BKs fear mongering on Corona virus pandemic

Scientific challenges to the beliefs promoted by the Brahma Kumaris so called "World Spiritual University"
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BKs fear mongering on Corona virus pandemic

Post29 Mar 2020

A family member received this from BK on whatsapp. I posted it on youtube hoping someone with authority will see it and do something about shutting down BK for spreading fear about corona virus. The audio and the translation in English can be found here:

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Pink Panther

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Re: BKs fear mongering on Corona virus pandemic

Post30 Mar 2020

Not surprised to see such schadenfreude on the part of the BKs. I have seen similar stuff coming out of other apocalyptic cults.

Religions and cults seem to be responding in one of three ways:
    1. Followers are told their faith will keep them safe - no need to follow health protocols like distancing or avoiding communion etc, Whatever bad happens will happen to non-believers
    2. Follow the science and health advice - believe in God AND tie up your camel
    3. This is the apocalypse (or part of it) that we have been predicting. If they die they will go to their god/paradise next birth
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Re: BKs fear mongering on Corona virus pandemic

Post30 Mar 2020

This is the English translation. Thank you for posting. Please allow me to translate the inner meaning,

"With all the gold and jewelry, one won’t be able to buy a drop of water ...
so give it all to us now, before it is too late".

Pretty much a repeat of what they said in 1976 ... and in 1950, and running up to 1986, and Year 2000, and 2012 and so on. It certainly proves that they have not changed their real teachings.

Only change is, now they claim Krishna is going to be born now. How are one million BKs going to live in Madhuban? How are they even going to travel there?
Om Shanti. This world is in its last stage. These are Baba’s directions. Seeing these warning messages from Baba, you should feel happy instead of feeling scared. For us, for this day, Baap-dada kept warning us from long ago. Now that this is really happening, we are falling prey to fear. But to tell you the truth, this is the time to rejoice and listen to these last warnings from Baba. For our own progress, Baba gave these messages ahead of time. Listen to these emergency directions. Baba’s children should never forget the points he is telling:
    1. Everything will happen suddenly. The is the last part. Destruction will also come suddenly. The Avyakt (unmanifested or invisible) role will also end suddenly. The part of direct meeting is going to start. Being in an invisible state you have to feel the invisible union with the BapDada.
    2. As we go further, the saga of death will heat up. There will be wholesale death all around. Now new diseases are bound to come up. Diseases will take us towards the end. Just like in olden days when there were no medicines, towards the end there won’t be any medicines for these diseases. The beginning days will repeat now.
    3. Bombs will be dropped. Bharat's role is like that of a civil war, that said, rivers of blood will flow. People will slaughter each other for no reason. Because of that, heads will roll like footballs. Blood streams will flow in our country, Bharat.
    4. There will be natural calamities too. People will be dying for a drop of water. With all the gold and jewelry, one won’t be able to buy a drop of water. Food won’t be suitable to eat. Day-by-day, rich people will go bankrupt. Stomach and back will merge with hunger.
    5. Maya (magic) and pancha-tatvas (five elements) will fight together.
    6. Every business will stop.
    7. Nobody can go out of their houses.
    8. There will be no safety anywhere. Evil soul’s influence will increase.
    9. People will be yelling for help.
    10. Science would have failed completely. There won’t be any electricity anywhere. Only Madhuban will have light.
    11. This Rashtrapati bhavan (Madhuban) will become your house.
    12. On one side there is sound of Destruction and on the other side, there will be sound of Sri Krishna’s birth. Only Bharat will survive. All other continents will be destroyed. Only the religion of one God and Godess will be left. All other religions will be destroyed.
In this state of fear, don’t fight and stay where you are, you should be ready with your final state. You should be ready with whatever you can. There should not be any delay. You should come to the last final state right away. Now or never. If not now then it is never. Om Shanti.

During the immortal time in the morning between 3:30 and 4:45, do shaktishaali (powerful) Yoga. The souls of the people who died suddenly and untimely will be riddled with sorrow, so we should give such souls happiness via our yogashakti (powerful Yoga). This is because evil souls have very bad influence. To prevent these evil souls from capturing a Brahmin’s (noble man’s) soul, we should give them the vibrations of happiness and peace. We should maintain superior thoughts and fill up our purity power.

To face the Corona virus, they are saying we should improve our immunity. Immunity is something that relates to the body. But, since will-power is related to soul, if we improve our purity power, it will automatically improve our bodily immunity. Until now, all of us Brahmin souls have been sleeping and carelessly setting our wisdom aside. We have been delaying this to the end. Now that day has finally arrived. That’s why, even now, all of you can get alert and prepare yourself to follow the directions given by Baba for this last stage without fail.


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Re: BKs fear mongering on Corona virus pandemic

Post31 Mar 2020

Once again they believe that destruction is around the corner.
To Dear Brahmin Family of Bharat and Abroad,
Loveful greetings.
Thanks to BapDada that the Brahmin Family is under the protective canopy of BapDada in the present critical times of COVID-19.
Dadi Janki has also ascended to the angelic region which indicates that it’s time for the world drama to restart.
‘Purity’ printers are under lockdown due to COVID-19. So, we have prepared E-Edition of April 2020 issue (8 pages) which is enclosed.
With best wishes and thoughts divine,
In Baba’s Service
BK Brijmohan
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Re: BKs fear mongering on Corona virus pandemic

Post31 Mar 2020

Thanks to BapDada that the Brahmin Family is under the protective canopy of BapDada in the present critical times of COVID-19.

Yeah, and how many times have we heard that one?

"Not a hair on your head will be touched", Baba is like a loving mother cat ... until BKs start dropping dead, then it will be, "their karma ... their part in Drama ... Baba called them to join the Advance Party", and so on. Even bad luck is good luck to the BK spin machine.

Apparently in India another problem is arising, of star. Millions of day workers having to walk home even 100s of miles to their home villages with no money. They are already dropping dead by the roadside.

One guru has become a "super-spreader" by continuing to preach, leading to the lockdown of 15,000 people. In Leicester UK, where the BKs have a large presence, again the religious elderly Indians have created a hotspot by refusing to stop going to prayers.

Apparently a Russian group was trapped in Madhuban for some time unable to get out. I'll be very interested to hear if Abu or main centres start re-distributing some of its wealth to support smaller centres and the families who gave up their homes to establish Gita pathsalas.


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Re: BKs fear mongering on Corona virus pandemic

Post31 Mar 2020

Dadi Janki has also ascended to the angelic region which indicates that it’s time for the world drama to restart.

Right ... BrijMohan would know ... since he is the computer guy ... Restart is very much familiar to him ... Ctrl+Alt+Del = Restart ... On the computer he can also schedule a Restart ... he will come back and say that he actually scheduled Dadi Janki's departure along with a Restart.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs fear mongering on Corona virus pandemic

Post01 Apr 2020

Surely, there is a connection of our immune system to our nervous system, which has been demonstrated by the pioneering work of Ader and Cohen in the 1980. They were some of the major architects of psychoneuroimmunology. Yes, there is increasing evidence that many forms of meditation, and there are about 6-10 of them with 4 well established schools, do positively modulate the immune system.

How can science be failing when science will be the means for assisting the BKs to establish their Golden Age. In fact in the USA and many other countries, physicians, scientists, veterinarians, dentists, nurses, public health specialists, and other health workers are in the trenches combating the global pandemic of COVID-19.

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