An eye for an eye

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An eye for an eye

Post18 Aug 2007

Do you believe that crap? All the so-called teaching should be told on Day One. This is more bull than i can take.

I spent 3 weeks in a psychiatric ward because of you assholes. Ruined my life. I will go to Madhuban with a serious weapon to right things.
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Re: an eye for an eye

Post18 Aug 2007

jakeyboy wrote:I will go to Madhuban with a serious weapon to right things.

The truth is a pretty powerful weapon to wield in Madhuban, or anywhere else. I would not be surprised if what you are suggesting happens one day, there have been a few centers in India attacked by locals ... but think seriously whether it is worth throwing your own life away by doing it.

Tell us about your experience and what happened ...

Firstly, you should know that you are not alone. There have been BKs that have cracked up or had nervous breakdowns in a number of countries. One or two completely flipped. More than a few committed suicide. They keep that quiet too.

Trying to get the truth in or out of them ... its like a bleeding secret service on a propaganda mission. But you can speak here, we are not them. This forum is entirely independent and was set up specifically for folks like you.

Did you try and speak to your center-in-charge or official BKWSU people? What did they say and how did they handle you?
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Re: An eye for an eye.

Post31 Aug 2007

Mahatma Gandhi wrote:"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

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