London, Paris, Europe ...

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London, Paris, Europe ...

Post08 Mar 2009

Hello Everyone,

It's me Nivi just joined this forum to meet others on the path. Anyways, I cannot write much now since I am going to Europe will be able to write in length when I get back.

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Re: London, paris, europe..

Post10 Mar 2009

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Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

Post25 Mar 2009

Hi folks,

I am back looking mint fresh after spending over a week in Europe. So, besides spending almost $6k in 9 days and helping stimulate the European economy, I had a wonderful trip :D. This trip was quite a learning experience for me. Europe has so much to offer to the world, like history, culture, great architecture, and its so interesting to see how much the Monarchy still plays a role there. I don't know anywhere in the world, in this day and age, where the Royal family is so much in the spotlight, as it is in UK. Can anyone throw some light into this obsession with the Monarch??
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Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

Post26 Mar 2009

nivi_k wrote:Can anyone throw some light into this obsession with the Monarch??

Hi, again. You probably have the wrong forum to ask questions such as that. The PBKs probably have a view ... but they have moved to IMHO, its another kind of cult and one that has killed a lot more people and done a lot more wrong than the BKWSU (that is, The British Monarchy ... nationalism ... Empire etc).

What do you want to tell us about your leaving the BKWSU? Do you have anything you wish to document about the way the BKWSU is these days?

No offence, but I am not sure why you are here.
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Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

Post26 Mar 2009

Hi Nivi_k,

perhaps a word of welcome may be more appreciated. So here's a warmer welcome to the forum to you!

I think what is being asked of you is to try and define yourself and your history a little more for the forum members please. We don't often have PBKs visiting here anymore, since the original forum got split up. I am sure we can accomodate a few different balanced viewpoints though and it would be good if you could share a little more of your history and current spiritual practices as an introduction, especially considering you've listed yourself as a "PBK".

Your subject matter of the 'role of the monarchy' may just not have come in at the right time, looking at some of the other threads that are currently being posted and a few deep breaths are being taken.

Kind regards
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Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

Post27 Mar 2009

Can anyone tell me why my post from yesterday got deleted.. I had spent almost an hour getting into great detail about my experience with the organization. Is it possible to recover it.
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Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

Post27 Mar 2009

Hi Nivi_k,

Welcome. I am sorry to hear about you losing your post. Several things could have happened:

1) you closed the browser window by mistake (Firefox has a plugin to recover closed windows)
2) you previewed your post, but did not submit it.
3) you saved your post, instead of submitting it.
4) you submitted the post properly, saw it in context on the forum thread, and then something happened within the forum software

There may be some help for cases 3 & 4. That gives you 50% in a naive chance calculation. Perhaps Admin can help.

I am sympathetic if even Ravan loses his post, but not Dick Cheney or Larry Silverman.
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Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

Post27 Mar 2009

Thank you Joe for your response, and sympathy :| ..I saw my post yesterday night, than by today it was gone.. :shock: Well, i will re-write it again but it will be shortened since i don't have all day here.

First, i would like to say my overall experience with both BK's, and PBK's has been quite positive unlike most people on this forum..My deepest sympathy, and my heart goes out to those who had to suffer all the abuse while on this path. I personally never got too involved with BK's (call it my luck) since we always lived 100's of miles away from the center, and moved around quite a bit due to my dad's job. My contact was limited to the 7 day course and maybe a few times after that..I never even got a chance to visit the holy place Mt. Abu even till now.
So here it goes..Once upon a time, which i vividly remember about 15 years ago when i first came into this Gyan i totally fell for everything the BK stood for like- Gyan, dharna, lifestyle. For the first time in my life i felt so much peace in my life. Whenever our family went to the center i was pulled in a different realm unlike the outside world. I could feel a small slice of heaven right there at the center. Even though we went as a family(mom, dad,& Sisters) i was the only one totally interested in learning Raja Yoga. This "high" continued until i discovered boys at my school when i turned 16. So, by now i was pulled in 2 different directions either choose God, or Boys. This internal conflict continued until i finished high school, and by than our family had moved again to another city. I had lost touch with BK Gyan, brahamins, center, dhrana etc. By then i also started questioning what i read( BK litreature, Murli's) and know one was there to answer my questions, and before i knew it i slowly fizzled out from this path. A few years fast forward- one fine day while in college i wanted to start back on this path, went online to search for a BK center nearby and came across a PBK website..I was totally shocked to read many things especially in regards to the events taking place in the BK centers. How could this organization get so degraded, corrupt- robbing, fooling, and abusing people in the name of religion. I had no idea this was all going on since i was so out of touch with the center. I could now understand what Baba was talking about in the Murli's in reference to how God has to incarnate anytime there is degradation of religion. I kept in contact with a few PBKs through email, and finally decided to go to India for Bhatti( 7 day Advance Course) and to meet Baba - live in person. It was such an amazing journey to meet Baba in person and a lifetime experince. Finally, a lot of questions had been answered and i was able to understand the Gyan in depth..Here it's the ocean teaching himself and not some human guru!!!
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Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

