deep into shame. Leaving the BKs is one thing, but the public humiliation is a whole other thing. Keep an eye on him, for when things get too tough, he will need someone to be with him. Too many BKs have lost their lives over these things. This is preventable. Take care. Glad you're looking out for him.


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Re: BK cover up

Post23 Mar 2013

Point taken, when. You mean too many BKs have lost their lives over this, does that mean the trustee or trustees behave in this manner all the time? Only person who should be ashamed is the trustee for bribing and illegal conduct.


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Re: BK cover up

Post25 Mar 2013

ex-l wrote:Your friend needs to do something different and practical.

Yes, I totally agree my friend needs to do something different and practical. None of these BKs will change overnight, if they had the opportunity to do something negative for any gain for themselves, they would do it over and over again. It also seems spying on exiting and ex-bks also seems to be their talent to keep an eye on ex members. I agree the BKWSU don't give a damm whom or who they hurt. in the case of the trustee bribing the escort, does he feel his behaviour was proper behaviour? I don't think so. He probably thinks he has got away with it.

I have heard stories of recent where Seniors fought to keep people's money and properties. In the case of my friend, the motive, I can assure you, is financial. With it concerns the greedy trustee. The trustee was put their by the head of the BJWSu, so the trustee feels, I don't give a damn about who I hurt, as long I make money out this.

I agree character assassination is something they do often and are good at but what gets me is that even current BKs believe it, which is very bad. In the case of my friend, character assassination was organised by the trustee. Some top Seniors probably know what the trustee is like, but they would not do anything good, even though they are a registered charity. The saying goes, if you're not with us, you're very much against us.

Yes, I agree, my friend is very much stuck in the rut, and practical action needs to be taken. Remember that it is the trustee who made the decision to obtain the tape then share with people, and he probably goes to sleep at night knowing he has committed a crime. I heard from my friend that the Murli says Baba has often said, cinema is wrong. Well, getting and rallying round certain members and watching the tape of my friend is worse than the cinema.

Something pratical will be done. Point taken.
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Re: BK cover up

Post26 Mar 2013

I think that, at this point, we need to hear or read more than just the same extreme allegation. Repeating allegations alone, doesn't make them true.


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Re: BK cover up

Post13 Apr 2013

I understand repeating the allegations wont make them true, even though they are very much true.

My friend is, in fact, in an odd situation. Having been married and living in India and being a pukka BK, moving back to Europe has been difficult for him. Then to be divorced and separated from his wife is also a huge challenge.

The wife did not wish to have anything to do with the BKs so, naturally, my friend had to move back in with his family. I have read interesting stories some say why defame the BKs but, in my opinion, the BKs treat people like outcasts as soon as they live their own life. That's the world he lives in.
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Re: BK cover up

Post14 Apr 2013

deepack wrote:The wife did not wish to have anything to do with the BKs so, naturally, my friend had to move back in with his family.

Is there's no chance of them getting back together or moving back to India?
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK cover up

Post14 Apr 2013

deepack wrote:The wife did not wish to have anything to do with the BKs so, naturally, my friend had to move back in with his family. I

Sounds like what is "natural' is what is the problem, that is, it is not natural. Sounds like the wife saw problems ahead and got out - smart cookie. His manhood is at the heart of this whole episode.

He has been emasculated by the dominance of (reliance on) his family and the BKs and he's dependent (or just lazy), then he seeks affirmation of his masculinity (that's one phrase for it!) through firstly going to a brothel and then seeking to confront his tormentor with legal actions etc.

He should arrange a private meeting with the BK stickybeak, punch him in the nose, then move house, towns, countries. Be independent. Everyone will feel better and will get on with their lives.

Do you think I am joking?


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Re: BK cover up

Post14 Apr 2013

I don't think there is a chance of them getting back together as the wife is happily settled in India and does not wish to argue about BKs with her ex mother in law.

India is where my friends heart is but meantime he will see if he can make amends to get back with his ex wife.
Pink Panther wrote:He should arrange a private meeting with the BK stickybeak, punch him in the nose, then move house, towns , countries. Be independent. Everyone will feel better and will get on with their lives.

Do you think I am joking?

I hear you loud and clear Pink Panther. Yes, the wife was a smart cookie decided to stay in India.

I am taking you very seriously. I think, for him, moving towns or countries is the best move.
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Re: BK cover up

Post14 Apr 2013

The sad truth is, this kind of crap happens in so many centers with the BKs.

Does your friend not speak English well enough to come on to this forum himself?

I think also, for yourself, there is a point where you have to stop helping him and he has to start helping himself.

I remember a Brother from an East European country who 'humiliated' himself sexually, or was humiliated by the BKs over it. He completely gave over his own power to them and they used it over them.

Then, on the other hand, you BK center-in-charge, or surrendered Sisters who have a secret sexual relationship ... and the leaders essentially cover up for them, and allow them to carry on.

Again, there is still a handicapping of the 'Sexy BK Sadies' because they have broken the Maryadas (principles), "gutted their Cycle" for eternity, committed the ultimate sin, and so the leaders will always have that over them. They will even believe they are destined to have a lower status ... but, in general, it seems the sexy BK Sisters have a far easier time of it than the BK Brothers who are just not trusted.

That is rooted in Old School BK mentality of men being "lusty dogs" and "evil rapists" ... as if a BK Sister has never had a sexual impulse! Ha.

I mean, look at Hansa Raval, they still allow her to sit on the stage with BapDada (money and power seems more important than purity these days). Many of the high profile BK Sisters in the West have done "the beast with two backs".

Of course, if your friend does not believe in BKism, none of that applies to him. He can do what he wants and be happy.

I think it is a good time for our favorite song ...


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