An unbiased view ...

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An unbiased view ...

Post17 Jan 2010

Dear Friends,

I have been reading the posts for past some time - there are very intriguing and, finally, I decided to write.

I was following BK life for 5 years and not following for last 5 years. So my balance of BK and non-BK belief is equal - I was waiting for a day when I will be able to evaluate this knowledge from unbiased view and, in my entire life, this is the time wherein I have a clearer view and start sharing with others.

Exiting BK life was not easy - its painful, I went through similar experiences that many of you have highlighted. I ask myself why did I even join BKs and would have been better off without getting this knowledge! But if I look at what I experienced in those 5 years of belief is simply far too more valuable for me in life than the pain experienced post that. Its a theroy of relativity- if you live your life on ordinary plane entirely- all will be fine. You will have some happiness and some sorrow. When you jump into something extra ordinary like BK life- the experiences of peace, divinity, happines are remarkable and out of this world. I doubt if anyone of us who have been a genuine BK did not have such experiences.

When you come back form an extra-ordinary plane into an ordinary plane, there is bound to be catastrophe and depression. Its hard but thats how it meant to be. I blamed BKs for my state of depression during those days like many of you do now. However in the BKs are some of the most beautiful and pure souls that are completely divine and their purity cant be questioned. Even when I blamed my situation to them, I contacted the BKs and explained my state of being. What did they do? They ran few nights of group meditation specifically for my welfare. I came out of depression in 5 days time of this experiment. What did science advise me to do? Doctors put me to sleeping pills which even destroyed me more.

It was a torturous state but from that time I never never blame BKs for my state of being. How can you put blame on anyone for your situations in life? Even if you have met 10-20 BKs, centre-in-charges who are not up-to-mark and may have conned you, how can you generalize it? If it doesnt work for you, leave it and do what you want to do but why do you blame their entire system? I have been to their centres across the world and many cities in India. I have never seen any other religion or spiritual practice having so many beatiful and pure spirits and positive vibrations.

We blame BKs for having money and property - I have seen many posts highlighting them. In my 5 years of BK life, I was never asked for any single donations by any BK centre across 5 countries, 20 cities in India though they offered me everything they had in many instances to sustain me. I ask you one simple thing- even if someone in BKs asks you for money, isnt it your choice whether you want to give or not? If you make that choice, why blame them? So I do not think they are doing it to accumulate money - if you think they are why do you even bother to give? I always admired their balance of science and spirituality. I met lot of simple BK centre-in-charges in remotes villages of India who had remarkable selflessness around them.

Failed predictions: Yes, this is true. I also believe their destruction philisophy is flawed and predictions have always failed. My view now is more rational - how does it matter to me when its going to happen! I do not want destruction to happen till I achieve what I have to! So yes their destrution mantra to lure people into the path is flawed. But mass destruction is a possibility in any case - in a recent earthquake in Haiti entire capital was destroyed. It can happen in my city tomorrow! So, that's destruction for me. I do not care when the world is destroyed. I care only about what I have to do before my own ... So, I took out this from their philosohy and evaluated the other concepts which are still profound and anwer many questions about life.

Is it God giving this knowledge or Dada Lekhraj? I do not know who is. Murlis become a bit heavy sometimes but to me they had profound truth in them hidden. It had something for everyone. Not interesting every line for every one ... but had something for everyone. My view now is that even if its Dada Lekhraj, I respect that spirit for having brought so much purity, happiness, peace to the souls who genuinely believed it. Meditation enabled me to connect to God.

Can a point of light bring loving tears to my eyes? Even after leaving BKs, I do experience God's presence everywhere in my life- I love him, he makes me cry, he helps me when I look upto him as a child, I still feel his vibrations when I meditate. If something is so false, how it can still bring such deep connection with God? One could argue that its not God I connect to - but do I care?

In that connection, I experience more love than I do from my own parents, wife ... I experience more peace than I do when I visit Church, temple or mosque. I experience more happiness than I do when I get promotions in career ... who could this be if not God? If its not God, I am fine with his presence till the time someone can tell me who God is and how to experience him. I would like to hear from your experiences whether any of you have had better experiences of God in any other path and I am happy to take that with you.

In my today's state, I am more matured, rational about it, and my relationship with God is more subtle and deep. I do not say I believe them 100%. I do not say what they are doing is all wrong. I do not say one needs to really prove they are wrong or right. In my view, if you like something accept it, if you do not, reject it. But do not generalize your experiences with few instances. Afterall they are also being run by imperfect human beings.

