Welcome Mbbhat

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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post02 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:The fourth place was was far from my native place. When dissatisfied people came to know that I was alone there, they (10 to 15 people) came the second day (service was for three days), beat me and took me to the police station (even the police supported these people). All the calenders, literatures were taken by them. I was in police station for nearly 8 hours. In the police station, as I had answer for all the question. They left me on the same day even if those people had asked them to keep me in custody till next evening as they had fear if I continue service on the third day, since I had paid rent for that place where a big fair was organized (around 200 stalls of 100 sq.ft). Actually I could have complained very easily on them since it is out of law for the police to enter without permission of the organizing committe. But since I had faith in Drama, I did not do anything.

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. I appreciate your courage but hope you would also do some more research on the topic of Gita Sermonizer before declaring to the world.



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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post03 Jul 2008

Thanks for Baba, drama and you, Arjun soul.

ex-l wrote:I read that. I mean it for the BK system ... where is the BK judiciary, the Court of Indra, where we can take our concerns. How does the BKWSU police its followers, they are more in number than a major city now. And what limitations or punishments exist for the BK criminals? It strikes me some of them are running the show right now.

Dear ex-l soul,

Everything is in the Murli.

You see, when a person smokes cigarette, he does not get cancer immediately. It takes years. The reason is the body is healthy. It can cope up with the negativities. The fruit for any action is not delivered instantly! If you plant a tree today, it takes years to get fruit. It take at least four years for a student to complete engineering or medical degree.

When body can accommodate (adjust) the poison taken inside for so many years, the soul which is eternal and much, much more powerful than body can accommodate sins of many births! That is why even though we have sins of 63 births, we are living comfortably. So, punishment is not instant.

Not only that, in many cases, it is automatic. Some children get born handicapped. Why? It is of past sins. There is absolutely no need to take revenge. Even that will create new karmic account. You see, even though I was misinterpreted by many BKs, I was patient. It took nearly one year for them to realize me. Even today, some suspect me. But I am not bothered about that. I do not think bad about them. But when I analyse the situation, sometimes I will comment about them with others (to make others understand, that too if they are willing to) like I comment here about somebody.

I hit the 'BALL' delivered by the others, that too with my BAT. Not with my hands! I do not aim at them. Detachment is the best policy either to help others or to protect self. In many cases, there is no need to hit at all. You be a wall so that the ball is rebounded at them. In some cases, just move aside and the ball will not hit you at all!

Oh, I think I did not explain to you the three things; law, respect and discipline. It is not in the court, it is like "a BK should not eat outside" (a law). A BK with 20 years in knowledge is given more respect than one with 2 years knowledge irrespective of their original dharna (real power).

Some disciplines are maintained, like; a BK should not offer money to another BK, a Kumar (BK) should not eat food in a gruhasthi's house even though they are BK, separate accomodation for ladies and gents, etc, etc.
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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post03 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:Everything is in Murli.You see- when a person smokes cigarette, he does not get cancer immediately. It takes years.

No Mbbhat - WRONG - Your ego is telling you that everthing is in the Murli. It is not. Not by a long road will it ever be either.

One does not get cancer from smoking either immediately or after many years as you suggest. One gets cancer from a belief system that says one will get cancer when one smokes in the same way as one puts on weight if you keep thinking that the food you are eating will make you fat.
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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post03 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:Oh, I think I did not explain to you the three things; law, respect and discipline. It is not in the court, it is like "a BK should not eat outside" (a law). A BK with 20 years in knowledge is given more respect than one with 2 years knowledge irrespective of their original dharna (real power).

Some disciplines are maintained, like; a BK should not offer money to another BK, a Kumar (BK) should not eat food in a gruhasthi's house even though they are BK, separate accomodation for ladies and gents, etc, etc.

By who ...

Just to translate for folks that cannot read Hindi, you mean, a virgin BK should not eat food cooked in the house of a previously sexual BK, i.e. a "gruhasthi" is a family path following, perviously married householder BK ... even if the householders are celibates (as most couples end up to be).

Well, that is not followed in the West (perhaps it is by some strict centerwassis, I do not know, but I have seen both Seniors and juniors eat householder food). There are/have been mix sex BK houses/centers in Australia and America at least. We have documented on this site the widespread involvement between BKs and business. Actually the Maryadas goes much further than lending money.

But you get me wrong mbbhat. I think there should be a BK court where BKs can be made answerable for their abuse of the system. I am in favour of the idea instead of the leadership just letting people off and do anything as long as they bring in money or are useful.

Too much is said and done unaccountably and behind closed doors in the BKWSU.



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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post05 Jul 2008

ex-l wrote:Just to translate for folks that cannot read Hindi, you mean, a virgin BK should not eat food cooked in the house of a previously sexual BK, i.e. a "gruhasthi" is a family path following, perviously married householder BK ... even if the householders are celibates (as most couples end up to be).

Dear ex-l soul,

All of these Maryadas are not from Murli to translate. They are maintained by the BK authorities at some places. It is just to prevent a Kumar or Kumari from the influence of gruhastha environment. That's all. Other issues may be there which I do not know; but they may be very few cases (I guess).

But who am I to create a court for mistakes by BKs?
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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post07 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote: But who am I to create a court for mistakes by BKs?

