Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Scientific challenges to the beliefs promoted by the Brahma Kumaris so called "World Spiritual University"
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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post29 Mar 2020

I apologise for being a BK back to the BKs but this is the "shooting" phase for the next World Drama, whatever happens in the Confluence Age is supposed to reverberate and happen back for the next 5,000 years. is not that even the filthy, ignorant, vicious Kali Yuga governments are providing financial support for their vulnerable workers, evidence that the Pandav Government must help out their poorest centres and re-distribute some of their great wealth?

I won't hold my breath on it happening ... Madhuban Uber Alles. Sadly, I have no influence within the BK world but if anyone has, you should thinking about, asking & encouraging those Sister effected by it to be asking.

In the real world, our government is paying workers 80% of their wages during the lockdown period and bailing out businesses.

What deal is the BKWSU offering? Two rotis and some dhal, while sitting on their multi-million gold reserves? Madhuban also requires 100,000s to keep running. I wonder what their priorities are to keep what afloat if India goes into crisis?

GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post01 Apr 2020

Ex-I, Son_Goku, and Pink,

Thank you for your responses. I have not looked at the video of the official BK response to COVID-19. When was the last time Dr. B.K. Nirmala did any continuing education course required for a physician or when did she last up date her training in epidemiology or public health? Most likely, they have their BK equivalents of Anthony Fauci and other infectious disease experts advising them.

Hansa is a top notch pathologist from Fort Sam Houston, Texas. However, it would be the infectious disease expert from the US Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta; Fort Detrix; the Aberdean Proving Ground, dstl, or DARPA who will have greater infectious disease expertise than a pathologist like Hansa, who is retired from the US Army.

The current peer-reviewed literature is indicating that spiritual gatherings like the BK classes would have to end for now. If there are classes with social distancing the teacher at the ghadi would have to be enclosed in a transparent cage to prevent her/his micro-droplets of saliva from becoming aerosolized.

The micro-droplets of saliva, according to a toxicologist and ex-BK, can serve as a mechanical means of aerial transmission of COVID-19. Hence, going on line is one alternative. There is another alternative for the BKs. Brain inter-phase machines will soon replace cell phones and regular Internet communication. The BKs can get a jump ahead of BIMs and simply communicate by ESP. But then the BKs regard ESP as ridi siddi, occult stuff.

GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post16 Apr 2020

I just wish to add this bit of investigation from Guns and Butter:

COVID-19 Coronavirus: The Crisis - Michel Chossudovsky, #420.
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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post16 Apr 2020

Did you listen to it all? The way he speaks sends me to sleep. Short summary is, "the rich will get richer", which is no surprise. I am remembering Rothschild who raced back from Waterloo to make millions on false reports the British lost?

But, at the end of the day, they are all just in the same game as the BKs, or the BKs in the same game as the "vulture capitalists".

There's a line in Chossudovsky's argument that talks about how something like the Corona Virus sets up an ideal environment to speculate and amass wealth at the expense of small businesses and investors ... and competing interests.

Now, the BKs have been doing this for 70 years (they had a good run taking compensation money off the British government for loss of properties during Partition) with their "Vinash Virus". Their End of the World Virus. In essence, offering "insider information" about a forthcoming Destruction, in order to funnel all the small business people and investors' wealth into their bak accounts, selling it as the best investment.

We see that again today with their exhort and extorting their following tell them there will come a time when their gold and jewellery is worth nothing and won't even buy them food etc.

But, in the case of the BKs, the competing interests are not business interests, but religious interests. They offer a more exciting product, with the promise of better insider information, and much higher returns (multi-million fold) than other religions. Indeed, they sell their cult as the only religion that can truly wash away bad karma.

GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post18 Apr 2020

Let us not forget that the WHO is part of the United Nations and the BKs have NGO status in the UN. There will be many red flags flying if we see any networking between the BKs and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation! Dr. Anthony Faucci is on the board of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. WHO with Gallxo-SmithKilne Pharmaceutical can make multi-billions or trillions from vaccines sales, vaccines against SARS-COV-2.

Ex-I, as you indicated, the BKs can offer to wash away bad karma through their system of Yoga. Be not surprised if/when governments around the world, including the Indian government, establish a task force similar to TSA or the public health version of it to enforce mandatory vaccination as a condition to travel and have access to government services, include de-stressing by meditation.
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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post18 Apr 2020

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Let us not forget that the WHO is part of the United Nations and the BKs have NGO status in the UN. There will be many red flags flying if we see any networking between the BKs and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation!

