A couple of questions

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A couple of questions

Post05 Jun 2008

Hello everyone,

I have a couple of small questions for you.

Can anyone give an estimate for the current UK membership of Brahma Kumaris?

Can anyone point me to a resource (website, perhaps) that discusses the content of the 7-day introductory courses?

If anyone can spare a moment to answer, I'd be very grateful.

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Re: A couple of questions

Post05 Jun 2008

researcher55 wrote:Can anyone point me to a resource (website, perhaps) that discusses the content of the 7-day introductory courses?

There is a copy of the teachers training manual from the 1990s on this site, - here. That basically tells you what the BKWSU tells, or told, its followers to teach.

There is a low resolution version of the old "7 Day Correspondence Course" here. This dates to the 1980s when they still taught the "pure" 7 Day Course with no soft sell preludes. It was given to us to study and teach the 7 Day Course. I think someone is also sharing a slightly revised one from the 90s.

Sorry, I have been out for a while and do not know what the current state of art is. There appears to be a load of different "soft", short courses up front to allow the Brahma Kumaris to "take the pulse" of the would be initiate. I do not know how/when the transition to the full on 7 Days and would appreciate an update from someone else too. I guess in India they still do the traditional "bhatti" (furnace).

Check back in a few days ... your wish is our command.
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Re: A couple of questions

Post07 Jun 2008

researcher55 wrote:Can anyone point me to a resource (website, perhaps) that discusses the content of the 7-day introductory courses?

Dear Brother/Sister,

Omshanti and welcome to the forum. Apart from the source that ex-l has referred, you can also go through the following link for the official version of the BKWSU on the seven days course:


As your name suggests, I hope you will share your research with all of us here. :D
With regards,

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