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spiritual seeker

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Post25 Nov 2009

Studying Raja Yoga in a small village in France, I am looking for Dadis' classes. Can someone tell me where to find them ?
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Re: Classes

Post25 Nov 2009

If you are a real BK, why would you want Dadi's classes? Why not use the real Murlis?

There are many in the Encyclopedia and Library sections.


spiritual seeker

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Re: Classes

Post26 Nov 2009

Thank you for your answer. I do use Murlis in the morning. In the evening I like reading Dadis' classes. It makes me churn knowlege from different angles.
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Re: Classes

Post26 Nov 2009

Try churning some of the research and findings we have made on this forum.


Independent, free thinking BK

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Re: Classes

Post27 Nov 2009

Welcome tragneskute!

You have come to the right place to learn a lot more about the BKWSU than you could ever imagine. I, myself, learned more about the true history of the BKWSU in a few months over here than I did in 24 years of BK Gyan, attending morning class daily, having been to Madhuban more than a dozen times and having heard so many classes about the early days of the Yagya.

A main thing for me was to discover that up to at least 1949 there was no mention of Shiva in the BK literature. At that time it was, "World Almighty Authority, Beloved Divine Father Prajapati God Brahma, the Creator, the Seed of humanity, the Supreme Guide of would-be Deities, the Corporeal re-incarnation of Incorporeal God Vishnu, the bestower of Divine Insight (Knowledge) ...".

Dadi Janki would not like you to know about those things. She would prefer you to have blind faith in the lies that she and all the top leadership have been spreading for decades.

Do not believe me. Check it out for yourself. I suggest that you start by having a look at the original BK posters in the Library. This is one of them:

smaller tree.jpg


spiritual seeker

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Re: Classes

Post27 Nov 2009

I see ... But aren't these just details which do not change the essence?
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Re: Classes

Post28 Nov 2009

The "essence" is that the leadership of the BKWSU have knowingly and willingly deceived 10,000 of individuals with falsehoods over decades.

They have covered up the failed predictions of the god spirit they now call Shiva and hidden them from newcomers.

Why did they hide that there was no Shiva in the religion until at least 1950 (18 years since the start of the Yagya in 1932) and why is there no documentation and discussion of the real history?

The "essence" is a core of deceit, deception and manipulation by the leadership of the BKWSU ... like Dadi Janki Kripalani ... over decades.

A deceit, deception and manipulation of which the only thing we can be sure is that has kept her and the other leaders fed, clothed and housed and in power over others.


Independent, free thinking BK

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Re: Classes

Post28 Nov 2009

tragneskute wrote:I see ... But aren't these just details which do not change the essence?

I pretty much agree with what ex-l just said but let me tell you why these are not details for me.

You can see that essentially all the basic concepts of The Knowledge are presented on this poster dated 1949, except for God Shiva. Now, you must have heard or read the story that we were all told concerning the first time that Shiva spoke through Dada Lekraj. Dada had organized a satsang but started to feel funny as it was going on and went up to his room. Two women from his close family went up behind him to check him out thinking he must be unwell. When they stepped into his room the room was filled with red light glowing out from Dada's eyes and from his mouth were coming the words "I am Shiva, I am Shiva ..."

We were told that this was right after Dada had his visions in Benares, around 1936-37. How come then that 12 years later they still had not figured out that it was God Shiva speaking? Why would have God waited so long before revealing the number one aspect of Knowledge, which is that one has to remember Incorporeal God Shiva alone in order to become pure?

You must have heard or read in the Murlis also that it is Shiv Baba who named Dada Lekraj Brahma. Is it not strange then that in 1949 they are all about God Brahma and unaware of the one who has given him that name?

It is also clearly mentioned on this poster that "the present international Atomic War, as well as numerous Natural Calamities, shall, within a year or so, become the cause of merging innumerable Kali Yugi irreligions into Infinite Divine Light like Kalpa ago". This is only one of the covered up failed end-of-the-world predictions documented on this Forum.