Already happening ... come on, seriously, do you think the BKs can sniff the money involved? From 2014 ... I'd bet $1,000 she's on the BKs' VIP hit list.

How much social mobility is there within the Brahma Kumaris, let alone for Indian women? I don't know how it is today, but in our day, and still in India, you needed "visas" (letter from center-in-charge) to travel to other centres and permission to move if you want to transfer location. center-in-charge, especially Indian ones, were stuck wherever they were put and in whatever role they were put, wearing what they were told, totally controlled.

But, as ever, the BKs connection with the UN is much over exaggerated.
Taking the lead

• What: Peace advocate and philanthropist Deborah Santana, Sister Elizabeth Padilla of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization and Lois Merriweather Moore of the Gates Foundation are among the speakers at the conference “Women’s Leadership and Global Awareness.”

• When: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

• Cost: $20 to $30

• Do it: Creekside Room, Caleruega Hall, Dominican University, 100 Magnolia Ave., San Rafael; 472-6959;
Sr. Elizabeth Padilla shared the morning panel with Ms. Seiderman. She began by saying the topic of Global Awareness from a spiritual perspective was dear to her heart, and spoke about her involvement with the Pachamama Alliance. Sr. Elizabeth remarked about how fortunate the Bay Area people are because they have choice, and said there are many places she has visited around the world where there is no choice and no opportunity for social mobility, and where people do not have medical facilities or a roof over their heads. Many of these issues are addressed in the Green Teams and Action Circles of the Brahma Kumaris, which Sr. Elizabeth has been actively leading for many years.

Sr. Elizabeth also spoke on social activism and volunteering. She remarked about the value of listening and how there is a burnout happening in these groups, especially as many of the issues we face begin to seem too big for us to impact. She believes the all of us as a collective create an environment that allows good and bad to happen, and invited each of us to recognize our responsibility to work for the betterment of humanity and the environment, and to monitor and address injustice. According to Sr. Elizabeth, “The Feminine is particularly suited to carry this weight because feminine energy is patient, cool and resolute.” She said that to protect innocence, we have to protect our own innocence. In her opinion, a global awareness from a spiritual perspective means stepping back from drama and taking the opportunity to see ourselves as spiritual beings; to see ourselves as light, pure energy.

Drawing upon the metaphor of a lake, Sr. Elizabeth said, “If we imagine a calm lake, in stillness, we can see different levels. We can see the surface, what we need to do today. We can see our reflection and we can see all the way to the bottom. If the waters become disturbed, how can we see any of this? How do we see the world or the gems at the bottom of the lake?” She suggested, “We don’t know who we are. We think we are our creation, but that is temporary. When our creation rules us and we no longer see with that still clarity, we take a fixed position rather than taking a stand for unity, seeing the human family.” According to Sr. Elizabeth, “The greatest service we can offer comes from when we recognize who we are. We are the guardians and the custodians of the new era, and leadership has to come from a place of connection inside of us.” She reminded all gathered to remember of the importance of taking time to meditate every day, and of looking into the “still lake” of ourselves to find connection to ourselves and our work.

Sr. Elizabeth Padilla, the Program Manager for the Anubhuti Mediation & Retreat Center administered by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization (BKWSO), is a spiritual student and educator since 1985. Elizabeth designs and facilitates retreats, seminars and workshops on such topics as Stress Management, Healing Relationships, Self Empowerment and Forgiveness. She has been involved with the BK Environmental Initiative since 2010 and has been facilitating and promoting Awakening the Dreamer Workshop in India and Internationally with the BKWSO. Sister Elizabeth is a talented singer and a theater artist. She is now fulfilling her life’s dream by reaching the heart and spirit though her songs and work

GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post20 Apr 2020

I am smiling, though it's quite serious. Yes, there go the red flags and it's not Hanuman jhandi as per the Bhagwat Gita.

One question, which needs to be asked about the SARS-COV-2 pandemic is: Where does the money go? Big Pharma, Big $ 1%, and the WHO will gain immensely. Mr. Gates plans to gain in another way, the ownership of data, big data. Gates has stocks in Monsanto and Monsanto has caused the end of many farming families in India, for example. Mr. Gates will also gain much wealth if and when a vaccine is developed and used to immunize the world against SARS-COV-2 and other emerging pathogens.