In the end, I only believe what I experience. If any of you had not experienced the magic of connection with God through their teachings, you would never have followed that path.


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Re: An unbiased view...

Post18 Jan 2010

Hello clearernow and welcome
I do not say I believe them 100%, I do not say what they are doing is all wrong, I do not say one needs to really prove they are wrong or right. In my view, if you like something accept it, if you do not, reject it. But do not generalize your experiences with few instances.

So, what you have finally decided? To be one of them or to stay outside and pass the views and observation to others? You said that 50-50% you were in and out, your post also reflects the 50%-50% of favourable and unfavourable opinions.

The initial years of BK knowledge gives us very good experiences and we feel highly intoxicated, people out there seems favourable and we start believing them. Gradually when we get entirely in to the system then the real game starts, the real game of sucking when you are trapped ...

You will be called a family member, and then you have the responsibility of GIVING, and because this is an organisation, it has some rules and regulations, you have to follow the instructions of hierarchy, the basic instruction or rule is you can not question them. You have to just follow them. There will be no feeling of love and affection from family member as they treat them vices ... so as a result you will left alone, and if you are sensitive and naïve then only the companion for you is Baba’s big frame hanged on a wall or a Trance light, Murli, classes cassettes.

You have to develop some hypocritical qualities for your survival if you want to keep moving... Their knowledge keep you away from outside world, watching TV, Using computer other than Baba’s work, reading books other than BKs will be treated as betrayal of Shrimat, resulting you will not gain any outside knowledge which can liberate you from BK’s web. Today I think if I would have find this site years before ...

God’s love, of course everybody experiences it, that’s why we all were there ...
Even after leaving BKs, I do experience God's presence everywhere in my life

That is more than enough.
In that connection, I experience more love than I do from my own parents, wife ...

God’s love makes us more loveful. There is no question of comparing it with our near and dear one’s. But through their teaching they become our enemies or Shudra which are taught to be avoided.

Through this site only, I came to know that they are deceiving with their knowledge since 70 years, they keep the things changing, hidden. And after browsing intensely I learned that, there are so many other cults, working on one or the other beliefs, exploiting people, I don’t know what their intentions are, but one thing I realised that if you receive pain or become a reason for giving pain, following a teaching, then surely it is not GOD’s teaching.

Thank you


Re: An unbiased view...

Post18 Jan 2010

So, what you have finally decided? To be one of them or to stay outside and pass the views and observation to others? You said that 50-50% you were in and out, your post also reflects the 50%-50% of favourable and unfavourable opinions.

I have extracted what works for me from the overall set of principles and apply/experiment it in my practical life post/outside BK - Connection with God - Meditation, Karma, Soul Consciousness, Purification etc, I have decided to experiment even more with my relationship with God and increase my faith in him to seek truth directly from him rather than arguments, logic etc ... I have complete faith that if BKs are true, God will pull me there ... If they are not and another institute is better than them, he will pull me there ...

I have decided not to care about unfavourable concepts/practices. Stress on the world will rise, problems will rise so more and more people will be attracted to them no matter how hard you try to stop them - its not worth the effort. If they do not want to debate about unfavourable things, why waste my time over that ... No institute is pure, perfect ... Churches are exploiting and abusing children sexually in the world. As I had said before if you could share experiences from a better path to deepen my experience with God, I will take that onboard ...
The initial years of BK knowledge gives us very good experiences and we feel highly intoxicated, people out there seems favourable and we start believing them. Gradually when we get entirely in to the system then the real game starts, the real game of sucking when you are trapped ...

You will be called a family member, and then you have the responsibility of GIVING, and because this is an organisation, it has some rules and regulations, you have to follow the instructions of hierarchy, the basic instruction or rule is you can not question them. You have to just follow them. There will be no feeling of love and affection from family member as they treat them vices ... so as a result you will left alone, and if you are sensitive and naïve then only the companion for you is Baba’s big frame hanged on a wall or a Trance light, Murli, classes cassettes.

You have to develop some hypocritical qualities for your survival if you want to keep moving... Their knowledge keep you away from outside world, watching TV, Using computer other than Baba’s work, reading books other than BKs will be treated as betrayal of Shrimat, resulting you will not gain any outside knowledge which can liberate you from BK’s web. Today I think if I would have find this site years before ...

