Questions from Henna after BK TV program

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spiritual seeker

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Questions from Henna after BK TV program

Post04 Dec 2008

Hello Everybody,

I am new member of this site. I am not BK or PBK. Actually I don't even know the real meaning of these abbreviations. I don't know whether I am legally allowed to write here, as I am no way connected to the Brahmakumari, except that I watch their half an hour program on Aastha (Indian Sprituality Channel) at 10.30 with Brahmakumari Shivani. The name of the program is 'Awakening with Brahmakumaris'.

I like that a lot. The Sister Shivani looks very peaceful and very nice when she speaks about how to be a peaceful soul, how we can prevent anger, how we can accept different people around us.

But yesterday she talked about detachment. How being detached is correct. Somehow I am very attracted to sprituality and all these things from childhood days and I know as per Hindu philosphy everything is Maya, just detachment and meditation are path for God. But I want to know from those who are practising BKs or PBKs following questions:

    Is it right that BK talks about end of world?
    Is it right that they talk about Heaven for only their members?
    If there is no attachment, how will things work?
    If everyone is just praying, who will cook, who will plough land? See if we use attached theory then we are attached to our body and hunger so we eat. Right? If we are detached we shouldn't eat.
    Also, if ultimate aim is to pray and direct all energies to just God, what is purpose of this Universe? Of this world?
    If marriage, children is wrong then what is 'Shristri' (Hindi word meaning life). is not life necessary? is not the Shiv Ling a beautiful picture of life?
I feel the Brahmakumari talk beautifully and have loads of energy in them, they can help in self introspection, healing courses. If we follow complete detachment I understand that we would be at peace since we are not affected by anything but then if that is why this world is created, why it should be craeted at first place. Is Supreme God enjoying this drama?

Also, I believe in Karma. Do good and it will bounce to you, that is Karma. Do bad and again that will bounce to you. But if we read Hindu philosophy, it says that the 'Pashchatap' (feeling guilty and then doing correct actions) is first step to eradicate wrong deeds. Also, it is not human but the human action that created the wrong Karma, remove that action, feel sorry about it and God is merciful. But the Karma is one part, and intellect and hard work is another. God is always happy with hard work for good cause, good Karma and beautiful intellect. do not you guys think so?

I am Hindu and I feel mine God is like that. It encourages you to do good but it does not encourage you to blame things on your Karma and not work on them. If we believe BK philosophy then why should doctors exist, since patient is because of Karma? Why should be there artificial legs/Jaipur foot? Why we should have charities? Why we should help others? After all they are in whatever stage because of karma. Karma should be a motivational factor and not taken as a excuse.

I will keep on watching that program because it teaches many good things also:) and I will use of mind to differentiate what is right for me.


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Re: Questions from Henna after BK TV program

Post04 Dec 2008

Welcome Henna ... there is nothing "illegal" about you posting here. You are welcome and you can be assured of the most objective and accurate answers. Moreso than from the Brahmakumaris own website and centers.

Most if not all of the individuals here have many, many years experience inside the BKWSU as teachers and centers-in-charge. We are not "selling" the religion or seeking to profit from it in any way, so we can afford to tell you the truth.

I am short of time and so will get back to you later, perhaps others have answers for you but, yes, absolutely the Brahma Kumaris are very strictly a millenarianist (End of the World) cult. They and their god have made several failed predictions of the Nuclear Destruction of humanity and the death of all other Indians except them themselves by civil war. In my opinion, they use it as a tool to control their followers and exploit them for money and free labor.

Yes, they believe that they - and only they - go to heaven to be served by their followers as kings and emperors.

Most of the answers to the rest of your questions are based around the Brahma Kumaris manipulating their "Knowledge" to suit themselves and which ever situation arises. In reality, their system is all VERY malleable (moldable or changeable).

We have discussed other issue you raise elsewhere. Perhaps someone else can be your guide to find them. Or else, use the search function and have a read around the forum. There are many original documents here to act as evidence. If you have specific question, please ask them here.

