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Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2010
by starchild
That there is a power there does not really prove that it is God.

People have different experiences also, in Madhuban when Dadi Gulzar's face changes. The question is, "who is the spirit?". I think that the questions about when Shiva appeared in the equation are relevant to this.

Some of the power has to be a result of group consciousness. That also does not make it God.

And Power, of itself, is not enough.

A 'powerful atmosphere', can be impressive and intimidating. When you go beyond that, and find behaviors ranging from petty unkindness to ostracizing persons who do not fit in, and hiding things that are not considered a good reflection on the organization. Well, my integrity tells me that I do not want to be a part or contributor to these things. My intelligence and feeling warns me it is not Godly. There are many prophets, false and true, and I would agree with the saying that, "Ye shall know them by their fruits".

You see, I witnessed people who had given over their lives to this organization being treated with contempt, and worse, by so called Seniors, while the same Seniors were giving their time and effort to kowtowing to so called VIPs.

That is not Godly behavior. Even if the premise that these people need 'the introduction' is valid, surely it would not be at the expense of those who have given their bones. You cannot tell me that I did not witness this behavior, because I did. And I believe I was given a mind and intellect to be able to choose whether I should be involved in a group whose behavior is not acceptable to my moral standards.

I have been to Madhuban during the Indian season, as well as during the double foreigner times and I had mixed experiences. I could see that for many it is like a recharging time in difficult lives, so yes, I would say something has developed in the 70 years that could be said to have a positive effect for some.

Unfortunately, if even one person is irrevocably hurt or damaged, and even more unfortunately there seems to be Lacs of people who are, then it is just not good or Godly enough. Then they make it even worse by dismissing these persons out of hand as not good enough. I would say that they are not good enough.

We were taught, that if 'Seniors' made mistakes that Baba would put it right. Read the accounts on this forum of those who are left trying for years to find their way, having been treated cruelly in the BK environment. Oh, they just were not good enough, let them fry. What kind of a God are we talking about here. Where is he/she that they would treat good hearted souls in such a way. ? I think it is one of the problems of the organization to be so lacking in compassion.

As I said, Power of itself does not cut the mustard. I for one am not applauding the suffering in Haiti caused by a destructive aspect of the power of nature. I have seen and heard The BKs being delighted with disasters as a sign of impending end of world without a trace of compassion for the suffering. I believe that some of them need big adjustments in their outlooks and attitudes, to even rate as particularly good human beings, never mind having notions of being deities. And I keep wondering why this "God" through Dadi Gulzar is not addressing these things.

Seeing things as they are and being critical does not amount to evil or Maya. Closing the eyes to it is a very dangerous stance to take. As someone said commenting on the World War 2. "It only takes that the good people stand by and do (or say) nothing for evil to flourish". I am not saying BKs are evil, I do believe their is within the organization a culture of not questioning which is dangerous and harmful.

It works for people who have "Faith" or who can accept the parts they like and that work for them, and ignore all the rest. That is fortunate for them, however dismissing those who do question, is mindless evasion, and it is a mindlessness that cannot be said to be replaced by God's mind. Perhaps we who question expect more of God and those who claim to be God's chosen.

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2010
by button slammer
Felt nice, that the days of final decision are coming. Final “To be or - Not to be” is going to happen soon. Your website will, of course, play a good role in it in pulling out the weak ones ...

As you yourself have admitted, you know nothing in any depth of the origins of the Yagya, not even after 40 years of study and deep Yoga. How can you blow your trumpet about supposedly end times? The 'Golden Age/Satyug' means the kingdom of what?

TRUTH!! Here souls desire to know what? TRUTH!! Neither have you progressed in knowledge, and you understand nothing apart from your own faith, how can you explain to others and allow them to progress?
“To be or - Not to be”

Now your arrogance has revealed itself.'To be, or, not to be?' What? Like you? Stone dead and ignorant. Instead of feeling sorry for the souls who have jumped the 'Slave Ship' better to have mercy on yourself.

In reality there is not a single shred of evidence that truthfully shows any continuation of the establishment of the Yagya up till now. Basically, no Brahmin up till now can prove the foundation of the Yagya was established by ShivBaba. The world you inhabit does not exist. It is a world of make believe invented by children.

