Soul Consciousness; what's it to you!

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Soul Consciousness; what's it to you!

Post25 Jun 2007

I am partly responding here to a suggestion by ex-l to start a thread on the nature of soul-conciousness
We are headed off topic here and so I, sincerely, suggest that you start up a topic on 'What is soul-consciousness?' and tell us where you have got to, what is the current state of thought within the BKWSU. Funnily enough, I did a search and there does not seem to be such a topic. If you don't, I will. There was the start of one here but it was too early on and perhaps scientific to gather enough momentum. May be you can re-invigorate it from a BK point of view and have it renamed.

So, I guess I will post where I am at and see what y'all think.

Where I have got to has been a result of attending some good courses in Madhuban over 6 years ago on self-esteem and also soul-consciousness, which haven't been carried on since to my knowledge.

Soul-consciousness is to do with identity; who do I see myself as. I, the soul, am innate qualities; Love, Peace, Power, Wisdom, Truth; like primary colours from which all other colours come. When I identify with myself as being these qualities as my primary identity; I am in a stage of soul-consicousness/self-esteem. When I identify with what I do, i.e. job, relationship, a Brahmin etc, I get caught up with the labels of that identity and I try to attain my original qualities from other souls and situations, i.e. approval of others, comparison, is my badge bigger than yours etc ...

In the self-esteem course, the use of a vision of the self as being qualities was a very powerful exercise, where we affirmed aloud the particular core qualities that were most important to us. The major touchstone for me is, am I getting my respect from the outside or the inside?
    This is not widely taught in the BKs ...
The following is an extract from my notes from the soul consciousness course which I found very useful;
What is consciousness?

The term 'Abhi Maan' is used. Here it is clearly written in two parts even though it is only one word 'Abhimaan'. Literally, it is supposed to mean ego, yet there is totally different spiritual understanding of this term.
    'Abhi' means 'now'.
    'Maan' mean 'respect'.
Therefore, consciousness is the state of 'respect', that is, the state of 'self-respect', that I am in the present moment.

If one is in a state where the attention is drawn outwards, or towards negative aspects of the self or others, the consciousness goes into the physical and in a lack of value for the spiritual self. This may lead to a lack of self-respect, or a state of low self-esteem or even ego. This state of consciousness is defined as 'body-consciousness', that is, "Deha Abhimaan".

If one is in a state of true, spiritual, self-awareness, where the attention is focused towards the positive, spiritual divine part of the self, developing it, and making it stronger through experiencing it. This state of the self can be said to be in a state of valuing the self and therefore, having self-respect and giving respect to others. This state of consciousness is defined as 'soul consciousness', that is, "Atma Abhimaan".
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Post27 Jun 2007

Obviously not a hot topic ...

Come on all you Gyani BKs ... where are you! :lol:
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abrahma kumar

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Soul Consciousness - A handout from the BKWSU

Post27 Jun 2007

Hi yude, What about the contribution below which I (amongst others) was presented with by a BKWSU senior. As a entry point to the topic these items might be basic enough to give the casual reader some understanding of where the BKs are coming from when they (a BK) attempts to discuss the idea of Soul Consciousness in "a accessible manner". I am sure that any BK will be able to spot the clear Gyani insinuations and BK oblox built into each of the statements. Maybe this will generate some feedback.
    1. You feel comfortable inside no matter what happens.
    2. Your heart is open and loving.
    3. You love yourself.
    4. God becomes your best friend.
    5. Your confidence and self-respect soars.
    6. Your life is meaningful.
    7. You understand the scheme of things.
    8. You attract beauty.
    9. Your third eye shows you reality.
    10. You have found what you are looking for.
    11. You become far-sighted.
    12. You understand your story.
    13. You see past, present and future clearly.
    14. Your body becomes your instrument of expression.
    15. Peace is you religion.
    16. Spirituality becomes second nature.
    17. You are in harmony with the rhythms of nature.
    18. Happiness and love fill your mind.
    19. You are motivated by wisdom.
    20. You understand how the world works.
    21. You are not afraid of death, or of yesterday.
    22. Your future is so bright; you have to wear shades.
    23. You respect your body and treat it well.
    24. Your inside matches your outside.
    25. Your head and heart move as one.
    26. Your highest dreams become reality.
    27. Animals become your friends and you don't eat them.
    28. No human being is your enemy.
    29. You conserve your spiritual and physical energy.
    30. You are a non-violent warrior.
    31. You develop a clear and decisive intellect.
    32. Patience and contentment accompany you
So Gyani BKs, do any of the above reflect that what Soul Consciousness is to you? If not at all or much more besides why not share with us?

Thank you.
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Post27 Jun 2007

Soul-consciousness, I think, is a poor phrase.

