BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations reported by PBK

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BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations reported by PBK

Post03 Jun 2010

This is going to get a little extreme ... but does anyone know what is going on?

Polish BKWSU leader BK Halina Paradela is hit with a sex scandal that traveled the world and went all of the way to New Scotland Yard! It is alleged that she maintained sexual relationships with men, whilst still preaching celibacy and Brahma Kumarism from the guddhi (throne) in BKWSU centers, by someone I take to be a PBK who both witnessed and experience multiple abuses in Polish BKWSU centers. These included a grilling by a committee of Brahma Kumari adherents in such a manner as can only be called "an Inquisition".

Of course, in the world of BK hypocrisies, she would not the first such Brahma Kumari center-in-charge to do so. Saving one's position in the BKWSU appears to be possible if one still owns the Brahma Kumari center in one's own name rather than having surrendered it to the BKWSO, aka BKWSU.

From Do you really value your children?, here and, here, in Polish ... and a long list of contacts the proponents of these views have had is here; Public Case of the Brahma Kumaris by Lucyna Pruska-Bujko, e.g. enquiries@mpa.gov.uk, new.scotland.yard@ met.police.uk, intenquiries@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk, charities@hmrc.gov.uk, enquiries@supremecourt.gsi.gov.uk, info@dcsf.gsi.gov.uk, customerservicecshq@hmcourts-service.gsi.gov.uk, apa.info@lga.gov.uk, correspondenceunit@ attorneygeneral.gsi.gov.uk, other contacts include Delhi Police, European Union Commission, UNESCO, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, Yoga Council of India and others.
Spiritual Markets wrote: As a Brahma Kumari (Brahma’s daughter) she maintains sexual relationships with men and later on sits on the gaddi (the place for the Honorable Teacher) as a so-called teacher of Raja Yoga and the Gita telling the others that they should live observing celibacy and that people who live as married couples are impure devils drowning in mud of the body. Although her words and acts may offend many people, her activities should be considered as the stumbling of a blind person in darkness.

The case of Prof. M.K. Byrski is different. He is a person responsible for ethics, spoken to as a master and expert in spiritual and worldly issues; he is a professor of indology, yet he is unable or for some reasons he doesn’t want to say loudly that all those things called by BK Halina Paradela and her supervisors ‘Raja Yoga’ and ‘the Gita’ have nothing in common with the true Raja Yoga and the Gita. This is spiritual prostitution!

The issue of Prof. M.K. Byrski and BK Halina Paradela was reported to the Ministry of Education. The Ministry has initiated the procedure.

The author also exposes the "Hidden Agenda behind Living Values Educational Program".
The heads of LVEP in various countries assured journalists, who suspected them of hiding the Brahma Kumaris dangerous dogma, that there are absolutely no connections with the Brahma Kumaris. Mrs Diane Tillman wrote even a statement concerning this.

What a surprise, Mrs Diane Tillman herself turned to be a hidden member of the Brahma Kumaris, one of the world most dangerous sects actively invoking the world atomic destruction! Moreover, it turned out that the Brahma Kumaris are sponsoring the LVEP, as it was stated in their books.

Who are the Brahma Kumaris? They are one of the best organized network of agents suspected of inspiring secretly the world to start the global atomic destruction. Brahma Kumaris admit that they have contacts with the most influential systems of the world control. During their secret meetings early morning they pray before the altar of their God-Krishna: ‘this world has to be destroyed, because it is impure and occupied by demons ... this world has to be burnt to ashes, it has to be blown up, in order we along with our Krishna could live in golden palaces, wear precious clothes and crowns with jewels.’

They present themselves like this:
crown_kings.JPG.jpeg (10.89 KiB) Viewed 33897 times
Brahma Kumaris hide themselves smartly behind a curtain and using a nice façade, they try to penetrate educational circles, indoctrinate children and make them servants of their System. There are many proofs of this. LVEP is one of their tools to achieve it. It is a program advertised as neutral from the religious and dogmatic point of view. The creators assured that no Brahma Kumaris participated in it.

In Poland it were the Brahma Kumaris who registered this program officially, although they tried to hide this fact and denied that the members of the Board all belong to the organisation.
please do not insinuate that I am intolerant and I do not respect the others. The Brahma Kumaris have already displayed before the entire world to what extent they are intolerant, violent and cruel towards religions of the world. If you do need proofs, I will present them before the public and government bodies. I myself was an eye witness of manipulation, acts of violence, mental violence applied by the Brahma Kumaris and I myself heard words of taunts and sneers from the mouths of BK students targeted at followers of the other religions. I myself heard vulgar and crude words describing spiritual harlotry taking place in the BKWSU from the mouth of BK VIPs.