This is contradictory - my understanding of the BK philosophy was to have all relations with God but at the same time fulfill lokik responsibilities ... Some senior BK had told me in my early days, "Rajayoga is not a hobby, it is a new lifestyle which you may or may not choose for yourself". This is an extreme and extra-ordinary path, you cant depend on your BK family or centre-in-charges or hierarchy to support you - your faith in God needs to be so strong that you experience the support from him.

I had this experience many many times wherein I surrendered my problems to God without disucssing with any BK and help always came through BKs or Non-BKs automatically- If you make any BK soul or human being as your support on this path, ITS NOT FOR YOU. IF ITS NOT FOR YOU doesnt mean ITS NOT RIGHT or ITS NOT FOR ANYONE. My view is if you do not want to embark on a life long journey of purification, who forces you anyway? And if people are choosing it for them, why stop them anyway? If they cant prove they are right, can I really prove they are not! There is no end to it ...

GIVING is essential in any spiritual path in the world- Whether its temples, churches, other spiritual paths - GIVING is always encouraged. Even the CEO of my company promotes GIVING these days quoting scriptures - "What you Give is What you get". I do not see this as problem - If you want to give, you do If you do not want to give, you do not ...

As I said before - I have been in the poorest of places in India where BKs had centres and even they did not ask me any time for money. On the other hand, what was your perception when you were giving? Was it a donation to BKs or "sharing what I received from God for his work"? Eastern philosophy always promoted donations with pure feelings ... I have personal experiences in and outside of BK that when you have pure feeelings donating, God always brings you back many times of what you have given. If you do not believe this, do not give ... period.

People tend to be hypocritical because of instances of being conned by individuals in any institute - I feel sorry if you underwent such ... but I experienced otherwise and that's why wouldn't generalize it ... some of them are still very good friends and genuinely pure souls having good intentions ...
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Re: An unbiased view...

Post19 Jan 2010

It is also said, "indiscriminate charity is a sin". Yes, I believe in giving. But I fear the Brahma Kumaris are exploiting our personal and religion sentiments to give ... and channeling it to them.

For example, in 1975 and 76, they were preaching Destruction in 1976. And yet in 1976, Dadi Janki instructed them to buy a freehold property in London with religious donators money. Why were they buying a freehold property ... if it was about to be destroyed.

Of course, we know now that Dadi Janki have lived through 1950 and WWII predictions and knew they would not happen. Followers were told Destruction, Destruction, Destruction ... and told to give money.

Even if you accept the BK framework, many BKs must have the sanskars of religious exploitation still within them from many, many lives of religious exploitations. Just as some of them might have been gurus and some of them royalty ... by their own theory, they still have all those skills ... and tastes ... within them.

I think the next level of spiritual evolution is leaving institutions and starting your own path ... a path for one (or one and who ever you are responsible for) ... your own path.


Re: An unbiased view...

Post19 Jan 2010

ex-l wrote:It is also said, "indiscriminate charity is a sin". Yes, I believe in giving. But I fear the Brahma Kumaris are exploiting our personal and religion sentiments to give ... and channeling it to them.

For example, in 1975 and 76, they were preaching Destruction in 1976. And yet in 1976, Dadi Janki instructed them to buy a freehold property in London with religious donators money. Why were they buying a freehold property ... if it was about to be destroyed.

Of course, we know now that Dadi Janki have lived through 1950 and WWII predictions and knew they would not happen. Followers were told Destruction, Destruction, Destruction ... and told to give money.

Even if you accept the BK framework, many BKs must have the sanskars of religious exploitation still within them from many, many lives of religious exploitations. Just as some of them might have been gurus and some of them royalty ... by their own theory, they still have all those skills ... and tastes ... within them.

Similar Destruction predictions were made for Year 2000 by lot of enthusiastic BKs, and failed - That was in my early BK days but I never heard this from Dadis in India, or any particular Murli at that point of time. Murlis always said,"time is near" but never quoted a date. Lot of people believed that time and left later when it did not happen.

I do not know whether 1976 issue was similar or different - was it Dadi preaching destruction in 1976 or a set of enthusiastic BKs? I come back to my point again that BKs love churning - whenever Murlis talk about time nearing Destruction. Lot of them start interpreting it as few years and put dates to it. But their own philosophy says, "not to follow any souls and only follow what's in the Murlis". I am curious to know if there was any Murli that directly said 1976 was a definitive date? Or was it a set of enthusiastic BKs?

