Books by Stephan Nagel

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Books by Stephan Nagel

Post03 Sep 2006

Does anyone know if his book on BKs was ever published in English? Or does anyone have an email address to contact him?
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Re: Books by Stephan Nagel

Post21 Apr 2007

john wrote:Does anyone know if his book on BKs was ever published in English? Or does anyone have an email address to contact him?

I have just heard that Nagel's book is going to be translated into English and is with the publishers now.

There is going to be red faces all round if he has done the usual copy and paste BK PR job on the history and not included some of the recent historical revelations. My bet is he wont have as he has too much personal investment in the myth to the deficit of his academic responsibilities. I think he is too pro-BKWSU. In German,

    "Brahmas geheime Schöpfung. Die indische Reformbewegung der Brahma Kumaris"
    (Theion. Jahrbuch für Religionskultur 11) Frankfurt/M.: Lang Verlag 1999 439 pp
    ISBN: 3-631-35484-3
"Brahma's secret creation. The Indian reform movement of the 'Brahma Kumaris'. Sources, teaching, Raja Yoga"

The monastic movement of the 'daughters, or virgins of Brahma', founded in 1936 by Dada Lekhraj, is considered by the author to be the largest women's religion in the world. It teaches Raja Yoga and is conceptually addressed to women who, without marrying become monastics, culturally violate the traditional Hindu concept of female dharma, i.e., becoming wives.

The order is represented in many countries and preaches meditative Yoga and idealistic societal goals. Nagel discusses this 'new kind of feminism characterized by friendly relations with men' and the relation of the movement in regard to orthodox Brahmanical religion, the traditional kingdom in India, etc. The book includes basic source texts, translated from Hindi, and is the first comprehensive philological and systematic representation of this teaching, and it is a report based on years of experience in India.

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