I think your question could also purport: "Who am I NOT to create such a court?"



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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post12 Jul 2008

paulkershaw wrote:I think your question could also purport: "Who am I NOT to create such a court?"

Dear Paulkershaw Soul,

I just wrote this just to keep the other person comfort. I had already explained that punishment is automatic.
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chai bhai


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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post12 Jul 2008

Dear mbbhat Bhai,

I just thought i should apologise a little. I asked you to tone down ramblings and I myself have rambled myself onto six threads now! So ... :oops: all the very best.

chai Bhai
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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post14 Jul 2008

Chai (wallah) Bhai,

I have no idea why you're apologising to mmbhat. At least you have something good to say, to the point and in alignment with each thread's title. It's impossible to have any discussion with mmbhat at all, without being covered in far-flung drivel. Mmbhat obviously has the agenda of over-riding everything and everybody with as much 'Gyan' as he can muster.

It is a pity because there's a lot of enthusiasm in his posts but all completely misused and misguided but perfectly responsive of course, in his own way - perhaps one day we will be able to 'hear' his OWN viewpoints and not that of a parrot. He can only speak, he cannot and refuses to 'hear'. It is typical of someone who can only think but has not allowed their heart to open. It is very sad. It could be called "living in a false mind" or 'false' world".

It is him that should be apologising if anyone has to at all but it won't happen.

IMO, until his approach changes I'll probably choose to not answer or react to anything he posts in the near future. :|
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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post14 Jul 2008

Dear paul, are you calling me a wallah?!? :shock: :D

well ... regarding mmbhat's expressive outpourings, I hope he enjoys himself, because I intend to make good use of the scroll button! Make me change my mind mmbhat! I want to read all postings on this forum but yours are just too much like too many lectures over too many years. We've had it up to the ear wax and the eye balls I am afraid (I think I can speak on behalf of at least some forum members here).

All good wishes to you though Brother.

with respect
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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post14 Jul 2008

Chai Bhai

I remember with great fondness a time I was on a slow-poke train from Abu Road trying to make my way to Kathmandu and not having any food left after two days of torturous Indian state railway accomodation (mainly because I did not understand the system you understand ...), all I waited for (read: "had lots of Yoga for ...") was the on-board Chai Wallah to come past, swinging his steaming hot steel chai pot and waking everyone up with his loud shouts of "Chai Chai" as he ran past, which at least kept me going for a while. Rs2- a cup I think.

Aaaahhhh - the intense suffering of a pukka little white Brahmin on board a train full of well-fed and food-laden head-shaking Indian lawyers and engineers, all offering lovely food but of course, me not eating it as I was a pukka little Krishna was I not? Never mind, it was a good time to diet for me.

See here y'all - not all memories of BK life are bitter and twisted. ;) In retrospect, perhaps we should make up a thread "Fond memories of my time in the BKWSU" for us all to share together.

I have a good story of where I nearly clobbered Dadi Gulzar with a stick in Peace Park.... :|
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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post14 Jul 2008

I think Mbbhat is mentally ill and proves Primal.Logic's theory that most Brahma Kumari followers suffer from ADHD or something.

Bare in mind he admitted that he does not even follow the Maryadas properly. Just another whacko Bharatwasi BK who thinks he is God's instrument for humanity ... and will probably reply with a Murli point "proofing" just that.
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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post14 Jul 2008

Hmmm, ---- he certainly jumps to attention even if he cannot pay attention to the point under discussion.

Piing! Lightbulb moment ... Perhaps a new disorder has just been discovered on this forum. It's not ADHD (Attention Deficit) but LSD (Logic Shortening Deficit) or even RWLD (Reaction Without Logic Disorder), following internal medicine being taken whilst in the BKWSU (Blind Knowledge Without Spiritual Understanding) Disorder. It could be sugar related methinks.

Anyone know what the legal definition of what the difference between a disorder and an illness is nowadays? Is one behavioural and the others physical? Is a disorder dysfunctional in nature whilst an illness is debilitating?
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chai bhai


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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post14 Jul 2008

This might just be evidence of adhd within me ... but paul, your acronym of BKWSU (blind knowledge without spiritual understanding) has awoken a creative streak in me. i do apologise because this is off the topic, but i cannot help myself ...
    BKWSU (beautiful Kumari with sweet underbite)
    BKWSU (butt kick while singing ubiquitously)
    BKWSU (big klutz with superfluous underarm)
I could only do three because the letters are not that easy to come up with something. But that is my creative offering such as it is.

Sometimes I wish I had the first, feel like doing the second but am pretty sure most of the time I am the third.

kind regards,
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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post14 Jul 2008

chai Bhai wrote:this might just be evidence of ADHD within me....

I don't think so, my spiritual Brother,looking at your following sentences:
BKWSU (beautiful Kumari with sweet underbite)
BKWSU (butt kick while singing ubiquitously)
BKWSU (big klutz with superfluous underarm)

It seems more, thanks to the perfect diagnosis of ...
paulkershaw wrote:RWLD (Reaction Without Logic Disorder), following internal medicine being taken whilst in the BKWSU (Blind Knowledge Without Spiritual Understanding) Disorder

... of mbbhat is epidemic and has infected you. :D

with kindest regards

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