Its clear to me now that Destruction is irrelevant topic to discuss and debate - I ask myself, am I sure I will be alive tomorrow? Anything can happen to me any moment so how does it matter to me who says what about Destruction. This is why I stated above that I do not care about when it will happen and I do not care about BKs being wrong about it ... many others have tried to predict this and many others have failed. Which option do I choose for myself?
    a) Prove BKs wrong on Destruction philosophy
    b) Take this out for my own implementation/path and use other good practices which they taught me - I am clear that I have taken b) as the first option is a complete waste of time.
I see this particular aspect debated on this forum the most number of times probably! What an utter waste of time ... Aren't we all doing the same thing as BKs? Talking too much about Destruction! Give it a rest guys.

"Indiscrimite charity is a sin" - there are people exploiting people everywhere on earth ... you have to protect yourself and exercise your free will. No one forces you to give. Meditation makes your intellect cleaner and clearer and empowers you to take the right decisions. If you are connected with human beings on the BK path and not directly with God, you want their support, love and affection, you want to observe their state and not your own, one is bound to exit that path and feel exploited.

If your intellect is connected to God, how can you be exploited by anyone? It sounds to me that you have been conned by specific people in the organization which has left you thinking all BKs are the same. That's not my experience and even when I do not follow that path, I am sharing some of the practices that I always admired.
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Re: An unbiased view...

Post20 Jan 2010

clearernow wrote:I do not know whether 1976 issue was similar or different - was it Dadi preaching destruction in 1976 or a set of enthusiastic BKs? I come back to my point again that BKs love churning - whenever Murlis talk about time nearing Destruction. Lot of them start interpreting it as few years and put dates to it. But their own philosophy says, "not to follow any souls and only follow what's in the Murlis". I am curious to know if there was any Murli that directly said 1976 was a definitive date? Or was it a set of enthusiastic BKs?

It was on one of the early pictures from 1966 saying destruction in 10 years. It was the picture with Lakshmi and Narayan on it. The writing has been removed with reprints.

If Destruction did not happen, BB was going to give away all the money of the Yagya ... but the others intervened to make sure he did not.

There is also a Murli after that date explaining and backtracking as to why it did not happen.
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Re: An unbiased view...

Post20 Jan 2010

clearernow wrote:Similar Destruction predictions were made for Year 2000 by lot of enthusiastic BKs, and failed - That was in my early BK days but I never heard this from Dadis in India, or any particular Murli at that point of time. Murlis always said,"time is near" but never quoted a date. Lot of people believed that time and left later when it did not happen.

The reason that Destruction keeps come up, time and time again, is that new BKs or ex-BKs keep coming onto this forum and do not read the history section or FAQs.
    a) Didi Manohar was key to the whole 2000 Year Destruction prediction ... who else, I do not know. It is recorded in a book by an Indian journalist.

    b) the Murlis, and other direct materials most CERTAINLY predicted specific years. We have copies of them on this forum. This is a typical Brahma Kumari white-lie or half truth. They have been removed and the Murlis re-written to hide them.
The white lie is; yes, the Murlis have never stated a specific 'date', e.g. 30 of March 1945; but, yes, Lekhraj Kirpalani or BapDada HAS CERTAINLY predicted specific years; 1950, 1976, mid-1980s (around 1986).

The Murlis have been changed so often, can we find the originals? Yes, they exist outside of the BKWSU control to revise as does the other evidence the Brahma Kumaris have covered up. (Remember the story of "bury" all the original materials ... why do you think they did now?)
I do not know whether 1976 issue was similar or different - was it Dadi preaching destruction in 1976 or a set of enthusiastic BKs? I am curious to know if there was any Murli that directly said 1976 was a definitive date? Or was it a set of enthusiastic BKs?

Its clear to me now that Destruction is irrelevant topic to discuss and debate ... What an utter waste of time ... Aren't we all doing the same thing as BKs? Talking too much about Destruction! Give it a rest guys.

    a) It was Lekhraj Kirpalani or BapDada in the Murlis, quotes like (approx), "anyone who denies Destruction in 1976 will have their status reduced".

    b) Brahma Kumarism IS a religion of Destruction. Destruction of families, Destruction of society, ultimately ... a Destruction of humanity. Take away Destruction and you have no Brahma Kumarism. It is the be all and end all (literally) of Brahma Kumarism. Most of the rest is just fluff in comparison.
"Indiscrimite charity is a sin" - there are people exploiting people everywhere on earth ... you have to protect yourself and exercise your free will. No one forces you to give.

