What should I do?

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Re: What should I do?

Post04 Jan 2010

dear b.parmeshwar,
I assure all of you of my continued services to the benefit of mankind ...

Whatever you do to heal yourself, and whatever makes you happy, IS for the benefit of the mankind ... You don't need to do anything else. Just be happy.
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Re: What should I do?

Post04 Jan 2010

Yes, and I'd like to add, "don't just do something FOR yourself, do something OF yourself". That is, of your own imagination ... from your own heart.

In BK terms, this should read something like don't follow Lekhraj Kirpalani, be your own Lekhraj Kirpalani ... live your own full life and find your own path.

Thank you Sword for underline the very, very, very many terrible life decisions that have been encouraged by the Brahma Kumari leadership on the basis of their bogus 'End of the World' predictions and lust for money, property and free labor on which they build their power and status.

I am sure that there are many things that you have neglected in your time with the BKs. Start with them ...


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Re: What should I do?

Post17 Jan 2010

Today is 17th, Sunday, but sitting at home. I am supposed to be at centre as tomorrow is 18th January. Firmly decided not to go. Not going since 20 days, But feeling pressure of guilty, and loneliness, a few Sister visited my home in the morning. I intentionally avoided them.

The process is becoming painful. I started taking outside food to get rid of old habit of not accepting it, internally feeling insecured and not finding myself comfortable in dealing with people.

Your advice will be highly appreciated. My main problem is not able to get myself associated with everybody NORMALLY. I just want to get rid of all BK habits ...

Thank you


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Re: What should I do?

Post30 Jan 2010

ex-l wrote:I imagine that there are actually many Brahma Kumaris who are ready and wishing they too could leave The Knowledge. If not, many mature women who would deeply respect a man with sincere spiritual intentions ... even if he had been deceived. ESPECIALLY if he was wiser from having been deceived.

Thanks for your guidance ...

I've found one. Though not a surrendered one, but was very well convinced with Gyan and doing a Job. Now she is interested in making a relationship. What should I do? I don't know about the level of the BK's teaching printed on her subconscious and I am really concerned about the post marriage consequences. Her inclination towards Gyan is weakened these days and she too is losing interest in Gyan, but who can tell about future?

Your opinion will be of great help please ...

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Re: What should I do?

Post31 Jan 2010

because.parmeshwar wrote:I've found one. Though not a surrendered one, but was very well convinced with Gyan and doing a Job. Now she is interested in making a relationship. What should I do?

If I could accurately predict the future of marriages ... do you think I would be on a website sharing with you my advice for free!!! Ha! I'd be the busiest and richest person alive in demand all over the world.

But, seriously, no one here can take the responsibility of giving you that sort of advice. You have to decide.

The only thing I would add is that if you go ahead, get a pre-nuptial agreement - in writing - that if she ever goes back to the BKWSU, she goes completely and takes nothing but her clothes with her!

Yes, there is a risk ... we have had an ex-BK on this forum who married another ex-BK who then went back to Gyan after they had a child with many problems arising. Only you can attempt to guess her commitment.


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Re: What should I do?

Post31 Jan 2010

If I could accurately predict the future of marriages ... do you think I would be on a website sharing with you my advice for free!!! Ha! I'd be the busiest and richest person alive in demand all over the world.

But, seriously, no one here can take the responsibility of giving you that sort of advice. You have to decide.

I know.... But at this point of time, even your reply is of great help

Thankyou very much
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Re: What should I do?

Post31 Jan 2010

Investing into a relationship is also business between two people.

One thing I have noted recently amongst the Brahma Kumari movement is a confidence as far as using the law to grab or hold onto property. Whereas in the old days, they might have told the women just to leave, now some circles amongst them appear to give legal advice and are avaricious when it comes to the wealth of the family. They want to leave and take it with them.

This is not a universal statement but it has happened.

They do split up families. They will take the wealth and/or property of the family if it comes their way. And, of course, they know in the back of their minds that there is a good percentage chance that the individual might leave Gyan a few years later ... but leave the material benefits and labor behind them.

Divorce a husband and you get 50% ... Divorce the BKWSU and you get 0%. Everything has already gone down the drain ... or into the BKWSU's property portfolio.

Are you going to tell me that they are not conscious of this possible chain of events?


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Re: What should I do?

Post29 Oct 2010

After stopping from going to the BKs, I suffered severly from the terrible guilt, confusion, indecision, and just passing each and every day as it was comming. But the feeling was terribly painful. Gradually. I learned that this happines with almost every body who has followed the Gyan for good years ... Various posts helped me in different ways.

I still undergoing the thoughts of confusion and indecision and many times thinking of going back to the BKs and just surrender every thing ... No matter what happen ... and No matter where the life takes me. But again I come to the forum and the indecision is continuing ... Not finding myself fit in the outer world also, as the materiliasm, the rush, insanity for power, name and fame, and, I would add sex ... is making me more isolated and insecure...

I would appreciate if any member undergoing with same feelings, or been through such feelings can throw some light on this.



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Re: What should I do?

Post30 Oct 2010

Hi Because. parmeshwar,

Just wanted to say that many of us go through these feelings. I do not have time to go into detail as I have to travel for the next few days but I will get back to comment next week. The biggest problem I have with the BKs is that people are left with those feelings of loss and confusion, and the fact that they do not address these issues.

Hang in there.

Best Wishes.


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Re: What should I do?

Post06 Jun 2012

I wish I could be of some help to you.... :)

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