Thanks and welcome again.
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Re: Questions from Henna after BK TV program

Post04 Dec 2008

Welcome to the forum, Henna - it is best that you ask questions and ask them well and, in my opinion, don't move forward until someone gives you answers that you can work with. This forum will provide you with many answers but many of the comments you may receive from some members of this forum will most certainly not be according to the teachings of the BKWSU as most of us have learnt the hard way, and this was by not asking the right questions at the right time when we should have but did not know better at the time

So ask away and I am sure someone will respond accordingly and I am sure you will benefit a great deal from your contact on this forum. Warm wishes - Paul -


spiritual seeker

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Re: Questions from Henna after BK TV program

Post05 Dec 2008

Thanks Paul and ex-I for your responses.


spiritual seeker

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Re: Questions from Henna after BK TV program

Post06 Feb 2009

Well i too watch awakening with BK since few days.

Answers to ur questions as much as i have brains for.

1. Im not concerned with end of the world, we have to do good work that we shud remember, do not worry about the end of the world or anything as such as u cant help it so thats none of our buisness so i feel if they talk about it its not good in my opinion although my opinion might b wrong too.

2. I do not believe in heaven or hell, i have read other books and listened other people and as much as i know there are three places to reach, heaven, hell and the third is above all. Neither heaven nor hell its the final liberation thats wat one shud look for. Im a sikh, in our religion too they say there are three heaven is for some time, so is hell, liberation is eternal. In Hindus too same thing i read. But if they talk about heaven only for their members, i cant agree with that. I mean how can we say other paths are wrong, a Hindu or Muslim or sikh or any other relgion or even someone with no religion if he does right things he will reach the right place, there is no question of membership or religion.

3. About attachment, this is quite true, one shud not b attached. that doesnt mean become a stone, one shud have love care compassion everything but shud not b attached at the same time. That means say ur a mother or Father u shud love ur child and do all the best u can do for him or her but if something goes wrong or anything do not get worried with result. Same for money, u shud make money its not bad but do not get addicted to it, hope u get wat im trying to say, its very very hard to do but thats wat is required to get the greatest point a human can reach in life. We cant hope to get it easily.

4. I think u got the wrong interpretation or do not know if Brahma Kumaris teach that, that we sshudnt work. Work is essential, if we do not work and all run after sanyaas world will stop and it shudnt stop because god has made it to work. So the thing is do not work madly like working all the time without gods remembrance, its always said do all the work u want but thought shud remain in god. Like a mother, wherever she is , cooking, eating, even sleeping her thoughts are in her children. Same way we shud think about our lord our Father and work at our job too. About hunger its like u eat as much as u require, nobody is against ur needs, but it is against desires. We shud fulfill all our needs but not run after desires. Needs are simple and few, like needs are food, shelter, and love. We need food to eat and live, shelter to stay, and love for emotional nourishment. Now if instead of food we want lot of sweet dishes, masalas, ice cream etc etc then thats desire which will never end. Same for shelter a small house or room is enough, a clean room or house is a need, but if we desire palace and villas that wud never end. Same is for love for one person is good now if we keep running i want all the love in the world then never we can get.

5. The ultimate purpose is to pray only but God had created the creation to work to do everything wat different people do different works according to their interests or inclinations. Now why god sent us to do all that i do not know, as far as our sikh masters say that nobody knows only he knows his creation why he did when he did. Nobody can say. In our they say do not bother about why or when or how he did. bother about urself do wat is best for u. Other religions i do not know how they answer this question.

6. do not know about brahmakumaris, but i do not think personally marriage and children is wrong. ALthough im myself single and no plans to marry but thats my personal choice. Spiritually its nothing wrong to marry or not to marry. Socrates was a god realized man. Hope u heard his name? His wife fought with him whole life, once she even threw somthing hot on him and he walked around all his life with a burnt face. One guy went to him and asked shud i marry or not? Socrates told u shud marry. The guy was surprised and he cudnt resist he asked him that all life ur wife has been fighting and beating u up and u tell me to marry, then socrates said see two things are there first if ur wife is good ull b happy in this life and enjoy it so much so ull b a happy man on earth, on the other hand if ur wife is angry like mine then ull get so detached and fed up of world and her that ull put all ur energy into realizing god and ull get god then so ull b liberated so both ways good. So its actually personal decision like for me i feel i might not b able to handle all that so im single some other person might feel he shud marry. So its personal choice. Listen to the voice of ur soul it always speaks to u.

So hope it was of some help.

God bless us all.



spiritual seeker

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Re: Questions from Henna after BK TV program

Post06 Feb 2009

Well, Im new to this site. And I am not a BK or any such religious preacher or anything. I am just someone in search of truth and myself, and the right path. So being new here, I don't know why BK came with my name. Anyway. Take care everybody.

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