Raj Yoga is for real!

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Raj Yoga is for real!

Post08 Jul 2008

I’m sad and disappointed, as well as confused. How in God’s name can I criticize something that helped me in such a profound way? How can I criticize something that literally introduced me to God? Brahma Kumaris helped me in two distinct ways. This is my story.

Some years ago I was diagnosed with having cancer. I remember just staring into mid air while the consultant told me that I would need major surgery. I went home in a daze. As I told my husband and parents what was happening to me, I could feel their shock and fear just cutting into me. By the time I had finished explaining I felt incredibly alone. I was angry and at the same I felt guilty for worrying how I would look by the time I had the operation. I half heartedly looked at the literature given to me by the consultant. He told me in a manner that was not consoling that there was an organization I could join for people who were disfigured. “Thanks a lot!” I remember thinking.

For the next few days, I was in silence. My family kept a distance not because they were not concerned but because they didn’t know what to say, plus there was also fear that was not articulated but I felt it nevertheless. A friend of mine who had breast cancer told me I should seek a second opinion. So I went to the internet café and browsed the pages of the British Medical Association to see the alternative consultants. I found five another names and noted their numbers.

At this point in my life, God was very far away from me. I didn’t have much time or much faith. How could there be a God when there was so much suffering in the world. I would ask myself but when I returned from seeing the consultant, for some reason I decided to go to my local library. I had not been in ages but I went to the reference section and asked if they had any books on alternative health. The librarian pulled out a book which was a directory of the various alternative treatments available in the capital. I opened the book and immediately came across the meditation section, and amongst all the various meditation adverts, saw a small, simple advert about Brahma Kumaris. I wrote down the number and rushed home. I dialled the number and a woman answered. She patiently listened to my problem and then told me to come to Willesden the next day.

What was I expecting to see when I got to Willesden? I thought the meditation meeting would be held in a house, or flat. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw this huge temple. And when I went inside….I could not believe that given the temple was on the high road, how quiet it was, inside. If you had dropped a pin, you would have heard it. I was greeted by a tall woman, dressed in white. She gave an explanation of BK, listened to what I had to say, and then told me what I should do: meditate 20 minutes in the morning and then in the evening. No garlic, no meat just vegetables. She told what I would say in the meditation and also recommended that I should buy some tapes. When our meeting had finished, I went downstairs to the bookshop and bought some tapes (you didn’t have CD’s in those days) then left.

To cut the really long story short, for the next six weeks I was devoted all of my time to meditation. I had my special room with a chair only I sat on. Meanwhile I went to seek second/third/fourth opinions. Much to the anger of the first consultant I had seen, he had found out that I was going to different hospitals to find out what was best. But I sensed that something was happening: I was not intimidated by this consultant and his opinions, for some reason, did not bother me. In fact, it was clear in my mind that he was not going to do this operation. By the end of two and half months, friends had remarked how I had change, and in fact how they could feel this change within me. But more importantly, my inner voice had become clear: I could hear a softly spoken voice but quite an emphatic one, telling me what to do. By the end of three months, I had chosen who was going to do this operation and felt incredibly confident about this decision. The growth was removed successfully and as they say, I’m still here to write this tale. I remembered discussing with other members of BK how I came to Raj Yoga and the response that I got was that I was ‘brought’ to BK. I remembered thinking Wow!

But this was a very important moment in my life as I felt that God was not happy with me for ignoring him and somehow I had to be made to meet with him. And I’m so glad that I did! It felt as though God had grabbed my hand and held onto it tightly, never wanting to ever let go. It was such a great feeling and for once, I felt alive.

The second profound experience was a negative one but again I was made to see how I could rely on the Almighty (can I say that?).

In the process of doing my research on the cancer I had and Raj Yoga, I met someone at BK Willesden. A dynamic and vivacious individual. She had been a BK for a number of years but also had a gift as a psychic. I must say whilst being friends I never had a reading done by her. But I noticed that each time I was in her company, every time she left I was always left in a state of anxiety or flux. I didn’t pay too much attention to this as I enjoyed her company. There were times she would be too busy to see me or talk with me. But again, I paid it no mind as I was still meditating and learnt not to dwell on anything negative. But there was a time we were out together and I returned home late.

