Feeling a bit lost

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Re: Feeling a bit lost

Post04 Mar 2008

Hi Sparkal,

Don't worry. I havent noticed any suspicious behaviour? All the posts I have read in response to my threads (including your own) have been really supportive. Maybe I missed something. I must admit actually that I feel a bit dim sometimes reading the responses and I dare not reply to them because I may have misunderstood something! I think there is quite a depth of knowledge on this forum and sometimes I am having to print the replies off and go away and think about them! Doh!

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Re: Feeling a bit lost

Post04 Mar 2008

To say it again Sarah, this may not be the place for a Sister like yourself if you are vulnerable. There are men around who will exploit your vulnerability.
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Post05 Mar 2008

Hi Sarah, thank you and all for the latest posts on this topic. Briefly, the impressions I got from the mail/invitation to the open house restyled center, are the following, a mixture of my guts feelings and experience:

Maybe it's you who jumped into the BK stuff too quickly and got burnt. Or the center-in-charges were a bit too pushy from the start and now, after wondering where they went wrong, they want to apply to you a different method of indoctrination; more persuasive, offering impartial, "spiritual" chats and the rest. Teachers become breathless in trying to please higher ranks, eager and desperate (Why? Do most of them feature dysfunctional personalities?) to prove their worthiness and love for God, fidelity to the Yagya and so on by "giving the results" of service.

I don't want to imply that their love bombing and care for you was completely a pretense (again the analogy with romantic relationships could be made, and sometimes we prefer not to face the reality that someone pretended to love us and was a user!) but generally speaking, there's a big and questionable marketing operation going on in the BKWSO, which includes typical lokik strategies; benefits and losses of jobs. One of the aims is attracting and retaining customers. And, in your case, they failed. Usually orthodox BK teachers are thoroughly brainwashed people, who have lost the capacity to think and feel independently. They accepted their feelings and reasonings to be curbed and suppressed by their gurus, to whom they constantly refer for advice - "check with Seniors" - this is the rule. They've been tamed and trained and their hands are sort of tied.

Spontaneity is not the quality behind their actions. So, often when a student leaves, they will present the case to a senior who will give some smart suggestion on how to act. Ban the students, cut them out from service, try to hook them back, prompting them to attend programs or retreats ... And if you seem just confused but not too rebellious, anti or dangerous, they will stress that "the door of Baba's house is always open"... :).

I find it more appealing and supportive to think, like some other poster also said, that God's heart is always open for me, and this would suffice and empower me 8). If you smell danger, probably something stinks. Then, realize that some play the role of predators, and learn from the horse "Spirit"; run for your life and freedom!

A good option and protection, especially in case those center-in-charges really meant well, is that of sending them good wishes. They are convicts and therefore need them badly!! :wink:


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Re: Feeling a bit lost

Post05 Mar 2008

Absolutely right Aladin,

Although i am (still) in the middle of being lovebombed, it comes clearer everyday how they work.

I am kind of hard to get for them, throwing up discussion after discussion, and he (the so called teacher) still doesn't let go, tells me over and over that i do not know my spiritual Father ... and asked me to write about who God is to me (I read in the Murli later, that he had to ask for that) I told him i would write it as soon he writes me and explain what a destructive cult is. I am still waiting. But i still see him everyday ... well, he is in Mudhuban at the moment.
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Re: predators

Post05 Mar 2008

sarah wrote:I must admit actually that I feel a bit dim sometimes reading the responses and I dare not reply to them because I may have misunderstood something!

Don't be shy or concerned about that sort of stuff, Sarah. Be honest to yourself.

I cannot think of any one person or any persuasion that has ever posted on this forum who would not respect or respond to openness and honest and wish to help. No one has to be here. No one is paid to be here. No one gets anything out of it apart from being able to help others and help one's self.
alladin wrote:Spontaneity is not the quality behind their actions. So, often when a student leaves, they will present the case to a senior who will give some smart suggestion on how to act ...

I think Alladin offers you good and interesting advice here about the climate and environment of the BKWSU center system.

It is something we might like to consider in our general contemplation of the Brahmakumaris, what the typical nature of a center-in-charge type is. Obedience and confirmity to the SS is obviously higher principle than anything else. Really. Higher even than to God, truth or enlightenment.

What Alladin recounts, of center-in-charges running back to their zonal Seniors for advice on any is also pretty true. The advice from the Seniors is considered to be equal to the words of God speaking through them at all times, any mistakes they might make (aka, tests from Baba ... ha!) are God's business and cannot be personally accounted for or blamed on the Seniors. They are faultless and above it all. Pure conduits for God. Of course, a lot of here know what a load of **** that is.

In truth, the quality of advice and perspicacity (clearness of understanding or insight; penetration, discernment) is on par with any fortune cookie supplier. The danger being that they really seem to believe that their utterances ARE equal to God's and karma free. They live in another entirely unaccountable world from the rest of us where they are equally worshipped, adored and feared.

To the small business BKWSU franchisee, i.e. the local center-in-charge left to be a small-time BKWSU guru center out in the sticks somewhere, adherence to utterances of the Seniors are their lifeline. Mind you, it is a miracle at how much crap to madness local center-in-charges can get away with before it pops up on the radar of the Beakie supremeos. In their desperation to expand and establish their market, it really does not take much to become the local corner shop World University. 6 months sitting in class, a trip to Madhuban, a willingness to give up one's personal world, a willingness to work for free and to one's spend money on marketing ...
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Re: Feeling a bit lost

Post05 Mar 2008

sparkal wrote:Hi Sarah, I posted a reply yesterday but it seems to have been removed by the moderator. Be careful who you accept help from on this forum as there is a sex predator around. They even try to give others advice on how to live their life. The game is getting a bit dirty so it is time for some action. Be true to your selves and don't trust any of the self-indoctrinised authorities on this forum. Stay true to your own inner self, don't let others any closer than you have to. This forum is showing signs of immature behaviour, on a par with the BKs even.

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Re: predators

Post05 Mar 2008

ex-l wrote:It is something we might like to consider in our general contemplation of the Brahmakumaris, what the typical nature of a center-in-charge type is. Obedience and confirmity to the SS is obviously higher principle than anything else. Really. Higher even than to God, truth or enlightenment.ccountable world from the rest of us where they are equally worshipped, adored and feared.

To the small business BKWSU franchisee, i.e. the local center-in-charge left to be a small-time BKWSU guru center out in the sticks somewhere, adherence to utterances of the Seniors are their lifeline.

In their desperation to expand and establish their market, it really does not take much to become the local corner shop World University. 6 months sitting in class, a trip to Madhuban, a willingness to give up one's personal world, a willingness to work for free and to one's spend money on marketing ...

Sad but generally true!

As far as Seniors being faultless and living in a world of illusion, I remember a Senior Sister having serious health problems telling the crowd that it was not her karmic account but it was a way for her to help others settle theirs. Just like Christ on the cross I guess!



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Re: Feeling a bit lost

Post24 Jun 2008


You feel lost because you stop to think and analyze and believe a lot of nonsense. How can we listen to a group of ladies who live in the confines of Maduhubhuan?

Have them live in the real world and see how they will behave. They will probably not last for a long time.

Also is this not about a household path? If it is how are they in the household path where are the husbands? Or are they afraid of not being in self control?

Easy to talk but talk is cheap as they say.

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