If your intellect is connected to God, how can you be exploited by anyone?

Well, on the basis of the evidence, we would have to then say that,

    a) it is not God in the BKWSU, and
    b) most BKs are not connected to God
There are two elements here; being exploited and exploiting others. On both sides, BKs are exploit and are exploited ... I am talking about center-in-charges, Senior Sisters here.

Do the Brahma Kumaris really teach their adherents how not to be exploited? Or that "Indiscrimite charity is a sin"? Or do they just teach them not to think, not to question and just surrender their man, tan and dan to the Dadis?


Re: An unbiased view...

Post24 Jan 2010

but, yes, Lekhraj Kirpalani or BapDada HAS CERTAINLY predicted specific years; 1950, 1976, mid-1980s (around 1986). The Murlis have been changed so often, can we find the originals? Yes, they exist outside of the BKWSU control to revise as does the other evidence the Brahma Kumaris have covered up. (Remember the story of "bury" all the original materials ... why do you think they did now?)

You know this for sure, then can you publish that Murli quoting specific date of 1976?

I was on the path during Y2K and many enthusiastic BKs predicted 2000 dates - But I did listen to all the Murlis live around those days and not even once this year was mentioned in them. Please publish Murli evidence of what you say.
b) Brahma Kumarism IS a religion of Destruction. Destruction of families, Destruction of society, ultimately ... a Destruction of humanity. Take away Destruction and you have no Brahma Kumarism. It is the be all and end all (literally) of Brahma Kumarism. Most of the rest is just fluff in comparison.

This is an extreme and fanatical view (being no different here than the object of criticism I am afraid) - I experimented this myself taking away Destruction and indeed the other principles worked the same way and benefitted me the same way. Destruction is a part of the philosophy but its not integral to everything they practice. In fact I found "Destruction" to be fluff in comparison with the enormous truths and experiences of the other parts of the teachings.

Do it yourself, just for the sake of it. Leave Destruction to the side and see other aspects of the teachings and experiences ... they are far too many. Experiences of divinity in Rajayoga meditation didnt comethrough to me because I was deliberating on Destruction (for sure!). In my 5 years of BK life, I myself preached the principles to many souls but I did not emphasize on Destruction! I emphasized on the beauty of meditation, connection with God and the experience of relationships with God that can be experienced in meditation. Many of them did the same way. I do not really see it that way.
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Re: An unbiased view...

Post24 Jan 2010

As I said, many of the specific Murlis, dates and quotes are all on the site (from memory, going back to 1966); as is everything else I state. I don't make false claims. Please do your own homework, you will find out what I am saying is true.

What you were doing was deceiving people, distracting them away from what Brahma Kumarism is all about and has been built on ... and that Destruction. The death of 6,000,000,000 people. And deceiving them that they were connecting to God when, in fact, all you were doing was connecting them to BapDada ... whoever or whatever they are.

Actually, I do not deny that people have all sort of weird and wonderful experience. When it works, it is can be a good high. However, really all you are doing is saying is, "Oh, ignore that uncomfortable truth (... that and all the BK supremacist stuff), get addicted on this bit without thinking too much about it". It has been Janki Kripalani's tuning of the Western BKs for years, "Don't think too much, don't question" because when you do, (dinosaurs, ancient history, the flag on the moon etc) it falls apart.

What worked to trick uneducated Sindis, does not work for even semi-educated Westerners. Hence the re-marketing in amongst all the New Age and corporate consulting stuff.

I appreciate that, in the West, the Brahma Kumaris are trying desperately to re-market Destruction and the End of Time as "Transformation", and the re-writing of the Murlis are softening this part of the message. But Destruction is still the foundations, be all and end of Brahma Kumarism.

If you are coming on here telling us "Destruction is fluff", you are part of the big lie.
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Mr Green


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Re: An unbiased view...

Post24 Jan 2010

Yes, it really is twaddle to deny the Destruction element of the BKs. The Confluence Age is the time to purify the soul because of the forthcoming Destruction precursor to the establishment of the Golden Age. It is as simple as that. BKism is a cyclic based religion, all the other stuff is just a cynical ploy to reach the target of 900,000 pukka souls to enable establishment to commence.

You are either a periphery BK, or you are deluding yourself and therefore others. Please wake up.


Re: An unbiased view...

Post24 Jan 2010

ex-l wrote:As I said, many of the specific Murlis, dates and quotes are all on the site (from memory, going back to 1966); as is everything else I state. I don't make false claims. Please do your own homework, you will find out what I am saying is true.

