Thinking of going back

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Mr Green


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Re: Thinking of going back

Post20 Mar 2010

if you had really found God you wouldn't have left, it wasn't god so you left.

Go back for what? to find out again it's all a con?

Do yourself a favour and look for God without going through a shop!
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post21 Mar 2010

ex-l wrote:What needs to be asked is what did the BKs get from it? My guess is, if you dig deeply, that there is probably money involved. Not just Marneta giving the BKs a "product" they can sell and a rights to a "service device" to reach out to families and children but something else ... does any one know the history?

There is a video on YouTube of Marneta's appearance on the 'Dragon's Den' programme when she was requesting investment in the company. Sorry, I don't know how to attach videos here or post links but it is not difficult to find on google if you use relax kids as the search term.

This really is an extraordinary piece of footage. Marneta appears to be attempting to give dhristi to the panel, one of whom comments that he feels she is trying to hypnotise him. She appears to know little or nothing about how the business is run or how the product is sold. Not sure when this was but presumably shortly after the launch of Relax Kids.

I recommend watching it. It really is very edifying as are the comments of other people who have viewed the video!

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Re: Thinking of going back

Post21 Mar 2010

littlelamb wrote:This really is an extraordinary piece of footage. Marneta appears to be attempting to give dhristi to the panel, one of whom comments that he feels she is trying to hypnotise him.

"I think I do want to make money" ... spoken like a true Brahma Kumari.

My first observation is that, although in truth the Dragons were pretty scathing of her, Marneta still uses the show as part of her marketing now, "as seen on TV", another Brahma Kumarism really ... so famous.

I think the whole thing is really revealing and I think the interaction between the Dragon on the right, who is being zapped by the the whole BK vibe and freaking out about hypnosis, is fascinating.

I have always said that I think that it is wrong that she, and any other BK like her, using Brahma Kumarisms for business are getting themselves into really sticky ethical waters. Whether you believe that Brahma Kumarism is involving real spooks, or whether you believe that Brahma Kumarism is tapping into level of our own consciousness, it does not really matter to me, morally and ethically it is very wrong to involve it in any money making business, especially involving children, until it is resolved what it going on.

That we have proven beyond any doubt that there is a whole load of immoral, unethical and manipulative activity going on, from their chief spook downwards, underlines this point of view in my opinion.

Congratulations to the dragons for being able to keep their wallets in their pockets after being faced with a Brahma Kumari in full flight.

If it was not for all the Brahma Kumari background, I would Marneta was talented and appealing, and has her target audience clear. But I think it is doubly wrong to take Brahma Kumari service into commercial activities for the reasons above. I am sure most BKs would agree with me and be shocked such Seniors like the Kirpalani Klan are supporting it, as I am not most BKs wold not be supported by them ... especially if they were carrying on sexual relationships as well.


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Re: Thinking of going back

Post22 Mar 2010

Just watched the Marneta video, it really freaked me out. She was drishtiing them up like mad. I really loved Marneta when I was little, she was always so sweet and loving. But now the sweet loving thing scares me, because I worry where it is leading. Has anyone listened to her materials? Are they based on BK teachings? I am feeling very paranoid at the moment about anything to do with the BKs, but I worry that this whole 'turn your kids into confident, relaxed adults' actually means 'make them susceptible to BK teachings'.


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Re: Thinking of going back

Post22 Mar 2010

We must have watched it at the same time, there is something very wrong with her whole demeanour. The acting and the false smiling, that cannot be right. On another note, I went to class on Sunday and duly feel asleep! Is that a sign? Anyway, the lady who gave the class (I actually quite like her), she was telling jokes! Yes, believe it or not she had the class in minor stitches ...

So, what was the joke I hear you ask?

    A man asks God "how long does it take for a million years to pass for you?"
    God replies "1 minute".
    Man asks: "How much is a million rupees worth to you?"
    God replies: "1 rupee".
    Man ask: "God, can you give me 1 rupee?"
    God replies: "Sure ... just wait a minute ..." (budoom boom ching!).
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post22 Mar 2010

alanna wrote:Has anyone listened to her materials? Are they based on BK teachings?

I have heard two of the CDs. The meditations all start with, "Close your eyes ... be very still ... and imagine ... blah blah". Marneta does have that lovely soft, soothing voice and to the uninformed it really is pretty standard New Age stuff, but to those of us in the know - worlds of golden red light, sending good wishes with your mind to a friend who is sad, a kindly old wizard ... the BK stuff is there.

I wonder how much of Marneta's business is actually controlled by her. She comes across in the Dragon's Den footage as being very naive. Is she just a BK puppet I wonder?

It was very clear that one of the dragons (Peter Jones I think his name is) was particularly susceptible to the whole hypno thing - and he knew it. Of course, it is possible that some of the children listening to these CDs could also be powerfully affected. I am very glad my child wasn't impressed with them. They are now in a box with the few remaining other bits of BK paraphernalia I still have.

Try not to get too paranoid Alanna, they haven't taken over the world just yet! I doubt whether they ever will really. A healthy dose of cynicism is all we need to see how bonkers the BKs really are!


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Re: Thinking of going back

Post22 Mar 2010

littlelamb wrote:Try not to get too paranoid Alanna, they haven't taken over the world just yet!

Heh! As you said, I am just worried what effect those kind of meditations could have on children, given how powerfully I feel BK teachings have affected me - without me even realising. And they are being used in some schools.

I am not sure whether filtering the stuff through kids' stories and a relaxation model means it is more or less likely to have a negative effect. I hope there's nothing about detachment and soul v body consciousness in there anyway, I think that's what messed me up the most.
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post22 Mar 2010

sakaash wrote:I went to class on Sunday and duly feel asleep!

Ah, so you went back Sakaash. And even the uproar and hilarity of the joke telling couldn't keep you awake ;).

Keep posting!


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Re: Thinking of going back

Post22 Mar 2010

@ Sakaash - Yes, that you should have been at home in bed! Did you find things were weird going back? I know I find it strange when I am around BKs now after so long in the real world. It's like you see things with newly opened eyes.


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Re: Thinking of going back

Post22 Mar 2010

Actually, it wasn't that bad. I cannot seem to bring myself to sit in Baba's room though and they have a block on the stairs preventing the usual access to the meditation room in Diamond House (I think they were putting up some new displays or something). Maybe another sign! - I always preferred that meditation room though. I wonder if it would be rude to go to the meditation room whilst everyone else is listening to the Murli?
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post27 Mar 2010

Fascinating video mainly because when I first went to London and met Marneta I was told she had actually won!

I did use one of her CDs to help put children to sleep but as soon as I found this website I immediately stopped because I was worried about the long term effects.

I wish I had been as sharp as the dragon who not only felt the hoodoo voodoo in the room, but was also able to identify it and throw it back in her face. Very impressive.
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post19 Oct 2010

do not.

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