My husband was waiting at home and he didn’t say anything but the following day, we had a big argument which led to this friend and the fact that I was late returning home. As we were arguing, the voice within told me to pay attention to what he was saying. And what was he saying? How this friend was not positive for me, that she was manipulative and controlling. I walked away from the argument and went into the bedroom and stayed while he went out. For the next few days, we didn’t speak to each other. But my mind, mainly, was going over this voice and message.

Yes, in all truth she was manipulative, controlling and the word ‘collector’ came to mind. And the explanation I gave to myself was that she used her ability to know people’s class and position. And of course, those who were affluent, successful etc she was interested in, and made them part of her gathering. But I would keep dismissing this in my mind as it just didn’t make any sense! It was just a month before I would go to London (as I had been out of it for a while) and I knew someone who was a spiritualist who I knew could help me. On hearing my story, the spiritualist told me that my assessment was correct. And that hopefully I would (finally) know that I should trust my instinct. Unfortunately I tend to be a bit ‘slow’ and that things has to be a little exaggerated for me to see the light, she told me in her usually upfront manner.

To conclude, after seeing the spiritualist, I didn’t have to worry about this other woman as she called me a few times but she picked up that I was onto her and never called me again. And then a month later, I started getting headaches each time I meditated. Again I saw the spiritualist and she told me it was time to stop. I didn’t believe her so I went to BK Willesden and surprisingly one of the Sisters told me the same thing. So I stopped, sadly and perhaps a little angry as I felt this was the first friend I had ever had, and now this friend was leaving me. Raj Yoga BK does work and clearly has made a huge impact on my life. If I cannot come across Raja Yoga ever again, then I hope and pray that I come across something like this as it was such a great experience. Thanks for taking the time.
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Re: Raj Yoga is for real!

Post08 Jul 2008

Welcome to the forum Plaintain.. that is if you are a newcomer. Hope you will find some inshight into other people's journey with the Brahmakumaris....

I am also a little confused with your post here... I do not know why the Sister in the BK center asked you to stop meditation???

Looking forward to seeing more posts in the future

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Re: Raj Yoga is for real!

Post08 Jul 2008

Hello Plaintain1 and welcome to the forum. I really hope you find some positive and uplifting inspiration on this forum and let us know if we can support you in any way, I honour the courage you've had to emerge to face what you have. It really sounds like you've been through a lot of trauma this last while.

And I'd also like to suggest that it would be good if you trust your heart, exactly as you have been doing. If for some reason you're not able to go to the BKWSU, then there's no reason at all why you cannot continue meditation by yourself or even incorporate other spiritual experiences into your daily life, which will ultiamtely benefit you.

A Zen saying tells us that when one door closes another thousand open, if we just look for them we will find them. Many of the ex-BKWSU members on this forum have found some wonderful processes to work with so lets see who comes up with a suggestion or two, and lets see if you will enjoy them in the same way as you did Raj Yoga. For example, I really grew lots from my time within the BKWSU but it plaes in cmparison to the spiritual work and processes I am uncovering nowadays so like you i realised I was 'drawn' to them for that time frame in order to understand the deeper levels I work with today. There's plenty of scope for growth and this could be a similar experience for you too.

Please continue posting here and lets see what others can come up with for you.

Much love and light xxx p


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Re: Raj Yoga is for real!

Post08 Jul 2008

Yogi! I see what you mean about this being 'confusing'. I really don’t see what the Sister said as acting against the teachings. She was a key character in my experience who was purely acting on behalf of the Almighty. As I said, I can see that I was ‘led’ to Raj Yoga as being 'fast-tracked' towards God. When I ‘received’ all what I was supposed to, the headaches were a way of telling me that I no longer needed this energy. The Sister was only telling me the truth. Can you imagine a pastor of a Church telling one of his members this! Of course not, he would never do this. He couldn't afford to be that honest! And I think its key that I should be told by one of the Sisters, that it was ‘time for me to stop’, as opposed to being told that by anyone else. I believe what is important here is not the Sister telling me to discontinue with the meditation but how I found God.

I was totally impressed by the Sister who was honest enough to tell me this truth. I still tried a couple of times after to meditate but the more I did, the more intense the headaches became. I see this as a necessary journey where all the key characters had a clear role to play. I still have all the tapes and few CD’s (Moving on by Margaret Pinkerton) and from time to time when stress overtakes me, I play a tape/CD and meditate. But it’s not as deep as before but it’s enough to give me what I need for that moment. Thanks.
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Re: Raj Yoga is for real!