Fourth, I remind you of the fact that you are harboring an institution that is suspected across the world of:

    using illegally the name ‘university’
    using illegally the name ‘Raja Yoga’
    adulterating information and misinforming people deliberately
    tax frauds
    real estate frauds
    applying physical and mental violence
    falsifying the history of the organization and deceiving the students
    bringing about the spiritual incest
    spreading the Islamic spiritual terror across the world
    cadging public money
    trying to convince people of the world that God the Father is present in a female body of Dadi Gulzar; deceiving the entire world and causing financial damages by this
    squandering public money on spreading the propaganda of the sect
    deceiving famous academics and cadging image benefits from their company
    acting against the rules of charity and pro bono
    committing an act of a spiritual murder
    manipulating the images of the leading government and non-government institutions like UN, UNICEF, Warsaw University and others

ALONG with other crimes described in civil law and penal code.

Is all this true? Well, putting aside the BK / PBK-ism in the language, basically, yes it is. However, I have no personal knowledge of whether she lifted her sari for some Brother or not.

Could the one making the allegations please provide more details? Thank you.



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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK me

Post04 Jun 2010

BK Halina Paradela's partner in her sexual life, when she was already the head of the Brahma Kumaris Poland teaching people to observe celibate and purity, was Mr Michael Wopalinsky or Michal Wopalinski. He is an ex-Brahma Kumar (to be confirmed) from Poland, living permanently now in United Kingdom. He must be registered somewhere. He must have crossed the border. He must have found a house to live, his name must be somewhere in files in the Home Office. That person should know all details. It is not a problem to find a person in the world nowadays.

There are also Polish Brothers in Global Retreat Center in Oxford. They may also know something about Michael. If there is someone in United Kingdom who could find those people, it could be good. Maybe the police could do something. After all it is about BKs teaching something else, praying something else and doing somethings else. BK Halina Paradela who is a head of Brahma Kumaris Poland also committed following deeds:

    - she abandoned her husband and her very little child (who needed mother's milk to be fed on) and run away from her family in order to become a Brahma Kumari and serve God.
    - she manipulated a well-known and prominent expert in Indology in Poland, Prof M.K. Byrski, and made him support the practice of looking at the eyes of each other and spread the information that she teaches Raja Yoga and Gita. She convinced him to go to Mt Abu as well as to visit them in Brahma Kumaris centers in Poland for teachings
    - she manipulated a well-known expert in Ethnology, PhD Koscianska, to write an academic disertation on Brahma Kumaris. The disertation turned to be a total lie and this was exposed by someone on Poland in academic circles. There are allegations that the dissertation cannot be called a 'PhD thesis' because it contains so many mistakes that 30 pages of commentaries cannot cover all of them.

    - she deceived a post graduate student of Warsaw University who was a BK in 2002 teling him that Brahma Kumaris Poland were conducting classes in Warsaw University and told him that some professors of Warsaw University were her students
    - she deceived authorities of the neighbouring church in Poland (the BK center in Warsaw is in Jasielska Street and the Catholic Church is just next to them in Gorlicka Street) telling them that Brahma Kumaris had nothing to do with God. There are information that the parson went to her to discuss religious matters and BK Paradela showed him photos in which BK are with great heads of the world and did not said anything about God's Message, Sakar Murlis, 5 pictures.
    - she defamed some BKs in Poland in public anouncing that there were insane, becasue they were trying to convince her that the Message of God is for all the people and should be delivered to all religious followers starighfowardly, in the simplest possible form without hiding anything
    - she defamed some BK Poland in front of his partner
    - she tried to deceive Social Insurance Office in Poland by trying to convince some BKs to give 800 PLN each directly to her instead of to give it to the Social Insurance (it is like a tax, it has to be paid if someone is employed) and instead of this she offered them that she would put them in the list of those who are paid insurance by the government.
    - she is a surrendered Sister in BK Warsaw and Director of BK Poland, but she is not registered where she is surrendered. She is registered in a very luxurious district, in the outskirts of Warsaw and possesses a huge house that is empty.
    - she registered the Brahma Kumaris as a religous sect in Poland and wrote the declaration containing BK's policy in Poland (all registered sects in Poland have to declare in public what thay do and what their goals are). Most of what that document contains is against Sakar Murlis and most of what BKs do in Poland is against what they wrote in that document.

