Please Help

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Please Help

Post21 Jan 2013

hey guys..actually my family members are going crazy because of this BK ****..please give me some tips and advice so that i can get them out of this trap...excuse my language, but that's how desperate i am...thanks..:)


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Re: Please Help

Post21 Jan 2013

i do not know whats in there head...its like they have been thoroughly brainwashed.i have tried taking some sense into them but have failed everytime...:(
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Re: Please Help

Post21 Jan 2013

You can use all and any language you like ... and we will help you the best we can. Yes, sadly it sounds that you are experiencing what 1,000s of other families in the world have experienced ... melt down and conflict at the hands of the Brahma Kumaris. Yes, it is like their are brainwashed or on drugs ... indeed, they are being brainwashed.

Which members have become involved?

To be honest, the worst case scenario is you will have to separate yourself from them ... but make sure you protect any wealth or property in the family otherwise the BKs will try and get their hands on that too. Don't allow them to give any money to the Brahma Kumaris at all.

99% of what they teach and say is false. The only thing that is 100% is that money goes one way in the BKWSU ... their way ... and it is likely that they will end up with nothing at the end.


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Re: Please Help

Post22 Jan 2013

Hi drnigam,

I am sorry you are going through this. I recommend reading Steve Hassan's "Combatting Cult Mind Control" or "Releasing the Bonds" for excellent advice on how to try and get through to cult members/people who have been subject to brainwashing. It's tough, but there are ways you can get through to them - if not now, then maybe at some point in the future.


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Re: Please Help

Post22 Jan 2013

Thanks guys for your kind gesture, BTW my whole family has become involved, but my mother is the worst hit. I have tried a million times to reason with them, but then again they give me some crappy logic, which I always fail to understand ... and they also do not tell me what or how much they have donated to these BK buggers, but I am sure that these BK idiots are regularly taking donations in the form of money and all. I also remember my family giving them a TV set last year, even though we are financially strong, but I am scared that today it's a TV set, but tomorrow it can be the house ...


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Re: Please Help

Post22 Jan 2013


I saw your name searching in "Abuse and 'Recovery" in this Forum , trying to find a way to save your family from BK cult destructive and satanic influence, after writting about it in this post ... Feeling of anger and sadness overwhelmed me, as I got an imaginary glance of the look in your eyes ..!!
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Re: Please Help

Post22 Jan 2013

I am sorry to say this ... but if the BKs can get your house, they will. You won't be the first husdband/child/family to lose a house and you won't be the last. The BKs have even fought individuals and families to keep ahold of property they have been given whilst the individuals are hypnotised and brainwashed into believe if they do, they will receive a high status in a Heaven on Earth the BKs will rule.

The BKs leaders have their 'Heaven on Earth' right now, they are living off all the money and property and the next thing will be to squeeze you out, or convert you into submission. There have even been cases when a husband dies and donates the house to the BK Sisters *along* with his wife and they turn the wife into a servant in her own home. Fact.

Of course, they frame it in terms such as "giving benefit" and "allowing her to earn her fortune by serving Baba". There are other cases where they have enculted some rich person, usually a woman, fawned all over her and made her feel special, she thinks it will be like this forever and then once she donates, they lose interest and move on to the next one. These reports come from all over the world, India, Russia, UK.

When people first encouter the BKs, those who are susceptible to the hypnotic meditation become really high. It is quite like a drug or mental illness and it usually lasts only for 6 months, perhaps a year until they come down. During that time the BKs treat them with extra love, they are considered a spiritual baby and get a lot of attention and "guidance" ... actually brainwashing and mental conditioning. During that time, they are encouraged to detach from their family and normal feelings and surrender everything to the BKWSU. (God does not need money and property, it is the Brahma Kumaris who are taking it). Partly they are giving extra attention because life in a BK center is not very interesting and not many people fall for them and convert.

Newcomers are a grateful breath of fresh air and they make old and tired BKs feel special and wise because they can play at being teachers ... mini gurus really. But, for non-BKs how have to live with them, they are exhausting. I guess you will have been told you are impure and they cannot eat the food you cook, accept presents you give ... they are trying to stop you do normally things, they want to use the house to do BK service, every conversation becomes a conversion processes? The BKs are already squeazing you out of your home so they can have it for their business.

You cannot logic with them because there is no logic and they have no understanding of it ... as we are seeing on this forum with BK supporters right now ... they just learn "yuktis" to deal with questions they cannot answer and if you push them, challenge them or even question them ... their shadow comes out and they become nasty, irritated, egotistical or twisted. From the beginning, as the religion had no money and no income, it has expanded by taking over family homes and converting them into centers.

If there is anyway, right now, that you can get the family home put into a trust (or your name), please do so. Appeal to their old selves and sense of morality. Confront the local center or region-in-charge about it. Get their word in writing they won't accept it. Make them sign.

You can tell them that you have discovered information on the internet that proves that the BKs have taught an entirely false history to their followers, that their god has made numerous failed predictions of Destruction (End of the World) and that the leaders have cover it up to keep their business and income coming in. Those are inarguable FACTS.

You can tell them, the god of the BKs predicted the End of the World in WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996 and their leaders did in Year 2000. They encourage their followers to believe the End of the World is, "two to three years away" and they call it "Transformation" to outsiders. Inside they call it "Destruction" ... the death of 7 billion so they can rule the world. They are mad. They have written to rulers and military leaders tell them to "scorch the Earth" and bring about military rule and their god taught them that they would "give courage to the scientists" to use the Nuclear weapons.

Those are inarguable FACTS.

Tell us a little bit more about your situation and let's try and develop a strategy. When did they get involved with the BKs? How deeply involved are they? Yes, the BKs are parasites and they will take, take, take ... and once they have taken, taken, taken they will ask for more.

One of your best strategies might be to look at and read some of the BKs core teachings. Don't listen to the external twaddling about "positive thinking" or "leadership", it is just a salespitch to get people in. Start to read over some of the "Sakar Murlis", we have copies here, and then start to use them back on your parents and family, "Baba says ...". They are bound to their Baba so use what he says.

One of the thing "Baba says ..." is that BKs "have to get a pass mark from everyone", i.e. that everyone around them should be satisfied by their behaviour. He also tells them to stay in their homes, serve their family and be like angels. You can download Murlis from this website and highlight the bits you want them to read.

Expect them to complain very loudly when you do!!!

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