The BKs Trojan horse with labels of stress management, empowerment and forgiveness etc can run among the VIPs and 1%, because to common interest between the BKs and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
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Pink Panther

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post20 Apr 2020

Many of the current cynical memes doing the rounds in this novel coronavirus pandemic attack Dr Fauci and Bill Gates, and WHO.

The Gates Foundation is the 2nd biggest funder of the WHO after the USA, i.e. bigger than every other country! The Foundation in its partenerships has also been largely responsible for the final elimination of polio and the reduction of many other diseases by funding uncommercial health initiatives that commercial pharma etc were never going to touch.

My issue with Monsanto and GM is not the usual scientific question about safety and frankenfoods etc. That issue really comes down to consumer protection, the same as any new medicine or other products - each needs to be fully and properly tested and stringently checked before release for safety on health, environment etc, not rushed to market ASAP. My issue with GM is, even if 100% safe, is a moral/legal/commercial one. Should any entity be allowed to own what has been public domain, nature's bounty since time immemorial?

The USA is a country built on private ownership and philanthropy rather than universal welfare - even of health care, one of the reasons for its failures in the pandemic. Costs money to get tested, costs money to get treated. Many people have no medical insurance ro spare funds. Even those whose jobs offered health insurance lost it when they were laid off. Gates is a product of that system and has done more with his wealth than almost anyone else in the top 1%.

Dr Fauci and Bill Gates have spoken for years about needing to be prepared for a pandemic which would come sooner or later. Fauci oversaw the USA’s preparations initiated under G W Bush and completed under Obama after the SARS MERS and Ebola events. He also saw those undermined, staff sacked, resources withdrawn by Trump.

Two weeks ago, it came out that the White House was preparing a media campaign to redirect attention away from their failings in preparing for a pandemic they knew about and were warned about since at least late December.

China delayed, yes. Partly because it was a novel virus yet to be identified and because, like every major pandemic in history, they did not want to affect their economy or reputation in case it wasn't so bad. They hoped to make it to Chinese New year when everything would shut down anyway. The virus follows its own calendar. China locked down Wuhan just before their New year. That was 3 weeks after Singapore and Taiwan etc had acted on their intelligence.

The USA knew that Taiwan, SK, HK, Singapore were acting. They saw it Iran and Italy. They let 40,000 people return from China just before and after the travel ban Trump brags about - but no quarantine. They did nothing through Feb - after the WHO gave a clear warning to all countries that a pandemic was likely so to prepare. Nothing done either in early March, except say its all OK and will go away. Based on no testing or other evidence. Pure false economics for political reasons.

(The USA also cannot attack WHO for not beign even more urgent - USA ignores international bodies whenever it suits them. Australia, who does support and heed international bodies, declared a pandemic two weeks before the WHO and acted. So its disingenuous for USA to make that an issue, it's a weapon of mass distraction, again)

One popular video attacking Fauci, Gates and the WHO is by an ethnic Indian by Doctor Shiva Ayyadurai. That implies a medical doctor. He is not. He is an engineer.

Started in electrical and mechanical engineering then moved to biological engineering. He has been heavily criticised by peers in the latter for papers he’s put out which come to conclusions not supported by the content of his ”research” and they have not been verified by any peer, nb he also tried to run as a Republican candidate for the Senate against Elizabeth Warren but even the Republicans did not want him, so he ran as an independent. My guess is that given The Knowledge of how Trump likes to surround himself with sycophants and the turnover in the Trump administration, he is angling for a job! He was also married to comedienne Fran Drescher for two years but she is a self-declared anti-capitalist Democrat who is glad for any progress by the Green Party in America! So that, at least, was bound to be a problem!

Another popular social media profiteer on the anti-Fauci/WHO/Gates pro-Trump bandwagon is a Doctor Rashid Buttar - guess what, besides also being of ethnic subcontinent background, born in the UK, he is also NOT a Doctor , nor a virologist or epidemiologist - he is an osteopath. Now every click on a Youtube video brings them money, so when appeals to emotion, prejudice and fear can become as viral as the virus they are supposed to be about, there’s money to be made, and even simply more clients in their clinics - the old ”as seen on TV” promotion!

The BK are no different to people like these and many others jump on whatever bandwagons gives them a bigger public profile, they look for celebrity by association, they organise events and invite guests whose mere presence in turn rubs off onto the organisers in the eyes of the gullible public. It's called "bigging up" your CV.