    - she registered LIVING VALUES Educational Program is Poland. The entire Board of LVEP in Poland is fully controlled by BK - all are BKs and all LVEP teachers are BKs (contradictory to what that programs claims; it clams to be politically and religiously neutral); and what is more interesting she made Brahma Kumaris sponsor LVEP in Poland and declared it in papers.
    - she had an apartment bought in Warsaw and made its owner a private person who turns to be Brahma Kumaris (http://smolnastreet11.blog.co.uk/). That person works, earns money, pays taxtes, yet BK Halina Paradela forced local BKs to take loans and buy a flat for that person. Then she established there an incognito Gallery of Meditation and a center of Living Values Program in Poland.
    - as incognito Brahma Kumaris controlling Living Values Educational Program she asked for donation and redirecting 1% of tax Poles are paying to the government for that organisation.


Contacts to BKs Poland sent to me by a friend:
The Center in Lodz
The Center in Gdansk
The other private contacts to BKs in Poland:
EX BKs in Poland:
The BK Board in Poland
    Dyrector Halina Paradela
    Vice Dra Robert Prochot
    Chief Secretary Joanna Rękawek


    Dorota Wasilczyk, Krystyna Kuczyńska, Zbigniew Lisiewicz, Bogdan Maciejak, Łucja Gieryszewska, Marek Frydrych, Ewa Keler

Brahma Kumari (?) Halina Paradela DB 8955055
    Registered: Słowicza 25 Podkowa Lesna,n? Warsaw, Poland;

    Place of living Mołdawska 45 02-128 Warsaw, Poland;

    Place of work: BK Center in Poland Warsaw, Jasielska 1 02-128 Warsaw, Poland
If you need more, try to catch someone from Poland, some ex-BKs or any ... it shouldn't be a problem. Documents will be needed probably.

Meantime I am sharing something with you what I received from a friend:

http://knol.google.com/k/focus-one-proj ... x4fthjy/4#


About what Raja Yoga is: definitely it is not about looking at the eyes of each other; the practice of this is corrupt and leads to serious degradation of the soul. It was reported to the Yoga Coucil of India and accepted by the Yoga Council of India and also confirmed by the Sakar Murlis which I will ask my friend to scan and send to you:

A part of report and appeal to Yoga Council of India:
Raja Yoga has nothing to do with looking at the eyes of another human being or exchange of glances with each other. Actually this kind of practice that Brahma Kumaris are teaching is a kind of spiritual crime. Raja Yoga and Yoga in general comes from India, the country where purity is valued a lot. No one never taught to exchange glances (drishti) between each other, particularly between a man and woman in the name of purification. It is completely wrong and in fact it can be considered as an act of prostitution. No true husband in India or anywhere wishes her wife look at a strange man's eyes! And something like this has never been taught in Indian tradition and it is not taught in the Sakar Murlis either.

Spreading a corrupt teaching of pseudo-raja Yoga by BKs is in fact spreading spiritual dirt and prostitution. The eyes are one of 10 doors of the body. 10 doors are the windows through all kind of dirt {so called "thieves") may enter. After the mind which is considered to be teh 11th organs, the eyes are the most powerful. They work like channels for virya and raj (male and female potency/energy).

Since we are living in the Iron Age, we all are impure, our energy is impure, degraded and impure (patit); that is why when we practice something like BK teach, we only exchange dirt, an impure eneergy that becomes even more impure. If by chance it happens between men and women, subtle (spiritual) raj and virya mix and it lead to ... sorry Sir, frankly saying it leads to a spiritual brothel. Brahma Kumaris are spreading in the world an idea of the spiritual brothel, defaming India, Indian tradition, best yogic traditions and Bhagavad Gita along with God Himself"

It was send on 2010.05.24 to Sarkar Gautam International Yoga Foundation <internationalyogafoundation@yahoo.com> Please contact him. He is alledged to be ready to help in this.

I also saw a site: http://rajayogaworld.wordpress.com . The site contains some information on the Raja Yoga in general and taught in the Sakar Murlis.

I also attach some documents that I found in the Internet. Unfortunately, there are no appendixes.
Case Perfect Fraud.pdf
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Case Perfect Fraud.pdf
(144.71 KiB) Downloaded 1001 times

The main Idea that the author seems to convey is: "Hey people, open your eyes, to communicate a simple message of God, only one A4 leaflet is needed; why are you spreading all this rubbish, building houses and so on? The lowest in rank employee of the marketing department in any company can prove how wrong you are".

