Brahma Kumaris undercover

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Brahma Kumaris undercover

Post14 Jan 2010

Jacqueline Berg is meditatiecoach, ervaringsdeskundig spreker, dialoogpartner en forumleider gespecialiseerd in spiritualiteit en bewustwording.

Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership
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Re: BK under cover

Post14 Jan 2010

Another Brahma Kumari turned guru promoting themselves as a brand? Whatever happened to, what were Lekhraj Kirpalani's last words ... egoless, bodiless and viceless? Obviously, promoting oneself is the 'New Egoless'. Only the truly egoless can be self-promoters and deceive for the sake of Baba. I doubt Jacqueline Berg would jump ship and leave Gyan now ... but who knows?

It is funny how on the meditation page, she lists Osho and Tibetan Buddhism as an influence but nothing about running a Brahma Kumari center for 20 odd years. Very odd years. BKWSU evangelism is all listed down but not as such, 'Positive Thinking' and retreats at Gubbio in Italy which is the Brahma Kumari retreat (albeit being in private ownership), e.g. ... 'Emotional Intelligence for police', South Africa (Durban 2001), 'The Sacred Marriage', Italy (Gubbio 2003), 'The Alchemy of Love', Italy (Gubbio 2008). I also see they re-labeled the Self-Management Leadership (SML) courses, Inner Leadership. We were wondering what they would call them after Brian Bacon took the name back.

So, is she selling her services or just promoting Brahma Kumarism by stealth? Can you contact her and find out?

From a young age, Jacqueline has a natural interest in spirituality. Many read - by Krishnamurti and Gandhi, to Osho, Gurdjieff and Tibetan Buddhism - was the foundation for her spiritual development. The last thirty years running spirituality and the practice of meditation as a thread through her life.



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Re: Brahma Kumaris undercover

Post22 Jan 2010

Beste ex-l,

Ik begrijp niet dat je iemand verwijt dat ze undercover gaat, terwijl je zelf je echte naam niet bloot geeft.

Kun je me dat uitleggen?

Jacqueline is bekend als hoofd van de Nederlandse Brahma Kumaris en overal te googlelen.

Hartelijke groeten, Marja Ruijterman
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Re: Brahma Kumaris undercover

Post23 Jan 2010

I do not understand that someone complains that they go undercover, while you give your real name exposed.

Can you explain?

Jacqueline is known as the Dutch head of Brahma Kumaris and everywhere in google.

Well, I did not name this topic but I guess it was called "undercover" because there was no obvious BKWSU logos etc.

I agree with that and I notice it is a trend. These leading BKs advertise themselves with all sort of other "cool" spirituality, like Taoism or whatever, but do not list Brahma Kumarism. The truth is, I don't think Brahma Kumarism is very cool at all, and that is why.

Is Jacqueline Berg also aiming at doing corporate consulting? If so, again as her personal website, she hides the BKWSU connection.

On a personal level, I do not understand how you can be "egoless" as described by the BKWSU and still promote your own fame as an "ego" ... but perhaps that is just my own failing. May be fame is the new egoless and only the most detached and surrender can sell themselves as a brand draw attention to themselves. :shock:
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Re: Brahma Kumaris undercover

Post29 Jan 2010

Thanks Jannisder for spotting. It seems a bit funny that the lines about the BK are written in 'voltooid verleden tijd': pluperfect (hope this is good English): "Vanaf 1982 is Jacqueline betrokken geweest bij het vredeswerk van de Brahma Kumaris Spirituele Academie". It indicates she is no longer involved in the peace work of the BK. "Is betrokken geweest" means "Has been involved", very different from "is involved".

This makes me wonder. If one has devoted 28 years of their lives to the BK as a center in charge, meaning following the strict disciplines of the BK and having full belief in the BKs as the one and only true religion, this is definitely a radical shift to spreading the word of the one and only Baba to spreading one's own experience in one's own name.

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