As for possible corruption in the WHO - sure, any organisation large or small is prone to corruption. But whose accusing? The US administration are up to their necks in corruption, so which mafia boss is more corrupt; the one that exploits its role while delivering better health care to millions in underdeveloped countries or the mafia boss who exploits its role of delivering more wealth to his family, donors, cronies and donors along with laxer regulations and tax cuts for the wealthiest while attacking the very institutions he is meant to uphold? ?

As for mandatory vaccines for travel, that’s not new. We used to have to get Yellow Fever and Smallpox shots before every trip overseas in the 1970s and 80s. Smallpox is now eradicated and Yellow Fever contained to certain areas.
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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post20 Apr 2020

The sort of thing I would like to know is, how much do the BKs financially benefit from each episode of scaremongering?

If,for example, it is demonstrated that following each scaremongering they benefit from a 10% increase in donations, because followers are afraid the end is near and are suckered into believing that by donating to the BKWSU something, magically, they money will become worth multi-millions fold in their next live ... then a serious ethical question arises.

Except we know the answer ... the BKs have no ethics in this depart. It is works, and it makes them richer, then that is all they care about.

If aligning themselves with anyone, any party, benefits them, then it is a no brainer from their point of view too.

BKism is not about ethics, it's about expedience ... BKism is a means of attaining an end in this world, in this day and age, anything that is easy and convenient. Whether it is improper or immoral does not matter to them.

To them, Covid-19 is just "drama" that they can exploit. And if gives them an opportunity to align themselves with some rich and powerful VIPs, then they will exploit that to.

You might define BKism as the art of exploiting any individual, or any opportunity.

GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post20 Apr 2020

Here is this video, which has been censored and not allowed in the mainstream media.

Mr. Gates and his party would like all Americans and citizens injected with a radio-frequency nano-chip along with the vaccines. The economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic can be a two edge sword for the BKs. It is causing a shifting of fortunes even in the wealthy, who may be reluctant to donate.

GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post20 Apr 2020


In the USA, DO has the same status as an MD. The USA CDC is a military organization, which has a track record of corruption. The list includes:
    The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment;
    Vaccination Scandal and Autism Syndrome;
    False Positive Declaration for the Thallium Poisoning Epidemic in Guyana.
There is current evidence emerging that the CDC has been manipulating the fatality and morbidity data for COVID 19 in the USA. With respect to the Thallium poisoning in Guyana, it is the data from an investigation conducted by an ex-BK, which to this day stands to refute the false positive claim of the CDC. The ex-BK is a zoo veterinarian and toxicologist, with two doctoral degrees, two post-doctoral masters degrees, and has done research for the US Department of Defense.
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Pink Panther

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post21 Apr 2020

ex-l wrote:The sort of thing I would like to know is, how much do the BKs financially benefit from each episode of scaremongering?

Yes, a review of their income correlating to various external events would be interesting.

If someone had the wherewithal, it would also be interesting to see how much money simple things like income from web clicks, sales from online merchandising etc makes them, or if some BKs have found nice sidelines selling unauthorised merchandise or courses! (The latter is not so bad given that BK Gyan is itself just a syncretism).
GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Here is this video, which has been censored and not allowed in the main stream media.

That video featuring Buttar is exactly the one someone else sent me. I have no truck with these conspiracy theories. It is part of a culture that proudly spawns and celebrates a Gates type success story, then distrusts him because it unconsciously doubts that the system that gives so much success and power to one individual can at the same time keep a check on abuse of that.

Another difference between my view and yours is that I accept that corruption exists in practically all organisations, hence my analogy of mafia bosses. Its a matter of,
    a) Whether the core responsibility is being fulfilled, and
    b) If the means and processes by which corruption can be spotted and minimised exist.
    First Noble Truth - **** Happens.
    Other Noble Truths - It is possible to minimise, even eliminate the ****.
    Madhyamaka version - Don't think that even if eliminated it won't come back because, well, see first noble truth.
The most important thing in all these conspiracy theories about side players, albeit influential in their way, is this. They are not the government. Truman had a plaque on his desk that said - The Buck Stops Here. The rpesident took ultimate responsibility. Nowadays, in the popular imagination, the buck stops everywhere but with those who have the decision making and enforcement powers.

I see typical methods of propaganda at play, from Goebbels Dictum ”repeat a lie enough times and it becomes the truth” to advertising truths such as ”appeal to emotion is more effective than facts”. Then the best that American culture has to offer - "never give a sucker an even break”, "there’s one born every minute” and ”if you can fake sincerity you've got it made”.