Post08 Jul 2008

Thanks for the post and it is refreshing to see a good honest experience with a Sister in the center.. in General the members in this forum can vouch for this the experience with the Sisters have been dismal ... and as a practicing BK I know for sure that there are many good ones out there and there are bad ones as well.

Its sad to know that it was the headache that stopped you ... I am sure you will find your own ways to connect to GOD.

Lots of spiritual light and Might

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Re: Raj Yoga is for real!

Post09 Jul 2008

Sister plaintain1,

Omshanti and welcome to the forum. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us; especially the way you overcame a dreaded disease like cancer with the help of RajYoga.

I had two BK friends and one PBK friend who, like you, used RajYoga to try to overcome the disease and were successful in prolonging their life to some extent (may be a few years/months). But once the cancer had reached the advanced stage, they were unable to overcome it completely and unfortunately succumbed to the disease. Nevertheless they were great and humble human beings, who were liked equally by their lokik and alokik families.

As regards your leaving RajYoga due to headache, I would like to suggest trying RajYoga once again after some break (as endorsed by the BK teacher) and if you start having the same positive experiences you can continue with it.

On Godly Service,


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Re: Raj Yoga is for real!

Post09 Jul 2008

Thanks to you all for your responses. Again, it seems strange after all these years to return to BK via the internet, and that it should be a site that is ex-BK run! Sister Arjun, yes in fact what I've started to do is use the meditation CD tape Moving On and the Progressive Meditation tape (meditation commentary) which I purchased from BK Willesden ten years ago! The Progessive Meditation tape, I find, is quite intense whereas Moving On is totally relaxing. My intention is to use the tape/CD once a day twice per week, and see how it goes. Not ask for too much only to remind myself that I am a peaceful soul. I'll keep you posted.

Blessings and lots of love!
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Re: Raj Yoga is for real!

Post11 Jul 2008

plaintain1 wrote:Again, it seems strange after all these years to return to BK via the internet, and that it should be a site that is ex-BK run!

And even stranger that the enlightened BKWSU cannot offer you an open forum to discuss your feelings with others ...

Yes, welcome on board. Let us untangle all the weirdness for you.

I have not heard of many BKs being openly psychic. It is actively disencouraged by the organization. I would like to ask you very carefully to consider how much of her activity was obviously psychic and how much you might just have been projecting onto her due to the weirdness of the environment? Are we talking about Indian or Westerner here?

Obviously, the BK center is not a temple per see ... and not really on the high street of Willesden either ... but if you think you are psychically open and susceptible, then I suggest learning how to "psychically close" yourself too. I think it is wise to take "second opinions" and go with your own intuitions. Perhaps you have your own spiritual guides that are protecting you?


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Re: Raj Yoga is for real!

Post11 Jul 2008

Thanks for your response and wanting to help. To respond to your comment -
I have not heard of many BKs being openly psychic. It is actively disencouraged by the organization. I would like to ask you very carefully to consider how much of her activity was obviously psychic and how much you might just have been projecting onto her due to the weirdness of the environment? Are we talking about Indian or Westerner here?

She was/is clearly psychic as I was aware of her giving ‘readings’ to people and she is a ‘Westerner’. I was tempted to have a reading but I chose not to. Apologies for using the wrong terminology and being incorrect about where exactly is the ‘centre’. It was some time ago but what struck me when I entered the centre was the silence. I remember remarking on this when I met one of the Sisters, and she said it was like that because, "they worked hard in achieving this". As for the spiritual guides protecting me, maybe that’s what happening. I have no idea but I’ll take on board your suggestions.

Many thanks.
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Re: Raj Yoga is for real!

Post12 Jul 2008

That is OK ... its an interesting development and one that I hope we can discuss openly one day. There must be more I am sure but they keep very quiet.

I am also interested how they train up their own mediums.



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Re: Raj Yoga is for real!

Post12 Jul 2008

Dear Plaintain SOUL,

I meditate in the following way. You can just have a look at it.

