
Scientific challenges to the beliefs promoted by the Brahma Kumaris so called "World Spiritual University"
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Re: Starlight

Post18 Feb 2009

eromain wrote: I cant help wondering if there is a couple of nerdy little BKs somewhere for whom this particular revelation might save them a couple of wasted years.

Yep, agree with all that, especially the sentence above. Problem is that emotion or desire often trumps intellect.

In the case of WMDs - whether Iraq had them or not wasn't the issue. Lot's of countries have them. It was appealing to the fear that Hussein might have them, and was evil beyond reason, so would use them ... and such an evil dude must have had something to do with 9/11. It ignored the fact that USA supplied him for decades, promoted the 8 year war against Iran that killed more than a million Iranians (and they wonder why Iran despises USA?)

The Cycle's fascination is derived from it's "logic" - but its "power" and influence is partly derived from the fear of condemning one's self eternally.
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Re: Starlight

Post18 Feb 2009

OK, putting aside any question of Star Trek being a reliable source BK Nerds (which surely that must include a good half of the BKWSU IT team), get those leaky Biros out of your skirt pockets ...
terry wrote:Let's leave light speed and come back to a human scale - let's look at the Voyager space probe, something we know about but cannot see. Launched in 1977, it has left the solar system. It's travelling at 3 AU a year (1 AU is the distance of earth to Sun). In 5,000 years, based on an objective clock, it will be the year 6977, and Voyager will actually be 15,000 AU away, but in that new Kalpa experience, the reincarnated "yadavas" will be launching it FOR THE FIRST (AND ONLY) TIME. It is only ever launched once.

An "astronomical unit" (abbreviated as AU) is nearly 150,000,000 kilometres or 93,000,000 miles. Therefore, in 5,000 years time, Voyager will be 750,000,000,000 kilometers or 465,000,000,000 miles away.

Now, in the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual UNIVERSITY, some of us were told - in all seriousness - that the Golden Aged deities or Advanced Party building heaven on earth flew up into space in their flying machines to remove all the Kali Yuga space junk bring it back to earth in order that it could be sent back up to space again in 4,950 years. By "space junk", I mean all the dead satellites, bits of rockets, the infamous flag on the moon etc.

A light year is 9,460,730,472,580 km or 63,241 astronomical units. So, to go get Voyager, you will need to travel at least 30,000 AU (depending on your mathematical ability to find its specific location in the middle of a very dark and infinite space), by my abacus that is half a life year away. So to catch it, you are going to have to travel as fast as light for 6 months, half the speed of light equals one year and so on.

The question is, for any buddying BK phsycist, how fast do vimana's fly, how much energy will that require and by what means?

There are more than 600,000 bits of space junk larger than 1 cm in orbit, including 15 years of black bin bags full of rubbish thrown out by the Russians from their MIR space station. (Bloody Russians, who would want neighbours like them? But I hate to think what will happen when the Indians get into space ... all that curry, no sewers and no untouchables to clean up after them).

The point being is, that unless you recover them and put the elements that created them back into the ground, the earth will reduce in size every infinitely repeating Kalpa until there are no more metals left.

In space, no one can smell your junk stink.



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Re: Starlight

Post18 Feb 2009

This really made me think:

Maybe there really is a Soul and we take re-birth. Nothing has convinced me of the 5000 year cycle yet though. I assume it is a cycle that mankind goes through and then things go up a notch! After all, the magnet field of the earth is supposed to flip every every so often (mind you its around 300,000 years!

Earth's Inconstant Magnetic Field

Anyway, I had been reading BK stuff on youtube and people saying WARNING these people believe in a 5000 year cycle and that the earth will end in 5000 years etc. Trouble is, most of the other major religions also believe this! (Christianity - about 6000 years - Hindus - very long Kalpa!) So, in actual, fact Christianity is a cult of sorts too.

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Re: Starlight

Post19 Feb 2009

Offtopic: Its very interesting and there are more episodes of the same programme. It is a little bit off topic but I will be interested to see how terry responds to this one ... here you have good circumstantial evidence with academic department attached. Children rather than humanists or materialists. The other videos by the same user are all very amazing.

Reincarnation or spirit attachment? In the research I have read about case of channeling or mediumship you often get these inconclusions. Whatever it was, accepting the paradigm, the healing at the end is more typical.



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Re: Starlight

Post19 Feb 2009

H ex-l, yes, I watched all of the 4 parts. Thought provoking as in, "gee, I think ex-l will pick me up on this one". I have been composting some thoughts at the back of my mind for a while now, and this has been thrown into the mix. It is coming together. Just to say that what I am working towards is for me a new "belief system" that I have not fully articulated even to myself - only started to think in this direction in the last year or two, so still working it out. Not saying it is completely original (unlike copyright material below!), it's just how I am making sense of things these days. Stay tuned.
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Re: Starlight

Post19 Feb 2009

Well, please stick to your own personal experience and how it is practically useful to you for getting over the BKWSU. That is the end to which I am leading. Save us the screeds of other people's impractical theory please.
eromain wrote:The BKs are wrong about so many things, in so many ways. They have organisational failings, intellectual failings, social, political, psychological, legal etc etc. They have got a lot of things wrong. And in amongst these various categories of mistakes is this starlight thing.

May be celticgyan can pick us up on this one, have the Brahma-kumaris, their scientist and engineers wing, or even their version of "SPARC" disproved the idea of the speed of light as a constant!?! I mean, it is a measurable rule, is not it?

Personally, I am not fussed by whether life is specifically 4.5 Billion years either. I do not think "science" is offering that as an absolute. But if you take something simple and to hand, like water dripping on a rock, we can measure the rate of wear it creates and then look to our natural environment and ask ... how long did it take the river or rain to wear down that rock surely?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Starlight

Post08 Mar 2015

This week astronomers observed an amazing example (or rather 4 of them) of a phenomenon predicted by Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, not the first observation, but the first with 4 examples!

Formulated while still working as a clerk without any research facilities, Einstein figured that light bends when under the influence of a large mass and its associated gravity.

In this week’s observations, the gravitational forces created a multi-focal lens so the same supernova event appeared four times, through four ”lenses” created by different mass & gravity fields the light passed through.

its not unlike seeing through a glass door that has different densities, the mass of each part refracts the same light .

Of course, astrophysics is essentially maths and observation through various means. predictive (theoretical) physics is easily overturned by observable facts. The behaviour of light is fundamental.


Article here.

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