BKWSU announce "taking leave" Dada Vishwa Ratan

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abrahma kumar

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BKWSU announce "taking leave" Dada Vishwa Ratan

Post26 Feb 2007

B.K. Raju wrote:26th February 2007

Beloved Avyakt BapDada’s extremely loving children who are world servers, Brothers and Sisters, the decoration of the Brahmin clan, please accept loving remembrances from our unlimited home of Madhuban.

According to the destiny of the predestined drama, all of you must be keeping the lesson of being “ever-ready” in your awareness and must be racing in the race to become equal to the Father.

This afternoon, our extremely beloved Brother, the jewel of BapDada’s eyes, the one seated on BapDada’s heart-throne, the number one obedient soul, a victorious jewel of the rosary of victory, BapDada’s right-hand Dada Vishwa Ratan, played the part of ‘suddenly’ and left his body and went into BapDada’s lap at 3.00 pm (India time.)

Dada was around 90 years old. Just before lunch, Dada took some Isopgul (Ayurvedic medicine for digestion) which became stuck in his windpipe. Within minutes, as Dada was being taken from Shantivan to the Global Hospital in Mt Abu, Dada left his body. This can only be said to be the unique divine activity of the drama that the original jewels are giving us the signal of the closeness of time and teaching us the lesson of being ‘ever-ready’. Tomorrow, 27th February, when all senior Brothers and Sisters have arrived, the final cremation will take place.

Dadi Jankiji and Dadi Gulzarji are also in Madhuban at present and they are all sending special love and remembrance to all.

Om Shanti.

B.K. Raju (on behalf of B.K. Janki)
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Re: BKWSU announce "taking leave" Dada Vishwa Rata

Post26 Feb 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Dada was around 90 years old. Just before lunch, Dada took some Isopgul (Ayurvedic medicine for digestion) which became stuck in his windpipe.

Isopgul is for constipation. Perhaps they were put the medicine in the wrong end ...

So, more travelling expenditure for worshipping one of their own then, the usual, subtle "End of the World" threats and a few days off for the Seniors all round to put on a good show for whose benefit?

It is Isapgula or psyllium husks in the West.

I am sorry but I request a valid Murli citation for "a victorious jewel of the rosary of victory". Was there ever any specific instructions in the Murli for how to deal with deaths and funeral apart from the old "if your mother dies eat halwa" quote? if they had not been ridiculous, neither would I have been ...

(I don't know this Bhai, was he one of the original Om Mandali? A BK of note?)


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Post26 Feb 2007

I don't know this Bhai, was he one of the original Om Mandali? A BK of note?

He was the one chosen by Baba (Lekhraj Kirpalani) to draw the 4 master pictures in the early days. I recall he was also the Om Mandali "official" policeman, standing guard against the Anti-Om Mandali party. "Official" in that during those turbulent days, Baba (Lekhraj Kirpalani) would not agree to having one of the local police officers to guard the Yagya due to chance of corruption and influence. So Dada was chosen and the local police chief agreed and even gave Dada a uniform.
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Post26 Feb 2007

bansy wrote:He was the one who drew the 4 master pictures in the early days. I recall he was also the Om Mandali "official" policeman, standing guard against the Anti-Om Mandali party.

Oh ... that is a great loss! As souls like him go, the hope of getting to the truth dies with them.

I really hope that some current BKs are inspired by this website to get to grips and document the real history of the BKWSU from individuals like him rather than being kept busy with the PR, service plans and re-writes. When they die off, it will give the green light to the Neo-BKs to take over and whitewash over the past completely.

What a life he must have lived! And yet we had never really heard of him or his story ... what were his views on what happened.


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Post26 Feb 2007

What a life he must have lived! And yet we had never really heard of him or his story ... what were his views on what happened.

He has an autobiography.
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Post26 Feb 2007

I met him once, with a small group. He struck me as being an extremely accurate soul; I seem to remember he was in charge of the accounts (until he was ill recently) and we saw him in his office, which had a pristine paperless desk. He kept himself to himself and was a very introverted soul, a very silent and powerful presence.
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abrahma kumar

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Post26 Feb 2007

I posted that in the role of 'pipeline' for it's transmission onto the forum - maybe Mitra will be close on my heels ;). Anyway such actions on my part ought not to be seen as anything more than information relay. "Candyfloss" commentaries such as
the jewel of BapDada’s eyes, the one seated on BapDada’s heart-throne, the number one obedient soul, a victorious jewel of the rosary of victory, BapDada’s right-hand

seem only to indicate a certain "showing-off" on the part of the writer. A verbal dexterity designed to affix a garland of hot-air upon the departed soul. I can bet Dada Vishwa Ratan would not have requested such PR. How can any of these lofty assertions be verified? Yes, more air-brushing, that takes us further away from any possibility of getting the unadorned truth of the Yagya.
This can only be said to be the unique divine activity of the drama that the original jewels are giving us the signal of the closeness of time and teaching us the lesson of being ‘ever-ready’.

Ever-ready indeed, because with the passing of souls from that era the way is made clear for others well-versed in the art of uttering platitudes to advance within the BKWSU setup. Maybe the forum will eventually have to assume the role of de-mistifying the arcane BKWSU language for it's students. Advance-Party?

I too seem to recollect as Yudishitra said:
He struck me as being an extremely accurate soul; I seem to remember he was in charge of the accounts (until he was ill recently) and we saw him in his office, which had a pristine paperless desk. He kept himself to himself and was a very introverted soul, a very silent and powerful presence.
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Post26 Feb 2007

Yudhishtira wrote:I met him once, with a small group. He struck me as being an extremely accurate soul ...He kept himself to himself.

He sounds interesting. Its a shame there is not a culture within the BKWSU to take souls like that and really get down to the nitty gritty details with them.

I regret being swept along with all the cr*p like Dadi worshipping, rather than going to find individuals like him.

I note in the autobiography topic that Lekhraj Kirpalani instruction him to paint Stalin and Roosevelt at the top of the World Tree image as the two cats going to cause the Nuclear Holocaust along with a load of Dadis as the 8 jewels.

This gives an insight into the mindset of those individuals at that time.
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Post26 Feb 2007

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abrahma kumar

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Post01 Mar 2007

BKWSU correspondence from one of the senior Sisters:
Loving greetings from Madhuban! It was very moving to see Dada Vishwa Ratan for the last time on Tuesday. I have known him since the 60s. He and Dada Vishwa Kishore (Bhai) were the only two souls who could speak English in Madhuban and so there was a little bit of interaction.

The most powerful memory I have is of him conducting 4.00 am meditation in History Hall for years on end. He was the light-house sending rays to the world. Dada never looked here and there and never spoke even a single word of waste.

He was the embodiment of using thoughts, words, time, breath and interactions in the most worthwhile way continually.
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Dada Vishwa Rattan

Post01 Mar 2007

In a chance enounter with Dada Vishwa Rattan many years ago. He seemed totally open, welcoming, warm. I was suddenly face-to-face with him and feeling I shouldn't have been there. And here he was, comfortable with himself, with my presence, completely accepting.

I have no doubt that he lived his entire life above and beyond any organizational issues within the BKWSU.
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Post04 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:Oh ... that is a great loss! As souls like him go, the hope of getting to the truth dies with them.

Spoke too soon ... he was "one of them". His autobiograph is fake history. See this topic

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