You are a mindless pawn in a game of so called Rulers over Subjects. The rulers prefer to rule, so they keep the truth hidden from you. You have become the perfect subject, docile, unquestioning obedience, intellectually dull, non-progressive,etc, all the qualities to avoid, so why board your 'Ship of Fools?'

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2010
by nischaybuddi
If one has decided not to accept him as a GOD then he can come up with lot of excuses and other things.

The bottom line is

Q: The soul (or spook in your terms) which is coming in DG who is it?
BK's Answer: it is ShivBaba combined with Brahmababa.
Non-BKs (Ex-Bks): We don't know

Q: Justify about such a huge organisation being run by under-educated (Sisters) some centres are being run by uneducated teenage Sisters, not having enough education are quite expert in explaining knowledge to knowledgable people.
BK's Answer: It is all wonders of ShivBaba, as he is guiding and touching the souls.
Non-BKs(Ex-Bks) : _______________________________

Q: Justify about the the huge automatic process of Seva being carried over in Madhuban?

Q: Justify about the experiences every sincere BK have in small daily routined tasks?

Q: Justity about the deep silence, peace the aspirants feel.

Q: Justify about the celibacy so many young people are able to follow and that to happily?

Q: Justify about the energies that all Dadi's showing to the world.

The other things quoted by starchild are concerned to BKs also, they also feel sorry about the mass deaths and losses taking place, but as they have The Knowledge of drama so, the outside people feel that they are not having any mercy or so.

Regarding the bone service given by BKs are treated badly by their Seniors should have been reported to Dadi's. If one wish to do the serivice keeping only Baba in mind, then any differences could be sorted out.

Thank you

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2010
by because.parmeshwar
Have you seen todays episode of "Awakening with Brahmakumaris"? Nischay?

Brijmohan Bhai was asked today directly, that what about Destruction in 2012 and the arrival of Krishna?

He said, "Well, this is half-knowledge spread by outsiders that Destruction is going to happen in 2012 and the whole world will end, then how and where Krishna will come? We never say like this".

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2010
by starchild
Nishaybuddhi wrote:... are concern to BK also, they also feel sorry for the mass losses and deaths taking place, but as they have knowledge of the Drama ...

Would that be The Knowledge that they are suffering this savage Destruction so that you and other BKs can inherit the earth, while all they have is more suffering repeated cycle after cycle. You will probably want to repeat that they will have their own little Golden Age, but I do not think the statistics add up.

How much has the population of the world multiplied in the last century? Say it has trebled, though it is probably more. Are all those extra 'souls' experiencing their own "Golden Age birth"??

I could be wrong but I really do not think so. Yet another example of the lack of questioning from practicing BKs. This question is a practical one with a very definite answer.

There is no question of faith in it. Can you find me an answer?

In the meantime, those people who are out there on the streets giving their help, have my vote as having God-like sanskars.

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2010
by button slammer
Sakar Murli dated 13.06.06

    "So the Father explains that he (i.e. Brahma) has his own name, I do not have a name based on the body, neither do I take rebirth. I enter into him; even he does not come to know of it. There is no date (of entry of Shiv into Brahma) ... I come to create a pure world, i.e. day. Even he does not know when Baba entered (into him).

    Yes, he had visions of Destruction. He used to go into trance a lot, for that no date or time can be deduced. Krishna is also worshipped; he is shown to have taken birth at night. At what time, at which minute, etc. everthing is calculated. Father says - I am incorporeal. Just as other human beings take birth, I do not take birth. My birth is divine, alokik. I enter into him and then depart. Does anyone ride on the bull throughout the day? Whenever children remember me, I am present." (narrated by Father Shiv through Brahma Baba)
Arjun wrote:''When Baba Himself is telling that nobody knows when Baba entered into his corporeal medium, then how can the BKs pinpoint the time and day, saying that Shiv entered into Dada Lekhraj when he suddenly got up from one of the spiritual gatherings of his lokik guru, and had divine visions of Vishnu in his room ...