And finally I found this: http://shivababaparampita2.wordpress.com/

Hope all this helps
Case Perfect Crime.pdf
(49.3 KiB) Downloaded 932 times
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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK me

Post04 Jun 2010

Gosh ... the smoking gun. Good references too.

That makes the second Brahma Kumari center-in-charge in the West I know about who left their child behind to join the Brahma Kumaris and then carried on some kind of affair after they were surrendered.
    But you are talking about an infant here!?!
I wonder how many in India have done this?

The thing is ... the leadership MUST know it is going on and sanction it.



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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post04 Jun 2010

ex-l wrote:That makes the second Brahma Kumari center-in-charge in the West I know about who left their child behind to join the Brahma Kumaris and then carried on some kind of affair after they were surrendered. But you are talking about an infant here!?!

For details someone will have to call BK Halina Paradela. She cannot deny having a child, can she?

Mentioned Byrski: Profesor Krzysztof Byrski <m.k.byrski@uw.edu.pl>


Mentioned Koscianska: Agnieszka Koscianska <akoscianska@uw.edu.pl>
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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post05 Jun 2010

Although our critics might argue that we have not present any "evidence" here, and what short of dirty laundry or a confession could we? Actually, I was wrong, I can think of at least 3 center-in-charges who carried on sexual relationships whilst still holding on to the position ... perhaps others will come to mind. Certainly other low to middle ranking BKs.

These matters are not about crimes where evidence "beyond reasonable doubt" would be required. The sexual elements are not even matters for civil law. Two adults are perfectly entitled to carry on a mutually consensus and, let us hope, enjoyable sexual relationship.

But, within a true Brahmin context, we are talking about irredeemable spiritual crimes ... and an additional layer of hypocrisy which would account for group abuse, especially of naive newcomers.

On the basis of our other research and solid evidence, I think you have provided enough circumstantial evidence to warrant a serious inquiry with public interest or benefit.

BK Halina, and the BKWSU of Poland, stand accused by their peers of sex crimes, spiritual hypocrisy and potentially the usual economic ones we have come to expect of the BKWSU worldwide. The burden of proof of their innocence, without any doubt, lies with them.

One cannot push a religion of celibacy, mental surrender and complete renunciation ... if one is ********, doing one's own thing, and coveting property away ... can one? It strikes me, the Supreme Command of the BKWSU compromises where the individuals in question hold too much of the power, know too may of the secrets, or deposing them is likely to lead to social ramifications, e.g. ex-leaders spilling the beans to the authorities.

From a BK point of view, as we were taught, it is not even necessary for their to have been a consummated sexual relationships ... even a mental, emotional one is considered adultery.



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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post05 Jun 2010

Evidences are people. If there are people who experienced all this described above, they are living evidences. Are papers any evidence? To a limited extent, because nowadays even lawyers may work as they are paid, not as their sense of righteousness says.

The Sakar Murlis contain the law. That law is the basis of all human laws and is also written by humans in the scriptures. If a Brahma Kumar/i does violate what is written in a Murli, he/she is a criminal. Simple, is not it?

The Brahmin family is a House of Mirrors. Nothing will be left hidden. All will be exposed to the public. In the Gospel, there is a memorial of this. There is a verse: "Not even a single stone will remain untouched." The best of the best and the worst of the worst is in the Brahmin Family. That is why the Brahmin Family will be punished most, because they are aware of what is right and what is wrong, and know the consequences of following the path of evil. In this way, they are responsible for all the dirt of the world:

http://manhattanmirror.wordpress.com/20 ... the-devil/

There are also many other evidence. I saw in the web the copies of registration documents of BKs activities, their statutes and many other things. They are all evicences that they break not anly they divine law, but also the human law. I wonder why guys in UK haven't started a case yet. The tax frauds committed by BKs in UK are increadible.

(659.34 KiB) Downloaded 954 times

Then there are some more documents available:

(38.91 KiB) Downloaded 918 times

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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post06 Jun 2010

You will need paper evidence if you are going to go to the authorities. Not even personal witness statements are worth as much.

Yes, I think much of what you are saying is true but we need 'hard evidence'. It is good to collect together in one place all the things the BKs have done to show people.

Are you also committed to publishing all the most original Murlis on the internet ... not Virendra Dev Dixit's versions?
panini wrote:If a Brahma Kumar/i does violate what is written in a Murli, he/she is a criminal. Simple, is not it?