Preliminary Meditation Practice:

To the extent one is attached and absorbed, the degree of realization differs. Consider the following. 1)I see dead body of a person of different religion and nation in a TV. 2)I see dead body of a person of my own country, but belonging to a different state than me. 3)I see a dead body of a person of my own religion and in my own locality. 4)I see the dead body of my own neighborhoods. 5)I see dead body of my close relatives. 6)I see dead body of my blood relatives. In all these cases, the degree of realization differs. If I am biased, then my feelings may be positive in some and negative cases. [When some stranger’s child gets first rank in school OR when my own child gets first rank, the feelings are different.] Without knowledge and faith, there cannot be attachment. Realization will be less. Repeat any of the following thoughts any number of times[better at least 10 seconds]. I hope you know that you are a soul different than body. The soul is point situated in brain and in the front view, its place is in forehead.

    1. I am a point glowing like a star in the center of my forehead. I am different than the body. Body is life-less, I (point) am chaitanya (live).
    2. Body is mud (live-less, useless); I am the gold (worthy).
    3. Like there is lot of difference between mud and gold, there is vast difference between me(the point) and my body. A small jewel attracts. Thousands of huge stones will not attract. Similarly, I am losing interest in all the mortal and gross bodies, (mine and others). I am interested (attracted) just in the tiny point, tiny point, tiny point, tiny point]
    4. Now I am totally concentrated in the point. Everything is ordinary to me. So I can forget everything. The whole world is nothing to me. Everything is mortal. Everything changes. I am the point, which is eternal.
    5. I am enjoying in myself. As I am a point, I do not need ANYTHING for myself. In sleep, I do not need anything. The reason is, I forget everything during sleep. Now, I have understood that I am totally different than the body. So I can forget the body. I am now in Divine Sleep(YogaNidre); I have detached myself(the point) from the physical body.
    6. Since I have interest only in Myself(the point), nothing can attract me. Waah, What a great thing I am!
    7. I am free to move anywhere else. I(the point) am flying in sky. {You can think of America when you are at India. That is, our mind is free to move anywhere else. Moving mind is as good as moving the soul itself. Because soul realizes what it thinks). There is no need to think about anything else. I am in complete peace, bliss, light stage. [If you get bored in visualizing just one point, you can visualize many points wherever you like. The world is nothing but full of points(souls).]
[After practice, you need not follow the above steps in sequence. You will be able to visualize the last step in a moment. The duration of meditation can be anything. That is, you can visualize yourself (point) for any duration you like. Do not waste time. Try to utilize every second in life.

Even while eating, talking, seeing you can do this. Meditation is just remembering the MOST beautiful and enjoyable scene. That’s all! {Actually, the words Yoga and meditation are incorrect. REMEMBRANCE is the right word. There is no role of (load to) physical organs here.]
It is definitely easy to do this when you are at rest. That is, when you are sitting or lying down. But since, we have developed wrong practice, even when we are physically at rest, the mind may wander. If you cannot concentrate while being seated or you get influenced by the people who are in your vicinity, you can practice meditation by walking slowly. Early morning is the best time, as both body and mind have no burden. Even the sun set time (6 Pm to 7 Pm) is good, as you are relieved from the burden of work. You can also select your own time.]

Mediation Practice is nothing but thinking rightfully. We think throughout the day. Hence we have to be cautious about our thoughts. We all are cautious about our speech and actions. But the seed for these is the thought. Some tips are given below to prevent mental(emotional) energy being wasted and to keep us stable. This will keep you always fresh and powerful. Meditation will become easier and more enjoyable. Remember- A Stitch in Time saves Nine; Prevention is better than Cure.

[The above practice will give you real peace and bliss. But to get the highest bliss [super sensuous joy (bliss)], one should complete partII].

A method to check our Attitude: Is my attitude positive? To what extent I am positive minded? Assume that I had met a person ten times. Let us assume that the first nine meetings were positive and the last one was negative. Now (even if there had been no fault from my side), if I am positive minded, then whenever I think of that person in future, my satisfaction should not be less than 90%. But in most of the cases, there would be 90% (perhaps 100%) dissatisfaction! Just see, am I really positive? Very strong, long lasting relations break for a small cause(eg: divorce). The reason is negative attitude.

