Are you shocked to be on this forum?

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Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post23 Jan 2013


If you are on BK path, have come on this forum and shocked at what this forum suggests about BKs, I would just like to share few perspectives and questions you may ask yourself in addition to your own:
    1. Are you on the BK path because Destruction is about to happen?
    Did you develop your faith in BK path and Baba beacuse of Destruction or because of the positive aspects about spirituality (e.g. self realization/transformation/purification, love/connection/faith on God)? Are you focussing on Soul/God consciousness or Destruction consciousness?
    2. Are you on the path because it is your conscious choice in life or you think it has been enforced on you?
    3. Are you donating to BKWSU because you firmly believe in the cause and therefore you want to contribute towards it or are you being coerced to do it? Do you have slightest of doubt that you may regret it later?
    4. Are you merely trusting Seniors and other adherrants or you are deepening your soul consciousness experiences and direct experiences with God?
    5. Do you think you are really getting benefitted by BK association?
Some introspection will get you more clarity - If the above doesn't make sense to you then please ignore as I just intended to share few thoughts.
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Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post23 Jan 2013

Am I shocked to be on this forum? No, it is the most interesting, exciting and dynamic, and by far the funniest, element of the BK movement. I am proud to be one it, and will come back every 5,000 years to do so!
clearernow wrote:4. Are you merely trusting Seniors and other adherrants

I think you spelt that wrong, it should be "BK Seniors and other aberrants".
    What are you doing here, Clearernow? What is your purpose or intention? I think you're abusing our hospitality now.
Anyone that is that brainwashed enough to be giving over their life to the BKWSU has been so mentally condition that all you are going to get to them are the standard, prepared "right" answers. The BKWSU promotes strict conformity of thought, not independent thinking ... nor even speaking really honestly about their feelings.

You've framed the question in a biased manner. BKs do not join the BKWSU *because* of Destruction ... but they do get 'cooked' into believing in the imminent 'End of the World' which the leaders are still keeping alive ... "two to three years ... any minute now ... do you want me to hit the button now?".

You can pretend it is not central to the cult .. but it is the be all and end all of BKism. Without "Destruction" there is no reason behind the BKWSU.

Perhaps the problem is you are not a full BK and so, hence, don't know what the BKWSU is really all about? Or perhaps you only came into the BKs a few years ago and so know nothing of their history?
    Perhaps you could be fully honest about your BK involvement? When did you join, how pukka are you (in detail)?
The purpose and reason for this forum is clearly stated on the way in, and has often been revised once you are in. It's for people who have left, want to leave and their friends and family.

As a typical BK, you keep avoiding any of the deeper conversations, more difficult ethical issues and have completely avoid all the false history and prediction stuff we have dug up. You have the whole of the internet to cover with BK propaganda if you so chose, so why come here to be offended?


Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post23 Jan 2013

ex-l: I am not clear about your purpose either as firsly this web-site/forum claims to reveal the Truth of the BKWSU to the world (by sharing of independent thoughts) and then you want to cleverly question and suppress the positive independent views about BK association whenever they come. You can not say it is truth if positive views are suppressed. If you consider all BKs to have been brainwashed, your persistent coercion to make people believe only in the negative side of BKs - is not this also brainwashing? In an open internet world, you can not expect people to remain silent. I am only expressing my independent thoughts like you are about BKs. I respect and acknowledge the fact that the forum does allow to share independent views but I have already proposed that if you want to ban me you can.



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Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post23 Jan 2013

Clearernow: They does not exist, "positive views about the BK cult". It is a cult.

For me, it is as if I had been raped and someone else is insisting to explain to me how wonderful the rapist personality is and, plus, getting annoyed when I say WHAT!!??


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Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post23 Jan 2013

Clearernow wrote:Are you on the BK path because Destruction is about to happen?

Destruction is The Knowledge (fear) given by the BK after joining them. No one even thinks of it before becoming BK. It is a tool to keep the people hooked within the organization.
ex-I wrote:What are you doing here, Clearernow? What is your purpose or intention? I think you're abusing our hospitality now.

Clearernow wrote:In an open internet world, you cannot expect people to remain silent on such misrepresentation. I am only expressing my independent thoughts like you are about BKs.