The Brahmin family is a House of Mirrors. Nothing will be left hidden. All will be exposed to the public. In the Gospel, there is a memorial of this. There is a verse: "Not even a single stone will remain untouched." The best of the best and the worst of the worst is in the Brahmin Family.

Well, neither Hitler, Stalin nor Pol Pot etc were BKs and so it is really impossible to say "the worst of the worst". The BK are not killers, pedophiles or rapists, so they are not THAT bad.

Minor religious hypocrisies are not such great crimes as genocide but your first statement above does raise a good question. Again, no such an individual would be a "criminal". That is a gross exaggeration. They are just breaking their own faith. But how much good REALLY has come out of the BK madhouse?

It does seem that core of Brahma Kumarism is now just such religious hypocrisy and that the PBKs are BKs who are trying to campaign against that. The teachings and external projection are almost opposite each other. However, I do not think the exaggerated language, such as "slaughter and prostitution" really helps outsiders understand what it going on.
    Would you tell us about your experience of grilled by the committee of Polish BKs ... what did they say, do and ask? What was it all about?
One of the strange an primary elements of Lekhraj Kirpalani mental problems was this belief that EVERYTHING in the outside world was a reflection of him or his immediate community ... a community that was his world. This is obvious from the earliest publications right through the Sakar Murlis. I have no idea why Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs have adopted this.

To me, now, it seems that Lekhraj Kirpalani suffered from some kind of narcissistic personality disorder (inflated sense of self-importance, need for admiration, extreme self-involvement, and lack of empathy for others etc).



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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post06 Jun 2010

I myself cannot tell too much about about what Polish BKs say, do at this time. I did not have any contact with them for a long time, last time in 2005 or 6. However, I know people who experienced quite a lot humiliation from them and were defamed by them. When I was in contact with them, I heard quite often words of disdain towards the others. They, particularly people managing local centers, were obsessed with Destruction, their superiority over all around and quite a few times openly speak evil of the other religions. They also tried to convince me that they are powerful and told me about their influence in CIRCLES. I found it low.

One of things that really stroke me was their hatred towards books, scriptures. They rejected them without having come to know them. They were unable to participate in any basic discussion on spiritual issues, they had no ideas what the scriptures contain. They couldn't even understand the similarities between the teachings contained in Murlis and the teachings of the Buddhist scriptures, Hindu scriptures. Once I showed them the Bhagavad Gita trying to explain to them that there are lots of common points between BG and Murlis. But they did not know BG and weren't even curious how it is similar to Murlis. So ... you see, the Garden of Darkness and prejudice.

If you like some contacts to Polish ex-bks I can provide you with. You may ask them directly.

By the way, I wonder who is changing the label under my name and on the basis of what? Once I was labeled 'post-bk', now I am labeled 'PBKs'

Guys, why do you label people? It is low. People are not recognised through labels, but through their words and actions. Would you label BK Poland as BKs? I wouldn't. They do not deserve this title. Most of BKs do not deserve this title. Their label doesn't help them to become BKs, the followers of Brahma Baba. It is better not to label anyone; it is better to be an observer.
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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post06 Jun 2010

I agree with you on the matter of the general and specific religious knowledge of Brahma Kumari adherents. I agree with you regarding the lack of right of most BKs to call themselves BKs. And I agree with you complete and utter contempt the Brahma Kumaris - secretly - have for other religions.

Even the most educated of them seem to either use what little religious and spiritual knowledge they have to manipulate it ... or to turn it into a money making business as a "corporate consultants".

It is also fairly laughable that "God's own University" has to plunder the rest of the world for "good quotes" rather than use "God's own". It all suggests that right from day one, Lekhraj Kirpalani was not that bright, not that educated, not that spiritual and depended on cherry picking the religions around him.

We need more information on "Bengali Guru" ...

The only person I can think of that was remotely educated in this area, and had some sense of integrity, was Anthony from Greece. Jagdish Chander was a clown ... a dough ball ... and as cheerful and charming as he was, he was utterly dishonest and the architect of their false history and latter intellectual dishonesty. The BK academics like Dr Stephan "BK Surya Bhai" Nagel and Tamasin Ramsay are as limited in their degree of truthfulness as most BKs are. Both know better and yet repeat falsehoods.

BKs do honestly seem to think that on the basis of a few Murlis, and no further education, they know more than all the world's scriptural knowledge ... which is what they are told.


I think the labeling happens just to allow non-BK types know from which point of view the post come. The problem is that most BKs joining this forum supply dishonest or inaccurate ones and so the rest of us suffer from this.

