Need help in getting my Sister and mom out of BK

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Need help in getting my Sister and mom out of BK

Post04 Sep 2010


My Sister and mom are following BK. My Sister has left my Brother in law after joining in BK and managing a center. My Mother also started following BK and now she is also planning to leave my Father.

Could any one please help in getting my mom and Sister out of BK?

Thank you all for your help.

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Re: Need help in getting my Sister and mom out of BK

Post04 Sep 2010

Were you a BK as well? Have you left now? If so, what made you leave?

Thank you for joining us. I am very sorry to hear of your family's problems. Sadly, we hear of same thing time and time again all over the world.
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Re: Need help in getting my Sister and mom out of BK

Post04 Sep 2010

Dear L, hello and welcome,

I am very sorry to hear that your family situation is troubling you due to involvements with the BKs!

You write that you want help getting your mother and Sister out - what is your own understanding of and connection to the BKs?

Before being able to help others leave an influential organization like the BKs, it will probably be necessary to be knowledgeable about the BKs and their practices yourself. Luckily you already found this site where you find all the information filling anyone who wants to know about, with the real picture of the BKWSU. If you are just finding out about the real picture, it may be an unsettling experience but don't worry you'll arrive at clarity once you start asking the right questions.

Also, I think it is important to keep relationships good - as far as possible without suffering yourself. Having good relations was a major factor in helping me out just recently. My parents, Brothers and some good friends had been well aware that I was following an extreme and potentially damaging practise they did not favor at all. But they kept me close regardless - all these years, relating to who I am before and beyond my BK-influenced behaviors. That was the main help from family site whilst exiting. They never gave up the Sister and daughter they knew.

I'd appreciate to hear how you are getting on. Kind regards, A.
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Re: Need help in getting my Sister and mom out of BK

Post05 Sep 2010

    a) Appeal to them nicely at first ...

    Explain that they have been sucked into a false End of the World cult that eats or destroys families.
    Predictions of Destruction have failed many time but the BKWSU has kept all the money and properties.
    b) If they do not leave nicely, speak to the rest of the family.

    Make sure that they do not give them any money to follow the BKWSU.
    Tell your Mother and Sister to earn their own money or ask the BKWSU to guarantee to support them for life.
    Giving money to the BKWSU does not bring "good luck" or karma. It is not proper charity.
You could try showing your mother and Sister the pictures of the original cycle and original tree from the Library section and tell them there is a site on the internet that tells the truth about the BKWSU, how they have been faking their history and revising all their predictions of Destruction since WWII or 1950, and how everyone knows this now.

    c) Ask them why the BKWSU has hidden so much of its history, failed predictions and the bad things which have happened?
Yes, Baba or the leaders have made specific predictions of Destruction in WWII, 1950, 1976, mid-1980s and so on.

    What do you think it is that holds your Sister and mother in the BKWSU?
    Was it a way of escaping from their husbands or life?
    Was there suffering or boredom?
    How do your Father and brother-in-law react to the BKs?
If there were good aspects and experience to your mother and Sister's lives before, things they enjoyed, you could appeal to them by encouraging them to do those, e.g. walks, holidays, food, humor etc. Whatever it was. Try and keep them away from the BK community cleverly. Keep them busy at home.

Best, as annamaria says, avoid any direct conflict and letting them go into "BK teacher mode". The BKWSU cult personality is too well structured and defensive.

It will be tough if they are hooked ... and so be ready to cut them off completely and to save the rest of the family and the family's wealth.
annamaria wrote:They never gave up the Sister and daughter they knew.

You raise an interesting point, Anna.

Sometimes it is almost as if there are two personalities in the one person. The older original personality - which can come out again - and a newer, superficial, cult based personality. Of course, the BKWSU says the old one is "all bad and impure" and prefers to limit the influence of old friends and family in order to strengthen the new one. Many of the BKs' rules are about doing this. They argue that the new personality is the pure one, original one, or the one becoming pure - but, mainly, it is just a personality that is submissive to the leaders and becoming like them. Actually, I don't think people really change that much at all.
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Re: Need help in getting my Sister and mom out of BK

Post19 Oct 2010

Good luck. Rather like getting an alcoholic to stop drinking. It can only come from their own rock bottom experience. Make them aware of this website and if possible, bring them into contact with an ex-BK, preferably one who is not hysterical or angrily anti-BK.

They think they've found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and you're trying to take it away from them. In time, they will realise the pot is full of poisonous snakes. Above all else, urge them to be cautious with their money and possessions.

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