The American dream = "my success depends on others relative lack of success". Its shadow is "my lack of success is because of the other guy’s success". No questioning the culture or the structure or whether there’s a better way. Hubris before the fall of the empire?

I look at the motive for thse claims first - who benefits if a false allegation is accepted, who benefits if the piece is actually true?

Does Buttar - an American DO - have more information and ability to put it together than all the specialist bodies? Most of these conspiracies are simply echo chambers that reference each other and build on that with more and more distortions.

Formula - Take ”recognisable name of some figure - person, group, who is not me or mine”, add quote or mention incident without full context. Mix with public anxieties; and there you have a ”plausible” meme that appeals to ignorance of those too lazy or lacking in the acuity needed to question, let alone check the veracity, of the various pieces of that jigsaw.

EG part of the Gates conspiracy is that he aims to vaccinate all children so as to depopulate the world. A cunning plan! How would lower population benefit Gates?

We know that when there is security, both in terms of prosperity and health (low infant mortality) then birthrates decline. So vaccinations help that security and will encourage many to have fewer children. That is all he meant.

What would Gates get out of such ”plots"? At his age, with his wealth and achievement?

Sci-fi geeks (and Gates is one) have speculated for decades about technology like what you mention. Technology can be used for creating a Utopia or a Dystopia - the technology is neutral.
    I would ask - why does a potentially useful technology feel like a threat?
    Answer - because you don't trust the underlying systems of your society and government.
Then do something about the systems & government so that technology can be utilised for the good.

Anyone who understand a little about political systems knows that the American democracy is more than seriously compromised, its been corrupted to serve the oligarchs behind both major parties. Americans are fooled into thinking one side or the other is there to serve their interests. its really choosing between the lesser of two evils, which mafia boss will at least do some of what he promises while the cream is skimmed for his ”clan”?

Real life example - Singapore and SK have had great success suppressing the virus’s spread issuing mobile phone apps for quick contact tracing.

Australia has asked and received assistance from Singapore to develop its own version. When the PM speculated it might be mandatory (stupid idea, impossible to police effectively anyway), there was immediate public backlash. That forced them to adjust their plans, they have re-specified the design and the data it gathers, trimmed how long data is kept and said that the code for the app will be made public for anyone to examine for possible alternative uses or flaws (public domain, open source, full transparency). Legislation is to be passed before its release that include a sunset clause that the data be wiped at the end of the pandemic period.

Epidemiologists working from information from SK and Singapore say that they need 40% of th popuation to cooperate and use it for it to be effective, more is better though. Public health versus privacy. What data? Is it a threat?
    Smartphones need to be switched on, have the app installed and have Bluetooth enabled.
    If a person stays in bluetooth proximity with another person (actually another bluetooth enabled phone, no person needed! ) for more than 15 minutes, both phones register data
    The data that is registered is - the phone ID, the name of the owner and their residential postal code (suburb/town). Not even the location of where they met is kept - not needed.
    Data is stored for 21 days in the phone.
    If uploaded it goes to state ( not federal) public health departments only
If either party reports sick and tests positive, usually more than a week or two after being infected, then as well as directly interviewing them about their contacts and movements where they may have infected others, they can upload the app's data showing who they were in long enough proximity with which might have led to infection. The data that’s gone to the state public health department is not even accessed unless needed. And only keeps the last 21 days movements.

You can choose - not download the app, leave your bluetooth off, leave your phone at home etc. It is based on community cooperation. Real lefty stuff!

As the public are kept informed of the nuts and bolts of what's proposed, as openness and transparency is shown to be key in gettign co-operation ( otherwise the public will strike!) the support has changed from being small minority to a large majority. Our system is still uncorrupted enough, the checks and balances transparent enough to be trusted.

Is this be a creep towards a surveillance state or a sensible compromise? Only if there are no checks and a real concerted effort to abuse this, a major risk.
Could it happen in a culture and ”democracy” like the USA? Ha!
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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post21 Apr 2020

Pink Panther wrote:First Noble Truth - **** Happens.
Other Noble Truths - It is possible to minimise, even eliminate the ****.
Madhyamaka version - Don't think that even if eliminated it won't come back because, well, see first noble truth.

And the truth according to Zen - **** happens instantly?

I don't what went wrong with America but it strikes me a whole heap of individuals never evolve beyond Salem Village days and still exist in a 17th Century mentality. Unfortunately, they are the ones armed with AR15s.