I am sorry clearernow that we are discussing through an open internet world. If you would have been physically here and if we would have been discussing round the table physically, I would have offered you two boiled eggs, some potato chips with tomato sauce, a glass of beer and watched you run.
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Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post23 Jan 2013

clearernow wrote:If you consider all BKs to have been brainwashed, your persistent coercion to make people believe only in the negative side of BKs - is not this also brainwashing? ... I have already proposed that if you want to ban me you can.

No ... no one on this forum is spending millions of dollars a year running around the world enculting individuals into a false religion for life, taking their money and property using false predictions of Destruction. People come here when they are ready, want to learn the truth of the BKWSU, or want out.

Firstly, clearernow, answer the questions above ...
    What is your relationship with the BKWSU, how much of a pukka BK are you ... etc?
I cannot properly respond to you unless I know where you stand.

If you are a pukka BK, I will respond in one way; if you are just a 'contact soul' or an ex-BK apologist etc, I will respond in another. The ball is in your court.

As for "wanting to be banned" ... ban yourself if you want. What do you want to do? Run around saying, "See, I told you, the nasty ex-BKs banned me for positivity when I provoked them!"

We do a lot more here than just "negativity", we uncover the hidden truths and cover ups, and make people start to think again.
maria wrote:For me, it is as if I had been raped and someone else is insisting to explain to me how wonderful the rapist personality is and, plus, getting annoyed when I say WHAT!!??

The Brahma Kumaris are more like child abusers, pedophiles, than rapists.

First they groom* the victims gradually by speaking to them nicely, offering them sweeties and things for free, seeming to be their best friend ... then they 'spiritually rape' them and, like child abusers, they make the victims keep the abuse secret ... they live in a secret world ... and then they use the victims to go out and groom more children/victims.

They can only do so by keeping the truth of their activities secret ... which is why we make it all public. Do you want to know 100% what the BKs teach, and all that they hide, we will tell you. There are "positive" opinions here ... but they are within the greater context of an abusive system.
* "Grooming" refers to actions deliberately undertaken with the aim of befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, to lower the child's inhibitions in preparation for the exploitation of the child. Child grooming may be used to lure minors into illicit businesses such as prostitution, the production of child pornography or slavery via human trafficking.

Generally child abuse occurs at the hands of someone personally close and well known to that child. Thus, abuse is usually preceded by grooming.


Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post24 Jan 2013

Such comments once again take away any credibility in your comments ... I will repeat it MISREPRESENTATION...
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Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post24 Jan 2013

clearernow wrote:Such comments once again take away any credibility in your comments ... I will repeat it MISREPRESENTATION.

The anology of child abuse works perfectly well. Perhaps you don't understand the meaning of "analogy"? It is the BKs who constantly seek to misrepresent themselves, e.g. Transformation for Destruction. Which year did you "enter Gyan" and become a BK?

The BKs work by grooming individuals first, slowly and gradually, and by investing in a respectable front to hide their abuse. They do not use straightforward, outright force to take people, as rapists or 'conversion by the sword' religions do, they do so subtly ... but they are still abusers. And you are part of their "ring" trying to normalise their activity and argue that it is "normal" or positive, like NAMBLA did. Just as NAMBLA wants to make pedophiles and pederasts "normal", acceptable and part of the greater homosexual community; so BKs and their supporters work to make the BKWSU acceptable within the wider religious or New Age movement ... which is disgusting considering the BKs and their gods opinion of other religions and non-BKs.

Pedophiles offer children sweets, drinks, drugs to weaken their will and capture them; the BKs offer "free" meditation, hypnosis and retreats. Their modus operandi is the same. Neither of them tell people upfront what they are really about.

When people become involved in a ring of abuse either, at some point and perhaps by luck, they wake up and re-find their own power, and then get the hell out. If they are weak, too damaged or 'evil' (which we need to define), they become a part of it ... seeking and preparing new victims, and defending the chief abusers and their system of abuse.

Why is BKism abusive on many levels ... let us explain why in another topic.

