Sister Shivani

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Sister Shivani

Post03 Jan 2013

Hello Sr. Shivani,

a big fan of yours. I am 22 year old and studying. I am hoping for your help in some matters of my life.

I have got some behavioural problem since my childhood. I do not talk much with any one even when its necessary and specially when out of my home with strange people.

Many times, It has taken years to be at a comfort level with someone. There is some kind of unknown fear everytime am in a new place. For instance, I have joined a coaching since last year but am not at all comfortable with anyone in the class of 70-80 students till NOW ... I am so much nervous that I do not even look at them and the first one to get out of the class. All my school and college life has been like this and now I feel as if I am in a shell because am not able to express myself.

Please help me. I have already wasted a lot of years of my life.

Waiting for your reply.
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Re: Sister shivani

Post08 Jan 2013

The Brahma Kumaris organisation and Sr shivani will not help your problem, in fact it would make things worse as the BKWSU requires you to disconnect from people.

Please try seeing a trained therapist or councillor to help you. Please don't waste your life in a cult


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Re: Sister Shivani

Post09 Jan 2013

BEWARE !!!!!!!!!!!!! thousand times I will tell you not to go to them at all. I am a victim of these people. They will kill you mentally and make your life worse than a hell. do not do it. Please avoid them strictly at all the cost.
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Re: Sister Shivani

Post09 Jan 2013

tanviten wrote:I have got some behavioural problem since my childhood. I do not talk much with any one even when its necessary and specially when out of my home with strange people.

Shivani and the BKs really do not offer help for such problems.

Shivani's show is a sort of advertisement to draw you into the BK cult. She sounds looks and good but she is not qualified in helping people in this way, and the truth is, the BKs are really not interested in your problem, they are just seeking to exploit people who are in a vulnerable state of mind.

You have all the power to change yourself, all the BKs want is to make you follow their religion, give your money to them and work for them for free.

Changing your personality is like building up muscle strength. You have to decide your goal and then "exercise" ... doing those things you want to achieve. Facing your fears directly. Sometimes it helps to read stories of people who have overcome similar problems. You will find many of the great people started exactly like you.

Having someone to talk to about them can help too but the important thing is to take a step today, another tomorrow and keep going.

The BKs have entirely different intentions for you. They will want to control you and turn you into their servant. Learn what they really teach before you get involved.

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