An der Brahma Kumaris beteiligt

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An der Brahma Kumaris beteiligt

Post18 Mar 2010

Die Scientology-Organisation nutzt jede Gelegenheit zur Selbstdarstellung gegenüber der Presse. Im vorliegenden Fall hatte der Weser-Kurier in Bremen über eine öffentliche Veranstaltung berichtet, an der Brahma Kumaris beteiligt war.

Scientology hatte mit diesem Vorgang also nichts zu tun. Dennoch wandte sich einer der Pressesprecher an die Redaktion, zunächst telefonisch und dann brieflich. Auf den Artikel selbst wurde mit keinem Wort eingegangen.
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Re: an der Brahma Kumaris beteiligt

Post18 Mar 2010

Weser-Kurier, 14.11.2002 "Blue-eyed invitation" to the night of youth?

Cult expert warns of 'Brahma Kumaris' and calls for documentation and advice from our editor Rose Gerdts-Schiffler It should be an inter-religious discourse. But the group "Brahma Kumaris," which, among many others, 6 Present the night of November at the youth in the town hall could have, now the chairman of the association "sectarian counseling Bremen, Bernhard Brünjes called to the scene. The practices of the Brahma Kumaris" allowed no personal and family ties. Conflicts with the social environment are inevitable. Thus Brünjes refers to a schedule of three clock in the morning to 22 clock, the hour should follow the trailer.

Conflicts with the social environment here are inevitable, especially in partner relationships was sought to avoid sexuality. Not quite as rigorous, but with "cautious skepticism "Helmut also assessed Langel, sects and beliefs representative of the Bremen Evangelical Church, the group. Organizer Helmut Hafner was yesterday shocked by the criticism Brünjes. "I've asked before at Yoga experts in Bremen to the group." These were only warned, "Brahma Kumaris" very esoteric focus, but nothing pursues evil. Now wants to Hafner with both the group and with the Chairman of the Advisory champagne together again. Brünjes for the incident is symptomatic.

"The problem of sects, cults, and psycho-groups is not recognized." Next, there is the CDU Group Jens Eckhoff. At least in theory. As early as 1994 Eckhoff had publicly stated: "The problem is that a chief manager, who takes care of the matter is lacking in the administration of our state." It has not changed anything. A "point of contact for citizen questions about psycho-groups and sects" in Sozialsenator Brünjes described as a "political fig leaf." First, the point as explicitly point out that no discussions were offered, and secondly, a personnel clerk part-time must also edit the job. To date, most callers were simply as a kind of "call center" further refers to Helmut Langel, or to the volunteer working members of the association.

In the nationally-known expert and director of Champagne had settled at the Hamburg Scientology Task Innenressort, Ursula Caberta, only a a few days, publicly warned that the psycho-groups are welcome to settle in federal countries "where they can feel safe." In Germany, there were about 600 psycho-groups and sects. Each state needed a place like that which they derive in Hamburg. Caberta: "Every day I count a new seedlings in this huge market." The "sectarian counseling Bremen" is by phone at 04205 / 1609 to achieve. - Peter Widmer <> 3802 Waldegg <>

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