Post27 Mar 2009

You probably have the wrong forum to ask questions such as that. The PBKs probably have a view ... but they have moved to IMHO, its another kind of cult and one that has killed a lot more people and done a lot more wrong than the BKWSU (that is, The British Monarchy ... nationalism ... Empire etc). No offence, but I am not sure why you are here.


I am not sure why you had mentioned IMHO? Who are they, and what do they have to do with BKs/PBKs?? Are you saying PBK is cult, if yes than what makes you think that??

I had just asked a simple question in regards to the monarch since it has played such an important role in our world history. since my question was not directed towards any specific person- any BK/ ex-BK/ PBK/ or any active member could have answered it, so why do you have such a problem with it saying i am on the wrong forum. Are you the Admin here.

Are PBK's not allowed to read and post here, or do you just feel like attacking everyone who doesn't agree with you thinking.



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Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

Post27 Mar 2009

HI Nivi-K

IMHO is shorthand for "In My Honest Opinion"

it is the ides of March (the month of Mars- god of War), we have entered Aries (Gk name for the God of War) - originally a time of struggle for new life to emerge (after winter) and newenergy. There can a combatative vibe at this time of year as we all undergo a kind of rebirthing. Be patient.

PBK a cult? Well, a cult is just a religion that has not grown very big. Christianity was a cult for a long time before it became accepted. Any belief that creates a sense of exclusiveness (non-believers don't get the benefits the way believers do) is a cult, so major religions are cults too in their own way. It is a quality of hierarchical religions in particular - e.g a Father god, or a Father figure leader.).

Just ask yourself (every day): if today you decided to walk away from the PBK and change your life completely, could you do that freely and without anxiety?
All the best
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Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

Post28 Mar 2009

nivi_k wrote:Are PBKs not allowed to read and post here, or do you just feel like attacking everyone who doesn't agree with you thinking.

My comments were simply as read, there is a PBK forum, and honestly asking what you hoped to get out of joining this forum.

If you are continuing in the faith, you might be happier and find a warmer welcome over there.
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Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

Post28 Mar 2009

Thank you Terry for your clarification. I am still not convinced that PBK is a cult. But let's leave our opinions behind since we may not come to an agreement on this topic.

I am new here and still learning about the experiences of others as I go through the many topics and posts. I am saddened by what I have read so far, since so many on the path have had such negative experience. Maybe I will come across some happier ones after reading some more :D.

On the other note, it maybe be spring where you live, but it is still middle of dead winter here, or at least it feels that way. I cant wait till the trees, and flowers blossom.
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Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

Post28 Mar 2009

The Ides was two weeks ago, in Pisces like every year.
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Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

Post28 Mar 2009

Yes, best you spend a bit more time reading over the forum, the FAQs above (frequently asked questions) to understand what the website is about, and how we works.

Asking 'off forum' topics (topics with no relationship to our purpose) such as about the British Monarchy is likely to get you chewed by the more rabid members, like me.



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Re: London, Paris, Europe ...

Post28 Mar 2009

frisbee wrote:The Ides was two weeks ago, in Pisces like every year.

I was trying to be poetic, re: "beware the ides of march" - but yes, I accept the correction.
nivi-K wrote:I am still not convinced that PBK is a cult.

Yes, its always that other group. There is a topic onsite there's an excerpt/list on what defines a cult. There's also a funny video posted by jannisder somewhere.

Anyway, as long as you feel able to walk away happily at anytime, have "graduated" in your own mind rather than failed, never made to feel you are less for that.

Never stop questioning. Regards

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