Baba is telling that we cannot calculate the date or time of his entry into the corporeal medium. Date or time can be calculated only for human beings like the soul of Krishna (Dada Lekhraj). But in case of Gulzar Dadi, the date and time of entry of BapDada (Shiv+Brahma according to BKs) are calculated many months in advance. So, one can guess who is entering into her, and whose entry are they planning many months in advance - is it the Supreme Soul Shiv or the soul of Krishna?''

So here, the One with whom you've been having deep Yoga and spiritual experiences with, for 40 years. The One praised as 'The Ocean Of Knowledge.' The One who is the Purifier, of the entire world, is refuting, categorically and unequivocally in a Murli, that has been reread/revised/reviewed etc for over 40 years ''Even he does not know when Baba entered (into him)''

So if the one in whom He enters doesnt know, then the entire BK publications/mythology regarding the beginning is A LIE. A made up story.

So at best they are simply ignorant, and trying to cover their own stupidity. At worst, these so called Yagya leaders are stone faced killers of truth and freedom, creating their own self-glorification at your expense/life.

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010
by ex-l
button slammer wrote:In reality there is not a single shred of evidence that truthfully shows any continuation of the establishment of the Yagya up till now. Basically, no Brahmin up till now can prove the foundation of the Yagya was established by ShivBaba.

The world you inhabit does not exist. It is a world of make believe'

Nischay, you have to remember, this is the website that the Brahma Kumaris leadership - right up to Madhuban - tried to destroy at the cost of thousands of dollars and one of the top lawyers in the world ... and failed. There must be some "Power" here too.

    • What is that power? If you believe in The Drama ... there must be some significance to that.
nischaybuddi wrote:How long one can deceive to such a huge public out there?

Real BK love "proofs". You cannot build an Age of Truth on lies and deception ... when will they stop Nischay? When will they tell the truth?

To build a worldwide religion on lies and deception ... one that takes millions of dollars from followers and 100,000s of hour of unpaid slavery ... is not admirable at all. A large proportion of humanity is pre-programmed by religion to do so.

This site "proves" for you that there was no God Shiva in the Brahma Kumari religion until sometime after 1950. From 1932, when the Yugya started, to 1950. Also that Lekhraj Kirpalani was not 60 years old when he retired to start the Yugya ... nor at the point of Shiva entrance.

Look at the evidence and ask ... "why?" Then please come back here and answer us Knowledgefully.
If the Murlis says that the Chariot was 60 years old at the point of Shiva's entrance who and where was that, or what has happened to the Murlis?

    • Why do the leadership deceive and keep their follower from the true knowledge of Shiva Baba?
Please just answer me that much.

You cannot base the religion on the Murlis and then ignore the Murlis when it suits you. There is something wrong, is not it?

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010
by nischaybuddi
• Why do the leadership deceive and keep their follower from the true knowledge of Shiva Baba?

Today I had a discussion on one of the senior members, I am not sure he is correct to which extent.

According to him, BB had visions of new world and Destruction but he could not know who is doing all this, so he asked his Gurus, and they were also failed to explain the truth. But BB was clear in his mind that it is some big power who is making him to see all the visions. At that time he was believeing only on divine power, this may be a reason of not mentioning or Shiv Baba's name as you say.

Subsequently, when BB discovered, that it is only the Supreme Soul, almighty who is carrying all the work of world transformation and he is only the instrument, then he finally decided to surrender himself along with his wealth to the benefit of mankind.

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010
by because.parmeshwar

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010
by ex-l
nischaybuddi wrote:Subsequently, when BB discovered, that it is only the Supreme Soul, almighty who is carrying all the work of world transformation and he is only the instrument, then he finally decided to surrender himself along with his wealth to the benefit of mankind.

But that was 18 years after he retired in 1932 ... and at least 14 years calling himself God Brahma, the Gita Sermoniser and of looking after Om Mandli commune. It was around the same year they moved to Madhuban.

    So did the "revelation" happen before they left the Sind or once they arrived in Madhuban? Have you looked at the paintings? The Tree is very pretty in its own way.
The simple answer is those Seniors don't know any about all this. They are repeating the same old fairy stories. It does not even tally with what the Murlis say happened. In the Murlis, as Slammer pointed out, it says God Shiva named him Brahma.