Practical Hints, Tips and Exercises:

    1. *While doing any action, remember- ‘I am a Soul, I am the driver’. See all the bodies, including the self as just cars (objects). Do not feel any live ness in any body. When you get influenced by Mr. X, be sure that it is the point in that body(Mr. X) that has influenced you, and not the size, shape, dress, etc of the body. In a short period, your negative emotions will die.
    2. *While you talk or listen, feel that the words are not initiated from your mouth. Mouth is just like a loud speaker. The point (soul inside the body) is the real speaker. So feel that they are initiated by a/the point situated in the forehead. [*While listening to speech of a person, the listener does not become conscious of the make and type of the microphone or the loud speaker. He estimates the personality of the person who talks. Similarly- now as you know that the soul is the real doer, concentrate and be conscious about the tiny dot. *A car driver sees another car driver in a car, he would communicate with the other car driver. He would not be conscious of the make and type of the other car. So- be driver (soul) conscious, not car (body) conscious. *A car may be so big. It may be halting in dirty place. But the driver inside is quite comfortable in his seat. He does not feel the dirtiness. So, do not take external things emotionally. For everything, the point is initiative. So give first preference for that. Be POINT (SOUL) conscious most of the time even when you are idle.
    3. *When a car goes out of control, brakes are applied. So, when you feel mentally tired or upset during work, apply brake to mind. That is- Reduce the traffic of thoughts. So stop work for a while and do meditation practice then and there itself. Note that putting brake(full stop) is thinking about point (soul)! It is so easy. You have to think what you are! That is all!
    4. *Practice Meditation one minute per every hour. At least one second per hour! This will help you a LOT! This will reduce leakage. This will bring the car (mind) back to the track intermittently.
    5. When a person mocks at you, feel that he is not a human being. He is just like a dog. You will enjoy the situation. If you also start barking, you also will get dog’s qualities. Throwing stone towards dirty water will make your clothes also dirty. Brave people are stable. People who get anger are unstable. Have pity on them. You will get elevated.
    6. Do not see, talk or listen to useless things.
    7. Do not have bad company. Have even company of good human beings to a limited extent only. No human being is completely ego less. No human being can ever develop anyone all the time. Take (learn) good things from anybody else and practice yourself to imbibe it completely. Remember- A student learns from teacher. But while practicing, he is alone.[/list]
*There are 100 hints which are useful to either a BK or a non-Bk or anybody. Anybody can request me.
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Re: Raj Yoga is for real!

Post12 Jul 2008

*There are 100 hints which are useful to either a BK or a NOn- BK or anybody. Anybody can request me.mbbhat

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. Many members have already suggested to you to avoid such lengthy posts, especially when there is no specific request for the same. Although the unsolicited information posted by you may be useful from BK (or even PBK) point of view, but it may not appear appealing to many other members of this forum who come from varying backgrounds. So, I hope you would keep in mind their sensibilities.



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Re: Raj Yoga is for real!

Post13 Jul 2008

Thank You dear Arjun soul. There is reply to you in the thread 'accurate Yaad'.


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Re: Raj Yoga is for real!

Post14 Jul 2008

Thanks for responses. Just would like to respond to some comments. Thanks.

I re-read what I wrote in response to Sister ex-l and realized it didn’t make any sense. So I want to explain myself – again.

The reason why I thought the BK was on the High Road was because walking towards the centre, I was aware of the traffic and obviously the noise it produced. But then that shouldn’t be a big deal as we already know that London is not always known for its quietness. But on entering the centre, I was struck immediately by the silence. It was such a sharp contrast that I had to comment on it when I met one of the Sisters. The Sister simply said that it was not something that happened by chance and that the Sisters worked hard to make it was like that.

To Sister Arjun – I realize it would have been better for mbbhat to ask first before placing a large amount of text but I really don’t mind, really. Thanks.

To mbbhat, many thanks for this. I will study it and see if it can help me.

Lots of love and blessings to you all.
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Re: Raj Yoga is for real!

Post14 Jul 2008

To Sister Arjun – I realize it would have been better for mbbhat to ask first before placing a large amount of text but I really don’t mind, really. Thanks.

Sister, I liked your positive attitude. Such attitude would definitely help you live longer than the otherwise healthy persons.

By the way I am a Brother, both as a soul and as a body (in the present birth) :D But observing my cooking habits some PBK friends jokingly add 'Aunty' to my name. ;)

In one of the recent issues of the Hindi Gyanamrit magazine published by the BKs I had read an article by a BK Sister who has also overcome cancer with the help of RajYoga (as practiced by BKs). I will try to give details if I am able to locate that magazine.
With regards,

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