What you were doing was deceiving people, distracting them away from what Brahma Kumarism is all about and has been built on ... and that Destruction. The death of 6,000,000,000 people. And deceiving them that they were connecting to God when, in fact, all you were doing was connecting them to BapDada ... whoever or whatever they are.

Actually, I do not deny that people have all sort of weird and wonderful experience. When it works, it is can be a good high. However, really all you are doing is saying is, "Oh, ignore that uncomfortable truth (... that and all the BK supremacist stuff), get addicted on this bit without thinking too much about it". It has been Janki Kripalani's tuning of the Western BKs for years, "Don't think too much, don't question" because when you do, (dinosaurs, ancient history, the flag on the moon etc) it falls apart.

What worked to trick uneducated Sindis, does not work for even semi-educated Westerners. Hence the re-marketing in amongst all the New Age and corporate consulting stuff.

I appreciate that, in the West, the Brahma Kumaris are trying desperately to re-market Destruction and the End of Time as "Transformation", and the re-writing of the Murlis are softening this part of the message. But Destruction is still the foundations, be all and end of Brahma Kumarism.

If you are coming on here telling us "Destruction is fluff", you are part of the big lie.

If you are so convinced and well analzed about all this- why do not you quote specific Murlis rather than pointing to a plethora of information on the site?

I am not a part of Big Lie Brother - my view is simple - accept what you like, reject what you do not like, and see if you can apply what you like to your benefit. If you simply didnt like anything about it, why did you make that choice? Any path you choose is your free will - Western society is in fact built around making free choices, unlike the East.

That is what I advised people around me - I did not ask them to shut their eyes and be blind about it. My perspective - Destruction is a fluff compared to the other teachings as far as I am concerned - because I am only picking pearls that I like from Rajayoga. I am not a blind criticizer about everything .. not a whinner, dear ...
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Mr Green


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Re: An unbiased view...

Post24 Jan 2010

If you are picking pearls, you are a periphery BK, i.e. you do not accept all the teachings, therefore you are not a BK.

This is not a criticism. You are obviously intelligent enough not to have succumbed completely, well done.
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Re: An unbiased view...

Post25 Jan 2010

Well said, Mr Green.

"Accept what you like, reject what you do not like" is one of the yuktis (devices) the BKs teach to use to encult people gradually (and it is not "Raja Yoga", it is "BK Raja Yoga". Their practise has nothing to do with Raja Yoga). The greatest risk is, being intelligent, you might be attracted to the 'DIY guru' element of the BKWSU.
clearernow wrote:If you are so convinced and well analzed about all this - why do not you quote specific Murlis rather than pointing to a plethora of information on the site?

Why? Because we have been over this many time on the forum and you are being lazy. Try in the History Forum. There is more than one post which lists many of them. It was on the posters which "God" personally OK-ed before they were published and there were countless Murlis stating specifically that the "Confluence Age was 50 years" and then "50 to 60 years". We are not past 70 years.

If you use the search button above, it will also come up. There is also a folder with a Murlis referring to it called specifically just that in the Library.

I appreciate this is all very challenging to you ... but you have been manipulated, not spiritually educated, in an environment in which deception and manipulation are the norm.

Go to your Senior Sister and ask them about the 1950 and 1976 Destruction prediction, ask them for copies of the exact quotes. Then come back here and let us know what they said.

What would you do if you discovered they were being dishonest to you and had manipulated generations of BKs into handing over wealth, properties and free labor on the basis of false predictions?


exiting BK

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Re: An unbiased view...

Post25 Jan 2010

Interesting observations submitted by clearernow….

I have complete faith that if BKs are true, God will pull me there ... If they are not and another institute is better than them, he will pull me there ...
I do not say I believe them 100%. I do not say what they are doing is all wrong.
In my view, if you like something accept it, if you do not, reject it.
do not generalize your experiences with few instances.

Afterall they are also being run by imperfect human beings.

Perfectly unbiased view ... ;).


Re: An unbiased view...

Post25 Jan 2010

I was expecting more bashing than actually received :-).

Thank you

Destruction, Destruction, Destruction ... I see what fascinates this forum in debating. Its not really what intrests me though..

Learning from this is only that one should not base their faith on Destruction ... I have never been manipulated by BKs and your hard convincing will not change that opinion - Oh, I see you picked up brainwashing as well from the object of criticism :-).

I will still thank them for what I benefitted in my life.

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