Do you know, we also discovered that Lekhraj Kirpalani was not the sleeping partner. He was the active partner and Narain Shewakram was the sleeping partner ... the opposite to the story in Adi Dev.

Why do the details matter? Well, once you have proven one, two, three, four, five, six, seven decades worth of lies, half-truths and deception ... there comes a point where you really have to start asking what is really going on?

    Powerful or not, is this really the way God-God works?

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010
by warrior
nischaybuddi wrote:The bottom line is

Q: The soul (or spook in your terms) which is coming in DG who is it?
BK's Answer: it is ShivBaba combined with Brahmababa.


Hope you can view this paper cutting about the age of your Brahma. BKWSU is saying that Dada Lekhraj was 60 in 1936, but, he was only 44 according to Daily Mail.

So, was there anyone in the beginning that was 60 years old? If so, why are you BKs covering it up?


Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2010
by ex-l
Amazing find ... all my respect!

I copied the full text and image to this topic as it is a valuable piece of evidence : "Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...?".

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2010
by swordofjustice
nischaybuddi wrote:No body is lying, no body is telling the truth either. Every one is speaking as per his conscious, the level of Gyan, he has grasped, the subtleness, he has gained, the power, he has received from the supreme. So relying on human talks take us to various doubts and confusions..

Thats why the primary and basic teachig of Shiv Baba is to consider yourself soul, forgetting body and bodily relatives. People starts taking it otherwise, that our God is asking to forget the relatives. It is not so. Forgetting body and bodily relatives doesn't mean to leave them, but to firmly take them also in their original form, i.e. SOUL, and sustaining this consciousness then you will find that truly the soul is full of bliss, power, purity, happiness and love.

Good answer, Brother. I've always found remembering that spiritual truth of the soul brings me some feeling of being calm and centred. It's good to see the world and others like that.


Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2010
by clearernow
nischaybuddi wrote:I was assuming that my first post will be the last post, as I was browsing this website and felt that there are many good souls who have lost faith from Gyan, tried to convince them to rejoin. Once you start discussing the topic it gets prolonged as many other points also come out.

I came in Gyan somewhere in December 71. At that time ours centre was a small one room, with one surrendered Mataji living there. I agree she had tough time running the centre and I was not earning. We were just running our centre with 3-4 regular students.

You asked me about 1976 Destruction prediction. Yes, that time many souls left Knowledge taking it as bogus because the Destruction did not happen. Many problems regarding centre (main) building, then contributions repayments etc arose but that time also passed. Baba paid emphasis on stage and not on Destruction. We also started taking it in true form, i.e to prepare ourself first, the Destruction (transformation) will automatically occur.

Regarding Murlis. No, I cannot upload them on the computer. As it is strict instruction from our Senior Sister, not to leak Murlis as there are so many anti-parties like the Shankar Party misusing them.

Thanks for sharing your experiences, It will be good if you could explain my following two queries:
    1) Is it Brahma Baba or Shiva +Brahma who come in Dadi Gulzar body? If its God, why does he have to be told even simple things like how many countries people have come etc? In many instances he cant even remember numbers which are being told to him by Sisters on the stage, speaks something else than what was told by Sisters (Murlis printed are modified later), why is the Mic removed many times when he is saying personal things to Dadis, Seniors ... is there anything personal about God? Does he not belong to everyone? Why does he appear so helpless in that Body being guided by Sisters on the stage?

    2) Why is the emphasis on Destruction when the reality is that God wants to focus on the stage of completion? Why create this fear time and again to expedite effort? Shouldnt the effort be because of the God's love and surrender? Why not take away the entire Destruction philosophy if its flawed?

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2010
by nischaybuddi
clearernow hello,

You are calling yourself clearer and your posts seems to be full of doubts. In one post you are saying in favour and here your are raising doubts. First make up your mind, because.parmeshwar is absolutely correct, it is very easy to give the opinions, but difficult to follow.

I advise you to be clear first and then raise the questions.