My conclusion is that the stories we were told are lies, and there are obvious lies in the Murlis also, and thus it is impossible for me to believe that it is God the Supreme, the one who is called the Truth, who has been speaking this Knowledge.

It does not mean that there is no value whatsoever in it but it is definitely not the absolute truth, and leaders like Dadi Janki simply cannot be trusted. Leaders who came after the introduction of God Shiva may all have been fooled themselves but all those who were there before have either actively lied, or gave their silent cooperation to the lies.



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Re: Classes

Post03 Dec 2009

I am not an expert in Hindi lore, but were they not speaking about destruction from early on. It must have dawned on them at some point that they needed a Destruction god. As far as I know Brahma is only about creation. Someone more knowledgeable may be able to tell us more. Would they have left Shiva out for a reason. The softly softly, a bit of knowledge at a time approach. Although from reading here I thought Shiva was a part of the Sindhi religion. ?
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Re: Classes

Post05 Dec 2009

Like you, I am fascinated to know how, when, why and through whom they introduced Shiva. But it was only from 1950 onwards.

What do you call "early"? From 1936 they were, it is quite clear. The idiot were writing to military telling them to enact martial law and practise scorched earth. They thought that they were the future god and goddess and it was all over. Then all to be over in WWII. Then all to be over by 1950.



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Re: Classes

Post05 Dec 2009

At this stage, I do not even know when they started. By "early", I just meant that that it now seems Shiva came out later, but Destruction was being predicted much earlier. I would say that it would be very difficult to find out, given the time lapse and the confidential, secretive nature of the organization.

I joined in the eighties, and I never knew about the 1976 predictions until I read about it here. In fact, I never heard about any date of Destruction predictions. On the contrary, I remember that we were told that, "'Baba' would not give an exact date because then we would be conscious of the date and not concentrating on effort", or something like that.

Were the date predictions official, or was it more of the the speculations of the followers? I remember so much of this bizarre speculation, and so much time taken up asking Seniors to verify (or not) these idiotic ramblings.

(The following should perhaps be in a different thread )

It came to my mind that when I was teaching the course, a lot of people came for the seven days, said "thank you very much", and never came back. I would be interested to know whether members of this forum got caught straight in. I suppose most were invited to evening classes for a while. In my own case, I was not shown even the picture of BB for some time. I particularly did not want a guru (one of my Sisters got involved with Guru Maharaji from a young age). I probably made it clear that I liked the fact [they said] there was no guru, so they did a bit of "concealing".

Now, how many of us would have stayed had we been shown video of Dadi Gulzar in a trance in Madubhan. I am trying to remember when that was introduced to me but I think they wait until we are well hooked in before introducing 'God's visits.'

My point is that we may have had to be suitably programmed. When we were, we would accept anything including prediction dates that did not transpire.

I stopped giving the course when I began having doubts. I did notice that many would do all sorts of service but never give the course. In fact, at GCH at that time, they had great difficulty getting people to teach the course. Which leads me to conclusion that a lot of them had doubts but were completely hooked in to the lifestyle, the Seniors and the 'buzz'.
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Re: Classes

Post05 Dec 2009


good points. See my detailed response, here: A few questions for 'teachers' of the 7 Day Course including references to the specific Murlis where Lekhraj Kirpalani and then BapDada all made VERY specific predictions and fear based threats of "status being reduced" if adherents did not pass on the message about the prediction of Destruction.

It is clear to me that, especially Dadi Janki's classes, have little connection to the truth and are just mental conditioning. Folks suck them up as manuals on "how to think and be accepted by the BKWSU following and leaderships".

For me, "spiritual teachings" have surely all meant to be about "truth" and spiritual emancipation, and it is a long time since the Brahma Kumaris have bothered about that. Of course, what English speakers often get is not Janki's actual class but one that has been polished by Jayanti and/or others.
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Re: Classes

Post27 Jun 2013

Still preaching about the same things ... nothing has changed!topic ... 9z5Xrz7p5g


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