    You are a PBK though, aren't you? You do believe Virendra Dev Dixit is or has Shiva speaking through him, don't you?
If you have a better suggest for what yours is, suggest it to the administrators.



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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post06 Jun 2010

For me, the greatest problem (if this word is of any use :) at all) with BKs is their falsehood. I mean, as far as I understand teachings contained in Murlis, the role of those who are Brahmins is to study and enable people to study as they want and how they want. But BKs have created a tool of control and violence. They say that they are non-violent and this make them even more violent.

For me, it is really difficult to accept that falsehood in them. Why do I say falsehood ? They are not ready for an open exchange. They try to control everything and keep their hand on everything. I could never understand why the restricted access to the Murlis? Something that is supposed to be recognised as God's Words restricted as an exclusive product for BKs ... really funny. I couldn't understand why they are so extremely unwilling to discuss things contained in those Murlis.

There is an awful control there. That system reminds me of the Inquisition.
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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post07 Jun 2010

panini wrote:For me, the greatest problem (if this word is of any use :) at all) with BKs is their falsehood. ... They are not ready for an open exchange. They try to control everything and keep their hand on everything. I could never understand why the restricted access to the Murlis? ... I couldn't understand why they are so extremely unwilling to discuss things contained in those Murlis.

I think we have now answered that question. This is how liars, criminals or conmen act. I am sure the psychologists have a word for it. Yes, I agree with you ... an insane level of control.

We did not know before just how much of the history they had falsified, how much of the Murlis they had changed and faked up, how much they were covering up. Now we have SOME idea ... but I am sure we still do not know how much they have done.

Whereas the majority of followers are fairly innocent and naive, I think of them as happy hypnotised cult adherents, the leadership is obviously deeply and habitually dishonest.

Their "darna" is primarily to practise total dishonesty whilst keeping up a peaceful facade and this is what they teach by their example. As an ambitious BK, one is taught how to deceive sweetly ... to act as like a secret service person ... and the deeper into the organization one goes, the more one learns and the more one has to cover up. Imagine how much bad stuff the Seniors must know!

This story of the Polish PBK going to see Jayanti Kripalani is useful because it show what they are like close up and challenged ... the facade crumbles completely. "Shaking with anger" ... the coldness and sharpness, and so on. No wealthy IP and VIP gets to see that ... but we know it.

So, what exactly are you saying Halina Paradela did? Do you mean she had one or more than one full sexual relationship ... or just a flirty friendship?



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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post07 Jun 2010

I think that we should avoid certain expressions that you used in your posts, words that may directly describe a person. Like you said about Jagdish or the others. The more neutral is the language, the better. I would rather focus on what a person did, on his/her acts, performance, rather than describe him/her with the help of various adjectives. I think it is more credible way of discussing things. Instead of saying 'such and such is a prostitute' (example), it is better to expose what such and such did and let the public and that person himself understand.

I haven't seen BK Paradela performing an act of copulation. I know people to whom I could refer you so that you could receive documents (well probably not stamped by the government in this case). If this is fine with you, let me know and i will send you the addresses.

I heard BK Paradela speaking evil of people and I know people she abused. I can give you contacts to them.
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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post07 Jun 2010

I just asked what she did, not for the government to certify it!!!

As for the "neutral language" and exposés ... please read my previous posts.

I am afraid that I have seen, read and heard just so much by now that I have lost all respect and "doughball" is as better metaphor than calling someone a "spiritual prostitute" which few outside of the BKWSU/AIVV would understand.

So what are we talking about precisely? A full on sexual relationship or just "flirty fishing" for new BKs. Sometimes the BK Sisters do that.



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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post07 Jun 2010

Precisely, I you like contacts to people, I can send ask them whether I can give you their addresses and you may call them or write to them. They may provide you with more information.
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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post07 Jun 2010

On the basis of the effort you have made to date to be accurate, I would trust you and your contacts if you just wrote the details.

My point is not that I distrust you. I trust you. It is absolutely in your own self-interest to be as honest as possible.

It is more about establishing our need, and the need of the Brahma Kumaris' movement as a whole, to be more accurate and more specific.

The Brahma Kumaris also encourage disempowerment amongst their followers through the practise of idiocy and infantilism ... even though all the evidence and witness statements to date suggest that their acumen, their business and political acumen, remains as sharp as the sharpest in the world. Again it would have to be if they habitually acted as petty criminals ... which I personally think the evidence suggest that many of the leaders do.

The followers are encouraged to follow not Buddhism but Buddhu-ism.

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