Your strategy is obvious, and I dare say it is what they use within the BKWSU. For me, it's straight out of The Daily Mail (a right wing tabloid newspaper).
    You seek to discredit any criticism by labeling it as "extremist" ... you seek to focus attention on the use of "bad" language ... you exaggerate the discussion to ridiculous levels (... but, yes, according to BK philosohy, not mine, the BKs *are* to responsible for all the world's problems because they did it all last Cycle and the rest of Creation is a reflection of what goes on in the Confluence Age! Ho hum).
focus on self-transformation and connection with divine

No, I am sorry. I will not.

That is the con ... that is the distraction from the truth of the BKs ... that is the idea the BKs want to sell about themselves to hide their true agenda ... and it is not "the Divine" it is just their BapDada.

"The Divine" is just yet another expansive, inaccurate BK 'code word' they have borrowed from somewhere else to make their religion appear more acceptable to Westerners.

Look up any resource of cults ... a secret or "loaded language" is a 'red flag' indicator.
A cult will use deception. The cult will not normally tell people exactly what they believe, their origins, what they practice, and what life is really like in the cult, because if people knew they would not join. This information is taught to the new recruit slowly and in pieces - a "frog in the pot" tactic.

Deception is a key pre-requisite to Mind Control. The cult must be willing to deceive people.

And people must be ready and willing to be deceived.
The cult seeks control over its membership not by providing a coherent theological system but by providing the opposite: an unstable theology infinitely malleable to the needs of the cult's top echelon and uninterpretable at all times to anyone below that level.

Specifically, the cult destabilizes its theology by controlling its religious language-through ambiguity, definitional reversals, and deliberate imprecision. What ultimately separates religions from cults is not that cults seek to control the minds of adherents but that they employ Orwellian doublethink to do so and use the cover of language to effect the far more outrageous means of control


Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post25 Jan 2013

ex-l: I think by mistake you have removed the content of my post above
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Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post25 Jan 2013

"Not guilty".

If I had done it, I would have done it deliberately but I did not; so either you did, or it was a technical glitch. I sometimes get double posts.

Can you answer the questions above now ...
What is your relationship with the BKWSU, how much of a pukka BK are you now, when did you join and how long were you in ... etc?

I am sorry, I cannot remember if you ever told us.
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Mr Green


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Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post25 Jan 2013

My Life was almost destroyed by the BKs, they 'took' all my money, my youth, my emotions, my ability to interact normally, the ability to express love even to my mother, they do no good for the world or people whatsoever.

The positive thinking and anger management tools have been stolen cynically from shudras of the iron age, and are taught by wide eyed innocent enthusiastic young BKs who don't even know they are being used as a tool to encult others, so the magic number of 900 000 that has no relevence to anything can be met.

(nice to see you're still around Maria)


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Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post25 Jan 2013

Mr Green

It is truely hoped that the two flashing eyes appearing on this post, will enlighten the way of the sucked-in and trapped BK victims, so they can find their way out ..!!



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Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post25 Jan 2013

Hi, Mr Green!!


Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post25 Jan 2013

Technical glitch has removed what I had written in clarification but in short the essence again:

Clearly some of the members here havent had pleasant experience at BKWSU which I feel sorry about- good that you have moved on. Learning from the experiences of some of you and my own, I have put the above questions so that people are not just sucked in and make conscious choices to be or not to be on the BK path. For example if the answer to the first question is Yes then you will miss out on the true beauty of spiritual experiences and growth in consciousness- you are likely to then leave in few years regretting it. (like many did around each of the dates talked about in this forum almost daily like 1976 but a good majority stayed on and kept their focus on core with unshaken faith). If you have made a conscious choice and are sure about it then you will not regret it and enjoy the true beauty of a spiritual journey.
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Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

Post25 Jan 2013

You missed WWII, 1950 and 1986, and 1986 to 1996. People left every time and the only way they enculted more people was by reinventing Destruction and covering up the past. BKs of my generation did not even know about 1976. They said to me, had they done so, they would never have surrendered. It's not "there not obstacles, as someone else wrote, it's a question of ethics that the BKs should tell people *before* they are initiated.

Now, can you answer the questions above now ...
What is your relationship with the BKWSU, how much of a pukka BK are you now, when did you join and how long were you in ... etc?

It's just to find common ground and help us respond to you in the best way.

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