I prefer "self awareness", and it means literally that, a silent awareness of one's own existence.

Not possible when in negativity ... or something.
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Post28 Jun 2007


Soul consciousness to me means treating everyone equally without the differentiation of caste, religion, language, colour, economic status, sex, etc. etc. or in other words treating everyone as the children of God.

I know that it is easier said than done. If someone is handsome and well built, soul consciousness means that he should not have any hesitation in walking with an ugly person (who could be a friend, relative, colleague etc.) If someone is very rich, soul consciousness means that he should be able to treat even his servant respectfully.

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Post03 Jul 2007

Mmm. Obviously even this tasty topic isnt enough to tempt any more BKs over the fence! Like those thoughts ABK, especially the one about not eating your friends.

Mr green, and the interesting point then is ... who is the self? Is it what I've grown up with knowing or something more?

Arjun, I get what you say but even your average spiritual person might aspire to treat all equally. Doesn't soul consciousness go beyond that? If I am not seeing them as their labels, what do I see them as? What does it mean to see someone as a child of God?

I am not asking because I do not understand, but because I think we look at this superficially usually, and as its the most important lesson. I wanted to dig deeper ...
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abrahma kumar

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Called to explore the substance of Soul Consciousness.

Post03 Jul 2007

yudhishtira wrote:mmm. Obviously even this tasty topic isnt enough to tempt any more BKs over the fence! ... I am not asking because I do not understand, but because I think we look at this superficially usually and as its the most important lesson, I wanted to dig deeper ...

Yes, yude, digging deeper may just show those officially sanctioned 32 points to be nothing more than nice-sounding platitudes. Anyone one of them could be used by an avid BK - sorry diligent BK student - to spin a wonderful sounding yarn that contains but a fraction of spirituality (in the universal sense of the word).

I am not saying that the points are useless but i want to know what they lead one to conclude/begin to appreciate about soul-consciousness.
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Post03 Jul 2007

yudhishtira wrote:I wanted to dig deeper ...

When I was "young in Gyan", my center-in-charge told me that the senior Sisters could "see me as a soul" and a big hoohah was made out their super-powers.

Because no one really defined this, and one was not encouraged to question deeply (because there were not deep answers), I imagined that they had the abilities to look into "my soul", see past lives, karma/tendencies, may be even colors to define me.

I was a little bit disappointed when I met them. I guess most of us here have had some kind of peak BK experience, e.g. being "out of the body", energy rising up away from the body just into the head, lightness free from gravity, may be even seeing colors or light forms.

My opinion at the time was that 'real' soul consciousness must be a constant experience of such an experience, i.e. being almost separate from the body. My observation is that for most if not all folks soul-consciousness was just applied theoretical 'in concept', i.e. if I was soul-conscious, then I would do this/act thus.

I now think that those peak experiences were "spooky" experiences, i.e. experiences given to us by the holy spooks to encourage us on the path but not necessarily related to anything. 70 years on, and personal visitation, I would have expected a better definition and some documentation of what all these thing/experiences were.
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Post03 Jul 2007

Sister Yudhishtira wrote:Arjun, I get what you say but even your average spiritual person might aspire to treat all equally. Doesn't soul consciousness go beyond that? If I am not seeing them as their labels, what do I see them as? What does it mean to see someone as a child of God? I am not asking because I do not understand, but because I think we look at this superficially usually, and as its the most important lesson. I wanted to dig deeper ...

Omshanti. What I wrote about soul consciousness is only one aspect of it and not just that. I did not want to force upon anyone all that has been written in Murlis or Avyakt Vanis about soul consciousness.

Seeing people as the children of God brings the feeling of belonging to the same family. This in turn makes us more sensitive to each other's feelings, and leads to more love and affection and sharing.

Here is a quote regarding soul consciousness from an Avyakt Vani:

"They can also experience the extent upto which you can fill power in yourself by a second’s experience. And you will also experience the power of applying a break and the power to turn. So the experience of point-like stage is not difficult. The thoughts only bring you down and if you have the power of applying the break to thoughts, then you will be able to stabilize in Avyakt (unmanifest) stage for a longer time. You must feel yourself to be a soul and stabilize in that form. When you become constant in the self stage, then also you will certainly experience your virtues. The virtues of the place that is visited will be experienced even if it is not desired. If you visit a cool place, then you will experience the coolness even if you do not desire it. This is also like that." (Avyakt Vani dated 23.7.69, page 96-97 published by BKs in Hindi and translated by a PBK, narrated through BK Gulzar Dadiji)

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sc affection

Post04 Jul 2007

Quoting Arjun Bhai: "This in turn makes us more sensitive to each other's feelings, and leads to more love and affection and sharing".

I think this is one of the good side effects of soul-consciousness and therefore one of the reasons to practise it.

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