Of course, the BKs would just put them down as "new souls" and hence extremely limited and impure. I don't understand how they can be so incredibly stupid. A stupidity only bettered by, or perhaps created by, a combination of their volume, self-centredness, short attention span, and insensitive arrogance.

I've just watched 'After Truth Disinformation and the Cost of Fake News', a documentary about the effects of disinformation campaigns occurring on social media and the impacts of well known conspiracy theories such as Pizzagate, invariably involving George Soros etc, upon which similar ones about Gates, 5G, Coronavirus will all neatly fit.

The whole conspiracy theory factory appears to have become just a cookie cutter process ... and they like heavily sugared cookies with lots of artificial ingredients. The documentary breaks down how they are manufactured and spread.

Relative to the BKs, one of the interesting breakdowns they do is about Alex Jones's business model, that is not that different from the BKs, eg whip people up and frighten them ... them sell them something they don't really need at the end of it.

I thought osteopathy was pseudoscience, is not it?

No need for an off topic answer. There are thousands of charlatans over there hiding by an "appeal to authority" based on some diploma mill qualification. Hell, it's a wonder they don't have diploma mill qualifications in Enlightenment to ... or is that just an angle the BKs and Reiki business model exploit?

GuptaRati 6666

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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post21 Apr 2020

DOs are not pseudoscientific trained doctors, they complete post graduate internships and residencies in the same programs as MD or MBBS, the first two years or pre-clinical years have similar curriculum content as MDs or MBBS. Some of Dr. Buttar's claims have been corroborated by world authorities in virology and I will provide documentation on their analyses, which are evidence-based.

The Gates Foundation will gain much from the current pandemic. He will be leaving his foundation when he makes his transition. Remember the Rockefeller's? They were the patrons of one of the South American dictators, who welcomed the BKs to his country and most likely was instrumental in the BKs attaining NGO status.

I was impressed with Dr. Faucci, when as a graduate student 30 plus years I attended a banquet at the Annual Conference of the American Society of Cell Biology and he was a keynote speaker. Now mainstream pandits are calling him the Bernie Madoff of HIV AIDS and others are calling him the J Edgar Hoover of Public Health. Faucci played a major role in the suppression of hypotheses proposed by Peter Dusberg, a double PhD and foremost retro-virologist in the world.
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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

Post21 Apr 2020

Please, there is no need to. It's a little off topic related to a forum on the Brahma Kumaris and it is really not my interest area.

Presently, I am reading and watching fairly large scale, militarized stand offs by what I would call the Idiot Right in the USA, supported by the Idiot President, who are turning the lockdown into a "constitutional debacle" and demanding their "right" to go out, associate, and become infected.

They are turning it into, yet again, a moronic conspiracy theory ... because, say, gun shops are being told to close. I have had the misfortune to deal directly with such individuals and make no apology for my criticism of them, they are mental throwbacks, a blight upon the world, who have invested religious fervour equivalent to that of Moses and his tablets, into their conceptualising of their reading and defense of the American Constitution.

I only hope they all become infected and die. Or perhaps next time, sometime can develop a strain that specifically targets them to wipe them out. In one case, parades of the, quite frankly mouth breathing, machine gun armed Trump supporters were confronted by medical staff who are actually risking their lives on a daily basis confronting a very real issue ... and the idiots are complaining that the Constitution was being/could not be thrown out, just because of a virus.

They are fundamentalists on a par with ISIS.

Ditto, I did not write DOs were, I questioned the scientific veracity of [some of] osteopathy. In general, I think there is clearly some merit to massage and old fashioned "bone clickers", on both humans and animals; but in the UK osteopathy - even chiropractic remains in the fringes.

Again, there are cultural differences in the practise of medicine and, as with religion, the UK tends to be more focused, narrow and orthodox, whereas the USA appears to be more open, independent and broader in its practises. Good and bad of both.

One could no doubt also correlated between how the different countries approach and practise BKism as well.

I am more interested in whether Covid-19 will increase people's adherence to BKism, due its being a "sign of the end times" (guess that's happening in the US too), or decrease people's adherence to BKism, due to their being made to stay home and no be subjected to the influence of the centres.

As in, with no one to police their every living moment, will they just stay in bed longer and discover the world does not end if you give up BKism.

Are the BKs claiming that whether you get Covid-19 or not is just a question of your past karma?

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