Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Scientific challenges to the beliefs promoted by the Brahma Kumaris so called "World Spiritual University"
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Re: Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronav

Post09 May 2020

Very beautifully written!! I really do appreciate it here. :)

Yes, man's search for the ultimate (God) is the one that is bringing him and his associates misery instead of bliss and happiness since immemorial. The very search is a marriage of illusion and futility!!
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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronav

Post09 May 2020

Arcane wrote:Very beautifully written!! I really do appreciate it here. :)

Yes, man's search for the ultimate (God) is the one that is bringing him and his associates misery instead of bliss and happiness since immemorial. The very search is a marriage of illusion and futility!!

Thank you.

I think you raise such a good argument. The post has been moved to a new topic of its own, here; Humans search for God bring families misery instead of bliss. Please excuse the changing of the title in order to fit it into the form.

It may be with their current response to covid-19, the BKs are moving even more towards being just a social welfare organisation ... but I doubt they can, not will, change their core philosophy as it is what acts as the "lobster trap" to trap the adherents that they need to ensure their income. Perhaps it will take until they have sufficient assets and resources in the bank to pay all their costs and feed all their unpaid workers until they let go of it all? Who knows.

Meanwhile, they continue to succour benefits for themselves, eg by getting state chiefs to put on special trains for them, by making small donations and sewing masks.

A lobster trap is a very simple, open, baited trap into which the lobster climbs in order to take the bait, but lacks the overview about how the trap functions, in order to work their way back out. BKism is much the same but on a mental level.

Looking at this drawing, you might say the first chamber is the state of becoming a cooperative associate, sucked in by some gentle form, eg "peace of mind", or "Awakening with the BK Shivani", where it would be relative easy to climb out of; then the second chamber, where the BKs claim their really tasty bait is in - 21 lives in heaven, a "meeting with god" etc - is becoming a BK proper. Once you get in that far, it becomes very difficult to impossible to get out because they re-write one's sense of identity into "being a BK", and the ego then becomes involved in defending it.

Then once you are trapped in there, all they have to do is drop a little bit of food ("blissful experiences", attention from the Dadis, "blessings" or Avyakt messages etc) to keep you there.

What it takes to destroy the trap, either from inside or out, so that the lobster can return to its natural environment is another question, for another topic. Let's keep this one for covid-19 chat.

Brahma_Kumaris-Lobster-Trap.jpg (28.52 KiB) Viewed 8203 times

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